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:: 2002 21 December :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: pure rage
:: Music: Bob Dylan

You know what? English sucks so much...the class, the language, the life style...argh...I feel bad...Today, we, in collaboration with the church, took food and gifts to the needy...our assigned place was kind of...eh...how to put it...lazy...the people smoked a lot of shit, pot probably...let me say this, that I am greatful for my life and all I have, but I still feel a bit spoiled...hmm...I am not, also, connecting English/American lifestyle with the poverty of these people...every nation has poverty, but still, it is horrible...
Our english project has gone to pot, but I'm not gonna to elaborate on that...
Apparently, Xiao is coming to town, and I'll be out of town...fuck it all...

Anywho...I might update with more later, or I might now...

Quote of the day:
"Yes, and how many ears must one man have
'Fore he can hear he can cry..."
(kinda goes for me, in a different likeness)

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2002 17 December :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: depressed so very much, also tired and stressed
:: Music: Led Zeppelin

Fuck it man, it doan mean nothing...

Today sucks...Okay, so we get our fucking pictures taken this morning outside of the CLA-ZEL theater, in the cold, wearing all black...what the hell? Why all black?
English, we worked on our script, but only to be completely revamped (more on that later)...Research paper due this Friday, gonna start that tomorrow and finish it Thursday...Tome is getting excitings, only good thing right now...
Trig, I have got to do my assignments...if I actually get to work on those, it should only take me about 1 hr to about 1.5 hours...hmm...MEGA-test tomorrow...
French...aigh...kinda boring, as all we do is talk about Christmas stuff...no Ian today, so it was quite boring...I fell asleep...
In Science, everyone else worked on their cells, seeing as how Ian and I had completed it the night before...I need to work on my data presentation...hmm...
Quiz Bowl party after school was quite fun...yes...
Liking someone is a bitch...
Hmm...the English project group got together tonight...and "we" worked on it...it was more like me wasting 2 hours of my night on this fucking project, spouting ideas, only to have every single one vetoed...I also noticed something, that all my friends see me as is a violent man, nothing more...all I am is violent, in their minds...Fuck them...Might as well had not gone there tonight...argh...so I am really depressed right now...

But it does.

Quote of the day:
"Had a friend, she once told me, "You got love, you ain't lonely,"
Now she's gone and left me only looking for what I knew."

crush me


:: 2002 16 December :: 9.31pm
:: Mood: depressed, angry, confused, in need of guidance an
:: Music: THICK AS A BRICK!!!!!

Hmm...fuck fuck fuck fuck mother mother fuck mother mother fuck fuck mother fuck mother fuck noish noish noish...1...2...3...4...noish noish noish...smoking weed, smokin whiz doing coke, drinkin beerz, drinkin beerz beerz beerz...rolling fatties, smoking blunts, who smokes the blunts? I smoke the blunts, rolling blunts and smokin...oh shit, lemme get a nickle back...15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand, and if that money doesn't show, then you owe me owe me owe...

Yeah...today sucks...taking surveys sucks, except for the one that allows me to express my feelings due to the weather...how ingenious...Band Picutes tomorrow? Of course, and all I wear is black...how exotic...
English project might suck, or it might rock the house so hard, it falls...hmm...that was a horrible and dorky saying...hmm
I'm behind in math again, how horrid...
I had dentist appointment today, and I have no cavities!!!YAY...
As for the rest of my classes, notihng really wrong with them...French is quite boring, although I do have friends in that class, so it makes it good...night all...

Quote of the day:
"Cats are on the upgrade? Upgrade? Hipgrave...Oh, Mac"

crush me


:: 2002 14 December :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: tired, frusterated, horny, etc...
:: Music: Jethro Tull

Well, jolly old fucking weekend...why do you have to suck so much? I come for a relaxation, but all get is work, work, and getting left out...it always happens, so what good are you? FUCK you...
I saw Nemesis today, which was about the only thing good that happened today...feelings also suck...I get depressed on these so called relaxation times...

I've read about 100 pages in my TOME, which is turning out quite good...It is about Nam and the damn VietCong...

more later...

Quote of the day:
"I'll judge you all and make damn sure that no-one judges me."

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2002 12 December :: 9.46pm
:: Music: Just the radio...

The 12th...my mom's birthday...hurray...we went out to Outback Streakhouse...which has good food but is too stereotypical of the "aussi" lifestyle...argh...I hope my mom likes the presents we bought her...
School sucks, no surprise...apparantly there was open gym for baseball tonight, but I didn't go because I had a lot of work to do, and I also just learned of this today...English still sucks majorly, this project really sucks...my science fair project isn't coming out how I wanted it to, as nothing has grown, but tomorrow, tomorrow could change it all...
I need my rest, so sleep well all, especially to Lauren, because she is really cool and the coolest person in my French class...there ya go...

