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:: 2003 19 June :: 4.08am

[Current Clothes] turtle-saur shirt _ khaki capris.
[ Current Mood] contemplative
[ Current Music] none. although i've had radiohead stuck in my head all day
[ Current Taste] n/a
[ Current Make-up ] um... whatever thats left
[ Current Hair ] pony tail
[ Current Annoyance ] ehh i don't want to talk about it.
[ Current Smell ] n/a
[ Current Thing ] i should be sleeping
[ Current Desktop Picture ] former Adastra boys
[ Current Favorite Artists] Radiohead etc.[ Current Favorite Group ] iwhagohsg.
[ Current Book you're reading] the summons by john grisham
[ Current CD in CD Player] wilco i believe
[ Current DVD in player] igby goes down <3[ Current Color Of Toenails ] pink/red
[ Current Refreshment ] n/a
[ Current Worry ] eh... if you matter enough to me then you'd know.

[ You Touched ] Greg... besides my kitty :0P
[ You Talked to ] Ben
[ You Hugged ] Gregory Luke.
[ You Instant messaged ] Ben
[ You Yelled At ] i dont' know but probably someone
[ You Kissed ] pssft who kisses and tells :0P

[ Food ] i like food.
[ Drink ] Dr.Pepper
[ Color ] why have one when you can have them all
[ Album ] Radiohead - Pablo Honey
[ Shoes ] gota be the bowling shoes or the pimp tie-died chucks
[ Candy ] gummi bears, twizzlers
[ Animal ] kitties
[ TV Show ] trading spaces
[ Movie ] geez. right now i'm really digging Adaptation
[ Dance ] i don't dance.
[ Song ] um # 2 on the Coheed CD... I don't know names, sorry.
[ Vegetable ] spinich.
[ Fruit ] proly tangerines or something
[ Cartoon ] um.
[ Store ] um.
[ Kiss ] depends
[ Hangout ] in someones arms that i care about.
[ Vacation ] Italy and Greece.. that rocked my world... also trips to the keys = own.

[ Understanding ] i try to be sympathetic.
[ Open-minded ] i think so.
[ Arrogant ] elitest maybe, arrogant i don't know.
[ Insecure ] probably
[ Interesting ] haha i hope so
[ Random ] spontaneity rocks.
[ Hungry ] always fatty.
[ Friendly ] very.
[ Smart ] IB? lol in that case i guess no.
[ Moody ] don't push me.
[ Childish ] i'm little, im allowed
[ Independent ] its lonely.
[ Hard working ] when needed
[ Organized ] depends what you're talking about
[ Healthy ]i could work on it
[ Emotionally Stable ] not as much as i'd like to be
[ Shy ] not really
[ Difficult ] very.
[ Attractive ] not particularly
[ Bored Easily ] depends
[ Thirsty ] sometimes
[ Responsible ] depends
[ Obsessed ] very
[ Angry ] currently yes even though i shouldn't be...
[ Sad ] even though i might not show it...
[ Happy ] its weird, kind of like crazy equilibrium.. i'm happier then ever but sad in my heart too.
[ Hyper ] its 4am what do you think[ Trusting ] i like to have faith in people
[ Talkative ] very.

[ Kill ] lets not go there.
[ Slap ] too many people. especially racists.
[ Get Real Wasted With] wasted on life?? lol[ Get High With ] smokings dumb.
[ Look Like ] too many people
[ Talk To Offline ] lots of people... probably Gregory right now
[ Talk To Online ] i talk to everyone.
[ Date ] they know who they are.:0P
[ Fuck ] oh jeebus... lol

i'm thinking too much about everything and its really bringing me down :0(

10 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 19 June :: 2.36am

happy birthday Canadian Dave<3<3

i couldn't ask for a better night.

I have a live journal now also if anyone cares, www.livejournal.com/users/plainmornings

also. Ben and I bought a year of communal picture sharing @ www.fotki.com/plainmornings


Gregory Luke doing the drive thing.

Birthday boy with AJ & Sharif :0)

14 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 18 June :: 1.44am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: common rider - classics of love

his hand grazed her cheek and their lips graced each others’ , and at that moment she knew nothing but his warm hands on her cold shoulder . reasons echoed in her head for why this shouldn’t be happening , for why she should pull away , for how easy it would be to just stop before it really began , but the tiny struggling flame of logic did little to combat the raging heart which refused to let go as easily as she thought she could . she knew things wouldn’t be the same after this ; not just with him , with everything . she knew that the reasonable mind would get out before she no longer could . what she didn’t know was that she was already there , or what was there waiting for her , and that it would be worth anything that she would be forced to give up , unwillingly and fighting to the end . if she were to be condemned for her choice , so be it . the path was marked long before she followed it .

i love susan.


:: 2003 16 June :: 4.05am

"every second she laid in his arms, time seemed to stop. "Look, its 2:28 just like yesterday" he said...she couldn't help but smile."

I want pancakes... bad.

Had a great night, No Parking boys rocked my world + Adaptation w/Weston & Gregory Luke. Igby tomorrow!!

"its hot hot" <3

12 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 13 June :: 6.38pm

The Twins + Emmy rock my world!!!...

Mayra made me the best shirt in the world (pics will come shortly!)

today was the best, you girls rock!!


thanks to Emmy <3

13 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 13 June :: 11.05am

sleepy lady here :0(

i forgot to write about the horses!!

i went up to Wellington to see Steve yesterday, it was "muy muy bueno" (wow. that was lame) except for the hitting the tree part.

