2005 13 November :: 10.40pm
hehe. i just ordered some birkenstocks. hehehe. wow i'm tired.
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2005 13 November :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Devil In The Details- Bright Eyes
Oh holy crap.
Today has gone so fast. The power went out earlier. I was supposed to work on a project but it got kinda dark. It's okay now. My parents saw my tattoo today and I had to tell them it was marker. Ugh. Whatever. Dad talked about Char and I and the wedding today too. My grandma called and said she saved some things from a wedding she went to last night for some ideas. THAT is so cute and cool. She's excited. I'm trying not to test early because I know it's still early. But I feel compelled to. It's so expensive though. Something is happening, for real. We'll see. If I test then I can get rid of this one and then I'll have to wait to test again.
Charlie took me to see the Teddy Roosevelt thing at the museum yesterday. hehehe. we're such dorks. Sitting by the fountain was cool. I love him.
I have to sleep soon.
Hm. I haven't gotten hours from work in quite a while. Hm...
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2005 13 November :: 1.14pm
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: Lila McCann-With You
You're The One That I Want
Well my weekend was pretty fun ;)
I laugh at how many little hints I give out through out my journal all the time.
I got the new Gossip Girl book and The It Girl so that way Mishy, Brittney, Megan, and Brittany aren't all waiting for me to finish the one I am on! I'm so addicted to these books.
The play is next week and im stoked!
My Birthday is tomorrow!!!! I sorta forgot that it was just because I already had my party and I can't get my license on my Birthday because I'm too busy with the play to take my test but I probably will in like a week or two. But anyways I'm still excited.
I'm way tired and I should go get ready for play practice.
Oh yeah kelli I just remembered the song I made up when we were at school on Friday and I was walking up the stairs..
"I'm wallkiing up the staiiirs and im wearing a skiirrt and thhe boys behiind me cann see right upp it and they aree going too see sometthiing theyy dont deeserve to see"
"Well it's just Arden"
"Yeahh exacctlly..he'lll like it cuz he doesn't get any acctioonn!"
but I have to get going!
I love you
8 squirrely |
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2005 12 December :: 3.00pm
well i got a new car its a 1989 buick park ave. its alot nicer than the thunderbird even tho i loved that car. trying to find a job so i can start saving up for next year. next year im moving to chicago with ben so i can hopefully open a shop even tho thats a very stupid idea unless im really good at it which im hoping is how its gona be. brads probly gona come to hes gona do all this stuff with me and ben too, thats alot of talent. next weekend im geting business cards made, josh (my older brother) is helping me. he lives in ludingtun which is were ill be at all next weekend. im getting my hair cut on tuesday its gona be short no more rat hair for me. does anyone know of any places that are hiring?
1 squirrel |
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2005 12 November :: 11.35am
:: Music: Tenacious D
Dammit....I had a sore throat yesterday...and i woke up this morning all excited cuz it didnt hurt anymore, but now i cant talk hardly at all. Its annoying as crap! I really hope it goes away by 5. Im going to Chelseas surprise birthday party for Ashley! yay! :D its gonna be so much fun! I got her a k'nex wolverine dude (from X-men) cuz Chelsea said she liked wolverine. lol. I also got her a bag of m&m's in case she didnt like the wolverine dude for some reason lol. Wow, the backdrop for the play is fricken awesome looking. It looked really great. I lost my 6 dollors for my shirt yesterday too, im so bummed, I had to give H 3 dollars that was supposed to go to my mom, and now i owe him 3 still. It makes me soo mad when i lose money! argh! >< I can't go to practice on Sunday either, I have plans, and I talked to H about it and he said as long as i could work something out with Andy Doug, which i did. So im good. Uhh......took a shower a little while hair smells sexy again XD lol. I used my So Sexy shampoo and conditioner by Victoria's Secret. I love it. It makes my hair smell sexy and the smell stays for a really long time! yeah! lol. Wow....uh....hmmm. I thought there was something else to say, but i cant remember now, lol. I guess ill post it later if i remember :D
2 squirrely |
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2005 10 November :: 6.59am
Aww my journal is so pretty now! I love all your suprises Mishy!!
I luv you!!
<3 ashley
4 squirrely |
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2005 9 November :: 7.51pm
Little cloven hooves that make it kinda hard to ski...
Ahhhhh CRAZY. I love Charles James Shick. AHHHHH. So much.
