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The Possibility of Life's Dislocation.

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:: 2004 6 June :: 6.53pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: Dont Let Me Get Me by: p!nk

i wanna be sumbodie else...
well i guess im writing this as an intro to what i'll write later when i have more time...

well the thing is i'm finally admitting to myself that i am changing...and not rilly for the best. its kinda scaring me. im not the only one who notices either. camila and alina do too and are scared that it mite get worse and lead to other things.

i dont want to have to change the way i am...i love how i am rite now...i jus need to change my attitude i suppose..

(to be continued..)

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


4 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 6 June :: 11.29am
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: n0thing..

You're addicted to.....

Yes weed! This is one of the more popular and easy
to get drugs out there now. Like LSD weed also
gives hallucinations but not neer as bad.

What are you addicted to? (pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

me? addicted to weed? yeah riiiiite! haha good one. LOL

strike a chord


:: 2004 5 June :: 10.25pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: A Moment Like this by: Kelly Clarkson ...lol

some people search forever for that one special kiss..
ahhhh! i wanna go to the DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL CONCERT!!! I wanna go rilly rilly rilly bad!!! but i dont think i can go. --sadness--

strike a chord


:: 2004 5 June :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: gc. lol i kno imma loser...

im writing to you, not to tell you that i still hate you..
damnit! damnit! damnit!

i shulda gone out with camila....

now im stuck here again....

i rilly need to stop...

basing everything around ...


around sumthing.

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:: 2004 5 June :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: shocked
:: Music: who cares?

OMG!!!! am i.......

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:: 2004 5 June :: 7.35pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: good charlotte...haha !

you...dont wanna be jus like you...
ehhh. today was boring. well actually everyday is but o well. went shopping with camila, it was gay. didnt buy anything. other than that, i havent done anything. its soo gay. summer suxks balls.

and this stupid computer is rilly pissing me off. my dad installed sum new virus thingy and the computer is supposed to be working better...but im jus having more problems with it!!

ahhh i think im gunna go crazy! im so sick of my family, of being inside, and of doing nothing! if i dont go out one of these nites, i think i mite commit suicide!!!! (no not rilly, but u get my point)

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


strike a chord


:: 2004 5 June :: 9.52am
:: Mood: stuffy
:: Music: Down by: Blink 182

this awkward silence makes me crazy...
m0rning! lol. well i jus woke up cuz my stupid dog was barking and wuldnt shut up!

i went to bed late again last nite and daddy had to yell at me again. haha. w/e. i dont care.

wow-people actually read this. so i guess i shuld be a lil more careful about what i say!! lol

chores. ick! l@ter.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


strike a chord


:: 2004 4 June :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: ACDC

wow...another gay friday nite...
wow. i need to get a life.

today was rilly stupid. kinda funni but mostly stupid. i went shopping, came home, talked on the computer, went to camilas.

then me, allison, and camila decide we wanna go to the mall but we wanted sean (the hot one) and kenny to go. so we called sean and they said ok in like 2 hrs. so we assumed allisons mom wuld drop us off on her way home. but no. she didnt wanna. neither did camilas mom. so we couldnt go.

me and camila went outside and we saw CORY!! <33...awww hes sucha cutie! lol. then we were chillin with our lil homies lol. --camila"foshizzle my nizzle" --me to the ghetto gangster fag "it was an accidententizzle i swear!!" hahahaha. that was funni.

then we went to the pet store and i was looking at this cute lil ferret (sp?). it stood up next to the cage thing so i went "aww" and leaned closer and he jumped up and almost BIT ME!!! he was gunna eat me i swear!! omfg it was sooo scary!! i told the petstore man and he pretty much told me i was nuts. w/e. then we went publix...wow what fun. its friday nite and we are at publix...talk about being Losers!! anywho i saw fat eric from p.e. there. aww hes soo funni.

went home and then went to hang out with danny, cory<33, juan, tyler, julian, felipe, tyler. it was pretty gay/funny. they tried to get us to play manhunt. ha yeah riiiite. they had the better team. they all ran in the backyards except cory<33 and there was no way in hell u culda gotten us to go bak there. its too scurry! lol. so we decided to play the "scare game" its soo gay. they did scare the crap outta us when they popped outta the garbage cans. lol. well at least i screamed. then danny fell out of it. Dork!! lol. it was rilly prety gay tho.

