2016 27 October :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: 0 fucks
It doesn't matter if I'm holding one or looking at a picture, when a baby looks at me I have this strong desire to safely grab it and hold it to my body and encase it in my arms and just love and protect it. At times I feel like I wouldn't be a good mother or I'd regret all of the time and energy it would take, but this instinct tells me that is not true. Every time I'm with Xander I want to shower him in kisses and affection. I want to make sure he's cared for properly and not ignored or pumped full of sugar by his parents. I want to have a child so badly. I want to love someone so completely that my life finally makes sense. It definitely would be easier with the right partner but honestly, I could do it all on my own. I could. I will.
In the meantime, I want like... 3 dogs.
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2016 27 October :: 9.21pm
i am the biggest pot head.
i guess someone's wildest dreams came true.. maybe it was profectic?
either way i love riding the green pony. i love every single thing about it.
well.. other than the cartels..
i also love yokai watch. maybe a smidge obsessed.
i haven't crocheted in weeks. maybe that's why i'm in a slump.. but i finally have halloween plans im excited about!! and a cute costume if i can find the dress..
pizza pot pie anyone?
1 brave word |
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2016 27 October :: 4.28pm
:: Music: Last Days of April: Life Companion Murphy's Law
Adults never tell kids that the best time of their lives will be childhood.
I feel deceived.
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2016 23 October :: 9.26am
the world is an ugly place
filled with ugly people
ugly events
ugly future
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2016 22 October :: 9.02am
free prostitutes
2 brave words |
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2016 17 October :: 4.00pm
i apparently have a huge personal problem with WASPs
maybe i should start the WASP elimination army
spread the wealth, spread the love, get rid of all those old white slave owners
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2016 17 October :: 2.30pm
i don't care if you've been friends with someone since childhood
he's still a hateful close minded misogynistic piece of shit
and i'm not going to pretend like he isn't for your sake
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2016 16 October :: 9.51pm
I can feel the walls closing in. They're soft but dense. They're slowly suffocating me.
I can't get out... I can't get out... I can't breathe in this. I'm going to die.
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2016 15 October :: 9.33am
hey now you're an all star
the only roads i know are the back roads
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2016 12 October :: 12.23pm
i know lots of people are smarter than me but i have this philosophy:
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2016 12 October :: 6.39am
starting to feel a cold or something coming on
secretly, please come faster so i can stay home from work.
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2016 10 October :: 9.41pm
sometimes you just gotta give a lil
you gotta learn to bend so you don't break(snap)
hatreds fester with the pus of tainted grudges
fizz it out with the peroxide of a new day
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2016 8 October :: 11.05pm
Anna is always going to be my friend. She is always there for me. She may hurt my feelings sometimes unintentionally, but I know she would never do it with any malice. She always makes the effort to text when I'm away or see me when I'm home. She is fine going out or staying in or spending money or doing whatever, so long as it's with me. She only wants the best for me. She only wants my happiness.
She is what friendship means to me. I have been very fortunate to have her in my life. Best friends, the people you really want to love, will sometimes disagree with you and get into arguments with you, but they will always be there at the end of the day, in your corner, cheering you on. I have 6 of those. But she's that for me, most of all.
Friends are family you choose.
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2016 7 October :: 11.03pm
Gotta let go.
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2016 5 October :: 10.13pm
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
- George H. Lorimer
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