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User:mintbones (user# 24587)
Name:me & mine
Bio:a scenic world where the sunsets are all
b r e a t h t a k i n g

here is my little slice of ye olde web 1.0
i come here to shout into the void. sometimes they are pleasant shouts, sometimes unpleasant
i am a millennial approaching middle age with inquisitivity and curiosity
still working through the trials of the past and the scars left behind; always trying to learn new lessons to improve the path forward. some of those lessons may be detailed here.
Friend Of:(1) jessa_lynne
Created:2011-08-29 00:09:13
Last Update:08 19 2023
Journal Entries:57
Comments:Posted: 0 | Received: 0
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default