2004 30 July :: 1.25am
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" - Big & Rich
Yesterday I got back from Pittsburgh. I had a really good time. Played a lot of Parcheesi and Texas Hold Em and Uno. Let's see....tons of shopping. We went garage sale-ing too. And it was actually kinda cold, which is odd for July, I guess. Sunday I took everyone to the Pirates (that's baseball for all you living in a sports cave) game, and PNC Park (where the Pirates play) is beautiful! And the Pirates won. It was a great time. And I had a Primanti Bros sandwich, which is apparently a Pittsburgh trademark. They put french fries in the sandwich. Later that day we went to a Fountains of Wayne concert at Hartwood Acres. They were alright, but their opening act sucked. We still had a really good time though. I spent a majority of the time walking around with Karen looking for her friend. I saw Marissa Burdett there. That was very strange. You guys have no idea what I'm talking about, but I don't care. She's 14 now...I didn't even recognize her. She doesnt really remember me, but I would not exactly expect her to. Tuesday night my Aunt Pam held a band parents meeting at their house. Mrs. Burdett was there because Justin is a trumpet player. She wanted to see me, so I made a short appearance in the living room and was introduced by my aunt before the rest of us went out for ice cream. Shortly after we got back, the meeting ended, and Mrs. Burdett came to talk to me a little. It's a weird feeling, hard to describe. It was extremely nice to talk to her again. I tried to find her and her husband at the concert, because I knew they were there, but there were hundreds of people there. It's just weird. Sometimes I feel like I have two lives, because everything in Pittsburgh is the same. No one moves. No one is forgotten. Nothing changes. It's like a time capsule from when I was four, except the children have grown. It's honestly sometimes painful to go back. I was very close to asking my aunt to drive me over to cashley court to see my old house, but I could not bring myself to do it. But it was nice to catch up with Mrs Burdett. She asked me what I was planning on doing after high school, and I told her I was still shooting for veterinary medicine and she was not surprised in the least. She just kinda went oh yes, that's you. That's always been you, since you were three years old. It was nice to have someone so familiar. That family is like the only people outside of my family who have known me for so long that I actually have talked to. It's cool. I still have not seen justin for like 10 years though; he was at Penn State this week. I'm also applying to Penn State I think. I was sort of on the fence about it, but I think I have decided. I only have 4 other schools that I'm applying to, and it will be nice to have one more acceptance letter. That sounds a lot worse than how I meant it, but you know pretty much if you can get into a school or not. I can probably get some money from them too. We'll have to see. My mom says Penn State is a lot like UF except they get a lot of snow. Mrs Burdett told me that Justin was not even considering it until he went up this week for like a computer thing. Now she says he loves it. We'll have to see how the cards play out, but it will atleast be good to keep my options open. Anyway...back to my trip. Saturday was the family reunion, and that was one of my favorite parts of my visit. Not many people came, but we all had a good time. I cannot say that I had ever really had a real conversation with my cousin (sort of) Paul, but he's a cool guy. He's just 8 years older than me, exactly...I found out last weekend that he and I share a birthday, so there has not been much over the years that we have had in common, but now I have grown up, and he has not. He, myself, and Karen went into the kitchen and had about an hour discussion mostly about Harry Potter, as well as spiderman and passion of the christ. It was nice to have a good discussion about Harry Potter, since not many of my friends have read it or are as big fans as I. And others who are....we just dont really talk about it that much. *shrug* But it was really a fun conversation. I'm writing this down now, so that I can get it recorded down as my own idea. I came up, during this conversation, that the reason that Petunia is such a bitch is that she was either rejected or expelled or something of the sort from Hogwarts. We were discussing the origin of the howler to petunia, I forget exactly what it said, it’s been a long time since I’ve read the book. But we sort of came to the consensus that the howler was from dumbledore. But then Paul brought up the point of petunia caring for and protecting harry. Why does she care? She does not seem to care that her sister and brother in law are dead. What connection does she have to harry that she did not share with lily? It’s an interesting query. So I guessed that she has some sort of bribe or something maybe? But I seriously think that she had her shot at magic and screwed it up somehow, which is why she was so infuriated and jealous at her parents’ pride when her sister got her letter. Or maybe she just comes from a magical family, which would explain why her parents even knew enough about hogwarts to be proud, and is a reject since she has no magical abilities? Who knows... Yeah. So anyway... I’m trying to think of other highlights of the trip. We watched a lot of movies. Bennie and Joon, Spiderman 2, Bowling for Columbine (sorry Gary!), Forest Gump, and I think that was it. We never got around to seeing Rounders. We spent a good deal of time watching family guy, though, which is just great. I think we watched When You Wish Upon a Weinstein like 12 times. Hilarious, but soooo politically incorrect. Let’s see....what else...I can’t really think of anything else to write about. It was just generally fun to hang out up there. Hopefully sometime soon they can come down, since they havent been down here since 1994. We’ll see.
