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:: 2018 26 June :: 7.04am

finally got rid of my Facebook, feels good to get rid of Zuckerberg's robot lizard eyes in my life.

I got accepted to start working from home, so hopefully I will start feeling better about work. I won't have to try and dodge questions about how I am or how my weekends went. I won't have to wear uncomfortable clothing and starve all day. I will be able to go for a walk and a park instead of a huge parking lot next to the Comcast building.

what I really need is a hug and to be held. I wish someone could tell me everything is going to be alright, but I know it isn't at this point.

I'm trying to accept the facts that I will never feel rested again and that the world will always be a horrible depressing place as long as other humans exist in it. humans are the worst. we aren't special, so stop thinking we are.

Shoot Me


:: 2018 25 June :: 8.45pm

sometimes I'd be nice for words and not just gifs.

idk. I both love and hate the internet.

Shoot Me


:: 2018 25 June :: 3.12pm

my boss told me to keep my promotion I need to be happy at work

I told her to fucking take both the raise and promotion and shove it up LM's asshole because I'm not going to fake it so management can have the warm and fuzzies.

2 Blank's | Shoot Me


:: 2018 24 June :: 8.45am

when everything inside looks like everything you hate

there is no hope for change
there are no chances to take

I'm on fire burning at the absurdity

Shoot Me


:: 2018 22 June :: 7.05pm

stupid piece of shit white skin.

Shoot Me

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