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Unknown Alice.

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:: 2025 21 February :: 9.14am

it's been FOUR WEEKS.

John Oliver is the only thing keeping me sane at this point.

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:: 2025 14 February :: 6.13am

sometimes my husband talks in his sleep. I've never been with someone who does it so regularly.

sometimes he's very angry saying "fuck" a lot. but last night be was talking in a cute baby voice saying something I couldn't understand but it sure sounded sweet and happy. it was the cutest thing.

he's just so adorable. I am lucky all those other ladies were too stupid to realize what they had.

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:: 2025 5 February :: 11.21am

can't talk to my friends, can't talk to my family.

this isolation is killing me.

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:: 2025 1 February :: 7.24am

It feels very validating to get an award after that summit. It's not often that I feel like I'm doing well enough and my anxiety hits hard these days; but to have the C-suite looking at me and have my new role generate so much attention is definitely going to mean I have to be on my game this year.

Jovie is living up to her jovial namesake and really doing the heavy lifting of keeping a smile on my face since Rose. My friends that haven't up and left like Mitch recently have kept my spirits up too, despite the difficulties they're all dealing with. Cancer fucking sucks and so do people who say they'll be there and they love you when they bounce. Not to mention fascist regimes who owe foreign dictators after they bailed them out for losing all their daddy's money. Say goodbye to life as we know it and get ready to lose your retirement, social security, health care, and any semblance of normalcy you've got left.

I feel like alot is going to change this year and I'm going to have to be the catalyst in my own life and make it what I want it to be. The panic is building, but the courage also.

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:: 2025 26 January :: 6.25am

our baby turns 7 months this week. she is almost walking, and says "hi dada" when her dad walks into the room. she also calls grandpa dada (dad looks just like Grandpa haha) she has one tooth out and a second is coming right now.

and I FINALLY feel like she loves me. and trusts me. and isn't just trying to placate me so I keep her alive. she loses her shit if she can't see me. she wakes up at night and won't calm down unless I pick her up and rock her on my shoulder. she crawls to me and looks to me for reassurance.

she naps in her crib. she loves eating chicken. she is starting to giggle. she is just so freaking cute and amazing and I am just blown away by her every day. I love her so much, and I just hope she's always happy. she just lights up the whole room.

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:: 2025 20 January :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: exhausted

Day 20
The beginning of the ending

I am still waiting for him to decide to run for a third term. And find myself reminiscing about 10 years ago when I thought, "The guy from the apprentice? Surely they won't nominate HIM. 'YOU'RE FIRED'? That will never happen."

Joke of the day:
What do you call a mouse that swears?
- A cursor

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:: 2025 19 January :: 6.44am

put in an offer on a nice ass house, it was accepted. getting major cold feet.

feeling abandoned by my family.

fucking on my wits end with this child. only because I'm having pms. and that makes me feel so incredibly guilty.

I'm tired. and heartbroken. and frustrated.

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:: 2025 1 January :: 7.47pm
:: Music: Shrek

Day 1
Happy 2025!

Most of the time I feel like the future is stupid. Every time I have to download a new “convenient” app full of broken code that barely functions. Every time I have to pump my own gas, then “see cashier for receipt.” Every time I fill a cart with groceries, then empty the cart to scan those groceries, then load them back into the cart, then empty the cart into the van, then load them from the van into the house. I’m sure the store would make us stock the shelves too if they could figure out how to market it as a convenience. Even more disappointing is the number of my peers who don’t seem to realize the dystopian hellscape in which we find ourselves; giving our worst jobs to actual humans and working them into exhaustion, all while investing absurd amounts of profits into training artificial intelligence to make art. Humans and machines are optimized for very different tasks and it seems like somewhere along the way the powers that be got it all mixed up.

Still, I have to have hope that we can do better in the future. Faith that there is a bigger cosmic plan in play. And trust that the majority of people are doing the best they can with what they have; that not everyone is an unconscionable shitbag.

So, as the world feels like it’s going down in a blaze of glory, be sure to love the ones who are close to you, let them love you back, and give everyone a lot of grace - including yourself.

I got a dad joke page-a-day calendar for Christmas. Today’s joke is:

What is corn’s favorite holiday?
- New Ear’s Day!

… Now I’m left to wonder how many of these jokes were written by AI

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:: 2024 16 December :: 10.29am

that feeling when you find out your best friend has cancer and there's really nothing that can be done.

I'm not ready to say goodbye.

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:: 2024 11 December :: 12.02am

I feel so alone in this.

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:: 2024 16 November :: 8.13am

I am so thankful and grateful and just beyond in awe of this process.

but man do I feel lonely and isolated.

and the closest therapist in network is two towns away. and there's only 8 for this whole metro area. I haven't reached out yet, idk who to pick.

I've lost 15 lbs in a month and a half. ultimately I'd like to lose a total of 100, but baby steps is where I'm at. I think I'm definitely looking better. soon I'll be able to fit into my pre-baby clothes. my lightest weigh in was 227, I'm at 242 right now. slowly but surely. all this Halloween candy doesn't help... we only had 5 groups of trick or treaters! super lame turn out.

we are sleep training the baby right now. it is exhausting but I think we are making progress. she's so smart and strong, she just amazes me every day. now if only we could get baths to be fun.

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:: 2024 4 November :: 8.11am

my life is perfect the literal American dream

to complete it all I need is a prescription of Xanax for this intense morning anxiety I feel for no specific reason. makes me want to jump out of my skin and run away.

my baby loves dancing to old house music. she can't dance on her own but she loves when we make her dance. she's so fun

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:: 2024 25 September :: 8.00am

I wonder what dolphins think about when they stare at themselves in a mirror

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:: 2024 5 September :: 9.59pm

My life is utterly empty without you.

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:: 2024 1 September :: 1.59pm

I am in such a deep dark hole.

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