2007 20 March :: 1.13pm
the makings of a sci-fi movie
but every sci-fi movie has some scary element of truth:
"Curing" homosexuality in the womb.
By William Saletan
Some conservative Christian leaders are endorsing prenatal treatment to prevent homosexuality. Rev. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes, "If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin." In an AP interview, Mohler says this would be morally no different from curing fetal blindness or any other "medical problem." A leading Catholic thinker agrees: "Same-sex activity is considered disordered. If there are ways of detecting diseases or disorders of children in the womb, and a way of treating them that respected the dignity of the child and mother, it would be a wonderful advancement of science." Conservative reaction to Mohler: How dare you suggest homosexuality is biological. Gay reaction: How dare you say it's still wrong even if it's biological. Mohler's clarifications: 1) I oppose genetic, as opposed to hormonal, intervention in the fetus. 2) I'm trying to head off something worse and more plausible: abortions of gay fetuses.
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i want to know what you think
2007 15 March :: 6.24pm
I don't remember how to hyperlink and don't have time to look it up right now, so just copy and's hilarious, the last couple paragraphs are my favorite.
i want to know what you think
2007 6 March :: 9.56pm
did she like it? she liked it.
i should have just done the tried-and-true thing it when it happened instead of trying something novel.
where's the pennyroyal tea when you need it?
2007 5 March :: 12.15am
people think you have it so easy when they don't know you.
2 people think this |
i want to know what you think
2007 2 March :: 1.23pm
paula deen cheers me up, sometimes.
2007 28 February :: 10.13pm
far away
this ship has taken me far away
far away from the memories
of the people who care if i live or die
i will be chasing a starlight
until the end of my life
i don't know if it's worth it anymore
hold you in my arms
i just wanted to hold you in my arms
my life
you electrify my life
let's conspire to ignite
all the souls that would die just to feel alive
i'll never let you go
if you promise not to fade away
never fade away
our hopes and expectations
black holes and revelations
our hopes and expectations
black holes and revelations
hold you in my arms
i just wanted to hold you in my arms
2007 26 February :: 11.50pm
my life is a movie that i don't want to watch any more. i just want to hit "stop" already.
2007 23 February :: 2.24pm
mother, i'm tired
come surrender my son
time has ravaged on my soul
no plans to leave but still i go
falling with the leaves
falling out of sleep
to the last goodbyes
who cares why?
mother, i've tried
wasting my life
i haven't given up, i lie
to make you so proud in my eyes
falling out of sleep
crawling over me
to the last goodbyes
who cares why?
tuesday's come and gone
restless still i drive
try to leave it all behind
falling, falling out of sleep
falling, falling with the leaves
i got crawling, crawling over me
once upon a time in my life...
i went falling
2007 20 February :: 5.17pm
the past 5 months have found me repeatedly asking, "what the fuck?"
1 people think this |
i want to know what you think
2007 13 February :: 5.22pm
tori amos: blood roses
blood roses
blood roses
back on the street now
can't forget the things you never said
on days like these starts me thinking
chickens get a taste of your meat, girl
chickens get a taste of your meat, yes
you gave him your blood
and your warm little diamond
he likes killing you after you're dead
you think i'm a queer
i think you're a queer
said, i think you're a queer
i think you're a queer
i shaved every place where you been, boy
said, i shaved every place where you been, yes
god knows
i know
i've thrown away those graces
the belle of new orleans
tried to show me once
how to tango
wrapped around your feet
wrapped around like good little roses
blood roses
blood roses
back on the street now
now you've cut out the flute
from the throat of the loon
at least when you cry now
he can't even hear you
when chickens get a taste of your meat
come on, come on, come on, come on
when he sucks you deep
sometimes you're nothing but meat
2007 13 February :: 5.10pm
look, here's the deal:
we're all the same.... we all wish we had more excitement and variation in our lives but don't because we're slaves. we all want to run away and do something new and different. we all wonder what life "could" be like. blah blah blah. but routine is life. and life is routine. get used to it. it sucks. you're either deaf, blind, anorexic, depressed, bi-polar, infertile, alcoholic, overweight, disabled, schizophrenic, obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, dependent, narcissistic, a minority, poor, or someone you care about is, and it makes your life fucked up.
or if you're part of the the lucky 1% of the world, you're rich.
otherwise, you have to work every day for most of your life or you'll be assassinated for not believing in capitalism and/or starve to death. or you'll be blown up by the U.S. military.
people don't commit suicide for nothing.
i want to know what you think