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The Only Woohu With No Credibility To Lose

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:: 2003 27 September :: 1.42pm


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 27 September :: 1.40pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: White Wedding - Billy Idol

Michelle's song.
6 days until I get my guitar!

Mew. I'm gonna deticate this post mostly to my wonderful cousin michelle. I'll even sing an alphabate song about her:
*starts singing*
Michelle is..
Able, Beautiful, Caring, Dainty, Earthy, Fabulous, Grand, habitué, Ice lolly loving, Jolly, Kind, Loveable, M, Nacho-eating, O, P, Q, R, Solitare-winning, Triumphant, U, V, W, X, Young, Zany..

I'll update it with the finished version later. Mew.

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:: 2003 26 September :: 9.37pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Get It On - Diffuser


I'm sooooooo happeh!!!

First of all, I pretty much finished this drawing I've been working on, and next week meh Faja is gonna buy me a electric guitar!!!!!


I lurve the following people:
MICHELLE!!!!!!!!! I LURRRVEEE YOU!!, Rachel *Huggles j00* [Good luck with the mooching! ], Billy, Ambar, Margan-Chelsea, Aaron, David, Shane, Kitty, Brittany, Diana, The other peoples that I lurve.. Umm.. Just drop me a line if i forgot 'bout you!

5 Stepped forwardTold me who stole the chicken | Step Forward


:: 2003 22 September :: 3.56pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Punk Rock Princess - Something Corperate

I feels pretty good at the moment, eating a popcicle, not having started on my dreaded homework yet..
Mrr.. I really want a big fire cracker popcicle instead of the little scribler ones.. x.x;;

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:: 2003 20 September :: 2.16pm
:: Music: Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe | Hey Ya - Outkast


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

The ULTIMATE personality test

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:: 2003 14 September :: 11.23am
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Get A Clue - Prozzack

Feel like painting something...
Okay, I'm freaky, and I have different sides and there names are kinda long so... yeah. here they are and the shortings:

Alter Ego: Alter
Inner Child: I.C.
My artistic/calm/wise/almost normal side: Arty
And this is just my pervered side.. O-°: Kinky

Here are a bunch of loser quizes I took:


What fuzzy creature are you?


Find out what bishonen you are.

From "Chrono Cross"
What Video Game Villain Are You?


What anime hue are you?

You're the cat of Tiny's World!

What Tiny's World character are you?.

Mrr.. I haffa snuffy nooose... >.<*

I drew this cute girl in a kimono she her face looks innocent liek a child's but shes got liek a D-cup. (And her kimono is like totally coming off.. XD ) But other than that, It still looks cool. XP

Damn fan letter.. Shit I still have math homework.. Damn damn damn..

I seriously need a blank canvas and some oil paint and a brush.. Get me some damn it!

Arghh.. I'm bored... I'm like gonna die from not have a decent RP or alone tiem for the past few days...

Heh.. I get to go to the couseler whenever i want.. Amber's comming too!! YAY!!11!!!!one!!11

Arissa.. Left out of everything... mrr.. When the hell is amber gonna finish her fucking quiz?! I wanna take it...

Alter: p_q *hissssssssssss*
*Randomness* ARGH!!!! DAMN IT'S FUCKING EARLY!!!!

Okay, you all seriously have to do to this site. It's HILARIOUS!!

URL: http://funnyjunk.com/pages/history.htm


Alter: Meep.. So many uses... XDD
Arghh.. THe D-cup take the veiwers' eyes
away from the face!!! XO

Kinky:Or is it just me? *winkwink*

Arty: *Is trying to ignore everyone else*

Alter: O.O IT....TAKES.... AWAY THE... BEAUTY.... OF THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!11one!!!!!1111!!oneone!!11!one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1oneone11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oneoneoneoneoneoneone!!1!1!1!!!!!!!!!

Arty: Damn it. *stabs Alter*

Alter: I DIEINGGGGG!!!111!!!one!!!111!one

Arty: What's up with those 'one's?

Alter: ¬_¬ *wipes off movie blood* Its a joke dumbass.. Now you totally ruined my finally moment..

Arty: I'm so sorrry.

Alter: Damn it. Shuddup aready. You annoy me.


Alter:Okaies.. So who likes the new layout? Raise your hand!

I.C.:*raises hand*

Alter:You dun count

I.C.: *Teartear*

Arty: Look what you've done to her now! *patpat* It'll be okaies.. *Huggles*

I.C.: *WhimperSnuggle*

Kinky: Reow. *Heart*


That's enough of that.... ¬_¬;;

2 Stepped forwardTold me who stole the chicken | Step Forward


:: 2003 13 September :: 11.07am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Dearest

Just another bunch of lame loser quizes

You are Psychic!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

ICE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03)
brought to you by Quizilla
You Are Beauty
You are Beauty.

