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:: 2003 16 March :: 9.08pm

Who cares?
I ate too much...I really do not have anything to write about, nothing great happened this weekend...and I\'m in a really shitty mood, so again, fuck you all...

Quote of the day:
\"The rainy season comes to pass
the day-glo pirate sinks at last
and if I laughed a bit to fast.
Well it was up to me.\"

crush me


:: 2003 11 March :: 8.02pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Dave Brubeck, eh?

So, first update in a while...a lot has happened, kinda...like...I finished my paper for English on time, and I also got undgrounded last Friday...We had our band contest, and we got a one...along with the froshes...the concert band, which I thought sounded really good, got a two...eh...The paper I wrote this weekend was an extreme bitch...most vague assignment I have ever had...so yeah...Take Five, that is a great song, and download it if you like jazz...yeah...so hopefully I didn't do too horribly on that paper...Science and all the rest of my classes have been fine, 'cept for french, which is an extreme bitch, taught by a moron, which makes the class worse...argh...she is dumb, and therefore puts stuff on our tests that she hasn't taught us, or she only went over it once...hmm...so apparently, I give good massages, eh?

Quote of the day:
"Has the dawn ever seen your eyes?
Have the days made you so unwise?
Realize, you are"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 5 March :: 5.59pm
:: Mood: tiresome
:: Music: Jethro Tull

w00t...no school!
So, Mr. Transportation finally decided that hte roads were bad enough to cancel school...jeez, that guy's a bitch...All I did today was sit on my ass...I've got band in an hour, to prepare for our contest Friday night...hmm...I played a lot of Diablo today, but even more Tales...I also did my homework that is due tomorrow and hte stuff that was due today...so...I must take my leave now, to partake in dinner...I shall see you tomorrow...

Quote of the day:
"I'll make love to you
in all good places
under black mountains
in open spaces.
By deep brown rivers
that slither darkly
through far marches
where the blue hare races."

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 3 March :: 8.11pm
:: Mood: BURN...aigh...rage...
:: Music: Dave Brubeck/Miles Davis

Arf Arf
So yeah...I'm still grounded, currently I am practicing my bassoon...and I am not allowed to be on the computer...even though I am a rebel and I break every single rule my parents set...but yeah...
I was getting introuble tonight for Mr. Preston's comment about me never doing my homework...my parents didn't know I didn't do it, so they got majorly pissed off...I am working on my English, so I get ungrounded...I got a good mark on my science test, a 94%, which boosted me about 6% in my overall grade, making it an 83 or so...my life is still extremely boring and depressing, same as usual, so I must be going soon, for I have work to complete...woe is me

Quote of the day:
"We will be geared to the average rather than the exceptional
God is an overwhelming responsibility
we walked through the maternity ward and saw 218 babies wearing nylons
cats are on the upgrade
upgrade? Hipgrave. Oh, Mac."

And with that, he was gone...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 26 February :: 9.08pm
:: Mood: meow
:: Music: JT

Remember me?
Ah...the glorious internet journal...I haven't been updating because my life has been consumed, consumed by the greatest game on Earth, well one of them...SOA:L...so great, so glorious, and I'm probably not even half done...
So...school...English has been kickass but also kicking my ass for the past few days...I am grounded for my "D" in English, for I have yet to do my timed writing again, and that is my reason for grounding...we have been watching this sweet ass Chinese movie the past few days, called "To Live"...about some Chinese dude's life and how communism and the historical events of China have affected him, mostly how he lives and such...
French, suck suck suck...boring, I fell asleep today, and that pissed her off...I shant do that again...
Science, big ass test Friday, but other than that, it has been quite enjoyable, well, except for the dumbass labs we have been doing...
Art...carving, just like always...nothing too exciting...
History...same ol', same ol'...
In quiz bowl, I've got a tourneyment this Saturday, which looks promising to me...promising to be fun...
Band, I am playing first part soon, for dan is going to take a leave of absence, for his cruise of the carribean...hmm...
...Yeah, so this is the end of my glorious update, for I have lost my train of thought, and I must go continue my Idea Quote List///Evidence Warrent sheet for 13th valley, an extremely good book, which I recommend if you don't mind graphic and length...
Quote of the day:
"Now I stand alone in my dark and lonely world
surrounded by this cold embrace of jealousy
No feeling remains, like a restless heart
naked in the frozen winds of sorrow"