Maybe a surprise we'll find out tomorrow. I dunno. Or like, in a week or two. Eh. I love this picture

Fucking bullshit, I would never be caught dead in...Georgia. Like, omg.
2 squirrely |
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2005 9 November :: 7.06pm
:: Music: Fall Out Boy
Awesome. Not much has happened, but yeah, lets see..... I got my senior picture proofs back. Don't really like them though. Lol. I vacuumed my room in my underwear last night, that was fun. Blinds closed of course. Then i did some yoga. Thats always fun. uhhh....the play is lots of fun! i cant wait! but then i can, cuz right afterwards its gonna end and i dont like that.....uh...more later maybe lol
3 squirrely |
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2005 9 November :: 7.05pm
:: Music: The Postal Service
Wee! Quizes again!
Read more..
Fuck yeah! Id soooo bang Sonic.
1 squirrel |
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2005 9 November :: 12.30pm
class, class, class
i don't want to go. government is boring.
blah, blah, blah
i want to go home. homework is calling.
bah, bah, bah
i am a goat (or a sheep). i like eating.
zzz, zzz, zzz
i am sleeping (or a bee). i like buzzing.
2 squirrely |
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2005 8 November :: 11.19pm
Maybe I'll try to not care so much. Sometimes that helps. Inside I still care as much or even more, but if I don't show it, it takes aways some of the pain. That's not healthy but I don't really know what else to do and I have to feel better. I may just fall off the planet for a day (tomorrow). It's been a long day. You aren't helping.
2 squirrely |
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2005 8 November :: 6.12pm
HAPPY Birthday Ben!!!
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2005 7 November :: 10.58pm
I wish you could just not be friends with that jerk. It's so not respectful. What's hanging around him going to do to you? Friends do think alike. Oh well. There's nothing I can do but sit back. And....hurt.
On another note, I should have written my english paper tonight but eh. Laguna Beach. And hanging out. LC BETTER not get back with Jason. UGH. And my puppy ran away today but then he came back. Long day tomorrow. . . g'night.
2 squirrely |
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2005 7 November :: 9.05pm
Today was pretty boring at school. I realized that I'm at school for a long time. 7:30am to anywhere from 6-9pm. It totally sucks spending so much time at school. Play practice was horriable today. If she messes up/skips lines one more time I'm going to flip out. She misses her lines, which causes me to miss mine. Anyways before our scene April and I were backstage talking and this sophomore kept yelling at us because we were talking and she's like "shhh we're backstage, stop talking" and we got really mad at her because she didn't even ask us nicely so we started talking louder and she walked over to us and said it right at our faces and we kept on talking just to piss her off and we would mock her really loudly and start laughing. I was suprised she didn't come over and punch us but she was being a bitch so we decided to do anything and everything to piss her off. It would have been a differen't story if she would have asked us nicely but she didn't so too bad for her then.
My dad got a new laptop today! I'm on it right now. I can't wait until Christmas because I'm getting one. I used to have one when I was like eight but my cousin Haileigh spilt grape pop all over the keyboard so it doesn't work anymore lol.
Anyways I have to go get in the shower so I don't miss Laguna Beach @ 10!!
<3 ashley
4 squirrely |
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2005 7 November :: 7.34pm
:: Music: Tenacious D - Fuck her Gently
John's my bitch.
......oh yeah.....its not happening....*sigh*gawd....should have seen that one coming...
2 squirrely |
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2005 7 November :: 2.34pm
Well today was so busy. I had to take the skin off 56 red snapper and truss 3 bags of whole chickens. but now i have to go becca called
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2005 6 November :: 8.07pm
Some more Quizes
Woo! Got my senior picture proofs back. Frankly, I think I look like poop in almost all of them. I hate my smile so much......
Read more..
3 squirrely |
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2005 6 November :: 5.01pm
ugh. colds suck. i think i have some papers to type but oh well. I was supposed to hang out w/Erin and some other people from class tonight. Eh...i'm sick. Everything else is going pretty well.
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2005 6 November :: 4.17pm
Okay so my birthday party was awesome this weekend. I have to post these pictures because Kourtney is getting really impatient waiting.
Click on the read more thing (thats for dumme's like you Kourt, haha kidding)
Read more..
Okay thats all I feel like posting.
