2020 25 March :: 11.55am
happy birthday
1 Disobeyed |
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2020 23 March :: 3.38pm
I hate myself with every fiber of my being.
why are these decisions so hard?
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2020 13 March :: 12.43pm
I know my heart should guide me but,
There's a hole within my soul
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?
2 Disobeyed |
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2020 13 March :: 8.41am
almost to our 4 year anniversary and finally starting to plan on moving in together
we both have a lot of trepidation as we are concerned our personalities might clash living together. we both enjoy our own time apart, but also enjoy each other's company.
I've been on edge lately. we went to Corry's grave last weekend and it filled me with sorrow, grief, regrets and introspection. I wish I had done more to help him, taken him to follow up appointments. he is buried next to his dad, who literally died the year before. so much heartbreak. I miss you.
and that just tore open the flood gates for all my other negative emotions. I just feel terrible about myself, and everything seems to freak me out. this move is scary because of my past with roommates. this move is scary cuz I still have a bit of debt and I'd like to not have that hanging over me. I'm nervous about living with a 19 year old.
but I'm excited to start my life with him, and excited for the future, and I want to stay that way. it's just hard to overcome my negative thoughts.
idk what to do. stay here longer? move out now? wait for the bubble to pop and buy a house and live there?
I wish I knew. I wish I had a sign.
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2020 2 March :: 7.22am
shit is just so boring. even with a new plague taking the world, I'm still just like...
who cares?
good riddance anyway.
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2020 17 February :: 9.31am
I love you
why do you have to make things so hard for yourself?
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2020 25 January :: 8.22pm
feeling drunk and feeling invisible
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2019 28 December :: 11.52pm
don't like feeling anxious
don't like feeling like a fool
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2019 13 December :: 12.54pm
just get it into your thick fucking troglodyte skull, self.
you don't matter now and you never will. you insignificant speck of shit.
2 Disobeyed |
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2019 15 November :: 10.30pm
rollercoaster today at work... some days I really love what I do and other times it makes me cry and I hate it. I just don't understand why so many people feel compelled to be assholes... like what does it really serve?
I guess everyone had bad days but if every day is a bad day maybe you need to change something..? maybe try a career change first?
I love have been feeling like I want to try to be a manager, but I just love what I do so much... like I would love to be a trainer, I'd love to be a business analyst...
I'd love to be a stay at home mom and active in my community and shit.
I just want to be in a position where we don't have to both work, so maybe we can make more time for fun things. you know... like back in the old days when more parents could afford to have one stay home and shit. TV & tablets raise kinda shitty kids...
1 Disobeyed |
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2019 15 November :: 10.23pm
rollercoaster today at work... some days I really love what I do and other times it makes me cry and I hate it. I just don't understand why so many people feel compelled to be assholes... like what does it really serve?
I guess everyone had bad days but if every day is a bad day maybe you need to change something..? maybe try a career change first?
I love have been feeling like I want to try to be a manager, but I just love what I do so much... like I would love to be a trainer, I'd love to be a business analyst...
I'd love to be a stay at home mom and active in my community and shit.
I just want to be in a position where we don't have to both work, so maybe we can make more time for fun things. you know... like back in the old days when more parents could afford to have one stay home and shit. TV & tablets raise kinda shitty kids...
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2019 27 October :: 11.57am
I've been a solid Rock lately but
I just can't right now.my cup is empty, and no one gives a fuck about my emotional needs.
so why do I kill myself caring about theirs?
1 Disobeyed |
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2019 10 October :: 2.23pm
I have a very strong force of chill
people get around me and they just melt into the couch and are comfy
I like chilling, and being lazy, but sometimes it sucks cuz I don't always want to be.
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2019 3 October :: 9.09pm
I can hardly imagine going to an open casket funeral, but to also dig their hole and put them in the hole you dug?
that is some next level shit. natives don't half ass saying good bye.
I just wish we didn't have to say goodbye at all.
3 Disobeyed |
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2019 28 September :: 11.00pm
it is such a secret place, the land of tears
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2019 26 September :: 2.29pm
:: Mood: crushed
we won't let you slip away....
but we did.
good bye friend. I wish you could have stayed longer.
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2019 16 September :: 11.05pm
I hate those God damned electric scooters being used in pitch black by drunk assholes dressed in shades of grey
I have been worried sick about hitting one and then one plows into me! and scoots off into the distance. ugh.
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2019 6 September :: 8.56am
Prozac has me like
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2019 3 September :: 7.29am
we are arriving at the final warm days off summer, soon it will be fall and then it will be winter.
I feel like I'm moving in show motion as time hurdles past me.
I don't know what I want. I don't want anything, but I also want it all. I miss feeling like there was real adventure in my life.
maybe there never was. I want to move to a new city and see what different and exciting things I can find. I want to move to the country and never love in a big city again. I want kinda kids, I want to be a kid myself forever.
I honestly don't care, either things will happen or they won't. why fight against the current when I can just enjoy the ride until the waterfall throws us off to our deaths?
that is, if the river doesn't dry up first... like my optimism about the future.
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2019 27 August :: 8.27am
shake shake shake seniora shake your body line
work work work seniora work it all the time
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2019 21 August :: 10.58am
1 Disobeyed |
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2019 30 July :: 9.35pm
Kind words, kind looks, kind acts, and warm hand-shakes, - these are means of grace when men in trouble are fighting their unseen battles. -John Hall
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2019 30 July :: 7.05pm
I thought for the longest time capos were called "catbows" and I couldn't for the life of me understand why they were called that
1 Disobeyed |
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2019 23 July :: 10.44pm
being gamey boi with mah boi makes me happy
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2019 21 July :: 10.24am
I don't think I want this for the rest of my life.
why is alcohol so important in America and why can't they all just stop being alcoholics?
the bathroom still smells like puke.
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2019 18 July :: 6.22am
been feeling a lil better lately, like the dark cloud is passing for now.
if only it would go away forever
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2019 8 July :: 10.52pm
As a child I was taught that to tell the truth was often painful. As an adult I have learned that not to tell the truth is more painful, and that the fear of telling the truth -- whatever the truth may be -- that fear is the most painful sensation of a moral life. -June Jordan
1 Disobeyed |
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2019 8 July :: 12.53pm
I wish I could have been born a cookie cutter happy robot who enjoyed getting wasted with strangers.
my life would be so much easier.
I wouldn't be losing my job.
I wouldn't feel like I have no friends.
I would be able to just live life with nothing but a smile and a blank mind with nothing in it but me me me
2 Disobeyed |
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2019 6 July :: 7.30am
one friend tries to kill himself and ended up in the ER (glad he didn't succeed, definitely mostly a bad med combo issue.. that stuff really scares me)
another friend trying to kill himself with a failing liver. after spending a week in the ER and being told he can't drink ever again, the dummy never goes to a follow up appointment and is now dying on someone else's couch in the middle of nowhere. like... killing himself with inaction.
it breaks your God damn heart. and you want to help that's all you want to do, but what exactly can one do.. I try to be there, but maybe I'm just not trying hard enough..
or maybe there's no way to stop a train from going off the tracks?
sometimes I feel the same way as them.. the only thing that honestly holds me back is the fear of the unknown of the after. I don't know if I want it to be nothing, hell, or something else. but what I do know is I'm afraid to face all the horrible things I've done, I'm afraid of nothingness, I'm afraid that I won't deserve what I get, that I won't get to see my passed on loved ones again.
I just really hope it's what I imagine it to be, only I don't want to come back this time I just want to turn back into a star and stay there for a while.
fucking plastic.
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2019 2 July :: 3.40pm
when all you can feel is devastated
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