His neighborhood is SOOOOOOOOOO pretty and humungous lol He gave me the tour of his house and then outside to see the horses, Mo and Jade <3<3

Jade was HUGE! but she let me pet her lots and all that fun stuff. She kinda scared me but shhhhh

Mo put his cock out, it was scary lol

when i left i hit a tree. It sucked. lol thats all.

I had a good time :0)

oh man i forgot about Felix, the alien cat!!!

okay.. i don't want to sound mean but it was the scariest thing i've ever seen practically lol

imagine Mr.Bigglesworth but scarier. It was wrinkly and it had a crazy alien head

6 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 12 June :: 2.16am

Sr.Garbarino just left.

Confined to the house tonight cause I "got home too late" last night. pssft 3am isn't late :0P haha. well worth it anyways.

Ben came over and we chilled in my room and i organized my bead box then i had this craving for pancakes so to dennys we went.

11pm. call from home & yelling lol.

came home.. mom sat me down and we "talked" ended up with laughter and Ben & my brother thinks i'm the smoothest cat in the bunch haha.

watched Road to Perdition.... Greatlaker, Brandon... suggested the movie... good i think although between Ben and I it was highly predictable and us asshole critics, the movie was all laid out halfway through... and i laughed when he died at the end (what a sick bastard haha.)

that is all.

1 lover | i love susan.


:: 2003 12 June :: 1.23am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: sublime - saw red (acoustic)

i'd rather be chained together and burned in a pile with all our songs and letters (bright eyes) than be without you much longer . it's not the distance that makes the heart grow fonder , but the memories of late night phone calls that weren't as long distance and the long drive between houses that was less then fifteen minutes , except in floods where you met me outside with an umbrella . i don't think it was necessary to go so far , because i am pretty fond of you already , and if you come back , i promise i'll continue to be . and maybe you'd believe my promise more if i actually kept them all , and our last note hadn't been so obviously hurried , and maybe then you would come back sooner .

2 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 11 June :: 3.16am

Thank you Gregory Luke for a wonderful night <3

My twins, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! your party rocked my world!! + seeing all the peeps & unexpected surprises like Stef and Zack<3<3

Deli Ben + My twins!!

5 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 10 June :: 4.22am

drown in this hotness :0P

where ever to start...

day started off really crappy but ended quite delightfully...

i'm going to skip details cuz i don't wana talk about it and i know you don't wana hear about it so yeah.

after drowning myself in my sorrows and mac & cheese this morning got a call from Steve telling me all the crazy shit that went down w/Sean and his mom :0( (sorrrry sean, like Steph, my piss is all yours toooo)

bored bored bored then Greg called and decided to hang out so he told me to find some chics for Pete and Matt so I imed Sara B & Abby D and it was soooooooo triplin haha. Unfortunately, Abby D couldn't make it but we chizilled at her house for a bit....

met the No Parking boys at Dennys (Greg, Pete, Matt & Eric) decided it was too expensive so went to B&N where I had the chillin 50% employee discount. Then to Gregs house where we resided until almost 4.

Night @ Gregs owned soo hard.. Sara B will be providing us w/pics shortly :0)

then to McD's where they made us fattys 20 chicken mcnuggets and us going the wrong way so we took 95 home and now sara b's here and its sleep time.

goodnight world <3<3

Thanks to Sara B, pics from last night!!

18 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 8 June :: 2.39pm

**some pics from the night @ Sara B's journal... www.woohu.com/lastplacechamp <3**

what a fun night :0)

*Ian + 4 boxes of Mac & Cheese
*Theres not enough foooddd!!
*Me: Time to bring the beer back in
Stev-o: Man, you bring the beer back in after the partys over
Me: haha.
*Dennys @ 5am.
*Bagel Run!
*OMG dont' light my house on fire!
*I broke your brothers lamp...
*Theres hair on the cheerio!
*Pretty Woman!
*That dip looks funky!
*chocolate chip macarroni
*Its a five iron frenzy!
*Purpleee glitterrrr everywhere!!!
*"You're beautiful"

awesome time... wish everyone else could have been there...


oh. and Wizzley, don't think I don't love you.. just I KNOW you're grounded and I just forgot to call :0( Thinking of you though....

3 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 7 June :: 6.54pm

party party party party party party party!!

movieeeeeeeeee party at Vivis tonight!!!!!

call if you wana come, must bring food (or as Greg would say "BYOE" bring your own everything lol)

fun stuff. gimme a ring!

i love susan.


:: 2003 6 June :: 9.34pm

like the pink hair????? lol its just streaked in the front so far... want to get opinions before i go pink happy all over my head :0P

guna c 2 Fast 2 Furious tonight!!! weeeeee!

9 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 4 June :: 7.05pm

thank God the kids are okay.

let this be a lesson... i know everyones seen those lame commercials, "click it or ticket" but seriously.... those seatbelts saved their lives... think, a Jeep Wrangler flipping 3 times... the paramedics said that had they not been wearing thier seatbelts they wouldn't have made it.

you kids gave us all a scare... ecstatic to hear that you're okay.

Sara B., Whitney, Devin & Anca <3<3

2 lovers | i love susan.


:: 2003 4 June :: 3.01am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: my hotel year - if only i spoke russian

thank God ...

your love is supercalifragilistic . you don't know how bad i miss it .

i love susan.

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