2005 20 October :: 1.38am
people are incredible hypocrites. understandably, one can trust in another until that trust is broken. but when one is angry at another for breaking the very same trust barriers as they have done, how can they be angry at the one to whom they told it.
i am not going to lie and tell them im sorry, because im not. its not that big of a deal to anyone else. he was right; i am souless.
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2005 19 October :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: exhausted
Today went pretty well overall.
We bought a puzzle! It's so exciting. We're already like an old couple. Sweet.
Then I talked to him about stuff. Which was nice. Because I actually talked. I've tried starting that conversation a half billion times and I actually did it this time. Yay?
Anywho, Patrice is happy, but can't keep her eyes open. Her Mom is making her take the driving test tomorrow, even though it's obvious that I'm going to fail. Oh well. I'll find some way to convince her. Hopefully. Plus I realllllly don't want to start paying for gas.
Poooo on gas.
And that's all. Nights.
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2005 18 October :: 12.49pm
Petra was just here. she thinks knows am mad at my mum. quite understandably, i think. Day after day, watching overlapping line ups with litanical commercials in between on every station, she sits. There is no mother in a creature that does that. I've accepted it though. Life is happy for me right now, but I suppose that's selfish. But that's the reason I'm not doing anything like Petra wants. I can't give up, though. Everyone has given up on her; I guess that urge goes along with wanting to be different. I pity people who have been left behind and collect the wrappings they leave upon discovering themselves.
I found out that I need someone to put me back on track every five years or so. Shaun did it back in third grade; Christine in seventh and eighth; Justin now. The people that I look up to. I understand what Justin says about needing to something for someone. I like to protect everyone and teach them if I can. I strive to understand, but understanding does not come from watching, but from being. Therein lies my camoflaging skills, which really aren't all that great. That's why, when I hang out with someone for a while, their style and ideas rub off on me, as they do anyone. But from those things, I begin to understand.
Petra thinks I'm troubled, wounded. Everyone has been wounded, only they heal up and become scars. I think mine has a thin layer of skin on it because right now, I'm comfortable with the fact that my mother is an alcoholic. I'm sure if something happened, it would hurt once again though. I hadn't thought about it in a while, but she sort of made me think. She went so far as to say that even my dad is an alcoholic. You'd think Tyler would be cautious, having such a history. But he isn't which is probably more of a worry to me than my mum's health.
It seems like something that should be buried because of it's recent death, but it's always got a finger poking up in the new ground. I don't think I'll ever be able to bury it, but then again, that's what's made me who I am, so why would I want to?
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2005 18 October :: 2.16am
I wish Ryan Hoffman was awake. It'd be nice to talk to him right now.
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2005 16 October :: 1.34am
am eating eyeballs and cheese makes me soo happy!
no one will get both of those, even if he or she gets one.
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2005 16 October :: 1.11am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Serenity Soundtrack
My Logic
Apple cider = Amazing
Work = Way too long
Patrice = Tired
Therefore, Patrice = Calling in sick tomorrow.
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2005 15 October :: 1.50am
today has gone quite well!
my brother got me a bday present! the Z! book! EEP! and then we talked for a bit...i told him about express and such, and then we talked about told him i had a good day...i got paid $234.49...i had some overtime...but now i have monies! thats awesomeness!
so the other thing that happened, which is why it was a good day and what i told him, is that dianna is now out of the picture. she made the stupid mistake of lying to justin. i dont know quite the point of lying anyway, cuz it always comes back to you, but happily for me, he could tell me about it. that made me excited. strangely enough, just today i was thinking about how itll be one thing thatll put me first in the race...and look...i had to do nothing!
so that is just a happy thing for me. i didnt see kristen today, which is weird that she didnt call or anything either...must be playing ddr or in trouble again.
however, i did see stunkel and danny and jackie and corey. jill was supposed to come to but she didnt. i dont think she knows that there is no particular dislike on my side. i can deal with her, in fact, id like to see her. anger is an easy emotion for all; even easier to forget for me, especially since its been so long. i dont see why i couldnt hang out with her...i dont understand sacrificing a friday night because you dont like someone. then again, thats the problem with most things isnt it, that you dont understand.
well, good night.
