2004 3 December :: 11.06pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: "Holly Jolly Christmas" -Burl Ives
I really feel bad that I haven't updated in over a month. I've just run out of words.
Today Decembear looked in the mailbox.
A bunch of us went to the play tonight for extra credit in ToK. I felt really bad for the kids since dr weigel, or "the fraoline," as will says, decided to change the play today. According to the cast there were too many sex and drug references. It was pretty good anyway. I was really impressed with Max, he's a really good actor. *shrug* Umm...what else..
Me and Amanda and some unmentioned junior guys are working setting up for the SATs. We worked for about 40 minutes today, but Mr Burow said he'd give us 3 hours total. It was funny...I wasn't sure that he recognized me, and I knew he'd forgotten my name, but then he told me to write the stuff on the boards in the room and said "You, because I know you and because I'm your favorite teacher..." Then I said " class I ever slept through." To which he responded "I can't tell you how little that means to me." A refreshing dose of sarcasm from Mr. Burow. He also questioned me when I said I love math. Just because I slept through the class doesn't mean I didn't like it. I got straight A's in that course and did all my homework. It was just so excruciatingly easy for me that I finished with like an hour and a half left in the class. If he wanted me to stay awake he should have given me more problems to do. Oh well. I don't really care. I just don't have anything else to write about.
We got a new car on...tuesday? wednesday? I don't remember. Some day this week. It's my favorite car ever. A Lexus RX300 (which is the small SUV for those of you who are illiterate in auto-speak). I'm mixed about's a symbol of something that I'm not too enthused about, but it's a friggin sweet car. Even though my dad hardly ever lets me drive it...
Nothing else is really happening...we start mocks next week. Just english though, not that big of a deal. Then I have my ToK oral wednesday. I'm debating whether to do a modified version of what I did last year or a thing on Emmitt Till. I'm not exactly sure what her opinion is on repeat presentations. I mean, I wouldn't do exactly what I did last year, but pretty much the same thing... It's on the topic of kill vs no-kill animal shelters. It's a really good PoK and it's different, that's why I like it. But I'm afraid she'll be like you're just repeating yourself from last year.. Any opinions? I'm really on the fence about it.
What else....I dont know. I really have to start getting more CAS hours done.. I'm just so busy all the time. I think I'm gonna go tutor 8th graders at SRCS wednesdays after school for some hours. And I can work at the humane society some more. Amanda said she'd hook me up with like a heart-athon or something around march. I don't think I'm in terrible shape as far as these go. I'll just have to get a few done over christmas break.
Whatever. I'm sick of having nothing important to write about. For all the friggin time that I'm spending being busy, nothing is happening. All I'm doing now is school work. They keep telling me that it will be easier after mocks. I hope they're right.
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2004 2 December :: 4.32pm
hockey pictures from last night, check em out
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2004 30 November :: 2.59pm
I just watched Seatriscuit
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2004 29 November :: 6.28pm
I'm going to play hockey tonight, I'm going to Atlantic tomorrow. I don't really want to go but I need to pick some things up. Maybe I'll see people I know?
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2004 21 November :: 3.17pm
como es que me puedes arrastrar por el suelo como si nada ? meterme el fucking cuchillo y sacarmelo y decirme , deberiamos seguir saliendo . FUCK YOU . yo te di todo lo que tenia . tu me metiste en la cabeza que tu no eras asi como los otros y yo te crei todas las fucking palabras de mierda y ahora te burlas en mi cara y me enseñas de muy mal forma que nunca , nunca , nunca deberia confiar tanto en otra persona . ojala que sigas buscando esa persona que me dijiste que habias encontrado en mi . ojala que la fucking encuentres man y aprendas que nadie mas en este mundo va a ser como fui yo contigo . no voy a estar esperando tu carro en mi casa y no voy a seguir chequiando si es el tuyo cada vez que oigo uno pasar . voy a borrar tus fucking correos y todas las fotos y quemar estas flores y este muñequito que se parece tanto a ti pero voy a lleverme este recuerdo para nunca mas acceptar a nadia como te accepte a ti . "ok" ? ya ? con eso estas satisfecho , no ? con decirme que me vas a destruir la vida y que no tenias la primera intencion de llamarme ? bueno entonces fuck you . nos vemos en una fiesta y ojala que estes con otra que baila mejor que yo y te entiende mejor que yo y te quiera mas que yo pero no lo creo posible . y bueno , que aprendas que tus palabras tienen sentido y si vas a salir con alguien con menos experienca que tu , estas responsable por las emociones de esa persona . no abuses . fuck you .
