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The Only Woohu With No Credibility To Lose

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:: 2004 23 May :: 7.24pm
:: Mood: Like this: >_<*****
:: Music: Me eating.

I go out of the room for FOUR MINUTES and he goes and signs on, talks and then signs back off!!! Ahhhh... I already tride to call.. It's risky, but I might try again, for I am Sieg deprived. ;-;


hug from behind
hug from behind - you like to feel what the other
person is feeling and see things how they see
them. you tend to be serious and emotional.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2004 23 May :: 12.23pm
:: Mood: Bubbly, but still kinda lonely and hungry.. x-X;;
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional - If You Can't Let It Be, Might As Well Make It Bleed[On loop ]

More quizes and missing Sieg.. Oh.. Wait.. is that good news I hear??
Yes.. I think it is..

This morning an extremly generous Gaian who gets her kicks out of giving people heart attacks, sold me an OMG Hat, for a mere 22.6k! I'm so happy! *huggles OMG Hat* Now I have about 200g from cruising around for a little while. And soon I'm going to actually buy some clothes for my avii, for she barely has any clothes, just mostly acessories. *sweat*

I'll keep the three or four quizes until the end of my post..

Lovesick stuff down on the next line, scroll past or deal.

*Sigh* I really hope he had a good day yesterday, since he was out of it before.. I kinda still am.. But I was really, really, really out of it yesterday.. I miss his voice..

I got around 8ish hours of sleep this morning, I also hope he got as much.. Poor dear needs to get s'more sleep..

I never got to take a bath or watch Romeo and Juliet... I suppose I'll go take it now.. As I need one.. Then I'll pop in the movie if my love isn't online yet.

Oh here are some Lyrics to a few songs that I really like but don't know who their by or what they're called:

"As cliche as it may sound, I'd like to raise another round.. And if your bottle's empty just help yourslef to mine. Thank you for your time, and here's to life."

"You can't ride it.. Took forever. Go as far as you can see, but don't give up on me.. You can't drive it, do whatever makes you free. But don't give up on me.."

Argh.. Shit. Litteraly! >_< I have to go scoop dog feces before I can take my shower.. Oh joy.. ¬_¬*;;

But here, I leave you with some quizes.

How random are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

You're Captain Jack Sparrow: smart, savvy, a demon with the eyeliner and the best damn pirate we've ever seen. And only a litte crazy. Savvy?

Which POTC character are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey :) Hoist that Union Jack!

How British are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

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:: 2004 23 May :: 2.40am
:: Mood: tired, still lonely
:: Music: Coheed and Cambia - A Favor House Atlantic

though I shant get angry.
Because the computer isn't in his room yet, so he probably wasn't able to get on some how. I haven't talked to him all day.. I really hope he's on when I wake up, that would be so great.

So yeah.. I went swimming, then I layed in the sun and was just there for like 3 hours, though I wasn't really much in the sun waiting for someone to call, I didn't get a tan because I was blindingly white, but maybe now I'm not AS white.

Even to just a simple 'good night' to me would be more than enough to satisfy my crave to hear my loved one's voice again.

Though it's only around 11:40 where he is..

But I've been waiting about 4+ hours, and I need a little sleep.

I kinda cleaned off my desk too.. It won't last very long though.. c_c;;;

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:: 2004 22 May :: 10.22pm
:: Mood: lonely, kinda hungry
:: Music: I'm singing a Flaming Lips song to my self

I think it's called "Do You Realize?"
Ugh.. I miss him.. ._. A lot.

I have such a lack of things to do that I'm counting the minutes he's been gone since I last talked to him. >_<

42 minutes.

I'm kinda tired... I have no idea what happened to my favorite hair tie.. x-X

I have 50¢ left in my lunch account for school.. So.. I better bring in money..

I finally ripped off the wrist band from the ice skating rink from a few weeks ago that I had kept on. I thought it might get stuck in the pool filter, so I had to remove it my self.

Alas, when will my love return to me??

Mmm... I'm going to watch Romeo and Juliet, gansta stylin', yo. X3

But before that I'm going to wash my face..

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:: 2004 22 May :: 4.17pm
:: Mood: lonely

A few quizes and guy talk.
You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative,
artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize
a single muscle group in order to have fun.
Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
ROMANTIC ONE. The really most most most important
for you is that she/he is romantic. You love it
to get love letters, red roses and be in a
romantic atmosphere. He/She must make you think
that you are the most beautiful of all. When
he/she is romantic she/he has you got in his
hands. When he/she tells you all that he/she
feels for you ,you are devoted to him/her. At
this point you are easy to be tempt. Your heart
is soft and pure and you would never cheat as
long as you love your partner. But if he cheats
you, you are not hiding your feelings and show
how much she/he hurt you because you trusted in
him/her and never thought he/she could do this
to you.PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you
think about my quiz, I worked hard on it.You
can always message me or tell me how I can
improve that quiz. Ill sure write back.

