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I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

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:: 2004 23 November :: 11.37am

yea! steph's here! right nowshe's asleep in my loft. i'm going to t leave and when she wakes up she'll be alone in a strange place... mwhahahha. no it's all i just hope that she doesn't get board here. we went out w/ rob's family. they're cool. in a bondage-and independence way. well, i gotta shower, and for once w/ o the aid of a plastic bag covering my cast! yea
oh, jessa, congrates. i have a gift for you. can we make an exchange of porn/string theory dvd/ and queen dvd for it?

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:: 2004 23 November :: 10.53am

i just ate way to much in journalism.

mashed potatoes are my kryptonite.

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:: 2004 22 November :: 9.51pm

i dont understand how she can be so firm and carry me through my weakest hours, and yet she's so irrational that at times i wonder who the adult is.

grow up. seriously.

im so close to moving out.. i hate it here, i hate how i feel right now, i hate having a constant reminder of HER mistakes.

regardless of how she is.. this was another perfect night.

you inspire me.

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:: 2004 22 November :: 10.18am

there arent many words to describe this weekend, or how breathless i feel when we're together.

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:: 2004 19 November :: 10.38am

screaming, im confined to your kiss.
im hooked on the taste of your touch.
kiss me again, not holding back.
listen to me love you.

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:: 2004 19 November :: 10.30am

i should be doing some sort of homework right now. why have i lost all intentions of caring? grades are important to me.... well, at least they used to be.

now i sit at home, listen to music, and fight with my mom.

and work.
and the play.
and then i try to squeeze god into all that.

its pretty pathetic when my number one priority has fallen to the bottom of my list.

i dont know anymore. im ready for this divorce to be over, then i can piece together the shattered mess my life's turned into.

i dont understand how you know me well enough to attack my flaws and throw it back into my face any chance you get. do you like seeing me hurt? do you care at all... do you want me to fall apart completely. i dont feel like i know you anymore.. and its sad, because i couldnt go on with out you. whats going on... what is this. gaaawwwwd.

in second hour i was just randomly writing... a got a few good things out of it.

just waisted all hour doing nothing. i've been reading all my past entrys... a way to track progress right? i havent made any.

greeaaat. eric claptons "you look wonderfull tonight" is on the radio.. and i have this sudden urge to cry.

ok.. so i'll just randomly post the lyrics cuz im a loser and have nothing to do.... they're so pretty. i want this.

It’s late in the evening
She’s wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushes her long blonde hair
And then she asks me
Do I look alright
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

We go a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That’s walking around with me
And then she asks me
Do you feel alright
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don’t realize
How much I love you

It’s time to go home now
And I’ve got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed
And then I tell her
As I turn out the light
I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight

*sighs. stop it erika.

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:: 2004 18 November :: 6.08am

you kissed me with such emotion that i could feel the intermost depths of two minds connecting on far more then a personal level.


:: 2004 17 November :: 1.33pm

perfection. is what im experiencing.

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:: 2004 15 November :: 7.38am

i've never connected with anyone the way i connected with you last night.....

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:: 2004 13 November :: 9.37pm

this has been the best weekend.


last night me and alyssa went to gorters house, then back to her house and just talked and ate pop corn and listened to the used cd multiple times....

today me and alyssa went to look at some apartments that she's getting and we met tom and blake there, went back to the other alyssas house, went to river town, and then back to gorters. those guys are so much fun.... i can now play pool.

well... kind of.

i hate stereotypes.. who cares what people appear to be like, or what you wanna think they are... just get to know people. gaaawwwwd. what sence is it to just critisize. i've made like a zillion new friends this weekend.. and it really kicks ass.

hope ya'lls weekend has been goin good too.


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:: 2004 11 November :: 10.09am

people depress me.

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:: 2004 10 November :: 5.57pm
:: Music: Jamie Cullum

ticket for sale
i'm selling my football ticket for this sat so i can buy jessa a wedding present. so if get a good price, your gift won't be made of popsickel sticks. It was beautifull on campus today. I went to a lecture i'm not enrolled in. just b/c it was interesting, it's about social inequality. todays lecture debated the causes, characteristics(if any), and treatement of criminals. basically it was determinded that only stupid criminals get caught, and only minoritys are punished. did you know that the majority of illegal drug distributors and consumers are caucasion? but the majority of people in jail for drug related crimes are black and hispanic. humm... how does that work out? i can't pay for a lawyer, and i'm not savvy enough to lay low when using drugs so i go to jail. 95 percent of crime committers walk free. i love free knowlege. the class is so big that the professor fails to notice that i'm not in the class. today he sent around an attendence sheet. i signed it "haywood U. bloweme" ok, we're going to diner. see ya later ya'll

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:: 2004 9 November :: 8.01pm

none of my friends would go shopping with me. its a sad thing to go by yourself.. its like... "hey.. look at that..oh" very sad.

i got a cute new coat. woo.. thats what my life is valued on. cute coats and working.

im not sure why i said that...

i think im going crazy.. i keep hearing my cell phone ring, except that its not.

i should take a shower.

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:: 2004 9 November :: 10.01am

i've decided that im boring.

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:: 2004 2 November :: 8.45pm

it was the longest night i've had at work, and i got out earlier then i ever have.

its because of you.

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