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2005 13 October :: 12.56am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Audioslave
I wish I wasn't so difficult to understand. I wish humans that humans never needed sleep. I wish that I could stop time. I wish I knew what I wanted.
Yep, there you go. My three wishes. I added one. Deal with it, bitches.
-.- zzzzzzz
I don't want to wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to stink like Templeton's egg in Charlotte's Web.
Okay, really really really not looking forward to tomorrow. Fuck. Okay, one more wish:
I wish I could fall asleep and not wake up until Friday. Tomorrow will be a total waste of a day. Just like every day for the past who knows how long. I really don't feel I'm really Carpe-ing the Diem. And that makes me terrbly sad. I hate that things are so hectic that I can't to take time to simply SEIZE THE DAY! And to make my life extraordinary.
The second part probably won't happen ever. To be extraordinary, you hve to have something special. You have to know what you want. Me? I just suck.
Dead Poets Society, why do you let me think that there is more to life then this? This is all we have. There is nothing to seize. There's no time to seize it. Only time to work. And sleep.
And that is what I'm getting to. Sleep.
I'm changing the quote...
Carpe sleepem
Carpe Workem
And Jorie, don't try to tell me the real latin. Those just sound funnier. I like it. ::nods:: I like funny. So if you do, I will kill your polar bear. I'm serious.
Right now I am off to CARPE SLEEPEM!
See, I guess I'm seizing something now. And that's always good. Makes me feel better already.
Boy, do I love sarcasm.
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2005 10 November :: 11.27pm
if you havent yet, read the entry previous to this...especially if youve been in on the whole justin deal...
i was reading through some of my entries and i found this, simply because it had pictures.
you should visit it because it makes me know i have some portion of a soul...::glares at mushroom::
Past Entry
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2005 10 November :: 10.48pm
:: Mood: scared
am being daring currently.
am asking everything i want to justin...thats bad...that makes me annoying.
but i ill know...becasue i need to.
me: i wnat to know the real reason you wont go out with me because you know that i have ot know the reason for everything and i want to know what's going on with her solely because the secrecy drives me mad
me: am not even jealous just curious
me: and you have to understand that you are impossible to forget as much as ive tried
him: well i dont want a gf at least not now otherwise id already be datin one of u and especially wen u asked me bout it b4 cause thats wen all the chanel bs was goin on
him: does that answer ur question
me: that its because am not one of "the hottest girls on earth", because that's all you date...because am not fragile-looking...because am a virgin
me: be honest (i can complain about nothing that comes after this...i asked...)
him: lol no i think u forgot that i jus lost my virginity less then a year ago and ive only dated and had sex with 1 person since and also none of my gfs are the hottest by i appreciate the opinion from ur friends lol and besides ur pretty cute thats brain is set straight...good night!
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2005 11 October :: 1.24am
What to say? I'm going to fail my history test. And you know what else? Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.
You know I've never seen that movie? Hm. Makes me feel almost wrong for quoting it.
Well once again, I don't care. You know why? Because...
I'm a leaf on the wind...Watch how I soar.
Take that, bitches.
I miss Wash.
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2005 10 October :: 8.26pm
My parents are watching Wan Helsing...that brings back soooo many memories. Many good and many bad...but overall its a happier feeling reflecting on the experience
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2005 8 November :: 10.11pm
my mum brought me like fifty chocolates fro m a wine tasting to which she went! eeP!
if you havent watched it yet, watch Good to Be Square you have to play the music composer thingy, too. its the last tab. employee meeting...breakfast...nothing important.
last night=interesting.
for the first time, i saw justin as a child...someone who still has some growing up to do. he got drunk enough to puke for a while, and zack and ian went upstairs to sleep, i went outside with him. i rubbed his back and brought him water and kleenex, because i figure thats the nice thing to do.
apparently, its not common; at least not for him. he said he would leave himself...strange.
he's got all these beads spread out on a table, but they have no string to hold them together. what i mean is that his ideas a thousand and widely knowledgable, but has no basic logic to hold it together.
