First of all, thank you to everyone who commented, or got me something, or called me, or did whatever, and made my birthday soo cool. you all are all the best!
So anyways, I left school early today so I could return all my books back to atl, and get off obligation. i got there around 2:10 and carried the heavy load of books around to all my old teachers. they were really happy to see me, cept for mr hall, fucking asshole, im glad i interrupted his lecture, and mrs radu. i think she was just confused because of the whole foreign thing. oh well
going back to atl made me realize how much i miss the school, and how cool it was to be in an outdoor school. indoor schools like river suck! in every classroom i walked into, everyone was all like "omg, its A.J.!" which was awesome. it was scary as hell to see so many familiar faces tho. i probably see about two a day at river. everyone was all happy, and i got a hug from sexy Dr. Baum, sexy Alan, and fromsexy Vivi, which rocked! I haven't had a hug in soooo long. it was also really creepy to see all the black chairs when i walked into the band room. our chairs are all blue at river, so it was like the twilight zone for a second. but all in all i had a really good day, and the highlight was revisiting atl. damn do i miss that place.
noise makers and party hats
Today = pretty worthless
I got powerlink on tuesday, and that was totally awesome. Everything was working at like 2800kbs, which is 10 million times better than shitty msn. I was all excited, but then my computer decided to grow a mind of its own and lockup and freeze every 5 minutes or so. I hafta restart each time it happens, so it makes going on the computer too much work. So fuck that. I guess im just not gonna be online as much, till I get the computer fixed.
So in other news, I started getting really sick last night, and I felt completely miserable. I took a nap when i came home, and from then I knew I was getting sick. great. So I get up thismorning at about 6 to get ready for school, and I told my mom that I just wasn't going to school. She was pretty pissed, and thought i wanted to stay home just cuz today is today... untill she came in and was like wow, you're pretty sick. I rolled out of bed around 9 thie morning, and I got back in bed not long after cuz my head was throbbing, and I got very dizzy. I finally got up around 1, and took some advil. After that I felt 10 million times better.
So in skipping school today, I missed 2 tests, and had a buncha homework due that I didn't even start. oops. Guess I hafta do it all tonite, which is gonna mzke today suck even more. Hopefully pearl jam tomorrow will be really cool. Im sick. happy birthday to me.
2000 6 April :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: long beach dub
How many emo kids does it take to change a light bulb? 2 One to change it and one to cry about it because his ex-girlfriend broke the bulb
This week=worthless
Saturday was cool tho
SATs in the morning. it wasn't as hard as i expected it to be
Chilled with sharif's band afterwards. They're pretty good, but they need more than just 2 good songs. I think im the new official groupie now..... which is funny cuz i don't even know they're name.
It was cool watching them play, but I realized how much i want to start that ska band. oh well
So later I went to ovation. It was cool to see all the ATL kids i miss so much. I spent most of the show in the pit --> got punched in the face, and headbutted, etc. My jaw is a little sore and theres a buncha bruises on my back, but im feelin pretty good today
...well minus the whole big fight with my dad. we got into an argument on the way to work (I was an hour late because I forgot about stupid daylight savings time) about my hair. Totally fucking dumb. He was like saying a whole buncha shit about my hair, and I asked him why it mattered, and he got like really pissed and started yelling about why i was "nagging" him about my hair. so I said that he started it, and he knew i was right, so he got even more mad (while i was only annoyed), and called me a fucking idiot. by that time i was really pissed and called him a fat piece of shit, which he is. he was gonna say something back, but i turned the radio and drowned him out. so when we got to work, hes like what time should i come to pick you up, so i told him off and said i was walking home, which i did. what an asshole. its nice when you tell your kids thay they're just fucking idiots. i hate you.
i forgot to add. Slightly Stoopid is playing tomorrow night at orbit. $7. Nobody's interested in going tho ):
Thay're a surf rock/ska/white reggae band, just like Sublime. funny thing that they're from long beach, like Sublime, and are on Skunk records, like Sublime. I'd bet they're really good live too, like Sublime.
2000 30 March :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: 311 - all mixed up
"You've got to trust your instincts, and let go of regret. You've got to bet on your self now starrr, cuz thats your best bet."
This weekend was a lotta fun. I went down to the keys with some friends and chilled. Islamorada=one of the coolest places inthe world. alcohol=bad.
We rented a boat and went to this reef to go snorkle. i saw some cool shit. i soo wanna do that again.
That all was the high point of my week.
The low points:
I have four D's. That means i need 4 A's this quarter and atleast B's on the exams in those classes if I want to raise my gpa at all. I do plan to get those A's. I took my tv out of my room, and im staying off the computer for a while. Hopefully this newfound do-good-in-school-ness will pay off.
