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:: 2003 11 May :: 11.03pm
:: Mood: giddy

...the little things that make me happy :0)

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:: 2003 8 May :: 4.13pm

OH MAN!! www.picture.com under the photographers name box type Tran, Vivi and seeee the pic i took that won that contest and is getting published :0) It won in its category for the semi finals and is going to the Finals of the International Amateur Photography contest this summer!!!
so yeah. votings done...

this is the worst part.. i won't find out till Friday the 16th :0/

AP English rocked :0)
AP US History tomorrow... urghh ... figures, i get a day off but noooo i still have to drag my ass to school to take a stupid exam...


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:: 2003 6 May :: 5.15pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: the Suicide Machines

Cram it up your ass

gah. air conditioner = broken ):
it wasn't so bad last night, because I have the only room in the house with a ceiling fan, score, but now in this late afternoon-midevening time of the day it really sucks. Luckily one of my dads clients runs a commertial refrigeration company, and is gonna hook us up. It's too fucking hot in here damnit!

So today was interesting. most of my classes were empty due to the large amount of juniors taking the english exam. lucky me. I did nothing almost all day. History was the greatest tho. The three of us that were in class today got to watch Family Guy and listen to crappy 80's rock. Its soo great to have teachers that are only about 10 years older than you.

I also found out that that Caroline girl in my jazz band class is Robert Szabo's sister (Abe, from the bus). She got all crepped out when I told her more than she ever wanted to know about her brother. hehe.    Yes, so that was my very uneventful day. The Simpsons are on


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:: 2003 5 May :: 10.52am
:: Mood: chillllll
:: Music: Rx Bandits - Saw Red

"Every day I wake up, just a little bit more feelin' like a dog in the yard because it's just how we are. And every day I wonder if it's over when I wake up I realize no it isn't, and break down the w
Today is my "ap" day. I took the day off to study up for bio, so I don't end up with a 1. I really don't know any of it, but history..... I'm pretty sure I'll pass. Im not worried.

This is soo gay though. I skipped school to study for bio. This is as dorky as the time I skipped Hall's class to study for bio. Its funny how I never learned anything in that class.... I've had two bio teachers this year, and neither of them has taught me anything.
Fuck Bio.

So today I hope to read both my bio review books, hope to go to the gym, hope to be able to actually workout without any pain, regardless of my really bad sun burn, hope that Vivi and Jess get their votes for their offices, and hope that Sara b has a cool birthday.

that is all
<3 A.J.

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:: 2003 4 May :: 10.49pm

BuFfDaDyZz: BuFfDaDyZz [10:38 PM]: whatz up man... how was ur weekend???
snookkingfish [10:38 PM]: it as tightest weekend of my life
BuFfDaDyZz [10:38 PM]: tru
snookkingfish [10:38 PM]: i saw so many real boobs

gota love that kid <3

i on the other hand have accomplished nothing today urghhhh

gota make Sara B that bday card.

goodnight <3

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:: 2003 4 May :: 3.57pm

just say no, to drama kids :0P
(and i'm not talking about you thespians out there)

i am actually having an excellent weekend. Got to see/hang out with a lot of people that mean a lot to me. (got to see lots of people that don't mean anything to me either lol)

I've made amends with a friend and i'm happy about that.

OoO Hair to share cut date was May 3rd and now everyone has sexy short hair!!! Everyone looked sooo great, it was loads of fun :0)

Work is great, really enjoying it & thanks to everyone who came to see me, <3 uuuuu!



Ps. heard you wanted to slit my throat... lets see a sequence of events, would you do that before or after you'd kill yourself in pity?

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:: 2003 3 May :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: burnt
:: Music: the Kinks

mmm....the kinks are awesome. yay for classic rock.

I went to the air and sea show on my friend's boat today. The show was awesome. Just awesome. The whole time I was reminded of the Simpson's episode where sideshow bob takes over the tv at the air show. "Rock You Like a Hurricane" just kept playing over and over in my head. lol. Mucho sunburn.... its really bad.

I really wanted to go see John Mayer tonite at sunfest. oh well. Just add another to the list of shows and concerts A.J.'s missed so far junior year. Other than my nasty painfun sunburn, I'm in a shitty depressed mood. I shouldnt complain though, other people I know have it worse.

im out<3

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:: 2003 29 April :: 10.38pm

thankfully he is okay.

i on the other hand am veryyyy stressed out heh


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:: 2003 29 April :: 5.33pm

oh my god...

i don't know or care if any of you are religious or not but i'm asking you to pray for my friend Sharif...

on the way home from band practice as i was getting on the on ramp at Atlantic Ave. I got a call from Ben Garbarino asking me quick for Sharif's home phone number... kinda annoyed because i was driving and all i was just like "why?" thats when Ben told me that coming out of school after band practice Sharif had gotten into a horrible car accident, hitting someone head on and totaling his car. I am not positive of how hurt he is now but I imed Tucker, anyone who left after me and Tucker said that he didn't know that that was Sharif that had been hit and that it looked pretty bad and the firetruck and ambulance came.

please pray for him... god let him be alright...

