2004 18 June :: 1.51am
:: Mood: bored
O Fortuna,
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut descrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors inmanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velatam
mihi quoque niteris,
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Sors salutis
et virtutis
mihi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria;
hac in hora
sine mora
cordis pulsum tangite,
quod per sortem
sternit fortem
mecum omnes plangite
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 16 June :: 9.36pm
becky wants to put a hammer through someones head ... me tooo
grrrr. grrrr. grrrr.
someones journal entry is making me mad. how would you like it if someone sed that they hate you and your friends?and therr reason was that they talked crap about them? and what if they. as they were typing this little entry put >HATE< >HER< so0o0o0o0o much.....n her gay little friends.. i have a question for all of you. and you can comment if you want.. wouldnt that be considered talking crap????
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 16 June :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: The Vines
This weekend I had my going away party. Jamie, Christina, Jessica, Cindy and Ashley showed up. I had been calling Jon for a week and still haven't heard from him so whatever. Anyway, we had alot of fun, messing around and remembering those good ol' times. Around 10 we all went to go see a movie and then we parted. I think everyone had a good time. I got this crazy funny book from Jess called "The Worst Case Scenario survival handbook:TRAVEL" Yeah it tells you how to survive runaway camels, UFO abductions, Leeches, how to jump out of a moving van, ect. very entertaining to say the least.
I haven't been doing much lately other than going to work and then comming home and doing more work. Oh well.
Leaving the country in 11 days....yay
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 15 June :: 11.00pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: tomorrow i'll be you - thursday
a king's morale is like a hurricane; empty, but for the force of its gale.
oh, writing time again.
what now.
well. i slept at lyn's house, and went to bed at 5:30. the same day i was dragged to the mall by my mother to find pants, with no luck. instead i got a corduroy jacket. score.
yesterday i went shopping with lisa and got clothes, a purse, and a cd.
a two-disc compilation of the 2004 warped tour.
today i went to the mall again and found one pair of pants.
anyways, im having a hard time with myself. i want to talk to everybody, do everything i can before i leave.
but i also want to be alone to think and read and create.
there was marching band camp today. it was only 1 and a half hours and we practiced music. which is to be expected. hardly anyone was there. only like 11 people showed up.
i want for one person to see everything of me and like it.
just everything. at my best and at my worst. and everything in between.
sigh. wishful thinking.
oh man. i was really creeped out when we were at burdines. we were walking through the men's department to get to the exit and it was deserted, man. deserted. one random person would walk by every 7 minutes. approximately.
i had the strangest feeling too. but i couldnt quite put my finger on it.
almost like you know what something is, but are lacking the terms required to describe it.
its eerie.
back to reality. the fresh market at bell tower is a conspiracy to steal souls to sell on the demonic black market. that store is way too perfect.
at least, thats what me and carrie think.
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 13 June :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: franz ferdinand
good times, good times
The Altoid Life
Starring: Speedy and Rina
aka Andrea and Carina
Scene 1:
(Rina is sitting on the couch watching Pirates of the Carribean.The front door opens and Speedy comes walking into the apartment.)
Speedy: Hola Gola Go!
(Speedy tosses an Altoids container to Rina)
Rina: Wow, Speedy! Are these the NEW kind?
Speedy: Why, yes they are, Rina the Monkeyinthemiddlator....I had to kill a man in Reno to get them.
Rina: Wow! How did you know I was craving this flavor?
Rina and Speedy: (together) Psychic!
-End Scene-
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 12 June :: 5.36pm
:: Mood: happy...accomplished
:: Music: foo fighters - everlong
welcome to cattlesburg: a beautiful fall
I looked up and quickly pulled the little green seaweed demon out of my hair. "surfing troubles," I explained as I threw it to the ground. "ah, I see. I hope you and your family are okay. we're really sorry about," he looked at the two vehicles,” all of this." I touched the gash on my forehead and looked at the blood on my fingers. "yeah," I paused for a moment, "we are fine." he looked at the cut on my forehead, "you really need to get that checked out when the ambulance comes 'cause a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have a big scar on her forehead like that." I smiled at the remark as the sun glinted through his brown messily spiked hair and hit his forest green eyes that made them sparkle.
