2004 5 April :: 8.22pm
A poem kayla wrote for me
True friends from the start
Your right there in my heart
Friends Forever That’s me and you
Friends forever we know it’s true
I’m here true the ups and the downs
I’ll be there by your side
In me I promise You always confide
When you have a broken heart
Ill stay by you and never part
You might get lonely but your not alone
And if you go on without me
Ill be with you in your mind
Cause remember girl your one of a kind!
1 White Bikini |
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2004 5 April :: 8.10pm
Me and kristis poem we made up a long time ago!
In front of people I am happy as can be
Alone at night I cry till I can’t see
If this continues what am I to do
My whole life revolves around you
Ur a great friend but are you a great mate
And if I don’t have you it could be my fate
Sometimes I sit finding myself waiting
Not sure for what because the 1 I love is hating
When you leave so much and get nothing in return
It hurts so much the sensation burns
If you care as much as you say
Then why do you blow me off every day
I think of you in a daze
My heart sets a blaze
When I see I see you my minds racing
My hearts pacin
I go blank I feel faint
I don’t know what to do I just loose my cool
The sum 1 I love is the one I adore
But he could care less or more
You love the one closest to me
But she wants you to let her be
The darkness is as black as coal it swallows me whole
I am now in a world of my own of my own Sum 1 help
Me I'm all alone well there’s nothing else to say e-cept you’re the one who made me this way!!!!!!!
luv ya B@iley
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2004 5 April :: 7.06pm
:: Mood: wondering
:: Music: yellow - coldplay
my moviequote for the day...
Humpty Dumpty was alone...That's sad isn't it? He had to sit on that wall all by himself. He deserved to have somebody...That's really what we all need, right? Someone to sit up on the wall with us...to watch the world go by...to put us back together again when we fall
- from Never Been Kissed
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 4 April :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: wondering//remembering
:: Music: dont cry for us - justincase
kudos to robert frost
have you ever read "the road taken" by robert frost?
lordy that poem is so right
have you ever wondered what of happened if:
you went to that other school
you gathered your guts and talked to that guy
when that spontaneous burst of life was knocking on your door, if you would have answered the door
but i shall not fret on this forever
for the past is sometimes more comforting that your past
no more looking in the rear view mirror for me anymore
for i have been dwelling on it too much lately
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2004 3 April :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: sad//disappointed
:: Music: break down here - julie roberts
home is where the heart is
i am homeless
home is where you feel most comfortable
the walls embrace you like the arms of a great aunt that you havent seen in years
that is where after anything like a break up, rough day at school, or any curve ball that comes your way, you can go and feel safe in your soul
home sweet home, they say
i am homeless
i live in a house
not a home
ready to move
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 3 April :: 1.09am
:: Mood: _ConFuSed_
.,"*MaRk On THe pHONe*",.
hey, sorry i havnt updated in awhile.. ive been pretty busy. i got adios. black kenny andresons. P i m P lol.. im talkin to mark on the phone right now about mia, and her gayness and poserish life. lol.. tryin to be cool. wear mah shitt.. not happenin. grrr....
im at baileys right now!! wow.. im gettin really pissed.. AHHH.. ne whos.. im gonna go cause im gettin really tired..
1 White Bikini |
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2004 31 March :: 3.35pm
:: Mood: happy//honky tonky
:: Music: country boys and girls - tim mcgraw
why brandi's room smelled like garlic...
once when i was younger, i was at my friend brandi's casa.
we had just been talking about if the barbie dolls would move when you werent looking,
if they became....alive.
we must have been like 6/7 when this happened.
so we were in her room and we heard this weird noise from outside her window
(it was really the deaf girl who lived in the apartmento nearby...but we didnt know that)
we got really scared and jetted out of that room...thinking it was the barbies coming for us....they were alive remember?
so brandi and i go into their kitchen and grab...the garlic powder'
we go back to her room, garlic powder in hand, and sprinkle it ALL OVER her room
i have no idea what we were thinking with that garlic powder
maybe since garlic wards off vampires that it will save you from evil barbies
we got in trouble for dousing her room with the garlic powder
but hey, at least we didnt get ambushed by evil barbies
after that incident, everytime i went into her room...it smelled like garlic
since then they moved
and i bet the people who live there now wonder why that one room reeks of garlic
but thanks to brandi and i
they will never be attacked by evil barbies
1 White Bikini |
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2004 31 March :: 3.23pm
:: Mood: happy//singing along
:: Music: break down here - julie roberts
happy hump day :P
so here is my day in a nutshell:
-math starts with a m...whoa so does migraine
-mo-mo, jake, rina and i....incubus concerto..wanna go? talk to me
- tgs line reciting at lunch
- freakin DOUBLE wet willy from will in spanish
- i turned around and hit him in the arm askin wtf? and angel who sits next to me was like "whoa i never heard you cuss before"
-"ewwww you wet willied my ankle!" -angel
- if brandon calls me backseat betty one more time..the squirrels will be called
-singing "look at me, i'm sandra dee" while walkin to mi casa from the stop with casey
-report card...chevelle-worthy grades :)
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 30 March :: 8.56am
I hate picture day
Hey everyone how are you doing my life is axctualy going prety well for once.. IM GOING OUT WITH ETHAN! But then there always the downside Kristi is scaring me and will is leaving.. YUP YUP.. Well this week is a pain in my ass! I had a game yesterday and i had track practice.Today i have Practice at 7:45. Then wedsnsday i got track all day until 1:30 we come back but i really dont want to coem back to school after a while and then i gto a game at burtin against Kaylas team even thougth kayla wont be there she scared the crap out of me she told me she quit i was that is gay i was mad but she dint so its all good. Well kayla Golman I saw this kid the other day and he was an apple tree let me tell you but his friend was definitly bannana tree ~lol~ Kristi and me ~yungman
and butchue lol First i was afraid ii was petrafide ~lol~I Hate picture day even thougth it took me liek two minutes to get ready lol kayla and mia it take like an hour to get ready ..... Im sick and really dont feel good. I gto kristi sick on axident sinc ei was with her all thsi weekend i have been sick for like 2 months and it still hast gone away so im really thinking about going to teh doctor!