5 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 13 February :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: meow
:: Music: Minstrel in the Gallery, bizatch...should be Heavy Horses, but Finders is the anti-christ and decide

Skienze fair est da Ragnarok...
I have survived the day of science reckoning...Du science fair et la science research paper...but they are both not good...31 for the fair, and 14X for paper...yeah, both C's, and that puts me at a high C in the class...
English...okay, not much to it, for we had this jackson katZ fellow come speak with us about gender violence/abuse/discrimination...it was quite worthwhile, IMHO...he has some very admirable qualities...some are others I don't agree with, but oh well...
Math, no Preston, very cinchy...
Du Frankcehheeee-vania...yeah...alright, very amusing...
Art-nothing much new or old...just an interdemensional being...
Histoire...interesting...quiz was easy...then we had a mock Quiz Bowl match...yeah
After school, the science fair...nothing important happening there...I had a conversation with teh Laura, which was nice...yah...night all...

Quote of the day
"People - what have you done
locked Him in His golden cage.
Made Him bend to your religion
Him resurrected from the grave.
He is the god of nothing
if that's all that you can see.
You are the god of everything
He's inside you and me.
So lean upon Him gently
and don't call on Him to save you
from your social graces
and the sins you used to waive.
The bloody Church of England
in chains of history
requests your earthly presence at
the vicarage for tea.
And the graven image you-know-who
with His plastic crucifix
he's got him fixed
confuses me as to who and where and why
as to how he gets his kicks.
Confessing to the endless sin
the endless whining sounds.
You'll be praying till next Thursday to
all the gods that you can count."
My God, people, you must listen to this song, this or wind up, for it is teh leet

crush me


:: 2003 10 February :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: depressed, questioning...
:: Music: JT rocks yer ass, MOTHAFUCKA

So yeah...I was really cruel to Brittany, and I got her pissed at me...so yeah, I knew it was gonna come and yeah...So riding home today, I mentioned to Dan that I had made her mad, and he asked what had I done...I said I was really mean...so he then said..."When aren't you mean to her?"...and I was like...umm...

Quote of the day:
"'...One day I'll be a minstrel in the gallery.
And paint you a picture of the queen.
And if sometimes I sing to a cynical degree
it's just the nonsense that it seems.'

So I drift down through the Baker Street valley,
in my steep-sided un-reality.
And when all is said and all is done
I couldn't wish for a better one."

10 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 9 February :: 9.40pm
:: Mood: depressed....
:: Music: Metallica...even though they suck...according to one person...

Quote of the day:
"Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this Can t be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he 's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
No, I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye"

crush me


:: 2003 7 February :: 11.56pm
:: Mood: depressed....
:: Music: None...

Hmm...This is possibly going to be the worst weekend I have ever experienced in the past years of my life...work work work...Science fair board to do...which isn't fun...then I might consider doing my idea quote list for Mrs. Dunn because she wasn't happy with my last one...I'll show her what I think...telling me what to think...jeez...school brainwahses you...just like other things...like women...coz women suck...not coz of their sex, but because of their effect on me...pain...jeez...why...uhh...So I'm actually not going to stay up till the wee hours of the morning letting my soul be consumed by the devil game...Hurrah, I have gotten my temps, just because my parents are bothering me about driving...sheesh...I can do what I want, but I guess it is good that I got it over with...so, on August 7th, I will be tearing up the streets in an 8 year old car with 200,000+ miles on it...yeah...lucky me...just to become another of the mindless drones of society...doing this, going there with out thinking at all...something I am very good at, shown today by my punching of James in front of Mr. P...Why am I so stupid? Yeah...I'm so dumb and lonely...and depressed...

Quote of the day:
"Hello sun.
Hello bird.
Hello my lady.
Hello breakfast.
May I buy you again tomorrow?"

3 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 27 January :: 10.13pm
:: Mood: depressed....
:: Music: Crimson Glory

So yeah, another day, another large pain inside of me...living hurts...so yeah...school sucks, I finished watching the Leni video, silly Nazi propaganda video...made by Herr Dunn...actually, Frou dunn, but yeah, who cares? French sucks as usual...Math was alright, same with Science...I again didn't do my math hw...why? I dunno...heh...I'm stupid...PLAN tests back...89 percentile in math, and 98 overall, with a 99 in english...yeah...
Played a lot of D2 today...Slowly consuming my soul...yeah...Tomorrow's a new day, so I wonder what pain I'll experience then?

