2006 18 October :: 7.09 am
So I'm all moved into the apartment. I like living on my own alot, my roomate its like never here. So you should come visit me alot. I miss people lol. I have a interview today for a CNA job so I'm pretty pumped about that. Also its 1st shift so then I will start to be awake when everyone else is. I'm super excited about that. Other then that, just the normal stuff school and work.
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2006 2 October :: 9.15 pm
So its prly time for another update. Well I'm still working at meijer 3rd shift. I 've had a few job interviews for a CNA jobs, one is going to call me back next week. So hopefully something good will come from that, lately I really want a first shift job, just so I can be awake when everyone else is. Kind of missing that factor lately. Well I got friday and Saturday off this week so I will be in town all day saturday. So hopefully I will get see alot of people, I will mostly be around Jessicas house. I'm moving out on October 15th, which is really coming up soon. I haven't even packed anything yet or went thru stuff. So hopefully next week I will get started on that. I'm moving to alpine slopes incase you didn't know and I;m moving in with my friend April. We don't have much, but were getting there. I got a coach and a love seat in good condition for 6o bucks last week. So hopefully I will find some more good finds. So other then that, I've just been working and going to college. Went to a few clubs lately, thats been fun. But basically just sleep, work, and school.
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2006 9 September :: 5.28 am
Well things have been going okay I suppose. I started college this week, which is alot more work then I thought, but I can do it. I feel like I'm tired all the time with college and work, but I'm sure I will adjust. My sleeping schedule this week has been way messed up. I just need to set a order to things. I'm in badly need of some fun so call me if you want to do anything. If I'm sleeping I wont answer my phone so don't worry about waking me up. Boys are so confusing, enough said on that. Its weird getting up so early now. Espically since no one else is up. Well I guess thats about it.
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2006 17 August :: 7.39 am
Its been a while since a really good update. Well I no longer work at burger king, I now work at meijer 3rd shift. So I sleep during the day alot, its weird being on this new time schedule. But I'm starting to get use to it. So basically I've been working and hanging out with kyle alot :). Pretty soon college will be starting. I'm excited but like not at the same time. Not ready to go back to school lol. Oh well only 2 more years right. Well summer has been going pretty awesome. I hope everyone elses is too.
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2006 26 July :: 9.28 pm
Take the quiz: What Kind of Driver are you?
 Agressive Your angry and always drive like you have somewhere to go. On highways switching lanes is a game and your trying to constantly find good ways to beat your old best time home. You try to obey most laws still though, and your a decent enough driver. You just cant handle the speed limit being so low!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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2006 20 July :: 7.37 pm
1. are you missing someone right now?: Yes
2. are you happy: somewhat i guess
3. are you talking to anyone right now: Yes
4. are you bored:Yes
5. are you german: No
6. are you irish: No
7. are you french: No
8. are you Italian: Yes
9. are your parents still married: Yes
10. are you in love with someone right now: I dont belive in love, theres no such thing.
1. hometown: Wyoming
2. hair color: brown with blonde highlights
4. hair style:short i guess
5. eye color: brown
6. shoe size: 9
7. mood: tired, irriated
8. orientation: ?
9. available?: Very much so
10. lefty/righty: Righty
1. have you ever been in love: Yes, i guess so, but i dont think it exist for me.
2. do you believe in love: Not anymore
3. why did your last relationship fail: Because I know how to fuck things up.
4. have you ever been heart broken: Yes
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: Yes
6. have you ever fallen for your best friend: No
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Yes
8. are you afraid of commitment: No, but everyone is with me it seems
9. have you ever kissed someone you liked: Yes
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: No
1. love or lust: Both
2. hard liquor or beer: hard liquor
3. night or day: Night
4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships
5. television or internet: Internet
6. pepsi or coke: Coke
7. wild night out or romantic night in: Both
8. colored pictures or black and white pictures: Colored
9. phone or in person: Person
10. aim or phone: Phone
1. been caught sneaking out?: Yes
2. skinny dipped?:Yes
3. done something you regret?: Yes
4. bungee jumped?: No
5. been on a house boat?: Yes
6. finished an entire jaw breaker?: Yes
7. wanted someone so badly it hurt?: Yes
8. been caught by your parents with a hickey?: Nope
9. danced in the rain?: Yes
10. had a hang over?: Yes
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2006 9 July :: 5.01 pm
Life is going so good right now. I am so tired from last night. I swear this week has just been plain fun fun. I need more weeks like this.