I can’t believe that this summer is almost over. Like normally it’s the usual “oh, the summer was too short, I still dont want to go back to school, blah blah blah” but seriously, this was NOT two months!! I am like in denial here or something. I refuse to believe that band came is next week. That’s just rediculous. It’s a cocoustic travesty!! (dont ask) I have one more summer thing left, which is the Dave Matthews concert Saturday, which I am TOTALLY psyched for, but the next day I have to go to band camp. I mean seriously...what the hell. I am going through all the stages of back to school denial though. I ignored its impendingness at first, now I’m just pissed about it.
Oh, and while I am thinking about it, my mom greeted me at the airport with some interesting news. Palm Beach County has passed a new thingy for high schools. The first and third Wednesday of every month, we go in at 10:30. How bout dem apples..
The schedule came today in the mail. It's incorrect, again, because of band. Band, in four years, has never been right on the first draft of my schedule. I have changed my schedule atleast once, probably atleast twice every year. I know it was twice or more the last two years, but freshman year is kinda fuzzy. So anyway, here's the schedule, as it sits now.
Tok -- Zappolo
French IV -- Youngman
English IV -- Timberlake
Chemistry III -- Dalsass
Calculus -- Will
Band -- Lerner
History of the Americas -- Ierace
Honestly, I kinda like a lot of the schedule as it sits. I like having band sixth hour, even though it doesn't exist, because then I could just leave school straight from there since I'm gonna be parking in the band lot. But oh well. I guess it's not really that big. I want to try to move ToK to sixth or seventh hour so that when I have my no class second semester it can just go right into the afternoon without really affecting my schedule. I could have a no class in the morning, but I'd honestly rather leave at 1:00 every other day rather than get there at 8:30 every day. Dont ask me why. I know it's an hour more sleep every morning, but...yeah, I dunno, it'd be nice to leave early instead. So anyway, that's how it stacks up. I would be asking everyone how their schedules match up, but it doesnt really matter since this will not be the schedule I follow on the 11th. Eh, C'est la vie.
Will is still in Europe. He finished up his classes in Avignon, and is now just touring Europe. Today I think he is in Florence, but tomorrow he leaves for Milan. Then he’ll jump around between Italy, France, Spain, and Switzerland before coming home August 9. I know I’ll retract this 2 hours after he gets home, but I kind of can’t wait for him to get back. Our relationship has improved a lot since we dont see each other 9 months out of the year. I recommend to every brother/sister relationship to kick one of them out of the house. It works out rather nicely.
Ok, folks, that’s all for now. I’ll probably post sometime this weekend letting you know how the concert and band meeting go, and then it’s off to senior year. This year better go as fast as they tell me it does. I am so psyched to get out of here. I can’t wait till college decisions come in, which doesnt happen until like april, but still. And I also know for the most part where I will and wont get in, and I havent even started my applications yet. I still also have to finish up the school work. Oops. Oh well, just blame it on senioritis. This is an extremely long post, better end it now. Over and out.
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2004 17 July :: 11.44am
:: Mood: pissed off
Grrr...I am so freaking pissed off right now. My parents are going on a cruise today, and I had plans to go to the mall with Maura. So my dad told me last night they'd be leaving between 10:30 and 11, so when Maura called at 10:30 and said a half hour to 45 minutes, I was like yeah, sure, no problem, but then my dad freaked out and was like you can't go then. And I told him he said he'd be out by 11, so it shouldnt be a problem to leave at 11:15. But no, he's running late (not his fault, of course), so I asked Maura and asked if she could push it back to like 11:30, which was when my dad said they would be leaving. So she said yeah, no problem. So I was doing something for my dad and I missed the call on my cell at like 11:10 from maura, so I called her back like 10 minutes later. She said she was on her way over and she'd be there soon. So I said alright, and my mom was like there's no way you can go now. My dad at that point had not even gotten a shower. So Maura came and my mom told her that it would be atleast an hour before I could go anywhere, since I'm the only one who can load the luggage, and I can't load the luggage in the van until after my dad is in. So now all my plans for the day have gone to shit, and I'm really pissed about it. And as soon as anyone says anything to my dad about it, he finds some lame ass excuse for why it's not his fault that he's running late. Ugh, sometimes I just get so sick of it.