D2 Quote:
"I see you're going to hell before me...Put in a good word."

Quote of the day:
"Beware my eyes'll find you
And see into your heart
And if you hold the evil
I'll rip you all apart"

4 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 21 January :: 9.23pm
:: Mood: depressed....
:: Music: Iron Maiden

So I have started to play D2 again...*shudders*...It took over my soul once...I hope it does not do it again...
This weekend was alright...nothing too special...saw two movies, "Just Married" and "National Security"... They were pretty good, IMHO...other than that, nothing really happened...

Quote of the day:
"He's walking like a dead man
If he had lived he would have crucified us all
Now he's standing on the last step
He thought oblivion well it beckons us all"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 19 January :: 10.57pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Godspeed you black Emperor

It happens that the tv show is tired of being a tv show.
It happens that the tv show goes to the tailors' shops and the movies
navigating on a water of origin and ash.
The smell of barber shops makes the tv show sob out loud.
The tv show wants nothing but the repose either of stones or of wool.
The tv show wants to see no more establishments, no more gardens,
nor merchandise, nor glasses, nor elevators.
It happens that the tv show is tired of it's feet and it's nails
and it's hair and it's shadow.
It happens that the tv show is tired of being a tv show.
Just the same it would be delicious
to scare a notary with a cut lily
or knock a stone cold with one of an ear.
It would be beautiful
to go through the streets with a green knife
shouting until the tv show died of cold.
The tv show does not want to go on being a root in the dark,
hesitating, stretched out, shivering with dreams,
downwards, in the wet tripe of the earth,
soaking it up, and thinking, eating every day,
The tv show does not want to be the inhieritor of so many misfortunes.
The tv show does not want to continue as a root and as a tomb,
as a solitary tunnel, as a cellar full of corpses,
For this reason Monday burns like oil,
at the site of the tv show arriving with it's jail face,
and it howls in passing like a wounded wheel,
and it's footsteps toward nightfall are filled with hot blood.
And it shoves the tv show along to certain corners, to certain damp houses,
to hospitals where the bones come out of windows,
to certain cobbers' shops smelling of vinegar,
to streets horrendous as crevices.
There are birds the colour of sulphur, and horrible intestines,
hanging from the doors of the houses which the tv show hates,
there are forgotten sets of teeth in a coffee-pot,
there are mirrors
which should have wept with shame and horror,
there are umbrellas all over the place, and poisons, and navels.
The tv show strides with calm, with eyes, with shoes,
with fury, with forgetfulness.
The tv show passes, the tv show crosses offices and stores full of orthopedic appliances,
and courtyards hung with clothes on wires,
underpants, towels and shirts which weep
slow dirty tears.
-Pablo Neruda

Quote of the day:
"The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisting metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze
I said 'Kiss me you're beautiful,
These are truly the last days.'
You grabbed my hand and we fell into it,
Like a daydream or a fever."

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 18 January :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: ...guess...
:: Music: Dreamtheater

Do you ever wonder what people think about you? Fuck 'em...Do you ever wonder if you were to die this instant, how many fuckers would visit your parents and come to your funeral? Or what they'd remember you by? Was he nice, was he a fucker, was a social reject, was he all of them? Well, does it matter?

Quote of the day:
"Live another day,
Climb a little higher..."

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 16 January :: 7.54pm
:: Mood: tired...bored...depressed...
:: Music: Some Crimson Glory here, some Zep there...

Mega french cram death mega ultra OMNI time...
French sucks, and it will be the death of me, because M. Kern is the devil...damn her test to hell...I also hope I do well on Preston's test, because I am on the brink of a C...because I never do my homework...
My house smells like smoke/burnt stuff, because my sister burnt the potatoes today...so yeah...I've been playing a lot of this new ROM I downloaded...Tale os Phantasia...it is quite good..."Mint has that quiet elegance about her, but I bet Arche fucks like a tiger." Yes, I know, it is all good...I'm a bit weird, but again, it's all good...fuck it, it doan mean nothing...yeah...thats enough of my lovely update...

