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:: 2017 18 December :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: pensive

Freedom is what you do with what is done to you.

1 Blank | Shoot Me


:: 2017 18 December :: 10.59am

When I say the bridge is burned it stays fucking burned

When I say things are over they are over.

If you all want to waste your time worrying about what I'm doing, help yourself, but I don't give a fuck about you or what you think.

Leave me the fuck alone.

Shoot Me


:: 2017 3 December :: 12.58am

You insist I stay home when you go out to have fun

Makes me feel like I'm the secret

Shoot Me


:: 2017 2 December :: 9.48am

when the puzzle is made of squares and you are a hideously deformed circle piece

Shoot Me


:: 2017 30 November :: 12.06am

the warm embrace of a friend

3 Blank's | Shoot Me

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