Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you..


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..Love is Blind..

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:: 2004 29 February :: 9.11am
:: Mood: still sleepy
:: Music: Hot Hot Heat "Bandages"

Hey, so yesterday was a good day. Eagle-ette practice in the morning wasn't too bad. Our dollies got their dresses lol. If my camera had any batteries i would post a pic of that.

Afternoon consisted of watching TV. Then at night, natalia, christini, rach, sam and I went out to Fridays. Fridays was fun, its really nice spending time with everyone outside of school in a relaxed atmosphere. Christine had a hair in her food, but they didn't give us free icecream :( lol. Sex and the Sam. After we went to coldstones, and then just hung out at a table outside of "panarhea" bread (rhymes with gonorhea, our poor sammy can't pronounce panera :) lol. TobAcco. After we went back to natalia's and watched a sex + the city episode. Then the night ended for me, i was sleepy! lol. thanks for a nice night girls- luv u :)

1 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 27 February :: 11.33pm

honey got me hooked on you.
i just updated livejournal, so i don't know why i am updating here... i guess that entry was about my day, and here i guess i'll write about my feelings.

i'm kinda in a slumby [żis that even a word?] mood. just tiredsome & quiet. but today, i felt so out of place in school. there's like 2 circles in the morning right. the one where the guys [avi, jb, carlos, britt, logan, anand, pretam, sunil, & lawrence] are. also, sometimes ashley treu is in there, as well as amanda, but i am the only girl that is ALWAYS there... and for some reason it bothers me. like sometimes amanda will hang out with sam & kaila, and ashley will hang out with heather, danielle, ashley c, christina & everyone else... and i will talk to jackie the last five minutes before the bell rings... but it just irritates me like i am one of the guys idk what it is. ugh. like everyday when i'm feeling pretty & cute, everyone is in a big circle... but when i am normal... i'm aparted with the guys, & all the girls are hanging out in another circle. if there's any reasoning or symbolism in that.... idk, i am missing it. i can always explain what is happening i just can never quite figure out what it is.
SoWhatIfImBrown: i think u underestimate how pretty u really r
SoWhatIfImBrown: and i am telling u
SoWhatIfImBrown: right now
SoWhatIfImBrown: u r beautiful k
SoWhatIfImBrown: drill THAT in ur fuckin mind lol

now that all these people are IMing me & jackie, jonah, dominic, & carlos are making me laugh so hard that i'm going to piss my pants, i'mma go. xoxo good night <3

take my hand..


:: 2004 25 February :: 9.19pm

new journal on live journal swamp_inthe_sky

i still will update woohu

much love to all

take my hand..


:: 2004 25 February :: 6.58pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: mesmerize:: Ja Rule -N- Ashanti

things seem to be getting better around the home... haven't fought with daddy in awhile, in fact, he took me driving outta his own will today... mommy & i have been getting along well, nothing new. and my bro & sis just get the idea of when to stay out of my way. (ex. while i'm doing hw, or on the phone)

school is no different tho. tomorrow is a half day. Wee. surprises. lotsa ppl that don't belong there want to show up. yes!

seniors made their "juvenile deliquent prank" today. how dumb... spray painted words of "c/o '04", missing tires off golf carts, & goo-ey door handles & locks. nothing special. nice try, but try again.

i didn't whiz the chem test... o well, i didn't want to, i was expecting a failure. even people smarter than i couldn't do it, meaning i most definitely couldn't. spanish went by smoothly tho, although ms. french insisted that last class she tried calming kristie down with the wasp on her leg. except, ms. french really didn't calm anyone down, she just kept teaching the lesson & didn't care about the wasp. english class is getting old. but i like the interesting conversations that we seem to have <3 in bio, everyone was ready to grab the umbrellas & go to the scrubs... only mr. murnan was joking. darn. s0o we played games against mr. dickhead's morone's class. o0o how we had fun.

now i'm sitting here.... procrastinating on statistics homework. o how i need an A on her test. but darn, why must i work for it? stupid question, i know, i know. <3 well, here we g0o0o, i'mma give it a try.

hopefully tomorrow will be a day of surprises & enjoyment.

2 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 25 February :: 6.16pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "She bangs" ...lol

Wasted by the way she moves..she moves.
Today was much better. I feel like i can manage everything now. I figured out all my next year's classes so I'm all good. Chem II, pre cal, psych, and health w/ TOK. It'll be hard, but i'm not overloading myself.