Quote of the Day:
"And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man
And the tale goes on and on and on"

crush me


:: 2002 11 December :: 9.23pm
:: Mood: cynical, depressed, angry, etc...
:: Music: Peter Frampton

People piss me off...why? There are so many reasons...Morals are perhaps the biggest factor of how pissed I get...why must people have horrible morals? Cheating on tests...doing certain activities for the wrong reasons...haivng no fucking manners...(i.e. interrupting a conversation just to spout your worthless comment that has no connection to anything, just shows your fucking stupidity)...and there is so much more...it all pisses me off. School pisses me off...almost every class pisses me off, save Band and History...
French sucks so much...it really does...why must Mrs. Kern be such a wank and a fucker? Elle est tres horrible...je crois qu'elle est le Diablo...
English has so many fucking projects that must be completed within the span of 2 months...it all sucks...
Math just pisses me off period, and don't get me started...
Art is okay...it is just so monotnos...'cept for today I was aided in my project, a lot, and that made me happy...
Science isn't as bad as I lead it on to be...hmm...
There hasn't been quiz bowl in a while, so all I do is just sit at home on my ass and mope...Maybe I should practice bassoon more so I get better...
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday...12/12/54...hurrah...we went shopping for here, but I feel so horrible, because I didn't really put much thought into her presents and making her happy...why am I so horrible? Aigh...well I'm off to read my TOME, 0f 642 pages, but hopefully it is a quick read and I like it so it isn't so hard to read...I should have started it like a month ago, but oh well, what's done is done..."hindsight is 20/20"...

Quote of the day:
"It's a plain shame
that it took me all this time to love..."

crush me


:: 2002 10 December :: 9.31pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Gentle Giant

Hmm...school sucks...this english project we are doing sucks so much dick it chokes...it is so non-linear...I don't really know what to do...I am spinning in circles...I should've picked up my PSAT test results...but I was too lazy...In french, I got my test back, and I can tell you that I am not happy...C+, I do not like that...probably the only thing that I liked about today is that I've started my project for science fair, and it is coming along well...the only problem is that I have to go into school about 30 minutes earlier that I usually do, so I get less sleep...therefore, I am in a worse mood and want to hurt everything around me...hmm...night...

Quote of the day:
"She wakes up to another day
with everything going wrong"

crush me


:: 2002 9 December :: 4.25pm
:: Mood: depressed

Hello...today is monday...horrid beginner of a weak...anywho, today, I started my project, as I poured and set my agar plates...I got my english paper back, with a pretty good score, 175/200...and I am happy...trig and french were mostly blow off classes...so that gave me some time to fuck around...anyway...right noww I am doing my damn french assignment, and I hate it...on the upside, I am going to lessons in 2 and a half hours, but I've barely had time to practice, so I am fretting that...oh well...peace out world...perhaps...

Quote of the day
"In dark places we will be
forever beyond the light
In dark places we will be free
from the pain that fills our lives
In dark places we will be
forever beyond the light
In dark places we will see
worlds we've always dreamed"

crush me


:: 2002 8 December :: 2.47pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: ...Crimson Glory...

Today is the day of the Lord, for it is Sunday...last night, me, brendan, and chrisp hung out, and did some fun stuff, like ate pizza and played some star munchkin...today, I went to church with brendan, and had lunch at his house...I then came home...As of right know, I'm doing my homework *gasp*...in about an hour, I'm leaving for my band concert...which starts at 4, but we play at 5...so yeah...

Quote for today...
"I close my eyes
Only for a moment
and the moment is gone..."

crush me


:: 2002 3 December :: 7.25pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Some Led Zeppelin right about now

So yeah, today is Tuesday, and today was quiz bowl. I had a fun and jolly time, for it was a good way to waste time...time of which I should've been spending doing my math homework, but hey, if I'm doing that know, who cares? I can't really figure out my math, prolly because I don't pay attention...school was the same, always bland and dull and boring and sucky...I actually looked forward to French, as it was mostly just a blow off period...after school, before quiz bowl, was quite fun, as I was hanging around school chillin' with my friends...I should really finish up my homework along with my math project...because that is always good...

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2002 2 December :: 5.27pm
:: Mood: tired

First entry...
Yeah...so this is my first entry...on this site...It's Monday, start of a wonderful new week of school...
Right now I should be doing my HOMEWORK ...but I'm not...I've got bassoon in an hour or so, and that is about it...

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