Quote of the day:
"You and me, were never meant to be
part of the future"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2003 12 January :: 6.66am
:: Mood: depressed...really angry
:: Music: Godspeed you black emperor

Yeah...last night was fun, with britt and all of my buddies, at DQ...yeup...and this is my update, coz life sux...

Quote of the day:
"And if you promised you'd love so completely
and you said you would always be true
You swore that you would never leave me, baby:
What ever happened to you?"

3 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 3 January :: 4.58pm
:: Mood: depressed, angry...
:: Music: Iron Maiden

roadrunner is quite fast...
Today, much has not happened...I woke up at 6 because I forgot about trash, but then went back to sleep afterwords...until 11, when I woke up and then showered and went to Band...Band sucked so much...I hated it...reminds me of how much I loath school...argh...I am home, and we have a faster internet connection, supplied by Roadrunner, so that makes me somewhat happy...
Last night, our English group filmed 4 scenes in 2 hours...yay...hopefully we can finish up tonight, which would be great...not much else is happening...so yeah...

Quote of the day:
"You knew all along, goddammit
But you wouldn't tell me
Well, look at you now"

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 2 January :: 4.19pm
:: Mood: depressed, tired, bored, spiteful...
:: Music: Mr. Bungle

Science sucks...snow is white...
So I have worked on my science paper, and I am almost finished...which is good...
You know what? The Flaming Lips are good, and so is having a working cd player...because I spent all day yesterday exchanging my broken one for a working one...
We are filming tonight, with the joyous insanity of Chris at our dispense...
I am really bored and do not feel like playing my gamecube, for some odd reason...hmm...I'm going crazy...
To the mystery person: you should talk to me on AIM sometime or something like that...you should know my sn, otherwise, I don't know how you found this journal...

Quote of the day:
"Love and blood begin to meld, you've lost the self that you once held"

5 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2003 1 January :: 4.00am
:: Mood: sick to my stomache...tired...

today's events...
Happy New Year...and I feel sick...
So Dan's party wasn't bad at all...had some fun doing shit...
Before that, I was at the Phantom of the Opera...which was quite good...for a bunch of singing wussies...argh...
Another English extension...
Pizza Hut lunch buffet fills my appetite...yeah, but makes me sick...that and I also had like 7 cans of Dr. Pepper at Dan's...
At Dan's, we walked around the neighborhood and ran into everyone's neighborhood friendly juuuuuuuuuuu...Hudson...yay...he took us for a ride, and dropped us off also...yeah...
Okay day for today...

Quote of the day:
"I know this girl, she thinks of ghosts
She'll make you breakfast, she'll make you toast
She doan use butter, and she doan use cheese
She don't use jelly, or any of these...
She uses Vasoline..."

crush me


:: 2002 30 December :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: tired, mad, sad, depressed, anxious, and worried..
:: Music: The Flaming Lips

New update...
First update in awhile...due to Britt's nagging...
Alright, so I was in Cleveland, visiting my aunt with Dan...having a good time...saw so many movies...Insomnia, Bloodwork, Gangs of New York, LOTR, just to say a few...When to D&B...yeah...got some nifty presents...Bond:Nightfire, HOD, LttP, two shirts, and an ELP cd...
Got back Sunday night...beat fo-swords with James...stayed up till like 3...
Today, I did almost nothing...I am extremely close to beating LttP...yeah...
I missed Xiao in town...which sucked...yeah...
English sucks, Science sucks...
This was one hell of an update, eh?

Quote of the day:
"Why do you stare
Do you think that I care?
You've been mislead
By the thoughts in your head"

12 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2002 25 December :: 11.42am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Just some shit...

Well, good bye Cleveland...Screw you snow...Fuck you wind...why must you be a bitch? You've ruined my shit again, with amazing surprise...Yeah, there is so much snow and bad weather, we cannot go up to Cleveland...so me and Daniel are stuck down here in boring little B.G. Everytime we try to go up there, something happens and we cannot go...Why?

Christmas...was good...many un-expected presents, along with plenty of shit I asked for...Resident Evil 0 is great...Yeah...

Now, I am going to do something ordinary, just like every other day...

Looks like I might see you this weekend Xiao...unless shit changes again...

Quote of the day:
"And suddenly everything has changed"
Yes, this is an actualy song, by The Flaming Lips, "The Soft Bulletin"

3 heartless bastards | crush me

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