2006 31 March :: 2.00pm
:: Mood: Happy
Well Lisa and I are here in Florida. It's 84 degrees right now :D.
We sat in first class on our plane. It's pretty much the only way to go. Once you sit in first class, you never want to go back to...half ass class or economy class. Whatever people call it these days. While everyone was getting served peanuts, we were getting served breakfast.
Yesterday we got here really early so we went to the pool most of the day, went shopping, went out to dinner, watched The O.C. (which was very dissapointing by the way.) and then we went to bed.
We just got back from the pool and now we're getting ready because in a while we are going to the pier to go shopping and then out to dinner.
I guess I really don't have anything else to say besides I miss everyone.
much love, ashley
I guess i'll take this really quick. Thanks pie.
Read more..
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2006 30 March :: 12.53am
Tomorrow=Florida! We just got to our hotel room in Detroit about 20 minutes ago. Our plane leaves VERY early. We'll be in Florida at around 9:00am. We have to get up at 4:00am which is not too far away so I doubt Lisa and I will even go to sleep. We're going to try to stay up. My dad is already sleeping haha..
In other news I guess I was just being paranoid about Aaron and tonight everything worked out like it was supposed to. He was like "seriously Ashley, I ran out to your car after school just so I could see you before you left!"...*smiles*
I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break. Stay safe.
I had quite the time putting my suitcases in the car today...Kelli knows that haha.
Love, Ashley!
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2006 28 March :: 9.51pm
fucked up shit right here
i went to the family doctor today.. i have to go for therapy.. for my back and my head trauma i don't remember things because i have short term memory loss.. :(
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2006 28 March :: 3.15pm
I really don't think things with us are going to work out. Maybe they will but right now I'm having doubts about this whole thing. I'm not doing the whole in between thing again. I really am not looking forward to tonight because I know I'm going to be forced to say things that are really hard for me to say. I really don't have any interest in talking to the kid right now. I would ignore him but it's not going to solve anythinig at all and considering I leave tomorrow, we have some problems we need to fix. We'll see what happens I guess.
I'm going to Dani's grandmas mansion today to stay the night. That should be fun.
I need to go pack though..
I should have learned over the years that good things don't last forever.
So apparently I messed up on my T.
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2006 27 March :: 9.28pm
I’ll admit it got to me
Hearing your voice
It took all I had to just let you talk
And not pick up where we left off
Every night since your goodbye
I hit my knees and closed my eyes
And I pray that you’d come back
Too many tears washed out that bridge
You wanna cross, but baby, it’s too late for that
Last night would’ve been a different story
But the morning sun must’ve done something for me
Because I bet I’d gone the other way
If you’d called yesterday
If you’d called yesterday
crush me
2006 26 March :: 11.57pm
Fate fell short this time.
That was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm sorry.
I know things are a mess but everything will be alright. I promise.
This place was never the same again
After you came and went
How could you say you meant anything different to anyone
Standing alone on the street with a cigarette on the first night
we met
Look to the past and remember and smile
And maybe tonight I can breath for a while
I'm not in this scene I think I'm falling asleep
But then all that it means is I'll always be dreaming of you.
2006 26 March :: 2.17am
:: Mood: sore/scared/tired/hurttttinngggg
:: Music: blue october - hate me
scary shit
car accidents suck
i should be in bed but i hurt so bad.
stacey and me were in the front passengers and she was driving
ben and jordan were in the back
soem asshole was on our side of the road on a back narrow road
and he hit us
we got pretty fucked up and had to go to the emergancy room
but we survived. just the car.. is done
i swear i have a guardian angel and i am so thankful that were alright and that im alright..
but we were going 35 and on OUR OWN SIDE OF THE ROAD. fuckign ass was on ours.. ugh it makes me so sick
i never wanna get into a moving device again..err
my head hurts, i have a concusion, i'm bruised and cut everywhere from the windshield bustin all over the fuckin place.., and i have a bad back sprain..so yeah i'm very sore!!!
but ya im happy everyones okay...
crush me
2006 24 March :: 1.02pm
:: Mood: calm
Dear Ashley,
I love you. You're perfect just the way you are, don't ever change for anyone. Not that you would anyway, haha ^_^ You're the best, don't ever forget it. So no matter what, (and you know what I mean) chin up, because someday, you're going to be somebody. Those who couldn't make the time for you now (and you know what I mean) will be kicking themselves when they see who you've become.
You're a star, babe. Let it shine.