I heard loud sirens and looked over at the ambulance that was pulling over to the side of the road where we were. "there's my cue. nice meeting ya, dash. bye," I said as I wiped my hair out of my eyes. "yes, nice meeting you too...I never got your name," he said as he glanced over at the paramedics talking to his mom and mine. my brain was on an overactive spasm called 'dash' so it took me a couple of seconds to respond, "it's Kieran." he smiled a magnificent grin, "well Kieran, I hope that the cut on your head gets well and that you are okay. bye." I walked to the ambulance smiling probably the goofiest, happiest smile ever.
when most people go to the beach they get a nice tan or an annoying sunburn but not me! I go to the beach and end up coming home with a concussion and 10 stitches on my forehead. I was rushed to the hospital so they could stitch me up, away from the scene of the accident, and away from dash.
flash forward to now shall we? I never saw dash since then. my mom's black excursion was totaled from all the damage from the accident. now she drives a new shiny red mini cooper.
charley came over and we walked over to the pier. mookie was working at the concession stand. we shuffled through the crowd and finally made it to the stand. "hello, how may I help you?" mookie joked as he asked in a monotone robot voice. "'ello mate, we will have our usual please," charley ordered in an Australian accent for some reason. mookie played along, "sorry girls, no shrimp on the barbie but here are your drinks."
while we paid I looked at mookie's tacky yellow and orange striped triangular paper hat. think of the hats from the '50s at the malt shops. "nice hat, mook," I said as I received my change back. charley was taking a sip of her sprite and coke concoction, "I agree. very chic, you should wear it around more often." mookie laughed, "hmm, we'll see." I noticed the line that was starting to form behind us, "Mr. tacky hat mookie, how long till you're off?"
mookie glanced over at the hot dog shaped clock on the wall behind him, "give me about 15 more minutes." we nodded and walked over to the light blue benches. charley and I talked and finished our drinks while we waited for the mookster. finally mook came out of the backdoor, tacky hat free. "where do you guys wanna go first?" he asked as he looked at his watch. charley looked at me, I looked back at her, we both shrugged our shoulders.
the three of us just started walking down the pier. mookie and I were talking about the major sound difference between records and cd’s when we were interrupted by charley going, "oh no, there's jessica harcof." I looked over by the sand art stand and said, "crap." jessica has been hating me which seems like forever. I think even maybe since elementary school. I cant really remember what I did to her but she sure does.
quickly I glanced over at this odd looking tourist who had a stuffed animal dog the size of a chair on his shoulders. as I looked at "it" I thought maybe she wouldn’t see me. "Kieran Roberts! who do we have here? the ever miss popular Kieran Roberts with her two sidekicks, mookie Rockland and charley Stevens," she did a fake gasp and put on a valley girl voice, "like oh my gosh what a surprise!" I shook my head, "cut the crap jessica. what do you want?" she smiled a grin that spelled trouble, "oh nothing, I heard you met dash. sta--" I sighed and interrupted her, "yeah? so..." and we walked past her.
something funny about jessica harcof is that she never picks on mookie. yeah, she gives charley and I a hard time but never to mookie. perhaps she thinks his parents are witches or somethin like that. charley, mookie, and I walked through the herds of people. finally we made it to the himilaya., said hi to Corey who was running it, and got on. mookie had to sit on the outside and got squished by charley and I. it was funny, the squishers (charley and I) couldn’t stop laughing to save our lives. we rode some more rides and decided to leave.
us three amigos walked down the pier to my casa. an elephant ear in my right hand and a stuffed orange star that mookie had won for me in the left. charley had cotton candy and mookie had a pair of humongous lime green sunglasses on. we talked and laughed the whole way. in that moment life was perfect.