The senior prank was really dumb...hmmm, if they want to have their senior acitvities suspended, go ahead, for a really crap prank that made the school smell. Otherwise than that tho, good day. I dressed in my cute skirt and i got lots of compliments- thanks :) In first hour, i've been walking the track just listening to a walkman. I dunt really have friends in that class, but its all good becuz i enjoy starting off my day with a relaxing walk with music. Wish i was still in yrbook..but watcha gonna do. 3rd hour was pretty funny. danielle, heather, and i were passing around a note...pig porn anyone? LOL. then i was imitating danielle's role as a hick...then mr.epstein yelled at me. it was muy comico! English was okay, then in dance we learned more of the jazz dance. I don't really like the song, or the dance that much. Now i have to sell candy for dance. I'm gonna try to get rid of it ASAP! The bus was fun...just interesting convos. Now i gotta go read econ...<3

2 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 24 February :: 10.53pm
:: Music: Short People:: Randy Newman

if u can't download this song, read these lyrics... <3
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
To live

They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet

Well I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Round here

Short People are just the same
As you and I
(A Fool Such As I)
All men are brothers
Until the day they die
(It's A Wonderful World)

Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
To love

They got little baby legs
And they stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That got beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time
Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
'Round here

take my hand..


:: 2004 24 February :: 4.37pm
:: Mood: smiley
:: Music: fallen-mya

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..(my squeakie sound)..
i am so0o0o0o0o0o0o0 happy!!! he asked me for my number..and he gave me his!! sam sed my smile got twice as big as my face afta dat..lmao..wha?? i wuz happy..lol..and i still am!!..he sed he wuz gonna call me once he got off from work..:D..teehee..he asked if i wuz a party gurl..lol..and wen he gave me a hug before he left he hadda bend down alot..lol..big height difference..den he wuz like "damn..u so short!"..lol..and den he wuz like "itz all good tho"..i wuz juss crackin up..newayz..hopefully we'll get to talk lata!!

my sammi is sickie!!!..:(..get betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! wuv uuuuu!!!

2 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 23 February :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: no better love = young guns

"you look extra pretty today"
i've got most of the rap for this song down. wut now. lol, but when u hear me rapping to it on the bus... cover ur ears =)

school sux. chem test tomorrow, & the rest of the day will be boring. grr. however... today...

+ curled my hair. everyone loved. thank you for the compliments.
+ those in english that heard me say, "if i was a guy, i'd stare @ my own booty all the time," i was only kidding.
+ the talk of my butt wuz the highlight of lunch... grr.
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: but no... today... i got many compliments... it wuz awsum. & i wuz like... haaaa all them guys trying to hit on me.... i'm like nah u cant have this i've got jonah's name written all overrrr.
Dmx504boyz: yah ok sure u said that lol
Dmx504boyz: no i did!
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol yeah ur right... i wuz like... "come here u sexy haitian & do me"

i hate chemistry. but bio was fun today. mexicans looking for dirt lol. put it in. lol. wow.. freshmen aren't bad at all... if u find the good ones =)

yeah, and mr. cody daniels is back. o man is that good news, too bad he doesn't go to atlantic. i miss him. +sighs+ those were the good days. i even talked to manny today. how kewl. cuz... usually i would just say hi to him in the hallway. <3

i'm waiting to talk to jonah again... i love him, seeing him makes me miss him more. and his lil' teases hurt because its just not fair. grr. lol... i betcha $5 danielle... $5. from the way it looks like. o man i think i've fallen for good.

time for studying... chem test 2morrow... i should be good on the multiple choice... but as far as the written... o hell nah.

2 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 23 February :: 7.56pm
:: Mood: yucky
:: Music: stupid jc chasez song

yea. let's count what i have...

i have a cold.
i have a research paper to do.
i have an econ chapter to read

let's count what i don't have:
i don't have enough sleep time. or relaxation time.
i don't have first hour with my buddies :(
i don't have patience right now.

i'm in a poop mood.

