Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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:: 2008 10 January :: 2.40pm

comin up to mt pleasant for some manager seminar,,, yay. its just means i will be away from tj for 3 days, poor baby. its ok for me but i think he may have a problem with out me there to make sure he does all the stuff he needs to...

not too much news here, parents kicked nathan out finally, found pot and whiskey in his room.....

bridesmaids call me ,please.

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:: 2008 9 January :: 8.05am

"Damn Mujigis bothering me while I'm trying to put on my pants!"


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:: 2008 8 January :: 4.27pm

Congrats to Jake Mellema, I wish him the best!

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:: 2008 3 January :: 8.51am

I saw my Dentist drinking pop yesterday. It made me giggle on the inside.

My Birthday in 3 days! I'll no longer be a 'teen' and that feels really weird to me.

Welcome 2008! I sadly worked during New Years eve, so I ddnt even get to sit home and watch the ball drop, let alone be out with friends. =(
Damn Meijer Nazis.

On another note, I heard Vitamin C's "Graduation" while working the other day. I admit it brought on a couple tears.

EDIT: Haha! Gotta love Wee-man dude. This was posted on his myspace blog yesterday.

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:: 2007 25 December :: 8.31am

Merry Christmas Everyone! =D

Hauskaa Joulua!

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:: 2007 23 December :: 7.28pm

on the way up here to MI the fuckin car died pretty much... and now i have no way of getting home and i need to get home by tomorrow afternoon. argh shit always happens around the holidays.

on the other side of things, we are doing well in IN. its so much better then MI. i love it down there. work is going ok... started to manage by myself this week. yay. TJ is great.... his job sucks but it pays decent so its all good. i have an audition with the fort wayne community band in JAN>>>> i cant wait. i have been wanting to play for the longest time and playing by myself sucks.

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:: 2007 23 December :: 7.26am

"The Cherry Blast is in my Orange Space!"

Good times =]

Also.... "Muscle Piss"
Don't ask, lol.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive, so hide your eyes.

Just really looked into Blaqk Audio, and just found out that they're actually Davey Havok and Jade Puget from AFI. It's funny, cuz I've been listening to 'Stiff Kittens' for a long time, and never recognized Davey's voice. It seems like it should have been obvious now, but, oh well.
They have a great sound, I suggest you check them out. =] 'Stiff Kittens' if nothing else, because its' a great song.

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:: 2007 21 December :: 8.22am

I'm getting sick of seeing really beautiful sunrises and not being able to take pictures of them. I wish my camera were more portable.

This one was positively Apocalyptic. I wonder why that attracts me so?

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:: 2007 13 December :: 12.16pm

This is the seventh time I've watched it, in about a week.

And counting!


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:: 2007 6 December :: 12.45pm

Two updates in one day?!! BLASPHEMY!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I love it. =]

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:: 2007 6 December :: 11.26am

It's hard to argue when,
You won't stop making sense.

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:: 2007 1 December :: 11.02am

Haluaisin kuulla suomea.

Minä huonota hirveän.

Niin....olen astuva jotta kirjailla heittää laulelma sinsijaan. =(

Taksin katolla vilkkuu
Yön ainoa valopilkku
Tutoa topattu moottorivene
Odottaa minä menen

Esiin tunkevat aatokset sameet
Valhetta vatovovat karkeat sanat
Paksu lompakko
Helppoa on lempeä pyytää
Alla silmien hymmerrys hyytää

Valoviikatteet taloja niittää
Käsi hamuaa lautturin viittää
En osaa elämää syyttäen kiittää
Se jääköön en piittaa

Kohdusta hautaan
Ui uuttera lautta
Tuhannen kapakan kautta

(I don't think an online translator would work very well)

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:: 2007 1 December :: 8.44am

I saw the most ungodly beautiful sunrise on my way home from work this morning. I say 'ungodly' because it was actually pretty foreboding in a way. Even a bit malignant. The sun itself had a beam of red light that shot straight up into the sky, like some weird searchlight, and the clouds around it were just bathed in deep red, though it got lighter and more orange as time passed.
All I could think about was how much I wanted my camera right then. Sometimes I wish it were much more portable. =(

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:: 2007 30 November :: 8.12am

I ate my first snow of the season this morning. =]

It tasted just like all the others.

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:: 2007 29 November :: 10.18am
:: Music: Muse

Okay, so I was driving down the road the other day when we actually had sunlight. And I saw my sunglasses laying there and thought I should wear them. So I put them on and I think, "Wow, these are fitting kind of wierd, I think someone sat on/kicked/stepped on, or otherwise maimed them in some fashion." (Yes I really think like that) and I just keep going for a while longer, then I notice they have a couple scratches on the lenses that make it annoying to look out of. So then I think, "Shit, these are like almost brand new, now I'm angry." And so I start looking at the scratches, and then I start looking at the rest of the sunglasses more critically, and I stop, and a realization hits me. "Hey, these aren't mine."

And so...the moral of the story is...I have someone's sunglasses in my car. So....If you are missing some sunglasses then let me know =]
And If you haven't been in my car in the past month or so... I know they're not yours. =]

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