w/e im kinda pissed rite now. grrrr! im out. peace.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


strike a chord


:: 2004 4 June :: 2.22pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: thunder...

rumble! rumble! rumble! BOOM!!
hehe. yeah so this morning i woke up early and went shopping with mi mommy and my grandma. i got 3 tank tops and 2 pairs of pants. so yeah. anywho then we went out to lunch at roadhouse and now im bak at home cuz my mom stil has to go to work today.

now im bored. its gunna rain soon too. yay. i <3 the rain. it smells pretty. hehe

i wanna go out sumwhere tonite. anyone wanna take me sumwhere? lol damn i need a car...now! lol

imma gunna go. later ya'll.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 3 June :: 10.06pm
:: Mood: regretful
:: Music: Pieces of me by: Ashlee Simpson

on a monday i am waiting, on tuesday i am fading and by wednesday i cant sleep....
stupid! stupid! stupid! god im soo freakin stupid sumtimes. this always happens to me. i either dont say sumthing that i regret or i do say sumthin and then regret it.

heres sumthin i said to this guy recently that i regret becuz i think i messed things up...
i shuld have never told him how i felt about him. im pretty sure i fucked everything up. im pretty positive nothing is gunna come out of this and im jus screwing myself over waiting for him to do sumthin. of course, i culd be wrong and no matter what i wuld have said nuttin wuld have happened. who knos. i shulda jus kept my mouth shut. y do i always do this??

next time im gunna keep my mouth shut about who i like. i need to stop fucking everything up. i always ruin everything.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


7 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 3 June :: 6.50pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: The Remedy by: jason Mraz

the tragedy is how you're gunna spend the rest of your nites with the lite on..
i fucking hate guys!!! they piss me off sooooo bad. ahh they should all fuckin die.what makes the the most fuckin mad is that they dont even kno what the hell they are doing to me. god damnit i think i rilly shuld become a fucking nun so i wont have to deal with this shit. i hate u.

i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all. i hate you all.

now go fuck off and mind ur own bizness.--oo and dont bother commenting, none of u shitfaces do so anyways.

Fuck off

---wow most swear words i ever used in one entry..but i had to get my fucking point across to u dumasses.

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:: 2004 3 June :: 5.59pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: n a d a

lookie here!
i completely changed my journal around. comment and tell me if u like it. COMMENT DAMNIT!!

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:: 2004 3 June :: 2.23pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Pieces of Me by: ashlee simpson

i like the way that feels...
god today suxked so bad! i wake up early to go to the mall, and then my mom says i cant go cuz i have too high of a fever. its sooo not fair. i actually had sumthin fun planned and it gets ruined. damn it! i hate everything.

anywho my daddy took me out to lunch like he alwyas used to when i was sick. we went to dennys. lol. it was fun. we had a chance to talk which we dont usually have.

now im here. bored and bored. i think i mite go over camilas house. grrr....i hate being sick. it suxks.

i think im going shopping 2morrow morning with mi mommy! yay shuld be fun. then i dunno what else im doing. wanna hang out 2morrow nite? call or comment! :D

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


strike a chord


:: 2004 3 June :: 11.22am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Jaded by: Mest

theres a time and place for everything...
ahhhhh! i think im gunna cry....

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:: 2004 2 June :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: annoyed/upset
:: Music: Just Like You by: 3 Days Grace

i could be just like you...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i think im gunna spaz out!!!!!!--c a m i l a u kno wut im talkin bout...

anywho...today was another boring and gay day. actually not rilly.

i went with my mommy to her work today and she did my hair. its REDISH-BROWN!!! omg its scarry. well it looks pretty hot but im not used to it. ive been the blonde chick my entire life so its a lil weird to me.

then at like 9ish we hung out with scott. jus did the usual thing---stand around and talk about the most random things...(such as beavers and snowshoes lol.

but yeah. i dunno wuts wrong with me. but i feel rilly...WeIrD rite now. i dunno why. i guess it makes me mad when ppl talk about their bf/gf all the time. ok well not mad, i guess jealous. and it makes me go thru these stupid mood swings and now i wanna boyfriend rilly bad!!!!! ;( haha. later.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


ooooh and camila---we are gunna shove her gay ballet slippers up her ass!!!! :D

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