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2006 6 July :: 2.27 pm
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2006 30 June :: 1.09 pm
So life has been going okay I guess. I've had a few ups and downs the last couple of days. I found out I cant go to college in Traverse city, Because it would take me a extra year and half up there and I'm not about to waste all that money. So I'm back to going to GRCC and Ferris. I'm sure I will figure things out. Kinda sad I cant go to college with Tasha though, but at least were closer now so we can visit each other anytime we want. Last night at work I got caught by the health inspector eating out of the fry thing. So I guess I'm getting written up and maybe a 3 day suspension. I hope it starts on a Friday so I get a weekend off. I'm just kinda laughing about the whole situation not really taking it seriously lol. I hope sometime I can make it to the sand lake festival. I have Monday off so maybe the stuff will still be going on then. Well if anyone wants to go or has something to do this weekend, give me a call.
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2006 19 June :: 11.41 am
So prly time for a update. Well Tasha came this weekend, which was pretty cool. My phone wasn't working all weekend but I went and got it fixed today. So if you think I just wasn't answering and blowing you off I really wasnt. I guess it hasn't been working since Wednesday, but it is all fixed now. Pretty soon we have our college visit. I'm so excited. To see see the rooms, find out what we need, and meet new people. I think it going to be a lot of fun. Plus we are staying at the great wolf lodge. I love that place.Well I'm on closing now for burger king. I'm going to be tired a lot lol. I hope everyone is having a fun summer, I know I am.
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2006 12 June :: 9.47 pm
So my open house went pretty good. I made out pretty well. I start working 2 jobs tommorrow for a while, wish me luck. Other then that Just been hanging out with Chelsea.
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2006 8 June :: 10.05 pm
So things have been going really great. My open house is this Saturday. Hopefully I will make out good. I went to the casino and won 50 dollars. So I went and bought a shirt and some hermit crabs. I have always wanted them so I finally got them. There so cute and fun to play with and I can take them to college with me. I found out I leave August 24th for College. I'm excited. Hopefully I will find a job fast.
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2006 6 June :: 12.40 am
So Tomorrow I leave for the casino. Hopefully I will win some, but not counting on it lol. Life has been going better. Hanging out with Chelsea a lot like usual. Great times. I went bowling on Saturday and met some cool people. The guy at the front thought I was 21 so he didn't even go to mark my hand. I thought that was pretty crazy, cuz I think I look pretty young. My open house is Saturday. Hopefully I will get tons of money. I need to get a computer for college. Well right now I'm watching movies with Amanda and Chelsea.
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2006 31 May :: 9.48 pm
Lately everything in my life seems to be crazy. I made some bad decisions, which were completely all my fault so I have no one to blame but myself. I feel like I'm in this down wind spiral and I keep hurting other people on the way. I feel like a horrible person. I feel very used and I'm basically just irritated with my life. I should be happy right now I'm graduating tomorrow. But instead I keep thinking about how much I have fucked so much up in such a little bit of time. I just wish there was some kind of sign to tell me what to do. So today I found one and I called the college and I am going away for college. I go for orientation in July and then I leave in August for 2 years. Then after that I'm not sure where I am going to live. My mom is extremely mad at me for leaving. I know some of my friends will be 2. But I need to start over, build myself I new reputation. I want to start over so bad and I wish I could go back in time, but the truth is you cant. So I think going some where new will be a good thing and Tasha will be there with me.
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2006 30 May :: 8.23 pm
I am the biggiest Dumb Ass. Everyone was right like usual.
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