Sunday came and went. mookie and I headed to the beach. charley had to work at her parent's hotel, she is a clerk at the front office. after basting in the sun for a couple of hours we headed back to mookie's parents' record shop. we decided to prank call ms. charley.
mookie spoke in to the phone in a somewhat deeper voice, "hello? is this the sunshine suites?" charley responded, "yes, it is. how may I help you?" mookie took a breath, "I’d like to book a room for three." plainly charley spoke, "okay, may I have the guest's names, please?" mookie thought for a moment, "Freddie mercury," he paused. charley was in work mode and didn’t catch the name, "and who else?" mookie smiled, "and Kieran Roberts and mookie Rockland." it took charley a moment, "hey! you two jerks!" all three of us laughed till we heard her father yelling in the background. she whispered quickly, "I gotta go. meet you guys at 8."
at eight we all met at the rusty wave. the cozy, yet small, restaurant that faced the pacific was full of people. we all looked at each other, the words 'tourist season' lighting up in all our eyes like three lemons on a slot machine in Vegas. we ordered our food then took it outside. why be inside walls swarmed with elbows and sunburned arms with madness hanging in the air while the serene beautiful beach beckons to you its serene and wondrous beauty? we must have sat out there in the sand for about two hours. just talking and crazy dancing under the full moon every now and then.
the next day, Monday, my alarm went off at 6 a.m. every time I heard the piercing shrill of the alarm went off I thought of how wonderful it would be to watch the little annoyance hit the wall and break in to thousands of tiny pieces. eventually I rolled out of bed and shuffled in my blue slippers downstairs to grab some breakfast. james was still sleeping and Emily was sitting at the dining room table putting on her mascara with every other bite of her lucky charms. I ran around the house, picking up a shirt here, shoe there, and a belt under the stairs. I was brushing my teeth with one hand while I brushed my hair with the other.
when I was finally all ready to go, I said bye to my mom, grabbed my stuff and sprinted out to the mailbox where mookie was waiting. out of breath from my mad dash ,"hey mook." he laughed, "good mornin'. alarm clock troubles again?” I smiled, shaking my head, "of course." we started walking towards the bus stop as I was putting my antique chandelier earrings on. mookie nodded to a palm tree that was in front of a house, "ah palm trees, I would gladly trade some of those for a couple of oak trees. love ya California but I want a real fall." I glanced at the towering palm while squinting my eyes as the sun was starting to rise, "yeah, can you imagine raking up a bunch of beautiful auburn, burnt orange, and golden leaves then diving in as if it were a swimming pool?" mook smiled, "can't imagine it happening here but it would be awesome. I can rake up some palm fronds for you to dive in to if you want." I let out a small chuckle while I rolled my eyes and shook my head 'no', "thanks mook but I’ll pass."
we got closer to the bus stop and mookie hollered "YO CHARLEY!" mookie and charley always say yo to each other. I think yell at the top of their lungs yo to each other is more like it. never hi or hey or hello or hola or aloha or you see where I am going with this... it's even funnier when they yell it down the halls at school. charley was sitting on the faded lavender bench. mookie and I got closer to find out that she just wasn’t sitting there, she was sleeping. I gave mookie a 'what to do' look then I poked her in the arm. mookie leaned down and had his mouth by her ear as he was about to tell her a secret and then yelled "YO CHARLEY! THE BUS IS COMING!" charley jumped about 3 feet up in the air. yup, she is definitely awake now. who wouldn’t after you had your eardrum busted by mookie's gravelly voice yelling in your ear? the rickety old bus ambled up the street and charley, mookie and I slowly got on. knowing there was no turning back now, we were going to school.
the bus pulled up to the dreaded c.h.s. I grimaced as I glanced at the school and the numerous, different, notorious cliques that were standing out front by the statue of the bull for we were the cattlesburg chargers. we slowly got up and walked to the front of the bus. I am not exaggerating by slow...snails could of beaten us. "Rockland! Stevens! Roberts! hurry up! I’m going gray up here waiting for you guys!'' we walked a little faster. mookie and charley were already off the bus, I passed our crabby bus driver Mr. Arnold and muttered, "you already are gray." as I stepped off the last step, I faintly head him say, "yea...going grey..from you."
being as today was the first day back from the summer break we all got out our schedules. "hey! we all have lunch and 1st class together," yelled charley over the banter of everyone else in the crowded hallway. We all laughed as we spotted out the lost freshman as we walked to our first class. chemistry, what fun. when we got to a less crowded part of the hall mookie said to me, "Kieran, I’m a little worried about having this class with you. I know that sooner or later you are going to blow something up during a lab in this class." "since when did you become a fortune teller, mook? I will just always have to be your lab partner then." I said as we walked through the door into the class. we all sat in the second to the last table in the back. the bell rang, officially ending summer.
our teacher, ms. erlin, introduced herself. I heard the classroom door open and close. I was way too busy doodling a picture on my picture on my binder to look and see who just entered in the room. it was a drawing of me surfing and it was pretty good until charley whacked me in the shoulder, "Kieran!" I quickly looked at charley, angry that there was a big line through my face on the picture. she pointed to the left of me at the empty table and mouthed, "look" and there sat the still gorgeous dash.