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah.. I've pretty much done absolutly nothing productive today, I couldn't get my mind off of Sieg for barely a few moments. He was online for, like, a few minutes, then he had to go. I think he was going off with his family to a cabin place.. He had to go to help chop wood and stuff. Reow. ^-~

I miss hearing his voice.. I called him on my cell a few times before, but this morning I got a mic hooked up to my computer so I didn't have to go outside to talk to him, but, alas.. He's away. ;-;

I want to go swimming.. It will give me something to do at least.. But I'd have to clean it first.. And since it's only around 1pm where he is then I might take my cell phone outside so I can hear it if he calls me. But I still need to do something about those long silences. I really love it when he sounds excited or happy about something, it just makes me feel so good. Oh and when he says romantic things.. I just melt and can't say anything. Though I really, really want to make him feel as good as he makes me feel, but sometimes I'm at a loss for words.

Well I'm going to go swimming now..

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:: 2004 22 May :: 2.23am
:: Mood: tired, though very happy
:: Music: Non-Stop Rock on MTV

Sieg's so nice. I really wish we lived closer to each other.

I have to clear all this stuff off of my bed so I can lay down.. I'm getting tired since I'm not talking to him anymore.. But we seem to come to silent spots occasionally. But it's okay, because even the more quiet moments I can hear him laugh once and awhile, which is, like is voice, very calming.

He lives so far away though.. >.<;;;

I really love him, he's really sweet.

I just can't stop thinking about him.. A lot of things remind me of him.. Like the Linkin Park music video that just came on.

My stomach is kind of hurting.. I'll probably go to sleep listening to the videos or Modest Mouse or something.. Maybe The Postal Service.. They have some nice relaxing songs.

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:: 2004 20 May :: 7.58am
:: Mood: mellow

It's getting late, I have to get ready.. O-o;;
I'm going to summarize this as not to bore you.
Tuesday: Met a guy, talked, had fun.
Wedesday: Talked more, in his case, literally.
Thursday [today, so far]: School trip, I don't want to go so I'm going to school just for first period yearbook signing then at 10:30 I'm going back home. I have my own pool so I can swim any time I damn well please. XD

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:: 2004 17 May :: 9.29am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Classmates cheering for slime dodgeball

Travis got a haircut! >_< It is scurry, you can see his eyebrows!

I've already gotten three donations from people on Gaia, one being my friend, Yue Ying. And then another from my new friend, Peripie. But I gave her the same amount so it was just for the fun of it.

The banner to her thread is on the front page of my quest thread.

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:: 2004 16 May :: 10.45am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: The Franz Ferdinand CD

I need to go to the bath room XP
I finally made my quest thread! Yay!

Here is the link:

Jessica got some friends together and bumped/conversationed it to get it up to page EIGHT while I was with my dad at the movies! And then my friend I met on Gaia, which I did two advatar commisions and a wishlist for for free 'cause she beesa my fwend, donated 2000g!!!!!

More advertizing for my quest below.
I'm current;y questing for an OMG Hat. I currently have 15,512g\\85,000g So I'm almost a fourth of the way done!

I just can't wait until I can buy one, my advatar would look sooo uber-adorable in it!

Back to dad last night, I got a little bit of my lost childhood back, which was good. First we went to Linsey Lohan's new movie, Mean Girls, which was pretty okay. Then we went to the beach and dug out a mote around a sand pile. It was fun, but then I got all salty and sandy and I was hungry. Dad hadn't had anything to eat all day so he was geting kinda dizzy. So we went to Checker's and I had the same as I always get when I go there, a hot dog with ketchup only kids meal and a small strawberry shake. ^^ It's really good and it's only, like, two bucks.

Then we went home because he had to rest up for his job later. It sucks, those fucking jackasses that work below him always fucking call in sick 'cause they work the odd hours, so my dad has to take over for them! Fucking asshole. >_<

But it's getting better because in less than two weeks, on the 28th, Dad's quitting that job because he got a new one. A better one. It's a monday through friday normal work hours no getting called in better pay welding job. Which kicks arse.

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:: 2004 14 May :: 4.42pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: The View - Modest Mouse

Finally. ¬_¬
I am soooo totally back on the computer! >_<

I got two new CD's last night, Franz Ferdinan and Modest Mouse. I haven't opened the Franz Ferdinan CD yet.

I really hope I get to visit Michelle or she gets to come down here sometime in the summer, I really miss her... And in a year she'll be going off to college so I will see her even less than aobut once a year if that's even possible. ;-;

Tonight is the last concert of the year! Yay!

This is what we're playing [In order. ]:
-Motown [Stop! In The Name of Love, I'll stand with you or something like that, and I'll Shop Around. ]
-James Bond theme: die another day
-Disney Marches [Supercalifragalisticexpealodocious {I think I spelled that right... I wasn't looking either!! O-o, The Elephant song, Mickey's March. ]

I'm so tired.. Good thing it's at the highschool, so we don't have to sit on thoses wooden pull-out blechers. They got a new autitorium that has like movie theater seats, but less padded.