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:: 2003 28 April :: 8.53pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: Spring Heeled Jack - the lost cassette

my room is better than your room  :P
gah. My mom got me a gym membership for my birthday, and i've been going every other day since. My whole body is soo incredibly sore. Hopefully it will all turn out to be something positive, and eventually i'll become less of a skinny white boy and more of that toned black man i've always dreamed of. heh

so yea.... show on Sat was mucho fun. Vivi rules. totally. I wound up being three hours late for work the next day, but to my suprise, they weren't mad, and actually let me work three hours extra.
A.J.   -   1
Publix  -  nothin

so on a related note, .....umm.... err....  yea, thats about it. i don't have anything more to say. my life is just that uneventful and pointless. thankyou for listening

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:: 2003 27 April :: 11.33am

man oh man i had a good night :0)

despite an utterly crazy day comprised of working then speeding like all hell to my theory class then coming home and talking to Ashley in my driveway then throwing on some clothes and running to pick up AJ...

got to Ovation, not too many people there which rocked. Met up with Bonnie and Heather and many hot guys that Bonnie knew from Wellington. GOt in and met some cool kids from Ft. Pierce.. lets see there was Corey who talked too much, Mando who was wearing a Sloth shirt, Joey who was reallly cute and didn't say anything but just smiled heh, and Mike who i called Mikey who likes Tenacious D and has sexy hair. Soo chilled w/them before it started then bumped into Taylor + OH crew and Dave and Anna and Nicole + crew. Irish Car Bomb... ehhh hung out w/Nicole then found BOnnie and she dragged me all the way to the front for Rufioooooo omg it was soooooo amazing, everyone around was singing at the top of their lungs and they closed w/my favorite, above me andddd i caught 2 stickers sooo goo me!

decided to chill during Yellowcard and bought some merch. got a pimpin Rufio shirt that says sweet licks :0P and the LP and the guy gave me an "I <3 Rufio" sticker. rock.

LAGWAGON!!!!!!! my obsession throughout middle school.... they were soooo good!! it was fun singing along to them too, lots of old memories. Its weird... i saw them about 6? years ago and they didn't look this old lol then again i was talking to this guy Harris and he said that he'd seen them 10 years ago so maybe they are really old.. probably over 30... crazy but still insanely amazing nonthe less.

what a good night. thanks to everyone specially AJ who came with me <3<3<3

8 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 24 April :: 10.52pm

half days = own.

Lucilles + DDR + Teirney's room + all my company + Jenn & Steph & perm kits

all made my day <3

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:: 2003 22 April :: 9.06pm

lol well yeah. i'm alive :0P

i was going to make this big production of coming back on the one year anniversary of my journal and guess what ladies and gentlemen, i forgot :0( lol

as many of you know i resumed another journal i had (picturesxstarsxdreams) but i think i'm going to go back to this one also... more of the friends only stuff on the other one soo its all good.


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:: 2003 21 April :: 11.39pm

wow, we're such dorks
hotdate069: hey sexy
or fwa sHer e: dont talk to me
or fwa sHer e: im just gonna fall in love with you all over again
or fwa sHer e: you had me at hello
hotdate069: lol
hotdate069: but AJ i love
hotdate069: you
hotdate069: and can't live without u
or fwa sHer e: ::imaginary scene where we're running towards eachother in a field full of daisies, and soothing, dreamy music is playing::
hotdate069: Oh A.J.
or fwa sHer e: Oh Nina
or fwa sHer e: i must let go
or fwa sHer e: this can not be
hotdate069: No please don't
or fwa sHer e: i must
hotdate069: i jsut can't live without you
or fwa sHer e: it is for your own good
hotdate069: How do you know what is good for me
hotdate069: your the only thing i want and need
or fwa sHer e: you shall need me no more.
or fwa sHer e: goodbye nina
or fwa sHer e: good bye for good
hotdate069: oh please don't
hotdate069: not like this
hotdate069: jsut one last kiss
or fwa sHer e: i musn't
hotdate069: oh please
or fwa sHer e: never! now goodbye woman. never again shall you (insert big old-ish sounding verb) me
or fwa sHer e: lol, we are soo gay
hotdate069: i know
hotdate069: that was kind weird lol
or fwa sHer e: a little too weird

3 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 21 April :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: rockin
:: Music: Spring Heeled Jack - static world view

"Sexy is A.J.'s middle name. That's right, the 'J' stands for sexy."
hehe, river girls are dumb.
Spring Heeled Jack is the greatest fucking band ever.

With that being said..... I don't have much else to say. I'm incredibly bored. Someone come play with me. I haven't played hide-and-seek in a million years. AP exams are comming up, and I'm setting my expectations a little lower this year, to avoid dissappointment. Shootin for a 2. Go me! Thats it. I'm done.

<3's to all of you

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