<3 M
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2006 23 March :: 5.35pm
Cant you see?
There's a feeling that's come over me.
Close my eyes.
You're the only one who leaves me completely breathless.
No need to wonder why.
Sometimes a gift like this you can't deny.
I wanted to fly so you gave me your wings and time held it's breath so I could see, yeah you set me free.
When I was alone, you came around.
When I was down, you pulled me through.
There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you.
crush me
2006 23 March :: 3.46pm
:: Mood: whatever
:: Music: 30 seconds to mars - the fantasy
um. yeah
Past couple days i've been helping Gered and everyone with the kitchen hes remodeling. you know tryin to be a good sport and all. haha. he acts so weird anymore.. but mabey its just me!!. but oh well.. and im still suspended i have 7 more days left LOL YAY!! SO FUCKING HAPPY. WOOOOWEE. of course nothing exciting has been happening its basically the same shit over again and me getting fucked over. but such as life! ♥
Tell you what
truth is<3
Sometimes I miss you so bad
I can hardly stand it
1 heartless people |
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2006 20 March :: 12.47pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: none.
well, a lot of things have changed since i last updated, which isn't suprising.. since i don't do that very often.
steve and i = nothing. i was upset at first, thought.."Yeah, we'll be friends, that's cool. I got fucked over." but now I'm just like.. this doesn't even bother me. He hasn't changed his status on MySpace or took me off of #1, so that makes me wonder, but more or less he just hasn't paid attention to it. I have to agree with him, we moved extremely fast. I fell fast. As I think about it.. yes, I cared about him.. but I'm glad that it didn't work out. I'm glad I got to see that you need to move slow and make sure you're doing things right. Also, trusting the person. The weird and also shady thing about it was, his friends or sister, whom he's very close to, knew nothing. SOMETHING happened, but it just doesn't matter. Justin and I are coming to a close, which makes me happy. It's weird, but I'm not even interested in relationships at this point; to set it out there point blank, I just don't give a shit.
Graduation's apporoaching soon, which is a huge crock, because I'm not even sure if I'm able to participate. Pennsylvania's Board of Education can suck a fat one. PSSAs = gay. I start my "class" at CalU on Wednesday, basically, you need to attend them to get a certificate that allows you to participate in the Nursing course. I may ask my mom to go, since financial aid topics are being brought up. I want my dad to go. I miss him.
I should definitely write more, it feels very nice to vent. Extremely nice.
The family? Ha. What a joke. My mom's going on week #2 not speaking to me. I could care less, I like it, actually. Less bitching. She just expects me to drop my life for Allison and it's not happening anymore. Selfish, maybe, but tired and fed up is more like it. I miss my Dad. A lot. I hope when things do blow over, he'll change. I know he won't, but i wish that one last strand of hope that I do have for him recooperating will pull through. It's just so frustrating. Like.. I want a normal life. Where, your Dad and Mother are nagging the FUCK out of you to do this.. and that.. where they push you, motivate you. Where you can actually say, "My parents are my heros". Someone to buy you your first car, have "THE TALK" with.. teach you how to drive, etc. All the listed above, I haven't done / received a thing. I want to forgive them, stop bitching about it.. but I just can't. That frustrates me. Believe me, I'm doing, "Okay" as a child.. but I just want the normal. Everyone growing up was like, "Wow, your mom's cool, she lets you do whatever." or, "That's so cool that you have two houses, two Christmases", but the strange thing was, I've always longed for that normalacy (is that a word?). I know for a fact my sister has. I wish things could be better with us, too. We always fight. We're close.. but I want us to be extremely close.
I don't know, enough complaining, enough venting. Enough dramatic rambling.. I'm just keeping to myself.
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2006 19 March :: 10.18pm
Well this weekend was pretty good. Friday I hung out with Aaron. Saturday I went to Olive Garden and then Elyse, Stacy, and Aaron came over and we went to the musical only to see Dani. Then Aaron came over afterwards and today I hung out with Dani and Stacy.
Stacy is at my house right now. She's sleeping in our guest bedroom lol.