I mouthed "oh my god" to charley then tapped him on the shoulder. "dash? hey its Kieran. do you remember me? from the car accident in June." he looked at me for a second with a look that said 'I’m racking my brain' then he smiled, "heeeey! glad to see the gash on your head is all better." I laughed and was in the middle of asking to see his schedule when ms. erlin cleared her throat really loudly and shot a glance at me. a "death if you speak again" glance. I rolled my eyes.
charley passed me some papers but before I passed them on to dash I quickly scribbled down on the top sheet: 'dash, 767-5333 call me tonight, Kieran." I passed them on to him then the bell rang. he looked at me, said bye, and we went in our separate ways to second class.
at the end of the day before we got on the bus, charley, mookie, and I were walking towards my dangerous locker. on the way we saw jessica harcof busy talking to some guy at their locker. the hall was pretty crammed so I couldn’t see who but I figured that it was coral and jessica didn’t see me. we were almost past her. the halls cleared up at just perfect timing for jessica to turn around and spot us. after she turned around, the guy she was conversing with turned around too. revealing the face of Mr. dash cartle.
I guess jessica saw me looking because I glanced over at her and she gave me the evil eye. I shrugged off her stare and started walking towards dash. "hey!" I yelled over to him. he quickly looked over at jessica, looked back at me, smiled, then said, "thanks for that biology paper." I was still walking towards him. in the middle of the hall, donning my dash grin, jessica stuck her leg out.
I tripped and fell to the ground. the remaining people in the hall, including jessica, laughed. I looked over to mook and charley. giving them a look that said, "whoa! did that just really happen?" their eyes responding, "yup, you should have seen it. you will be ok though." dash outstretched his hand to me. I grabbed it and got up ass I muttered, ''my that was a beautiful fall. thanks jess!" she gave me a nasty snarl before she turned and walked away. when our hands were apart, dash said, "gotta get going, later." after he left I noticed the small folded up note in the palm of my hand.
I quickly yet un-noticeably put it in the back pocket of my jeans. we then went to my locker, got my books without a shower of books landing on us from my locker, then headed to the bus. Mr. Arnold made us sit in the front seats. we got off the bus, said our goodbyes and grumbled a bit over how much homework we had already before we set off for our own houses. the second I got to our gate, I reached into my pocket. I ripped the note open faster then a starved person rips open a bag of Doritos. I looked at his note, which I could tell he tried to write really neat on even though I kind of had to tilt it to the left a little to read it. 'Kieran, practice ends at 6, Dash.'
I smiled at it then walked in to my house. dazed, I turned on a c.d. and sat on the loveseat. Chevy came over and jumped on my lap. I let out an 'oomph!' as the 40 pound dog bounced on my bladder. there were only a few lights on. no one was home but me. I sat there thinking for a bit, petting Chevy and being fully absorbed by the music that was seeping through my soul.
the silence was broken when I heard the telephone ringing in the kitchen. I gently shoved the fat lug Chevy off my lap and on to the couch and sprinted to the kitchen. it was still ringing as I placed my hand on the phone.
