2018 28 July :: 1.43am
looking at the future:
going off that roller coaster in Vegas only it isn't going to stop at the edge
we need to full stop and figure out climate change
then all these social issues we created with this souless industrial military complex.
the planet isn't a body we control, it's the body we live on. kill our mother and that will be the end of whatever it is that makes homo sapiens the "special" species.
my heart aches and my head races. I just smile and nod, but inside I'm screaming.
why can't I find my voice?
Shoot Me
2018 26 July :: 9.50pm
walking home from my sweeties house I stopped on a bench in my favorite park. the full moon bathing the warm air with reflected sunlight. I hear a faint tinkling behind me. I turn and see what appears to be a small dark figure approaching at a rapid gait. I calmly await it's arrival when up onto the stone next to me appears a black cat.
I immediately begin petting his soft fur. he's purring and hugging me, come around to both sides to make sure he has exhausted all the pets. then we sat in quiet contemplation together.
we then parted ways. thanks my special friend. I appreciate the check in <3
Shoot Me
2018 25 July :: 9.28pm
heavy sigh
I don't think I will ever be happy with what I have
and I will never feel good enough
Shoot Me
2018 21 July :: 7.32pm
at his show bill burr said that he wasted so much time in his 20s & 30s worrying and being depressed about things that ultimately didn't matter. at the end of your life, everything either happened or it didn't.
and it doesn't really matter. so why worry?
why do I waste my time worrying about everyone else and everything people expect of me. I honestly don't even know what I expect of myself. I don't know what I want it of life, I guess I have goals, but if something changes and I have to change those goals it's not the end of the world.
I am like a river, full of endless cold rushing depths. I try to keep flowing forward, but sometimes a rock will look familiar, a tree will remind me of you, I get stuck in a moment and I can't get out of it.
I still can't get over the absurdity of conciousness and the human race. of even "being". to be and to contemplate my existence. to feel like a rider in a mechanical fleshy gollum. going through the motions, being an observer in those quiet moments no one ever knows.
I'm still lonely. a permanent companion.
Shoot Me
2018 21 July :: 7.27pm
you don't need a friend
boy, you're a man
Shoot Me