Ohh and I can't forget my story. On Saturday I was at the gas station with Elyse and we were meeting my dad there because he had to give me something and anyways I threw my gum wrapper out my car window and a cop pulled up behind me and walked to my window and was like "what did you throw out the window?" and I was like "umm a gum wrapper" and he goes "do you know that's illegal, a $500 fine, and you could go to jail" and I was like "no, I didn't know that" and then he made me get out and pick it up and then my dad pulls up and at this time Elyse is laughing hysterically and so am I. I couldn't help it. I thought it was amusing. So then my dad was like "what's going on?" and I'm like "well I threw a wrapper out the window *sarcastically*" and my dad was like "God dammit Ashley I always fucking tell you not to throw shit out the window!" and I'm like "umm no you don't dad, you never tell me that" and the cop was debating on whether or not to give me a ticket and my dad was like "give her a ticket, actually give her two of them" and I didn't care if I got one or not because I wouldn't end up paying for it anyways and I have no idea how this works but the cop said since I'm a minor my dad would have to pay for it which doesn't even make any sense to me and then the cop was like "do you pay for your car" and i'm like "no" and he goes "how about your insurance?" and I was like "no" and then he said "how about gas?" and I was like "no" and then he goes "Do you pay for anything? and I was like "nope" and then I started laughing and he goes "it's not funny!" and then Elyse was like "don't you have better things to do besides harassing us, like...solving crimes?" and the cop just looked at her. I'm suprised he didn't arrest her for saying that or something but I couldn't help but laugh. The cop said since he let someone else off the hook today he guesses he'll let me off too so I didn't get a ticket luckily..oh and then the cop pulls up to get gas afterwards and my dad walks to his truck and he gets out all of the trash he has and he walks to the trash can right by the cop and throws all his stuff away. I was like what the hell...way to suck up to the cop. I don't know why my dad told the cop that he always tells me not to throw stuff out the window because he never tells me that and I barely ever do that to begin with. It all makes me laugh. We went through all that because I threw a gum wrapper out my window. Good god..
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2006 19 March :: 5.44pm
If I knew that you were leaving, I wouldn't have waited so long. I would have left so long ago and if there really still was something left to say to you, you'd realize just what is true. How i've been blamed for everything you do, cause it can't be all my fault, it still takes two to break apart the truth. I learn, I still learn. Every single day.
2006 18 March :: 12.58pm
okay well i havent really been updating lately so i'll just list whats been happening..
got into a fight with my crew; then made up
ex came home for a weekened out of jail.. i got to see him for a half hour.. he said he changed.. WHAT CHANGE? hah
i heard he fucked this fat bitch that i know...eww
im suspended for saying fuck off to a teacher. haha
love this worlddddd
crush me
2006 17 March :: 5.00pm
Today is St. Patricks Day. Do I even know what it is? Not really? I feel like a complete moron right now but I'm not Irish so I don't celebrate it and I know some people do even though they aren't Irish but I don't know what the whole meaning behind it is. I didn't even know it was St. Patricks Day today in the first place and when I got to school and seen everyone wearing green, well let's just say it sorta clicked. Everyone kept pinching me and I was just like fuck off.
I had a pretty embarrassing moment today. Elyse and I were in Seminar and we walked out and we went upstairs so I could turn in something to Mrs. Laidlaw for english and I was carrying my folder with the paper on top which I wrote in pencil and obviously my folder was up against my chest sorta since that's just how us girls carry our stuff and anyways I went to hand her my paper and she was like "what does all this say?" and I'm like "what are you talking about?" and she pointed and then I realized that half of the paper was smeared and I look down and like my whole shirt was covered with...well I don't even know what you call it..pencil smearings haha...it was embarrassing but good thing I had another shirt on under it.
Speaking of english...well I really hate that class. We are reading the dumbest book possiable and our class is almost finished and Kelli and I are still on chapter 3. I can't pay attention and I have no idea what is going on and we have this big test on it and we have to write an essay. School seriously sucks. I'm just going to go to sparknotes and read what happens so I somewhat pass the test.
I guess I'll take this just because everyone else has and it will entertain me for about three minutes.
I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [X]with curly hair.
12. [X] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [ ] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [ ] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [ ] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [X] who i had just met
25. [X ] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [ ] at a show.
32. [ ] at the beach.
33. [ ] at a concert.
34. [ ] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [] in the rain. (I want to though..we'd be like Allie and Noah)
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [ ] under water
45. [] while driving
46. [X] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once
48. [x] crying
49. [x] goodbye forever (I didn't really think it was goodbye forever but I obviously it was)
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [ ] in a hot tub
53. [] in an elevator
54. [x] an ex
55. [X] last night.
56. [X] Just today.
Well I guess I should go get ready to go to Aarons tonight. Have a good weekend everyone!
<3 Ashley Megan!!

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.
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