I was out of breath from running to it. I relaxed for a second, caught my breath, and answered the phone, "hello?" there was no sound coming from the other end of the line for a second. finally a voice came from the receiver, "hey, is this Kieran? it's your dad."
andie andie oxenfree***
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 11 June :: 10.29pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: restless suite
there's a traitor here, beneath my breast
i just felt like writing.
like maybe if i keep writing the right words will come out and everyone will know how i feel.
but the trouble is, i kind of dont know how i feel. im just.. blank. im not hungry, or tired, or happy, or sad. im just.. nothing.
you know, i think that if a person were left in a room with absolutely nothing to occupy themselves with, they would go insane.
i cant function on an afternoon when all my priveleges are taken away. i just cant. i will sit there and be absolutely insane until i can find something to do. but it isnt like my mind isnt always doing something. its always thinking about things that have been thought of before, just rearranging everything to make it seem better or worse. and it takes all these memories and says 'if you did this, what wouldve happened?'
and i will sit and think of everything i cant change.
i, honest to god, need something to occupy myself with. to stick me in a room with no color and nothing but myself in that room.. well, crazy doesnt even begin to cover it.
and now im just rambling off on something that probably only makes sense in my mind.
like two nights ago, i dreamt the whole night.
and i remembered some of it in the morning.
which is hard because i had the same dream the whole night. my dream never stopped, i never got a new one. it was the same one, except parts of it changed. evolved, you could say.
and some of it is so hard to describe because i swear that i have a.d.d. or some nonsense like that.
because, my brain will automatically link topics together by some familiarity that only i know. so when someone is talking to me, my brain goes zapzapzap. and then, i talk and it is completely random and ridiculous to the person who is hearing it. although it is completely logical to me.
anyways. this dream i was having. it was my brain making connections to a whole bunch of different topics, so by the time the dream ended, it was dramatically different from when it started.
and im just happy i can remember my dream at all. even if its only a few tidbits. because for some reason i dont remember dreams unless im sick or congested.
oh, good lord. i hope it isnt a foreshadowing of me getting sick. because that would suck.
i hate how illness can come at the worst times. and you feel so selfish thinking that the cold is so inconsiderate of your schedule. its not like the cold can help itself.
so im leaving for sweden on the 27th. and i will get to be with my relatives for maybe a week and then i have to go to sparreviken. sparreviken is this conformation camp. and its a month and you do all sorts of fun nature-ish things like hiking, and sailing, and camping, and canoeing.
how the hell do you spell canoeing? canoe-ing. fuck the english language, i say. we americans already butchered the hell out of it. and the grammar is just a bunch of rules. but there are 5 million exceptions to that one rule. and it just confuses the bejesus out of everyone.
well, anyone not english. or american.
what was i talking about anyways?
oh yes. well, this camp i am going to. i will only know one person. my cousin felix. and he is 15 also. but i havent seen him for, what, 3 or 4 years?
i can tell you that its just going to be a giggle.
but im seriously scared about coming back to school. i will have jetlag from hell. and i wont even get to go to the orientation thingy. where i find out where all my classes are.
and oh, we got report cards yesterday. well, i think it was yesterday.
oh man, you will not believe how bad of a memory my sister has. its kinda funny.
anyways. report cards. i got an F on my alg II final, you guys know that already. so go me, because i had a C for the quarter. hell yes.
then, i got a B on my biology exam. WHAT NOW? i just thought that was freaking awesome. i screamed really loud. and then my sister yelled at me. but A in that class for the quarter too. A's for everything else.
i passed my english final. whoa.
speaking of which. in my dream i had a fit because i couldnt find my vanilla lotion. my mom said we were leaving for sweden the next day and everything was packed. except, everything was in cardboard boxes. and we were in my friend's garage.
im not sure what that means.
but i am pretty sure that this will be one hell of a long entry.
or maybe not. i can only tell how much i write by this scrollbar next to my box and it doesnt look like the face thing is getting any smaller.
well, it made sense in my head.
i think im going to go listen to some music and think of things to do.
god, do i just love summer vacation.
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 11 June :: 10.29pm
:: Music: sugarcult -- memory
This may never s t a r t .
We could fall [a][p][a][r][t].
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we l a s t e d.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never s t a r t.
I'll tear us [a][p][a][r][t].
Cannot be your enemy.
Losing half a year.
Waiting for you here
I'd be your anything.
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I i-m-a-g-i-n-e.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the DISASTER.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never s t a r t .
Tearing out my [h][e][a][r][t].
I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
(I'd be your memory)
Feelings dISSAppear.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I i-m-a-g-i-n-e.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never s t a r t.
