2006 14 June :: 5.57pm
Learned a new word today, mandy.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 14 June :: 10.26am
i feel like every few days i lose focus. i have not drank or smoked gange since friday, but i still feel like maybe i have made a mistake hanging out with these people. i LOVE them, but they seen to be more intrerested in partying than relationship building or taking care of themselves. I dont know...i guess i just feel weird about spending so much time and energy on a bunch of people that dont know me and dont seem to care to really.
here is my other thing; i miss camp. I miss it more everyday and knowing that at this very moment they are at staff training and missing me (which i know they are because i have talked to 3 of the staff members from last year and they have all been very sad at my absence) makes it A LOT WORSE. I know that i made the right decision, but i can't help it, i miss it like crazy and i thik it is onl going to get worse the more alienated and sad kalamazoo makes me.
I have noticed that kzoo has a tendency to depress people. It is weird how people are happy, then they come here and it sucks the joy out of them...it is a joysucker. i have also noticed that people keep running away from kzoo. I want to run away, but i need something to run to, and want someone to run with...
Tell Me What You Think
2006 14 June :: 1.19am
Paris Hilton's music video is so fucking funny.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 13 June :: 5.36pm
i have way too much shit to do in the next 7 weeks. arrgghh.
RSVPs: 21 yes, 1 no, 155 sent
Tell Me What You Think
2006 12 June :: 9.21pm
So I now know that it is possible for someone to pee in-between the toilet seat and bowl, making a giant mess in the process.
I hate having holds put on my bank account just because I deposit “too much” money.
Why do credit card readers have soft keys if they don’t use them? And why aren’t the keys that you do use lined up with the on screen prompts?
Kalamazoo is trying to get a Wisconsin resident (myself) to attend jury duty.
Another hellish Monday.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 12 June :: 6.34pm
Soy un perdador
Music is power
Some people strike terror
Into the hearts of millions
With one chord
While others can gain
Soy un perdador
I don’t know how to play guitar
I don’t know the placement
Of finger to strings
Or of notes to music
I can’t sing
I can’t make my voice
Into the current
Directing melody down
The river
I am the rock
Soy un perdador
I bring pain to brains
And ears
And glass
I strangle a note
until both of us lose breath
and it dies
and I inhale
Soy un perdador
Music is power
It escapes me
Yet it is a passion
Beyond the adoration I have felt
For anyone else
It is living
Even now
Tell Me What You Think
2006 12 June :: 11.52am
i got home today and had a package waiting for me in the office. I thought my mom had sent me a surprise...but it was BETTER!
I opened the envelope and inside was an AUTOGRAPHED PICTURE OF THE OTH CAST!!!
woot. i love great surprises.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 11 June :: 11.17pm
:: Music: Moulin Rouge: The Movie
TaoMan1121: ...... i wish you could see the look of overwhelming on my face right now
mbenznut: Get your camera.
mbenznut: And why overwhelming?
TaoMan1121: get my camera? AHHHHHHHHHH!
Tell Me What You Think
2006 11 June :: 3.53pm
:: Mood: perky
:: Music: Genesis - That's All
God Bless America & Spirit Airlines
Booked a flight home for the Fourth (July 3rd-10th). I was about ready to give up on a trip home for the holiday (tickets were $270-$300 into GR), when, on a whim, I checked flights into D-Town. Found a Spirit Air flight, round-trip, including taxes, for $100. Yes, that's a 1 before those two zeros after it. And Michelle is going to nice enough to pick me up and take me back to GR. I'm excited. Parental set #1 comes out the week after next, with the second to follow in late summer/early fall, hopefully.
Things I want to do while I'm home:
- Grandville 4th of July parade
- Fireworks (Grand Haven, downtown GR, or Grandville... basically any place with 'Grand' in its name)
- Michigan's Adventure ("Whoooooooooosh") & Getty 4 Drive-In ("We don't need no stinkin' orange dots)
- Obligatory cookout
- Catch up with people without trying to do too much and get stressed out about seeing everyone
- Enjoy the weather (::shakes fist towards MI:: You damn well better work with me this year!)
- Head up to Laman's Landing in Ludington and visit my grandma (if she's up there at all during my stay)
- See Superman Returns The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift & Click
- Do a tour of my eye doctor, dentist, and GP (so I can actually get refills on my Rxs again)
- Trip to beach (if not accomplished during aforementioned fireworks)
- Make-up Dungeon visit (and other usual restaurants indulgences)
Anybody want in on any of that? Joe, you like roller coasters/water parks? ;-)
Tell Me What You Think
2006 8 June :: 9.00pm
:: Mood: momentarily satisfied
:: Music: Everclear - Amphetamine
amy wakes me up/in the middle of the night/just to tell me everything will be alright/ i tell myself the same damn thing/everyday
Finally got my grades for last semester:
Applied Behavior Analysis II (Theory) - A
Applied Behavior Analysis II (Practicum) - A
Social Psychology - A-
Ethical/Legal Issues in Psychology - A+
If it wasn't for that damn Social take-home final, I'd have my first 4.0, like ever. But I'm still really happy, not that grades matter in grad school anyway. I'm really surprised by my Ethics grade. I haven't had an A+ since high school; I didn't even know anybody gave those out at this stage of the game.
Bought a new DVD player carousel today. I like it. I especially like DVDs not pixelating and freezing up on me and making noises that make me want to punch babies. I'm going to watch Munich tonight... god, I love that movie.
I had a wonderful time last weekend with Michelle. It's amazing, despite all the situational difficulties that we encountered, I think it actually made the experience that much richer. And just getting drunk, watching MST3K, and generally acting retarded, I felt like I was leading a completely different life, and I liked it. And the pictures she/we took turned out great... I'll have to post some in a little bit.
"The master would not approve." Torgo
(edit 9:26pm) In today's 'WTF' news: Former American Idol contestant Chris Daughtry declined an offer to take over lead vocals in the alternative rock band Fuel, opting instead to go solo.
(edit 9:59pm) Found another thoroughly entertaining pop-culture list article:
The 13 Most Unpopular Characters in TV History
Supplemental Wikipedia entry mentioned in article:
Wikipedia - Cousin Oliver Syndrome
Tell Me What You Think
2006 8 June :: 12.01am
today was awesome and sucky all in one. I went from an absolute high after seeing chip to feeling like my future happiness is in serious jeopardy. we'll see...
P.S. I love Chip though.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 6 June :: 1.22am
tonight i went to the ghetto again. I did not drinl, but i tried to smoke the rest of my pack of little cigars and only have 2 left. after this, i am not buying any more.
the drama continued and they seem to like to fight over me. it is weird, they both want me to be nice to them and not so much the other or something. I dont know either one enough to choose a side, so i remain nuetral.
Mel was belig then i got there at 1030. so was allison. i was just a very strange night. i think there might be a little hooking up over there. alas, i am going to bed now...alone, but happy to be drama-free.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 5 June :: 7.10pm
miche;;e is coming over!
*claps giddily*
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 4 June :: 1.09pm
We’re all gay to a certain degree.
Oh yeah? Prove it.
Do you like porn?
Yeah, you know I do.
Only scenes with two women together?
No scenes with a man and a woman making love.
Oh, do you like the man to have a small half-flaccid penis?
No, I like big hard throbbing cock.
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 4 June :: 1.56pm
dont tell me the sky is not blue today
i am not blind
i see through you dont i
dont tell me i am better off
i know what is best
i know you are not it
yesterday you said things
vomited words you didnt mean
but couldnt stop
Your words left you
they flew away and landed
in my ears
to drill my brain like a woodpecker
speaking of peckers...
Tell Me What You Think