2004 13 August :: 1.13am
:: Music: Elvis - treat me like a fool
well, warped tour is this sunday. so far its looking like i dont have anyone to go with me. if you want to go and you have some money for and ticket and whatnot which are $35. i really dont wanna go alone. so yeah, if your interested call me or post or something! lately..friends are falling apart..that or being stolen in a way. i dunno, i just know im not the only one who feels this way. hopefully things get better. until then, see ya people.
2004 11 August :: 5.20pm

2004 10 August :: 2.10pm
That was seriously the craziest night I have ever experienced.
2004 9 August :: 3.05pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday - A Decade Under the Influence
Normal Toys R' Us Cart:

Birthday Toys R' Us Cart:

Amazing, eh?
2004 6 August :: 2.42am
yo peoples, another long awaited post from me has arrived. *sigh* shits pretty fucked up right now. between girl problems and life. sometimes it feels like too much to deal with. ive been offered places to live by lots of differant people lately, cuz people know shits getting messed up. im affraid of going housebroken and alone. and living in my car doesnt sound too good right now. i really need to get shit back on track in my life. i have to find another job now and im probley gonna be broke for the next few weeks. im so tired, ill see you all later.
2004 5 August :: 10.31pm
well i just got back from vbs. i'm sad that its over now cuz it was tons of fun!!! i love being there and hanging out with the kids. i had 3 little buddies. their names were Tenesha, Erin, and Grace. they were SO cute! lol. i had fun. i can't wait until next year.
2004 3 August :: 1.49pm
:: Music: Rilo Kiley
Thanks to Chris, Joe, Justin, Mitch, Kevin, Liz, whoever the 'anonymous' person is Jay, and whoever else is defending Kate and I against that Jacqui bitch. Or at least agreeing that she is fucking retarded.
Especially since we never asked you to.
It's greatly appreciated.
2004 2 August :: 10.57pm
Dumb bitch.
Oh, sorry. I forgot The Backstreet Boys have way more talent than any of the bands I listen to..
Yup, she gets dumber.
And she's saying being gay is wrong? She is obviously a Backstreet Boy fan.
Fucking bitch..
[excuse all the anger]
2004 1 August :: 8.46pm
:: Mood: crushed
my last days with Megan...
i just got off the phone with Megan. shes in Ohio. she left yesterday. i guess it didn't really even hit me that they were gone until we drove by their house today and someone else's cars were in their driveway. it almost made me cry all over again. but we spent all weekend together so that was fun. friday we went and saw the village and it was AWESOME!!! if anyone wants to go and see it i'll come with u k? then saturday we were just together the whole time until she left. justin was there too and it was fun but when they were leaving... idk. it was just really really hard to say goodbye.
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2004 31 July :: 4.54pm
If anyone out there needs someone to talk to i'm a good listener so don't be afraid to call.
Home: 984 2055
Cell: 1616 970 4036
if your gonna call after 10 call my cell phone
2004 29 July :: 11.17pm
July 26th is 2004 is cherie day
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2004 29 July :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: tired as fuck
:: Music: Elvis - i remember you
have mercy
hello everyone (who reads). *sigh* i think i want a drum set..ive been playing the one at perry's all day and its fun. i really should sleep but i cant..i have to leave soon. i get paid today, so thats cool. my dads gonna sending child support straight to me so thats cool too..that means more money for crabley. i talked to this lady at meijer this morning after i punched out, about elvis and whatnot. she heard me playing elvis in my car so thats how this whole thing came about. i guess shes a huge fan as well. but yeah, that was nice. im gonna get goin now, i have things i must do. i love you all...well whoever loves me back...(as a least). later cats.
2004 28 July :: 11.46pm
Hmmm today was actually good. My cousins wanted me to go to michigans adventure with them, and i abhor theme parks so i didn't want to. But my mom made me go. So i tried to make the best of it and just went to the water park and was in the wave pool relxin, then i got out and me and my cousin were sitten there just talkin and these 3 gorgeous girls came up and started talkin to me. They layed there stuff out and were talkin to me for a while and to my cousin a little. 2 of them went for a swim but sara wanted to stay and talk to me wich was cool because she was really nice and she was really cool. Well we were talkin for a while and she wanted my AIM, and i gave it to her and she talked some more. And sence she lived so far away just fun we wrote our names on each other in sun tan lotion so she has ben tanned into her leg and i have sara tanned into mine. Why is it girls only like me if they live far away? I know noone cares but why have a journal if i don't say when something unusual happens to me.
2004 28 July :: 8.58pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: ASAOK by.... idk
stupid dogs
today i got attacked by a dog when i was riding my bike home. its the same stupid dog that always chases me but he never attacked me until today. i have a bite mark on my leg now. rawr. then i went to the mall to get Megan a birthday present and i saw Chris there with one of his friends. it was kinda weird cuz he was at the mall instead of youth group. skipper. lol. not like i have much room to talk since i didn't go either. hehe. anyways... thats all i gotta say i guess.
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2004 27 July :: 8.24pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday - I Am Fred Astaire
Ya know why?! Because I got the CD!
I got the Taking Back Sunday CD. Yeah, the new one. Yeah.. that's right. Uh huh... I know you're jealous.
Goal achieved!