Hey i g2g luv ya all B@iley
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2004 29 March :: 6.16pm
:: Mood: happy//wondering
:: Music: talk show on mute - incubus
to be or not to be...that is the question.
today during health class somehow we got on the subject of what we might want to do when we get older.
i piped up and said, "i think i would want to be an art teacher."
honestly i probably go through three careers i might want to do a month.
my mind on the subject changes like the wind
anywho, back to the art teacher business.
i would love to teach art.
i love art.
im no picasso at it but i still love it
i think it would be so much fun teachin kids the wonderous artwork of andy warhol, roy lichtenstein, van gogh, picasso, romero britto, da vinci, monet, salvador dali and many others.
oh such fun.
this is a small list of other things i have considered to be "when i grow up":
-a car mechanic
- english teacher
- marine biologist
- paramedic
- vetrinarian
- surfer...which is quite funny since i dont know how to surf and i live on the west coast where there is no surf...shh i was 10
- astronaut
------many many others
i think that my view is that i shall use that list above as a checklist
i wanna do it all
1 White Bikini |
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2004 28 March :: 6.37pm
This weekend had its ups and downs! Ups Me and kristi hung out all weekend Friday i had a game and may i say we won And then we went and spent the night at kristis house. Talking to ethan and David to late Because we had to get up in the morning at 6:30 Because we had to go to debs!!! WE tanned and SANG well kristi did thought and atracted these collage guys lol That was hallaris!!! Then we had a fair share of fun at the boat house playing volleyball. Played with the fur ball Dory.Then we played ninteno and i kiked ass haha ya right lol sry Kristi beet me! My mommy and Dady picked us up.. And that ride home was not the best well lets just say not fun at all... And then Kriti found out that my parents love her like there own daughter and are scared for her ! And they liked her poem to lol... It scared the shit out of them but they liked it.. It took there breath away... AND rachel has somthing to tell me that she wont tell me and i dont know why.. And Kayla saw scooby doo with Lacey and Spent the night at her house .. because of it was her brothers birthday supposible anyway.. And me and kristi went to support are best friend will at his game today from 1 to 5 and they won one game and lot another. And we hung out with Bryan today at the game because he was there and we walked to target because we were at cape highs feild . we were in there for liek 15 minutes just to get 3 slushys and jolleyranchers and some gum for Will. And will had some good hits And Matt got some really good plays also he was the catcher.well g2g2 bye
1 White Bikini |
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2004 27 March :: 12.32am
colleens party was so fun...
alexa, emily, lacey, brittany, robert, andrew, zach, colleen, me, calli, heather, and some other ppl were there.. we had so much fun singing say my name on karaoke and calli lacey and me sung the thong song...
i love calli moore so much she is so nice and so fun to hang out with.. and shes great at pool.. lol. well hey i made a cd and im gonna go listen to it.. muahz!!!
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 26 March :: 5.37pm
Hey everyone IM bored but somthing has been eating at me all day ! Kristi!NNNOOOO you are not going to and nooone ask me or kristi what this is About but the note Kristi no you are not that is a bunch of bull shit and just to let you know it makes me cry you scared the shit out of me and if you really mean what you said in it then I NEED TO KNOW! You said NO KIDDING but is that what you ment and you knwo what im talking about the thing in my notebook.. Ur scaring the shit out of me there is no reason just because of well ok maybe there is a reason but not a good one dont worry about it and please DONT DO IT! i wont let you ! kk well g2g i luv you bye
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2004 22 March :: 6.44pm
:: Mood: happy//tired
:: Music: wish you were there - incubus
seasons? what are those?
today i was raking out in terri's backyard.
livin in florida, ya dont really rake a lot haha
so while rakin i started thinking...
man wouldnt it be even better if this was the kinda raking of leaves where after you rake up a big pile, ya fling the rake to the ground, and dive in to the pool of golden, scarlet, and orange leaves
we dont have that
i wanna go up north
experience what a season exactly is
the beauty of autumn
the cold, snow of winter (i would probaly only like the snow for like 2 weeks...i get cold when its 70 out haha)
the miracle of spring, watchin the snow melt
and then summer
down here in florida
its always hot
with a few days of it bein in chilly
chilly, i'm sure if northerners came down in like january and saw us all huddled up against the 40 degree weather, they would laugh
40 is probably a paradise compared to their negative to 30 weather
and the only other season we have is tourist season
1 White Bikini |
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2004 21 March :: 7.06pm
andrew not liking me= understandable
andrew ignoring me instead of just breaking up with me= that bastard
1 White Bikini |
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