You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the
outside, or both. People are drawn to you as
strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the
world around you.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 11 September :: 12.39am
:: Mood: crushed

*Tries to wipe away tears* Why??? WHY?!?!? Inuyasha... Just drop Kikyou and be with Kagome.. You hurt her soo much and Kikyou hates you...


I am soooo not gonna be awake in first period when the drug lady comes to visit us again.. Stoopid cow...

Keh.. *still is wiping away tears* *huggles skizophrenic kitty plushie* Merrrrr..... my... *sniffle* Hands are.. cold..

Flarf.. I still gotta take a bath... Nice and warm to make me feel better.. u.u *nodnod*

Damn dead jealous loser preistess.. I'm going to ignore the fact that shes better then Inuyasha and Fluffy in the video game..


3 Stepped forwardTold me who stole the chicken | Step Forward


:: 2003 10 September :: 10.43pm
:: Music: Hit Me Baby one More Time - Bowling For Soup

More quizes... I'm still doing my homework!!

What Anime Bad Girl Are You?

Quiz Title

You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

PSYCHIC! You are intelligent, socially adept, manually dexterous, a quick learner, a deep thinker - the list goes on! You are capable of just about anything, but you often battle fruitlessly against yourself. What Kind Of Pokémon Are You?

You are a ray of sunshine; a glorious combination of hilarious humour and heartfelt tenderness. Although your lighthearted comments may be misunderstood, you are still a favourite amongst your friends. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?

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:: 2003 9 September :: 8.12pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: In My Place - Coldplay

8th graders are stoopid!!
Arghh.... I never could EVER believe 8th graders would EVER be so stoopid!

Lemme rewind a bit:
Today for soem reason my alarm clock didn't go off, *Sigh* U_U so I was kinda really late for homeroom.. Okay and then Mrs. Fausett told meh to go up to her deck after the morning anouncements. I thought I was in trouble so.. yeah.. But then she was writing me up a hall pass thangy for meh to go to the library. So I was all, like, okay, this is alright.. *bobs head* heh... okay so I got there and Mrs. Smith, one of the vice-principals, was there with a few other people so I was like, Oh shit.. o.o *sweats* But then she started ramblin' 'bout how we have to come bakc here durring fourth and thrid period to help out with the voting. So then I was like all okay again.. C.C;; So I went to first period; totally sucked doing my rough draftness of meh hoei-shin presentation-ness... Stayed for second period, did... things... Surried off to the library and went to the little desk thingy where you check off people's names as they come in so now one voted twice and shit like that.. Okayies.. so i gotta ask them for their home room teacher's name, so they were all saying things like, "Room 204" "Nu. Homeroom TEACHER." "Mrzwaolkwode." "Sorry?" "Wookwode." *Flips through check list* "Ohh.. Oakwood?" "Yeah." "Heh.. Okay, last name?"*Says something I can't desipher* "Um..." *Points to name on list* "That one?" *They nod* Oh okay.. *Checks it off and hands them a ballet-thangy* *They stand there blocking the line* *Blank stare* Heh.. *points left* "That way.." ¬_¬;;

And thats how all of fourth and third period went. Mrrfff... Alyssa S., Dj, Kaya, and Shacoya were there too.. Meep.. 8th graders are stoopid..

I'm gonna tell ya who I voted for... (Dun tell mayone though.. Heh.. >.>;; )

President: Olivia Kent
Vice: Kaya
Tres/Sec: Rachel

YAY! Heh.. I just noticed I only voted for girls..
Oh well...


PostScript: Arissa, since you read this I just wanna give a shout out to you and meh cousin Michelle!! Teehee.. I love you all, I'm here til I graduate from high school! GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!!

*Puts up 'Clap now' sign/dims the lights*

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:: 2003 8 September :: 6.22am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Going Under - Evanscence

Cold feet - literally!

Brr.. I'm freaking cold here..

I turned the A/C a hella alot colder before I went to bed.. Bad mistake.

*Glances at alarm clock* O.O I woke up an hour early?!?!?!? God damn it. -_-;; I'm tired..

Oi! I drew.. Oh wait I already posted that yesterday.. Damn...

Well I got enough orders/donations for meh to get a bunch of candy today in fourth period. Lauren, you suck, man!

*Falls over* Damn... bloody... period.... ARGH!!