We could fall (a)(p)(a)(r)(t)
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 11 June :: 4.15pm

give lala91 more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
hehe.. i got hugz from britt's journal!! love ya <3 frosti!!
tater tot lol.
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 10 June :: 11.15pm
:: Mood: :)
:: Music: hate to say i told you so - the hives
i found this today and it made me chuckle about what a geek i am
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------walking through a deserted house humming some 80s song that was just on the radio.."there is always something there to remind me" well thats the song...right now i just feel like writing. when this writing spell comes over me i just write about nothing. if i ever become a writer im sure insomniac doctors will prescribe it to their patients cause it will be so boring that everyone will fall asleep while they are reading it. terri said that tomorrow everyone is sleeping in but i dont think that is really going to happen because her chitlins wake up at like the crack of dawn and like to play this lovely game called "Let's Wake Andrea Up." well, i hate that game. i am not tired at all...i took a nap today which is quite odd for me. so right now i feel like running around the block. or maybe it's all the sugar in the altoids tangerine sours that i have been inhaling for most of the day. anyways i am just not tired. the scariest thing happened yesterday, terri went to have her a/c checked at this one auto shop and the mechanic never closed her hood all the way. so we (terri, rachael, ryan, and i) were driving down the road going about 45 mph and all of a sudden the hood flew up. that is the second time that i have been in terri's truck and the hood flew up. there is a moth flying around in here. a couple of nights ago there was a huge moth lying around terri's back porch and terri and ryn were just standing there watching it. ew. speaking of bugs, last week when it was non-stop raining, these cricket things kept coming into the computer room where i was. well at least i think they were crickety things, they looked like a cricket but they didnt jump and their heads were huge. anyways i hate squishing bugs so i vaccumed one up. so i was in here on the computer and terri threw a piece of catfood on me and i thought it was on of those cricket-things. i screamed bloody murder and i somehow hit the thing that slides out of the computer desk that holds the keyboard and mouse and that was on the floor. terri was cracking up. it was pretty funny. well, after all this writing all of this useless information in which you probably dont want to know (overshare!). i haven't tired in the least bit. hmmm what other useless information can i write down here to bore you all? we were all in the car and rachael had a picture of the jr's '69 chevy engine. and he said something like "isnt that andrea's engine." well, something like that, i have short term memory loss, dory. ha ha ha, im just messing with you all. back to the chevy that i love. oh i love that truck. oh i want that truck. that would be so nice. oh yea, yesterday after the hood flew up and left dents in the hood, we went to the mechanic shop and there was a chevelle malibu 350. say it with me now everyone! ahhhhhhhhhhhh. hmmm what on the radio you ask? where are you going?- dave matthews band. :) thats me happy cause i like this song. nope, i'm still not tired. maybe i shoild read one of my books. i would probably fall asleep in 2 seconds flat. well i have this poem in the back of my mind but i just cant get the words but i know it's there. it's kinda like when you have the name of something but it is just on the tip of your tongue. well this poem thing is on the tip of my brain. have you ever gone through which i call poet's syndrome. well anyways poet's syndrome is when you think about how to get your thoughted to rhyme. kind of like "i want to get a slice of pizza and a coke but i only have 5 bucks so then i will be broke." its quite hard to explain. do any of you know what i am talking about or am i just sounding like a nut case over here? yay! this writing thing is starting to work. not only are my poor little fingers aching but i am actually starting to get tired. after reading this little novel, i am feeling very very tired. you see? i told you that my writing would make you all fall asleep. well it is july 2nd 2003, 1:02 AM and i am finally going to go to bed.
andie andie oxenfree***
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 10 June :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: happy :D
:: Music: growing on me - the darkness
i was on a happy spree tonight
tonight i had practice
i wished for rain the whole day
no rain=me at practice
we do this drill where we go against another player and try to get the ball
and i got the ball every single time it was my turn
ah, that made me feel so good, so powerful
the rest of the practice was great after that
i had felt so accomplished
and i was so focused on the game
so practice is over
my mom picks me up
the boy aka brandon aka little brother plays on the playground for a bit
we leave
have the radio blasting
windows down
brandon hollering at us to roll them up
so we are at the light to turn into our neighborhood
windows are still down (sorry brandon)
the cars song 'just what i need" came on
i was shakin my head
and drummin on the car, drummin on an invisible drumset
singin along
i was just so happy
so light is green
and this guy comin outta our neighborhood
and gives me the "you crackhead, you" look
ah! what do i care! i am way too happy to fret about that!!
so we drive by the pool
window still down
brandon still whining
'just what i need" still roaring
i stick my head out the window
and yell "HEY!" to the swimmer in the pool
she waved back
and was probably wondering who the heck was waving at her
my mom asked me, "do you know her?"
