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:: 2009 13 June :: 1.31am

hockey fight, I'm pissed off

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:: 2009 12 June :: 11.10pm


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:: 2009 11 June :: 7.29pm

retro vans, slip on

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:: 2009 9 June :: 4.55pm

I might get a motorcycle

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:: 2009 9 June :: 3.34am

Project shockwave is complete and ready for phase 2, being implementation

The media center is almost ready and I owe Dennis some money tomorrow

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:: 2009 8 June :: 10.03pm

It's gonna be a long night in the lab

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:: 2009 6 June :: 3.04am

Go see The Hangover

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:: 2009 5 June :: 8.37pm

Dark Knight Plot Hole?
Everyone remembers when Dent says that he is Batman on TV, well why is that people automatically believed him? Was it because the two were never seen in the same place at at the same time? Believable but a very weak argument. But I can nearly guarantee that they have been seen in different places at the same time. Think about it, a politician running for office is bound to go to a few evening fundraisers, and I say a few loosely, whereas Batman's hours of operations are during that same time frame.

So why did Gotham believe him? Well I think it has to do with mass media, and if this was Nolan's intentions well he is certainly one of the most brilliant filmmakers of our time. A well groomed man in a suit with a smiling face says something outlandish on television and people believe it, no matter how absurd it may be. Everyone believes it because they are being told by every media outlet that it is true.

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