Sunday I'm going to be on my best behavior as I'm going to the movies with Lauren and her sixth grade friends. ^^;;

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:: 2004 14 May :: 9.59am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Very Loud... classmates.... >_o

I wish I was listening to Modest Mouse.
If I beg enough, maybe I'll be able to get o nthe computer at home, classmates are loud, giving me a head ache. Short post, you don't care.

That sounded poetic. XDD

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:: 2004 12 May :: 9.47am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Same as before.

Ehh... I wasn't able to go online after school yesterday afterall.. ._.;;

Well I have spelling home work today so then I'll be able to use my grandma's computer afterschool, and I'll get it done quickly so I can jsut mess around online..

Well.. I don't mess around, I actually do important, fun stuff... >__>;;;

Ehh... It's way too loud in here! >_<

Well, Modest Mouse came on MTV this morning, so I turned it up really loud 'cause that song is so awesome! ^___^

CD's I need to get:

-The Von Bondies
-Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love To Hear Bad News
-New Found Glory - Catalyst
-Cauterize - So Far From Real
-The Killers
-Harvey Danger

Bands that I really want to come out from underground [Or something like that.. ]:

-Good Night City
-[I forgot the band name.. >_< ]

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:: 2004 11 May :: 9.43am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Classmates Being Crazy


My May donation letters finally came in!! ^_^

Anyway, I took some cool neat emoish... kinda.. pictures Sunday, which I might end up using for my new icon. Though I still really want at school-zone picture. >_o;

Saturday band went on a trip to Kendell Ice Rink, but I think I said that already.

*Huggles Journal* I ish glad it didn't get deleted!!! ^___^

Okay, I'm still in trouble, but Grandma is letting me use the internet at her own after school cause she's so nice, and I can sometimes get to use it at school too, like, during first or second period if I'm lucky. Or just stay after with Mrs. Manaher and use her computer. She has a really comfy swivel chair! ^^;;

Anyway, Whatever.. Oo;;

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:: 2004 10 May :: 5.07pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: MD Mix Tape | Currently: Washing And Wondering - Stroke 9

Blech.. X_x;
Doin' homework..

I already finished my Spelling and my kid story outline is all finished, I just have to transfer it to the rough draft. I'm, like, a third done with my math work sheet, yay.

My May donation letters haven't come in yet. ;-; I really hope the money didn't get stolen or lost.. T_T

Anyway, besides the big fight with Mum this morning, My day went pretty well. I'm punished from my computer and mum's stil pissed so I'm at Grandma's after school this week. Which is nice, because the computer room, where I work on my homework, has a big A\C that blows right on me. ^^

Only 11 more problems to go..... >_o

And I still haven't gotten a chance to set up my thread for my quest for teh OMG Hat!!


The only begging I'll do is in here, where no one reads it. XP

But my username is mochie on Gaia, so if you DO want to donate, feel free to! XDDDD

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:: 2004 8 May :: 12.20am
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Radio

66 songs.
That's how many songs I burned onto my MD.Wav.Player! 66!!

Haha.. I just think that kicks mojor ass.

Okay, band trip up to Kendell for ice skating tomorrow morning.. oh fucking peachy, a bus-load of loud kids for three hours, skate for for hours or until your ankles snap, eat some ribs, then another agonizing three hour ride back. Won't my dad be extra fun tomorrow?!?!! X333

Well I still... *finally pulls on nightshirt*

Oh crap.. *Writes down the name of the current song on the radio* "Wish Me Well [Go To Hell ]" by Bouncing Souls, I have to add that to my playlist.. and download it.. >_> What a great song. ^^

Oh I saw Van Helsing with my dad around 6ish.. It was really great, there were these slaves of the Count, and they were all fangorious and short with glowy eyes and mechanical things attatched to their face..

i see those empty spaces runing run and round.. talking to them selves, we all know we're six feet from our graves... what's that you say? [<- More lyrics on the radio I need for future reference. ]



Welllll.. I really need to get to bed soon, as I have to get up like around 7ish or something.. which is not a good time to wake up on saturday. And I still have to organize my little backpack thing for the trip.
List of things to take:
-MD Playa
-CD playa
-Tsubasa and xxxHolic [Mangas ]
-Top choice of CD's, maybe just whole case.. probably not..
-Pencil[s ]
-Something to draw on

Come so far we've made good time. Drove all night in this old car. The morning light faded stars and everyday i get closer to my self and the more i make it better the more i find that i dont knwo you cant drive it took forever go a far as you can see don't give up on me, you can drive it do whatever makes you free, don't give up on me. [ What? they play good lyrics early in the morning!! X.x ]

I'll do my homework Sunday or something..

Jessica says she's over me. I wish she'd go away. But not for that reason, just thinking about her gives me a headache, it sucks. Most everything I say in here is based on VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY selfish thoughts. I write them here so I don't have to bitch about it to others.

Eh.. speaking of bitches....

My Mother refuses to find my hoodie so I don't freeze my ass off on the ice rink. she even attmited that she hada

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