"no", i replied.
and i smiled a big happy smile
and we headed home.
andie andie oxenfree***
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 10 June :: 11.01pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: the scientist - coldplay
Midnight Storm
walloping winds shake the
umbrella tree, which creates a lullaby
this here, baby, will be my last final goodbye
angry rain pelts my window
lightening strikes up my empty room
while numerous dark memories of you again gloom
in my bed, i toss and turn trying to
get you off my mind
trying to forget just how you left me here behind
i sat up in bed and suddenly realized something about me and you
for we are the storm and as soon as it is over
the sunshine will shine through
andie andie oxenfree***
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 9 June :: 10.00pm
:: Mood: relaxed
i fell into the moon and it covered you in blue
today was not boredom-til-insanity, amazingly enough.
me and lisa went to bath & body works at the bell tower because they were having a ridiculously huge sale. which is good. i got some vanilla stuff.
if i could smell like anything in the world all the time, i would smell like vanilla.
then we went over to barnes & noble, where i got a caramel frap, and a journal. but its really small and thick. and black. hardback. whee.
then we got to go grocery shopping. which is fun when you run around. and slide on the floor, but shh, lisa doesnt know i do that.
holy mother of cows.
today we had a very fierce storm.
it was right above us. it was exhilarating. there was hardly a second between the thunder and lightning. and the thunder shook my window and made some vibrations through the walls. the power was out too, so we lit candles.
and for maybe half an hour, i just sat staring at my candles and listening to the roar of rain outside.
dont ask me why. i didnt even realize i was sitting there for that long. it seemed like 10 minutes at the most.
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 9 June :: 6.37pm
:: Mood: ok..
:: Music: free bird - lynyrd skynyrd
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?
nothing but a memory.
like a raindrop that falls on to the blacktop, evaporating in the hot summer breeze.
i was never here nor there.
i never gave my heart away for that was all a dream.
even though it seems more like a nightmare, the sunny parts of it fight off the dark ones.
sometimes once in every blue moon when i am awake at night and i look at the sky i can hear your distant laughter as it echoes off the stars.
i still get that nervous feeling, the rising bubble in your stomach that is filled with butterflies.
that only happens when i think really hard about my long past.
i like to trick myself and say that things happen for a reason and in this case they happened for the best.
then i remember how lonely and cold i am at the moment.
and how you came and warmed me right up.
though at the moment that is nothing but a memory.
like a raindrop that falls on to the blacktop, evaporating in the hot summer breeze.
andie andie oxenfree***
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 9 June :: 5.13pm
:: Mood: :/
:: Music: come together - aerosmith
i can still remember
the sound of your sandals
as you walked down that
empty, lonely hall
each clippety-clop
reverberating off the walls
translating into the
uncertainty of tomorrow
as the sound drew nearer
my breath was caught
somewhere in between my
heart and my brain
the wave crashing inside me
became a tsunami and beat upon my heart
that was beating the same rate
as the clippety-clop of your
no words were said
as you stood by me,
just my heart yelling
trying to get through my skin
it was then that i realized
i still missed you when
you were standing near
as you walked back down
that lonely, deserted hall
the sound of your sandals
were the same rate as
the tears coming down my cheeks
andie andie oxenfree***
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 9 June :: 4.01pm
hey yall.. sowwy havnt ^dated in awhile!! this ones for you britt!! lol. [[my older sister that takes me to nifti places]].. um. this week has been well not that exciting. been @ baileys for 4 days in a row. we have vball camp at mariner.. learnin lots of shitt. baileys sister brooke takes us every day cuz shes coaching. i miss brittany.. she needs to come back now!!.
baileys pissed right now b/c rach lied to her mom and got her in trouble. lol.. i think every thign will be 0ok.. god, i need to go to california.. its fukkin awesome, been therr.. and i love it. i think thats where im a gonna move! lol <3333.. maybe my older sis who takes me to niftii places will live wif me and we can be "roomies".
g2g.. -x0x
º × º × º x º × ·
- you - are the only one that leaves
me > ` c o m p l e t e l y ` < breathless..