He laughed at me, saying i was like his mum, only without the grounding; weird, but it made me think of freud's good lol.
jen said its okie that i cant let go...but then, i know i will get hurt. that's my defense, letting things go. she argued that it's more difficult to let things go, but a sharp weight on your shoulder will only be healed by dropping the object.
i really wish i knew his reasoning for not wanting to go out wiht me. i hate the fact that "am too much of a guy friend" for makes me feel like i have no options. and the fact that i know my body plays into it is a bit of an ouch. cuz how do i change that? zack excaimed tonight in quite the same way sean from chuck e. cheese did that "holy crap, [my] calves are huge!" how do you take that? yes, i am aware that i am not tall and slender; dare you point it out more? weight isnt even that much of an issue. i like the fact that am not a stick, and rather muscular, but its a little tough on the conscience.
i dont know. last night, i liked spending time with justin. he laid on my lap and shivered in the cold, and despite the cold, i did not shiver when i gave him my hoodie. i liked the fact that i could hold him and care for him, that he was in my arms and i knew he was safe. i liked being there, even though he was sick. am glad i went over there, and i hope to go with him wherever he feels its necessary to drink, just to make sure he's safe. i guess that means i care about him, eh?
guess that explains why i wont give up...
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2005 9 October :: 2.10am
You probably think you're better then me. You don't want to admit to, but I know you think it. It's constantly ringing in the back of your head. Look at that girl. Look at Patrice. Got into every fucking college she applied to, but still is slaving away at CLC. And do you know why?! I'm a fucking chicken. I can't commit myself to anything! I can't decide something like this and stick with it. It scares me. I can't do it. And so I'm here, being the townie I always knew I was going to be. I work at a fucking movie theatre. I see people from VHHS come to see movies when they visit home and they go.."Oh so where do you go to college?" Oh, CLC. How's that? Why? Because I'm a dumb shit. That's why. I'm a fucking dumbshit. And there's really nothing I can do to change that. I know how you look at me. The same way I looked at people like me before. The same way I looked at my sister. And I deserve every bit of it. I deserve it.
You know what? Take your fucking perfection. Go to your prestigious schools that no one else can get into. Win all the fucking awards you can in high school. Be honor thespians, All State musicians and theatre people. Graduate with honors. See if I fucking care.You deserve it.
You know who doesn't? You know who ends up at fucking Rivertree the rest of her life? You know who's going to completly throw every possibility of success at risk just because she's scared shitless?
Yep. I'm not going to deal with it anymore. I hate who I am. I hate most of where I am right now. I hate what I look like and what I wear and how I act.
I only have one or two people who don't mind wasting time with me. And I hate myself for that too. Because it's my fault that I have no one else. I love them, but it's all I have. And I know it's my fault. And I hate myself.
I go to CLC. I was just anouther sheep in the flock. I'm nothing different. I'm just a dumb shit.
I just want to do something special. I want to do something worth telling other people about. I want to be worth something. I want to do something, but I can't think of anything.
I just can't do it anymore. And that's that.
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2005 7 November :: 12.52am
this is a ridiculous day. i come online and no one is in a good mood. im frustrated wiht mushroom...he says things that should not be said, or maybe could be in a joking manner but are said so often, you wonder if they're just a joke anymore...
then q is upset cuz he cant pay for college cuz his mum wont next semester, which may just be a threat but scholarships...i wont let him make the same stupid mistake jill did.
zak must talk to someone or they will die...that's all i got.
justin's thoroughly confused as to why mushroom doesnt like him...and i know why but he's not on, so i cant tell him. i guess ill text him...
i cant intern anywhere in the city because i dont live down there i have to find scholarships and such so that my parents can help plus a job...or two...
in other news, zack and i both got the job at express...
um...i guess thats it...sad, eh?
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