And this afternoon while I was at work.... I was in the lot getting carts. It was about to rain, and for some reason i was actually having fun out there. So I passe this black Honda Odyssey and I saw this shadow moving around. The van had really dark tint, so as i walked by the front window, I saw a dog in there. I can't name the breed, but it looked like one of those really nice, playful, and loving dogs, that wasn't too big, or too small. Looked like a really great dog. So thiere was a black van with a dog inside, with black tinted windows that were closed and did not have any air conditioning on. That got me really pissed off. Im not sure why; I usually wouldn't care. Luckily it was cool outside.... although the dog could still suffocate rather than overheat. I probably woulda went off on whoever was driving that van if saw them. It van was gone in a few mins, although I wasn't watching it too well. Their license plate said Kentucky. haha, that explains it.
wow, huge dog rant
so in other news, i finally got the first song i wrote, on the computer on midi. I'll post it on here when I get around to it. till then..
2000 24 March :: 8.12pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Bosstones - question the answers
"fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African ameri
I really don't feel loved. far from it. Its just nice to put it there....
Spring Break Acomplishments = 0
i didn't do much. went to beachfest with Lana, wich was cool, although im not much of a christian rock fan. and I went to go see Old School last night. holy shit that movy was hilarious. "Just tell him earmuffs.....see, fuck shit cock!" lol
now for pointless sentences.
I need a haircut. Didn't practice music for all district. Ben owns everybody in the helicopter game. Sharif eats poo. I got a new icon. What the hell is trogdor? I don't want to go to school tomorrow. My headache hurts. I need a hug. I think im complaining too much. Shut up A.J. Going to the Used & Coheed show. I need to call Vivi. I need to take a nap. I need to call Sara, Suki, Megan, and probably 10 million other people I haven't talked to in a while. Too many things to do. Wrote new song last night. Five songs total. Need strings for my electric. Been playing without 1st E since October. Spanish River is worthless. Im done
so in other news, my bday is 2 days after sharifs, so we may hold some sorta kinda party or something that involves people, on that weekend. who knows. i have a new icon. bye
2000 21 March :: 3.12pm
:: Mood: bummed
:: Music: long beach dub
i made a promise to myself that i would have the best and most exciting break ever....
im such a liar
i haven't done anything this week, havent chilled with anyone, or even really left the house. but thats ok, cuz theres nothing to do and noone that wants to hang out.
theres not much to say. i didn't get any homework over break, although my grades now are worse than they were at atlantic. go figure. and i also havent even really started the all district music. fuck that. ive been practicing tho. so yea, thats my break. go me!
sooo i was supposed to be off an hour and a half ago..... hmm thanks to parents fighting eh? well... off to New College today then FSU tomorrow then UF where i'm meeting up w/Greg Pischko & hes showing me around and making me pancakes <3 then down to Orlando and UCF then i come home. fun.
ohhhhh and to those who didn't know, gues who sooooo finally got their license :0P most know by now considering i've been driving EVERYWHERE including Drewski's movie party : Donnie Darko = own. It was sooo much fun & before that I drove up to Boynton where i hung out w/Brian<3 and Abby D. & Miss.Abby made us some wonderful fooood :0) goodtimes.
now for my Brian rant :0P (oh come on.. like you didn't expect it heh)
well suckers... 2 weeks today & guess whos still NOT broken up <3 you are sooo amazing.. it only gets better from here eh?
ohh and i'm soooo NEVER touching you again :0P <3 u.
today was magnificent! heh well nto only was it the last day of school (before spring break) but I saw Brian lotsssssss (:0P) andd I gave blood sooo goo Vivi!
lets see... spring break!!! I'm soo driving to school by the time this weeks over :0)
Tonight I am going to the Grothe's to celebrate the anniversary of Sascha's birthday... I hope I don't cry...
after that i'm soo off to Shane's bday party (where i'll get to seee Brian :0)) and thats my night
o yeah. i'll be gone Wed - Sat.. going to see colleges and fun stuff like that..(New College, FSU, UF & UCF)
catch ya later kids <3
brian is sooo fantastically wonderful, i have NEVER been as happy with anyone else as I am with him... its like that fluttery feeling you get in your stomach times a bazillion and a half... (you) are so wonderful <3
my cool blood bandage + the pimp bow that the guy made me :0)
radiohead5k: I took the adastra quiz
radiohead5k: I'm Ben
picsxstarsxdream: lol
picsxstarsxdream: i'm andrew
radiohead5k: *clutches hair in terror*
picsxstarsxdream: o god lol
radiohead5k: in a'll all be gone