Yesterday was pretty fun. I went to Kourtneys Mary Kay party. Then we all went to the amway grand for my b-day party. We went and ate at the hotel and then we went swimming and went in the sauna haha..I don't even remember what else we did. We watched The 40 Year Old Virgin and we went wandering around the hotel since it's so big and we found this room where a convention was just over so we went in there to get a piece of candy because nobody was in there and everyone grabbed like two pieces and I took like the whole bowl and dumped it into my purse! Everyone was like "ASHLEY OMG!!!" It was pretty damn funny and then it was like 1am and Megan, Brittany, Emily, Elyse, and I wanted to go somewhere so we got into the elevator and there was this girl who was probably about 23 and the guy was about 30 and we got in and this was our convo:
I think the girls name was Nina
Nina:(looks at Elyse's basketball shirt)Are you guys here for basketball?
Elyse:Umm no we were here for a birthday party
Nina:(looks at brittanys track shirt) I used to run track, I did hurtles!!
We all look at each other thinking shes nuts!
Nina:I'm supposed to be professional but im wasted!
Me:Oh I can tell
Nina:So whos birthday is it?
Everyone points at me
Nina freaks out and starts like hugging me and then she asks me all these questions.
The elevator door opens and then Megan,Elyse,Emily,and Britt get out.
I didn't know they got out because I was shaking the guys hand cuz he said happy b-day to me and then all of the sudden they called my name and it was too late and the doors shut so now I'm here stuck in an elevator with a drunk girl and a drunk guy, alone. I thought she was going to like try to makeout with me, she was so drunk and I thought the guy was like going to rape me.
Guy:She wont kiss me
Nina: (mocking him) she wont kiss me
Me: Hmm that sucks for you two
Nina: Omg how old are you?
Me: 15
Nina: You too young to be wearing those clothes. Your a hottie though..
Me: Umm thanks..
By now I was scared and I had no idea what floor I was suposed to be on and they didn't even know what floor they were supposed to be on so we just sat there.
And then nina kept saying how I was so cute and how I should play hard to get and be the girl everyone wants but cant I was like okay w/e lady thats nice and so finally I pressed like every button and finally I found what floor they were on so they were all waiting for me outside of the elevator and they were screaming my name cuz they were scared lol..and I got out and I was like thank god and then nina was yelling at us before the doors were closed about how we should play hard to get and then the elevator doors started closing and she was like "PLAY HARD TO GET PLAY HARD TO GET" were like omg shoot us. I was so scared and my dad told them that we all have to stick together and then they lost me. It was hilarious though. Then we decided we wanted to walk downtown so we started to and it was freezing so we started walking in the circle doors and a lady on the michrophone was like "please step forward and do not block the door" and then she was like "please step forward and do not block the door!!!" and emily screamed out "we would if you fucking move it" and then she moved the door for us. It was so funny we kept making fun of her.Then yesterday on the way there in the car emily was talking to my dad and she goes "do you have a summer car?" and im like "oh my gosh I can't believe shes asking him this" and then we were talking about dinner and he goes "ash you can just put it on the card" and then someone was like "that sounds so like you two are on laguna beach" and im like "um do you mean me pay for my food on the card?" and he goes "no you can pay for everyone" im like "holy cow" so he did. He's so nice!!! He was like "I dont care what you buy or what you do just don't get kicked out" so then later on that night at like 2am we were hungry so we orderd room service..then in the morning we ordered more room service..I had like a 5 course meal when I woke up. We went to chek out and my dad seen our bills and he goes "gp sports bar, room service, in room movies, room service, starbucks, etc" it was funny..When the guy that brought our room service to us she was like "just charge it to our room" lol..shes so funny. She slept on the floor under the certains cuz she was talking on the phone there and she fell asleep. We had this huge bed in our room and in kourt,megan,britt,and brittanys room they had two beds. It was weird and today we found this trapt door thing behind a mirror, well actually kourtney did but it was really awesome. Then yesterday we were in the elevator and emily was holding the door open cuz we were waiting for elyse or something and then all of the sudden the alarms started going off and so we just started running lol. Then today at starbucks the guy gave us a free frap. cuz he thought we were hot..not because he made an extra one lol..Anyways I g2g. Peace.
<3 ashley
4 squirrely |
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2005 6 November :: 3.09pm
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I knew this would happen.
I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you.
And for you I'm pretty sure I'm starting to hate you.
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