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:: 2009 4 February :: 5.23pm

feels good man

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:: 2009 2 February :: 6.48pm

Pull the trigger, drop the blade and watch the rolling heads.

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:: 2009 2 February :: 5.13am

resurgence or isolation

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:: 2009 1 February :: 10.23pm

Definately haven't been on here in a while. Let's see, no more school. Financial aid shit and everything. Oh well, I'm hopefully going to get into Booker Institute and take nail tech classes. We'll see though. I'm not really sure what I want to do now.

Worked last night. Afterwards Karen, Sammy, and I went to Applebees and then Sammy and I went to Wal Mart. We've got some pretty good sales going on for this month. Over 475 dollars worth of coupins and shit. Anyone need beauty supplies? You come in and I'll give you a discount. Gets pretty boring sometimes. Except for when you have theives who come in and want to steal flat irons. We've even had one of our flat iron displays stolen. What fucking morons. It didn't even have a fucking cord on it. I don't know what the hell a cordless flatiron display is going to do for you. I do love working at sally's. Let's see, I am working Wednesday-Saturday this week. All starting at 5. Come visit me.

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:: 2009 1 February :: 3.58am

Cult of personality

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:: 2009 30 January :: 5.02am

Dear Jess,
I don't really know how to tell you this, You're a leprechaun. I think I realized it when you put cuffs on me in your apartment and I saw you carve your initials into my knee caps . I'm sure you're open enough to understand that your driving sucks. I'm returning your car to you, but I'll keep my common sense as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and thanks for the cocaine.

Please don't hurt me,

Jessica says:
Duuuude I drank half the bottle because it wasn't working and now I can't see straight if I move my head too fast
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats neat
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
i like doin that
Jessica says:
yeah but it just kinda hit me.. and now I'm all like.. whoas.
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats what nyquil does

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:: 2009 29 January :: 11.53pm

gettin' drunk. playin' vidya games.

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:: 2009 25 January :: 11.38pm

I wanted somewhere to hang my head without your noose.

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:: 2009 24 January :: 3.19am

Death Magnetic I enjoy, really like Unforgiven III it speaks to me

Also Frost/Nixon was very awesome.

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:: 2009 21 January :: 2.00am

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:: 2009 20 January :: 2.49pm

Because when I posted it as a comment, apparently it was far too crushing to everyone's overinflated sense of ecstasy this afternoon. Here are some of my favorite clips from Cracked's live blog of the inauguration.

Read more..

Whatever, Guess I'm the asshole.

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:: 2009 19 January :: 4.21pm

See ya Gerge Dubya, I'm gonna miss that crazy fuck

Nevermind, You've reached the end of the line ...

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:: 2009 15 January :: 1.32am

Bowling tonight wasn't bad, wasn't great but I bowled my best since I got my new ball.


And I saw somebody I haven't talked to since I went to KCTC.

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:: 2009 14 January :: 12.23am

I want to play a game

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:: 2009 12 January :: 1.53pm

This was my windows 7 download speed

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