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2004 10 July :: 10.21pm
:: Mood: bored
I stole this from Kim's livejournal. Yeah, I'm bored.
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it¦
2. Am I loveable?¦
3. How long have you known me?¦
4. When and how did we first meet?:
5. What was your first impression?¦
6. Do you still think that way about me now?¦
7. What do you think my weakness is?¦
8. Do you think I will have a daughter?¦
9. What makes me happy?¦
10. What makes me sad?¦
11. What reminds you of me?¦
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?¦
13. How well do you know me?¦
14. When's the last time you saw me?¦
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?¦
16. If so could you tell me now?¦
17. Do you think I could kill someone?¦
18. Describe me in one word.¦
19. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?¦
20. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?¦
21. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?¦
22. If I was an color, which would I be and why?¦
23. What song (if any) reminds you of me?¦
24. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?¦
25. Do you consider me a good friend?¦
26. What makes me, me?¦
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2004 9 July :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: busy
I've spent a majority of the day cleaning my room. It's a bit of a disappointment, because usually when I clean my room I find about 40 bucks, and so far I've only found 3. Hmm...oh well. I also re-discovered posters (they weren't lost or anything, just put out of mind) that I have to hang. I need to figure out a way to get wrinkles/folds out of posters, but I think I may just hang them and flatten them as best I can against the wall, and hope that they unwrinkle themselves. I'm also disappointed that I didn't find more stuff to sell, because Sarah is having a garage sale tomorrow, and she told me I could have a little table of my own stuff to sell, which would be nice...if I had some. Mostly what I have been doing is going through papers and filling up my little filing thingy. I tried to buy another filing thingy, so that I could have more room to file, but I don't think they exist anymore. That's ok, I got all that I needed filed from the past 2 years. When will gets back into the country I will make him clean out one of the filing cabinets he's usurped in the garage and I'll put stuff from sophomore year and things I dont need from last year in there.
Gosh, this is an incredibly boring post.
Me and amanda are currently having an exuberant (parentheticals to amanda and her ceaseless vocabulary) conversation about animal crossing, my favorite video game. We're negotiating the trade of a mammoth head for her sister.
Amanda: that's an interesting oocq (that's out of context quote for all of you non-cool people)
Amanda: Amanda: she can't find the mammoth head
Indeed...yes, summer has gotten this boring. Not that I am complaining. I am enjoying nothingness to its fullest extent. I am finally catching up on my stories. Just kidding. The closest I get to a soap opera is 7th Heaven, which I must admit, I now watch 2-3 times a day. OHOH! I almost forgot! 3 days and counting until I Love the 90's!!! YAY!! I have been waiting for I Love the 90's since I first watched I Love the 70's! This is so exciting. So next week, I will have no life from the hours 9-11. That's it. I am watching every minute of I Love the 90's because....because I love the 90's. C' know nothing beats beanie babies and pogs and salute your shorts and boy bands and koosh balls and pokemon and skip it and pro wrestling at its prime and crazy leftover 80's stuff. Ahh.. the 90's are great. Ok, enough about the 90's.
Yeah, my life is pretty boring, as you can tell by 2 posts ago. Although I'm beginning to think that all of your lives are that boring, because you didn't respond with heaps of comments for what I should be doing. I think sunday I'm going to the dog park. That's always nice. It's enjoyable and free. You can't beat that with a stick. Other than that, I guess I'll just continue shopping at random stores and watching tons of TV and waiting to go to Pittsburgh. Actually, I'm lying. I will spend a majority of next week doing CAS hours at the humane society. I figure if I go 5 days next week, I'll be close to the 50 hours that I wanted to get done this summer. Actually, I wanted to get 100 done this summer, but we all know I only ever do half of what I say I'm going to do. Unless it's summer assignments from school. In that case, I just don't do them. Those two books and the college journal are sitting on my VCR staring at me, but they know they will not be opened until my layover in atlanta on sunday. That's right, I said it. And ToK is last on my priority list. Mostly because all those books are a lot of fluff anyway. Crazy Metamorphosis. Although, I did hear through the grape vine that that was Shakespeare's favorite book. It's probably inaccurate information, but don't tell me that until after I read it, because right now, I have no other motivation to do so.