2 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 22 February :: 10.26pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: i'm lost without you - blink182

as the scent of his cologne still lingers.
today turned out b-e-a-utiful.
hung out by the pool with MY best friend danielle. what more could a girl ask for? we got hot lil' tans. +sweatin' us now <3 +

had a hard time with jonah for a lil', but in the end it turned out ok. i saw him... maybe only for an hour. but he looked s0o hawt. i wanted to bite his ear, & whoa... bad girl. all those people were around. damn them. but he looked s0o darn hawt. i couldnt control my hormones... yes, i am a girl, psh... who cares. and all thank you to brittany... i got to see him. i love brittany. and my friends, and my boyfriend.

can't explain what a wonderful feeling i get when i am with him... its just... speechless. <3

take my hand..


:: 2004 22 February :: 8.17pm

Today I went to mass!!! And for those who don't know why this is such a big deal....I'm jewish! We did some mystery bus ride thing for youth group which involved mass and it was crazy!

Anyways...Not much happened at school, we had family in town this weekend. Yesterday i went to Atlantic Ave and ate at Splendid Blenders ( something liek that...) and we walked around and played tourist ( fun fun :)

Then Friday night, I seem to be doing my weekend backwards, I went to the mall with Jessica, I bought a shirt, no biggie.

Well, I think I am going to go do something with my family.

much love

take my hand..


:: 2004 22 February :: 9.53am
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Rooney "Simply because"

....guess that's one way to think of it? lol

let's see. friday, rachie and christini came over. lots of funnies. saturday was a shortened eagle-ette practice (yea!) then i went out to sushi with bryan. yummy.

i think i have a cold. ::blows nose repeatedly:: sigh. hw to attend to....

1 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 21 February :: 8.59pm
:: Mood: i feel... chubby

the world is my stage, and i'm its performer.
work was cool. i * jay. (lol i got the star from kayli, thats s0o her thing)
i got into work and it sucked cuz all these new ppl are there, and they just... are annoying. but michael came in. thank goodness. but he has a real problem with keeping his body parts to himself. dragging me around forcing me to go with him to get carts. attempting to trip me, mimicking me, trying to give me a back rub (i got his hands off like a good girl). but anyways, yes, jay was working and i walked up to him, gave him a hug, (the guy is so tall that i'm like only up 2 his waste) but he gently kissed the top of my head, u know those kisses that fathers are supposed to give u... thats wut it was, and it just made me feel good. <3 but then i came home and fell asleep oops. jonah n i were going to make plans, but when i woke up, it wuz too late. i didn't mean to, i wish i could see him. i wanna car so badly. o well. now i am sitting here, i just figured out how 2 work livejournal s0o... go and visit. <3
CLiCK hErE 2 ViSiT!

alrighty, i'm out. ttyl xoxo

take my hand..


:: 2004 20 February :: 5.37pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: salt shaker-ying yang twins

ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! today wuz THE BEST DAY!!! lol..wow..i'm sooooo happy!!! who wudda thot?? hehe..yay!! can't wait till monday in p.e...:D

6 and hold it tight. | take my hand..


:: 2004 19 February :: 10.57pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: Thru the Rain - Mariah Carey

the old guy at the stop light with the awsum scooter. w00t!
once again, i have typed in [woohu.com] without realizing it. lol danielle. while i'm here, i might as well update.

so, i'm thinking twice about this whole IB thing, its really not for me.

Chem- F
Spanish- D
English- A
Bio- B
Stats- D
Econ- B
Art Hist- B

the saddest thing is, i've studied my ass off. yet i can't seem to do anything right here in getting these grades. i just studied for chem... all thats running in my head right now is a bunch of formulas and theories

kinetic energy theory of gas particles-- they are always moving staying in a straight line until they collide with something and the particles are always exerted because the higher the kinetic energy the pressure, effusion is when u have particles leaking out of a container, diffusion is when 2 gases are mixed and in random motion, boyle's law (pressure ^, volume down P&V), gay lussac's law (P&T), charles law(V&T), ideal law(PV=nRT), combined gas law(PV/T), find mass= mass X r X temp over pressure & volume, if T2 is greater than T1 the average will shift to the right, rate of effusion A over rate of effusion B.

that wuz all from memory. be proud. now for art history... i must go back and study.

to save those of u from looking this up:
Jimmy Carter - 1st pres. born in a hospital.
Gerald Ford - aka Leslie Lynch King Jr.

i hate IB. i love pink lemonade, my friends, my family & my boyfriend. hmmm... i wanna learn how to work livejournal so i can switch there. <3 goodnight, sweet dreams and good luck.

3 and hold it tight. | take my hand..

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