~Every other minute I'm strong as I can be, It's just those lonely minutes in between~


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...stars dont always shine forever...

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:: 2011 3 November :: 8.21am

in the now

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 28 October :: 11.30am

yeah you're life's hard, tough shit, there's 7 billion people in this world and you think your issues are tough

first world problems

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 27 October :: 12.07am

Wow it's been long. I have a few posts about Callie Mae... but I just wrote them.. like with a paper and pencil! OMG! haha Anyways. She's a whole year old. I've missed... a lot lately. I've been so sick. No one understands how I feel. But I thought of it today. Imagine have the flu, yes the diarrhea upset stomach achey tired flu... for 9 weeks straight. That's how I felt and still feel. It's very hard for me to do anything without having to run to the bathroom. Recently I've had an upset stomach that comes and goes and has made me lose my appetite. So much that.. I'm down to 89 lbs. I'm 5'4 and 89 lbs.. I look.. horrible. I feel horrible. I feel like a horrible parent. I can't do things with my kids. I missed autumn's first day of school, I haven't been able to go for walks all summer or go to the park, Autumn's halloween party is tomorrow, as well as dr appointment and "family" pictures that I won't be attending are friday, I did however make it through autumn's birthday and Callie's without too many episodes. I didn't feel good.. but I made it through. Callie has started walking from the couch to the table and to the wall willingly... but won't walk any further even though she can. (she walked 22+ steps the other night). She still have beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes... she loves her sister and her daddy.. and even me too!
Ugh, I can't believe I missed so much. I just have to take each day.. one step at a time. I can't believe I've been sick so long.. with no answers. Hopefully soon.
Prayers are needed.

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 20 October :: 7.02pm

And it's gonna be hell to pay.

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 13 October :: 11.29pm

I have conversations with Nathan sometimes, they are pleasant. We talk about our lives and the world.

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 10 October :: 12.25pm

No gods, No masters

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 3 October :: 2.54pm

Sometimes I scare the hell out of myself, I like those days.

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2011 30 September :: 11.26am


1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*

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