So that's about it...this is an incredibly long and boring entry, but it beats cleaning more. Think about my options here people. And maybe I wouldnt have to write so much BS if you would COMMENT! *Pokes* So there. Ha, I love how I can turn the blame around onto anyone. I know, I know. It's a gift. ^.^
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2004 8 July :: 12.28am
:: Mood: bored
Alright, it's later..
So yeah...I havent actually updated in a while. I've been a bit busy. I finished my EE since I last updated, as both of you who read this already know, and I think it's pretty good. Granted, I should change a few things before handing it in to Youngman, but for a working draft, I'm fairly proud of my work. And that's saying something, because I usually have a pretty low opinion of my writing. I gave it to a few of my IB graduate (*cough*) friends, who also said it was acceptable, so I'm fairly optimistic that I'll atleast do better than Will did. o.~ Hehe, I think I'm the only one that gets that. But that's ok. I also called and got my AP scores...because I'm a nerd. I did worse on history than I thought I did, but what else is new. Everything else was about what I expected, but shy of what I hoped for. I got a 3 in history. Shows what a "good teacher" Hall is. I got a 4 on world history, and I thought I knew less of that. Thanks, Mr. Ierace. I got a 3 in chem too, which I was slightly happy about. It's not the greatest score in the world, but I passed. And I got a 4 in english, which is pretty good. I thought I might have had a shot at a 5, because I thought my essays were pretty damn good, but I am by no means complaining about a 4. So there it sits. An entire year summed up in 3 numbers. Kind of depressing really.
Umm...that's about all that's been going on. I leave for Pittsburgh the 18th, and my parents strategically booked a cruise today for the 17th, so I have to spend that night at the Sheppards, as they have so graciously offered to take me to the airport in the morning. Here's one interesting tidbit: All 4 of us are going to be on vacation at the same time, in 3 different places. As I am the last to leave, and the last on the list of important people, I get screwed in terms of luggage. My dad expects me to pack 11 days worth of clothes into one of those little suitcases from those sets of luggage, and refuses to buy me a 50 friggin dollar suitcase from walmart. I am starting to get pissed off at the amount of things I have to pay for. I can't get a job, because my parents haven't put any money aside for my college, so I have to work my ass off all the time for damn IB so I can get scholarships, but they don't pay for anything for me. My mom said today that they pay for lots of things for me, and I asked her to name a few. That list was short. I'm sick of having to be financially independent, but unable to find a means by which to support such finances. What the hell do they expect me to do? I'm broke all the time, because it costs as much to get places now as it does when you get there, what with $2.00+ gas prices. The only time I get out anymore is to run errands. I find myself making up errands for me to run just so I can get out of the house. There is nothing to do that doesnt cost an ungodly amount of money. Pisses me off. I need a job. I'm in a bad mood. Shows how good of a release this journal is. I was just frustrated before I wrote this, and now I'm frustrated and pissed off. What else is new. I'm going to stop now before I invent a new unpleasant mood.
Do you remember?
2004 8 July :: 12.06am
:: Mood: frustrated
Alright, I am about at my wits end. I have no idea what to do. Literally. I'm trying to figure out stuff to do that is fun, but not so damn expensive. Lion country safari is 18 bucks per person, butterfly world is 17, and miami seaquarium is 25. I am totally out of ideas for what to do. I have been shopping at like every single store in the city. I need something to do that I can afford. Well, I can afford all those things, I'm just not willing to pay for them. I mean, seriously, there has got to be something better to do than sit around all day. I have a car, I have no curfew, and I'm not doing shit. Someone come up with something to do (that is not the beach or shopping) that is fun, but is lighter on the wallet. Honestly...there has got to be something.
I'll do an actual post later.