Meep. I haven't written anything more on meh story in awhile.. I would if some of you people would be so kind as to 'request' for me to write more. But I guess him just expect too much of you guys, eh? Ohmigosh! I have, like, no idea what I'm gonna wear today!!! XDD Dude, It seriously sucks to have a uniform.. It totally destories Post-school-hectic-worry-sydrome. We kidies need that so we'll be able to handle things like that in the real world. u.u

Reow! O-°;;

I'm otta herre..
Lord that sounded stoopid..

I feel for you people; lost in a sterotypical world of doom...

See ya!

1 Stepped forward | Step Forward


:: 2003 7 September :: 6.49pm
:: Music: Because - Lillix

Meh tummeh hurts... x.x
GAME BOY - Born to Play
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.
EXTRA: Your personality type is the only one on
this quiz that would enjoy www.life-
blood.cjb.net. Check it out!

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

YAY! I mooched a new pair of headphones, the Lillix; falling uphill cd, Coldplay; rush of blood to the head, the inuyasha game for the Ps1 and he bought a bunch of things from meh funraiser catologe for band.. We gotta raise 10k... Fehh... I better get a new French horn...

Other things that happened: Lat night I was bored and draw a few of my own versions of the manga version of Haruhara Haruko. They actually lok pretty cool. ^^ (Wrote them on my print out of the funraiser email thangy.. Waste not! ) Okay and anyway, Morgan wanted me to draw her and I said I didn't think I could so she just told me to draw a random bust and name it Morgan. So I did and she was thrilled! Yay. okay I was bored today so I drew my leg when it was bent, with my Vans and kapris on. It looked realy good so I draw the rest of the leg and I was gonna have it be a girl laying down but it turned into the bottom half of a girl jumping for joy, one leg bent upwards. Not finished yet though...


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:: 2003 5 September :: 9.14pm

Why havent they made Blood wollie-pops yet? *sucks own blood* Feh.. makes my mouth burn...
You represent... loneliness.
You represent... loneliness.
Always alone and always sad about it... unlike
angst, you don't have to look for a reason to
be miserable. You want to be in the company of
people but aren't sure how to act when you're
with them. Sometimes you have to make an
effort. You can't always wait for others to
come to you.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 3 September :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Jumper - 3rd Eye Blind

A thingy and a quizie. O-o;

I am: a shallow egomaniac
I am not: a squirrel [dun life suck?]
I hurt: myself and others, not always intentionally though
I love: me, and the people who see me for the evil being that I am, and yet are still my friends nevertheless
I hate: the fact that no matter how hard i try, I'll never be good enough
I fear: death; never living life to its fullest
I hope: people will stop being so naive and stoopid
I hear: I want you bad - offspring
I crave: love. real, untainted love god damn it!
I regret: nothing really, 'cept.. nah, nevermind..
I cry: When my front finally cracks, and you see a side of myself i chose to hide
I care: 'bout me. And others on occasion
I always: am selfish
I long: for freedom
I feel alone: because I am…
I listen: all the time, but that doesn't mean I have to follow what you say, do I??!
I hide: away the things that might make others think less of me
I drive: people crazy
I dance: ... I don't dance.
I write: Very well thank you.
I play: french horn, gonna start taking guitar soon :)
I miss: Brett. i guess. I'm not really sure anymore.. ._.
I search: goggle??? XD
I learn: something everday
I feel: Quite imaginative at the moment.
I know: many things young grasshoper.. bwuhaha
I say: what I want, when I want, regardless of the circumstances
I succeed: most of the time
I fail: sometimes, when i'm bored or lazy
I dream: rarely
I wonder: what life would be like if everybody was just…happy
I want: to be truly happy
I have: a mechanical pencil XP
I give: sarcasim
I fell: off my skateboard, it hurt. x.x;
I fight: certain memories..and the tears that are caused by them...
I wait: when i have to
I need: that someone who I can truly confide in…and love..

your eyes show anger

which eye are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 2 September :: 2.00pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: Rapid hope Loss - Dashboard Confessional, Though I'm listing to the crap saved on meh compie, so it'

Cramps, Ramen and Homework x.x;;
Ramen: Just like chicken soup... right????
Anyway.. Whoo... Its hot in here, Leme turn on the A/C.

Ahh.. now that's better. I got to go home around 11ish today cause I was kinda sick. Meep.
Damn homework..
'Write a paragraph on what you did over the weekend.' Damn, this is freaking gradeschool crap. ¬.¬;; Might as well this weeks language work now, so I don't have to deal with it when I have other homework..
*Slurps ramen*
No Dah! u.u
Lalala... I can bend and not break... *sings along with music*

Oh yeah, before I am forgettign this, I'm gonna start taking guitar lessons soon, and I WILL eventually get my freaking hair cut.

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