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2004 21 November :: 6.11am
there's nothing left that can go wrong .
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2004 19 November :: 5.33pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: pink floyd
do you have any idea what it's like to be stuggling to fulfill someone else's dream for you ? to smile and lie through your teeth about your own happiness just to give somebody else theirs and not have them care about it ? to not have what you want because you're too busy caring about what they want and in the end , they don't even notice ? it's times like these that make it a little harder to keep promises and a little easier to just leave the house and a little happier to give yourself what you wanted , even just once . it's times like these i know you're not there for me because i cried to myself this time . it's times like these i know i'm not what i make myself out to be and so does everybody else . the bills keep on coming and i'm not running but maybe one day i'll just pull all my courage together and find what i want and follow my heart and forget your dreams and mail you a check every two weeks until my dues are paid . i'll start a new life somewhere without anyone except one and you'll already be used to the quiet house and the empty chair before i've even finished packing .
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2004 19 November :: 2.16am
I will make you happy again.
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2004 19 November :: 1.28am
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: beatles - lucy in the sky with diamonds
is this a joke ? bullshit man .
Tickets (Buzz Bake Sale)
Full Price Tickets US $35.00 x 2
Total Building Facility Charge(s) US $4.00 x 2
Total Convenience Charge(s) US $8.15 x 2
Order Processing Charge(s) US $4.10
Standard Mail No Charge
100 dollars for two buzz bakesale tickets ? what bullshit !
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2004 18 November :: 4.19pm
:: Music: Rage Against the Machine - Bullet In The Head
Tomorrow I leave for Homestead for the weekend. I'm gonna get to see Pam and everything else will be fun. Next week is close, who knows what it will bring for your's truly.
I have the not so strange urge to be playing live. It has been too long and I'm dying for applause and seeing the energy and enjoyment on people's faces. Even if it's at Sebring with people sitting around our set-up, I don't care. I just want somebody to be happy with my playing. It's truly an amazing feeling. It's such a personal experience. I don't think I could ever be in a normal band. I need that personal nature of it. I like playing with Marky and Tom, that was perfect. Well it seems soon I'll be playing again but with Mark B. Hopfully I wont have to wait until Sebring anyhow...
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2004 17 November :: 9.37pm
This just seems appropriate for what I'm going through right now
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
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2004 17 November :: 3.43pm
Guess who is NOT going to Daytona for thanksgiving? ME! I am not happy...
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2004 11 November :: 11.13pm
:: Mood: amazing !
:: Music: alicia keys ft. usher - my boo
no hay nada que compara a hacer el amor con alguien que amas . dimelo cantando mi amor o dimelo sonriendo o dimelo suavesito o damelo suavesito y dime que bailando me conosiste . ya no somos novios . ya tu eres mi otra mitad baby si no eres mas que eso . tu eres mi mundo entero y te daria el mundo entero si no mas se te ocurre que lo quieres . podemos recorrer el mundo entero y no hay nadie que compara contigo . yo no sabia que esto existia y si podria yo volveria a ese dia en junio en esa fiesta y te pediria que te casaras conmigo para no gastar esos seis meses sin tu presencia en mi vida y ahora mismo estuviera a tu lado en vez de en mi casa escribiendote algo que nunca veras por lo timida que soy . pero no te preocupes baby ( me estoy imaginando tu sonrisa porque se que preocupacion no es problema para ti ) que estoy trabajando en areglar eso y si la solucion esta en tomarme mil fotos y dejarme llever lo hare con gusto mi amor . que mas te puedo decir que tu no sabes todavia ? todo lo que estoy cayendo en cuenta ahora es todo lo que tu me has estado diciendo pero es que perdoname baby pero yo no sabia ... si me disculpas te prometo que lo que sigue valdra la pena de tener que pasar por mis estupidezes si tengo que pasar el resto de mi vida demonstrandotelo .
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2004 9 November :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: crazy
so dinner tonight was fun.
i dont know where this is going. i wont sit here anymore letting him make me feel this way. i dont deserve it. im tired of things being one way. im over it.
you dont tell me things anymore. you act like you dont know what you want.
dont expect me to call. i wont wait around. go ahead now, live all you want. it wont be anything new for you.
i saw holly's baby yesturday. he's the cutest baby ever. i love him.
today i found puffer's dead body. it was the saddest thing.
tomorrow i sign up for classes. i think i might take five this time instead. we'll see.
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2004 8 November :: 9.01pm
She is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that...
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