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2004 21 June :: 10.57pm
:: Mood: upset
Today was the worst day ever. First I got like no sleep last night because I'm on a summer schedule. So I got up 20 minutes late and rushed to get out the door. I did the class, that was fine...didn't get a whole lot done, so I've been working for the last hour or so. Then I went out to my car to find a citation on my windshield because I had no decal. Even though it was the first day of class and I didnt even get the decal until this morning and then couldnt exactly walk out to go put it on my car. Atleast it was only a warning. Damn FAU. So then I took a wrong turn going out of FAU and got totally lost. I ended up on what I think was glades, but just took the next entrance back into FAU and took the right turn this time to go out on spanish river. Then on Yamato it started pouring and there was a firetruck behind me and no one would let me over because they were all on their cell phones and there was an accident and it made me all stressed out because I couldnt see cuz of the rain. So then, to make matters worse, I got home and felt like shit, totally exhausted and just crappy in general. So I decided to watch some TV and fell asleep on the couch. So then, of course, I basically slept through percussion rehearsal which was tonight, so now on top of everything, Mr. G is going to eat me. I'm going to call him tomorrow and say that I was home alone and fell asleep. He'll be pissed, but he'll get over it I guess. Whatever. So now I have to get my ass up at 6 again tomorrow to go back to write this damn essay. Man, I'm just bitter.
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2004 16 June :: 7.18pm
blah.. finally cut my friends list down, getting rid of the people who didn't pay to keep their journals and the people who i have not talked to in over a year. Its funny, it seems as if the only two people who still regularly write in their journals are Lauren and Amanda.
i need college to be here now :0/
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2004 15 June :: 3.52pm
Sorry, couldn't resist. o.~
Die, Hillary, die!!
I just like the battle cry.
Sean Connery rocks.
Ok, that's it, I promise.
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2004 12 June :: 8.46pm

What Thoroughbred
Legend are You? Take the Quiz and be immortalized.
Sweet. I've always said if I ever got a horse I'd name it Seabiscuit. Not so much because of Seabiscuit himself, I just love the name. I'd also like to be able to refer to him as "The Biscuit."
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2004 9 June :: 5.10pm
:: Mood: aggravated
I think I wasted $2.
Wait. I did waste $2.
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2004 8 June :: 12.53am
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: "Buddy Holly" -Weezer
I am kind of at the end of my rope with a few things that have been going on for the past few months. I am tired. I am tired of high school drama. Aw, fuck it, I'm tired of middle school drama. This is some fucked up shit, and it's not what I need to deal with right now. Someone get back to me when we all start acting like 17 year olds again.
On another note, I talked to mr. gilbert today after practice about private lessons and explained to him that I called a bunch of music stores in the phone book about them, three of which responded with "what's a marimba?" So he shook his head and said lemme give you a number. I'll teach you. So tomorrow I'm gonna call him and set up lessons to learn how to play right over the summer. Last year it was just kinda a quest to learn the notes as accurately and quickly as possible, and I lost some of the fundamentals. So I need to start from square one I think to improve and succeed this year. And I can't do that with 15 other people or whatever. I'm not going to waste everyone's time with my lack of experience on the instrument.
I have to start research for my extended essay. Amanda, if you have some names of experiments from psych handy about the leading questions and whatnot, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise don't worry about it. No biggie...just figured if you knew some off hand, you know.
The bolts took Lord Stanley's Cup. Good for them. They had a few players on there that I was happy to see get the cup, although I was rooting for the flames. It was more of a 60-40 favoring of the flames than a die hard calgary fan thing. I'm only die hard for the red wings when it comes to hockey. Don't even get me started on football though, and my Eagles. This is their year guys. The Eagles are gonna take the superbowl. Although, I must say, I'm pissed off that we lost thrash and deuce. Shame.
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2004 1 June :: 5.22pm
:: Mood: relieved
It's been quite a while since I updated. Figured I'd let you know I didn't die.
Summer. Yay! FINALLY junior year is over. This summer is going to seriously rock. I've planned 2 trips to PA, one for fun and one to visit UPenn. Will and I are going to Busch Gardens thursday, and I'm really excited about that. It's sort of my present to myself for surviving junior year. I decided I needed to go on some type of trip the first week of summer a while ago. Nice reward for finishing up a challenging year. Also going on a mini road trip with a few friends up to O-Town for the DCI thingy. So it looks like my summer is not too full, but not boring either.
Finally got my drivers license. Damn, that took a while. But atleast that small ordeal is over. So now I can drive to school...most days atleast. Still have to work out the car arrangement thing. I'm gonna go to Lion Country Safari sometime soon. I've said that as soon as I get my license I'd go to Lion Country Safari....this way I can finally look at the animals that I want to see for as long as I want. I'm also looking forward to being able to take Sasha places. Not many people in my family are as obsessed with the pets as I am. In fact, I'm the only one. So now me and Sasha get some quality bonding time at the beach/park. I've been telling Sasha for weeks now that when summer comes I will have more time for her, so the first day of summer I took her back to the dog beach. She enjoyed did I.