· º × º × º x º × ·
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 9 June :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: okie dokie artichokey
:: Music: miss you - blink 182
hello there, the angel from my nightmare..
i'm wandering round this house again
feelin the ghost of you on my skin
why is it that you still haunt me in my dreams?
why, when i hear your name do i rip apart at the seams?
i tried to forget you but youre a disease on my mind
i tried to meet another but you were the only one i could find
andie andie oxenfree***
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 7 June :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: bored
Saturday was great.
As a graduation present, Jamie was give the weekend at a condo on the beach from here aunt and uncle. She invited christina, jessica, and me to share the wealth. it was awsome to say the least. we got there at 4pm and went straight down to the beach. ooo the water was great and the sky perfectly blue. and of course some eye candy walking around. This is mostly what our weekend consisted of. ahhh it was so great...and no parents to bug us, or siblings for that matter.....
...just awsome...
sunday afternoon, christina had her graduation party. not all that many ppl showed up and i yelled at jon when i found out he couldn't go. he has the worst excuses. geez! he better go to my going away party or hes not going to hear the end of it.Us girls figured i should call him from overseas, on a weekday, on his cell phone. it is mean and i dont want to resort to doing it. i dont think i will since im not THAT mean.
oh yeah...
went with jess and christina to see harry potter on the 3rd..the day before it came out. saw the midnight showing at 12:01 am. it was awsome. we were the last ones to get tickets.
sam and josh broke up. well, sam dumped him for chris. interesting development since he said she looked like a dog and would never date her in a million years. well thats what he told me. i kind of figured that would happen since they were all over eachother the last 2-3 months of school. and since josh wasn't there to see it....oh well...
I am leaving on the 27th and i can't wait. I talked to my mom about the school over there and stuff since she just got an e-mail back from them..... i know for a fact that i will be going with the school to London for a week and another nordic european country.
school in Sweden is going to rock my socks. ooo the excitement!
im telling my job that im going to quit on thrusday....im scared
oh well, they can't do anything, im leaving the country, MU HA HA HA HA!
MMM.... im sitting here typing and eating carrots....i love carrots. they are just great! so crunchy and orange and wonderfull...
..im not going crazy, i swear...
yes MARK, i know that was you who left a comment on the last entry you big silly.
the Travalocity commercials are awsome...
alright then!
guess thats about it, later.
glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 6 June :: 1.28pm
:: Mood: accomplished
hey, wow. i just now woke up. and it's 1:28.
go me.
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
2004 4 June :: 9.38pm
i love mia.. to the stars and back
hey kayla this is mia..umm i just wanna say that im really sorry bout this hole thingy i meean i know that u were just trying 2 tell me that im being stupid n im sorry 4 saying that u didnt care when i kn ow u did ur els u wouldnt hav stopd me..n thatz how i know that ur my best friend n we hav been 4 3 yearz n 5 mounthz..i think around ther..but n e wayz i dont want all of that 2 change over a lil thingy like this...n i justr wanna say thank u so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 much b cuz i could hav just mad e a mistake that could hav changed my life in the worst way ever n im so happy that u told me not 2 n i dont even know what i wwaz thinkin if i didnt think u cared n if u dont think that i care 4 u n e more that ur nuttz b cuz i care 4 u more that the world.. n u should know that by now..n if u didnt well now u do i luv u kayla ur my best friend ever ur more importent 2 me than the air i breath..i dont know what i would do w/ out u n 4 i second i thought that u didnt care n i think that once im done writeing this im gonna go n slap that shit out of my self 4 thinkin that...well i g2g cuz itz like 3:09 n i g2 get ^ at 9:00 so yeah but i wont b able 2 sleep evry well w/ a big red mark on my face..lol..but really g2g now ttyl..~xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0xox0x~
i love you bubyezz
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glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings