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My heart in a headlock.

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:: 2005 26 September :: 9.28pm

a message from

Last week, congressional Republicans responded to hurricane Katrina by proposing to cut nearly a trillion dollars from vital national services, like health care for the poor and elderly, student loans, Amtrak, and eliminating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (again!). [1] Republican leaders in Congress are now gauging the public’s response to see if they can get away with their plan. We need to show them the answer is no.

The cost of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, while huge, is far less than what President Bush has given away in tax cuts to just the wealthiest 1% [2]. National crises like Hurricanes Rita and Katrina are times for all Americans to stick together and put in our fair share.

So today we're launching an urgent petition to Congress to fully rebuild the Gulf Coast and pay for it by ending Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, not by slashing vital services that Americans need. If we can gather a quarter million signatures this week, we can show that this destructive plan just won’t fly.

Please sign today.

this is the proposal made by the Republican Study Committee, if you want to see for yourself:
these people are insane.

3 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 26 September :: 8.42pm

I got the part I got the part! I'm gonna be the lead in "Still Life", a dramatic play about... oh what the hell, I got the lead I'm in! I'm in the Troupe! No amount of exclamation points could portray my excitement right now! *hippity hops*

4 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 25 September :: 11.01pm
:: Music: Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place

Profound insight...

Lately it feels like there are too many pictures and colours in my life, and not enough words. *writes*

bang bang


:: 2005 24 September :: 4.27pm

bang bang


:: 2005 24 September :: 3.15pm
:: Music: U2 - Beautiful Day

Last Wednesday, Khayra and I went to internet city for lunch. While walking along the man-made brooks and streams, I spotted an eyesore: a phone recharge card, blindingly white, tossed in the water. Being the good samaritan I am, I stepped into the stream thingy and took it out. Then I proceeded to hug a tree. Less than 5 meters away, I spotted yet another eyesore: a discarded white plastic cup. I had to wade in the water to get that one out. And I made sure to hug another tree.

Khayra thinks that is the oddest thing I've ever done.

Poor clueless thing.

3 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 21 September :: 7.58pm

you are lazy if you think discrimination and hate are natural, innate aspects of "human nature." you are lazy if you think there will always be rich people and there will always be poor people, and there's no way around it. you are lazy if you think right now is all that matters in the course of history, and past wrongdoings by your government are excusable because you weren't around when it happened. you are lazy if you don't want social justice for all people, whether you understand them or not. you are lazy if you think there is nothing you can do about anything. you are lazy and nothing else if you don't think change is possible.

change is imperative, my friends, and YOU are the ones in charge.

4 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 20 September :: 7.24pm

wait a few seconds, then press play
Read more..

4 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 20 September :: 12.38am
:: Mood: dread
:: Music: Team Sleep - album on repeat

The only thing I could honestly say I hate about my classes is the fact that I'm doing a whole portfolio of self-portraits for Freehand. That's a series of seven portraits, all of me. I could think of a better subject or a more willing model.

Not that I can't look at myself.

But staring in the mirror, then putting down on paper every line, every smudge, every detail I pretend not to see?

I'd rather not.

4 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 19 September :: 9.30pm

Revamped the woohu layout. Check and see if you like it, Danielle, and it's all yours! (minus the marquee at the top of course).

2 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 18 September :: 8.57am
:: Music: Interpol - Public Pervert

This is officially my favourite song off this album.

I'm aproaching a small time company that sponsors unpublished writers.

I wonder what'll become of that.

3 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 17 September :: 1.12pm
:: Music: something arabic my roomie is playing

my turn!

I'm obsessing over mangas lately. In the past three days I've read both volumes of "Onegai Teacher", one volume of "Death, at Death's Door", one volume of "Genshiken" and two volumes of "GTO, Great Teacher Onizuka". I have also had a Bleach marathon, where I spent the majority of the day in my PJ's and watched eight episodes of Bleach, back to back. Not that Nareen (my roommate), Yasmeen, Tasim and Rodell didn't try to lure me out with invites to malls and Hard Rock.

But I just got my priorities straight.

3 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 16 September :: 1.13am
:: Mood: natural high
:: Music: Goldfinger - Spank Bank

A pointless post - Orientation Part 2
I jumped in the pool with Hisham, Sean, McGrady and Tasim. By the time I talked Talha into burning "Switch" (by Will Smith) on a CD for me so that the DJ could play it, most of the people were already gone. Better late than never, I suppose.

The End.

1 shot darling | bang bang


:: 2005 15 September :: 3.03am
:: Mood: pleasing laurence
:: Music: Cartoon Network

One of my greatest fears is finding that I am ordinary. I am utterly dull to look at. My clothes make no bold fashion statements. My hair is nothing spectacular. My face, like the rest of me, is above average but hardly the best.

I am above average at a lot of things, too. I'm above average at math, at science, at English, at art, at mechanics, at cooking... but I am not the best at anything.

I know my personality is trying to compensate the short-comings of my physique, which may explain why I'm such an extrovert. If I don't open my mouth, if I just shut up and stand there, I am utterly unremarkable.

And that is why some people will forget my face before they forget that thing I said to that guy when they were also there.

My skin is not my distinguishing feature.

So I don't even bother to try being the best.

4 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 14 September :: 12.31am

on the writing slump in our journal community
guajira goddess: but whats worse is, no one is around to comment on them when we write them
guajira goddess: you know what i mean?
guajira goddess: like joe and andy arent here to comment
guajira goddess: fay doesnt write
guajira goddess: nicole is a nut
guajira goddess: hell you dont even comment
guajira goddess: hence, since you only talk to me about my entries and dont comment, you dont spark any other peopple to comment
SPNirvana67: hahaha
SPNirvana67: argh
SPNirvana67: and where is mandi?
guajira goddess: morocco probly
SPNirvana67: she has been absent from the woohu world for like 5 months
guajira goddess: yeah and no more ac either
guajira goddess: even kevin and brandy used to contribute
guajira goddess: amy and steph are non existent
SPNirvana67: lol
guajira goddess: why are you laughing?
SPNirvana67: "even kevin and brandy used to contribute"
SPNirvana67: "amy and steph are non existent"
SPNirvana67: i dunno, just made me laugh
SPNirvana67: how we critique the situation
guajira goddess: i wanna write but no one is there
guajira goddess: no one cares lol
SPNirvana67: i do i do!
guajira goddess: i liked writing when i knew everyone would read it and then respond soon
SPNirvana67: i'm used to no one responding to the things i write
SPNirvana67: lol
guajira goddess: so how do we solve this woohu problem
guajira goddess: ??????????????????
SPNirvana67: hm
SPNirvana67: offer complimentary chocolates?
guajira goddess: hahahah cute
guajira goddess: make the journals work
SPNirvana67: "work"?
guajira goddess: yeah like the good ole days

10 shot darlings | bang bang


:: 2005 12 September :: 6.16pm

the lack of updates is making me anxious!! (after clicking on my friends list every day and seeing the same exact thing for 2 weeks.)

i suppose i should act on this and do my own update. indeed, i shall try if i finish my homework in time for milk and cookies before bed.

8 shot darlings | bang bang | Random Journal