So that's about all for now. Not too much going on. Today and tomorrow cleaning the band room and such...the library will be organized, dammit, if it's the last thing I do. Later.
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2004 31 May :: 2.58pm
its funny how time and time again everything repeats itself.
i leave August 17th.
i still feel as if there are some holes that need patching up. things shouldn't ever be left this long unresolved... really, thats how you lose the people that you care about the most.
to end an old life, to start a new.
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2004 19 May :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: RATM
"In the great words of Kappy Sood, It's Over!"
Indeed it is. My last day of high school was about a week ago, which consisted of doing nothing in 1st, 2nd, and 4th periods, skipping 6th and chilling with Hotchkiss, and was followed by band practice and the worthless chorus concert. My AP Art History exam was the following day. I took the Palm Tran to school, which involves 3 busses and $2. The third bus had some sort of computer problem, and forced us to wait for a mechanic, and eventually another bus. At this point I was thoroughly annoyed, and the bus driver claimed that she couldn't reach the pedals because of the seat, so we had to wait for another bus. By this time I had smoked more than half my pack of cigarettes and was ready to kill somebody. I got to school an hour late and was given shit by the ROTC douche bag guarding the entrance. I made it to the AP exam just on time, and bs'd my way through the multiple choice. I got my free response booklet, and handed it in about a minute after the section started. This invoked the classic like by the media center woman "you must know a lot about art." I turned in my book and was lucky enough to avoid Mrs Stecker and have to explain to her why I wasn't taking the exam. It was sad to realize as I left that that was the last time I'd do anything academic at ATL.
The final band concert was really sad. We sounded great, and I was really surprised at how good the concert band sounded. I can see that Lerner's worked hard. Banquet was definitely the highlight of my senior year. I tied Chris O'Brien for the most awards received. Bastard. We had a bet going. The speaches were really sad. I'm lucky I didn't have a bet with Lerman, because I started to tear up when the seniors were up there. My speach wasn't too bad. I got a nice aww from the whole room that made my night. It hurt to realize that I'd most likely never see any of those kids again. I mean, I'm going to come back and visit, but still...
Checkout was yesterday. Mrs. Fontaine told me that I have to go to Senior awards night. That’s a very good sign. I seriously doubt that I'm up for an award, so the only thing I suppose I will get is the $500 band parent scholarship. That's great because I need money to pay for books and such. I'm only getting $3500 in financial aid, and I will have a $2600 loan. Paying for everything else next year is up to me. That money from the band parents will be well spent. (: Suki and I had a nice run in with a focus on the way to ATL. The guy's car was pretty much fucked, but her car is ok. She just bent the front driver's side wheel. Hopefully the axle isn't bent, because that would make her car fucked as well. She got a ticket, and I feel really bad. I told her to make the u-turn. Luckily the guy that hit us was sane, because I know that if I got into an accident that fucked my car, I'd come out screaming.
Speaking of my car.... I had that piece of shit '84 Monte Carlo waiting for me, but something miraculous happened. One of my dad's friends said he found a nice Pontiac Grand Prix for sale. The Grand Prix is the same car as the Monte Carlo, much as the Camaro is the same as the Firebird, and many other similar GM vehicles. My dad went to go look at it, and bought it on the spot. It's a 1987, with 30,000 miles. To put that in perspective, my dad's 2000 Tacoma has 65,000; meaning that this Grand Prix has been garaged and well kept. The guy that was selling it invested a lot of money into the car, at least 5 grand, and had it almost completely restored. It has the expensive two-tone metallic paint, and just a whole buncha other options that make it fucking unbelievably sweet. The guy is getting married and is desperate for cash, so he let it go for $2500. It's worth almost 7 grand. I wanna go give him a hug, and then kick him in the face for selling it. This car is in almost mint condition. I can see myself driving it for like the next 10 years. It can probably go for another 100,000 miles before it needs anything major. Sure beats the piece of shit Monte Carlo. We were ready to invest about $4000 into it to fix it up, but now we're just selling. Anyone know somebody who'd like to buy it? It's got 140,000 miles, and is mechanically sound, just needs some bodywork, paint, and seat covers.
And finally, being 18 fucking blows. They've got me working long shifts at work now. I had to close the other night, meaning we don't get out till 12:30. I have to open tomorrow, meaning I have to be in at 5:45. Major gayness. I also learned something from the experience: Mopping sucks.
Well that's it. I'm done. Post. Too. long.
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