Dont Hold Back You Can't Hold Back If You Pull Back For Just A Second You'll Eat Shit if we're not careful she'll win over our teachers, buy the dress we couldn't fit into, and kiss our ex-boyfriends In New Port ice cream isn't just ice cream. Instead of car washes, they have auto spas. Dogs have day cares, and Fashion Island has valet parking. I like boys who are a little slutty. A boy whose been around the block. A boy who doesn't know if he's Catholic or not... Excuse me, I've got some shit to attend to... Lilia - Kayla - Rachel - Kristi - Meagan - Julianna - Bailey - Sarah - Nikki - Amy - Melana - Melissa - Brittany - Lauren - Claudia - Jessica - Michelle - Jen - Erica - Amanda - Rachael - Tonya - Yasmenia - Emily - Abigail - Amber - Stephanie - Ariella - Kayla - Stevie - Dana - Gabriella - Hannah - Jamie - Emily - Keira - Lydia - Zoey - Nicole - Lacey - Sandra


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Welcome Bitch .

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:: 2004 6 January :: 6.15am
:: Mood: ishy
:: Music: invisible

hey hey lala herrr
today was eventful [yeah right] bailey and i woke up at 12 n took showers then brooke took us to tj maxx and ross [dress for less]
lol. then my mom called saying that she was already at baileys ready to take us to practice... so we went to mcdonaldz b/c we were really hungry and we were pullin like 65 on side streets. lol. nicholas parkway was backed up b/c they were pavin the rodes so we had to take the back way.
when we finally got bac to b's house we had to go straight to vball practice. cameron, robert debearos, one of his friendz, david, and cathryn came to watch. now baileyz takin another shower and im sittin here talkin to robert [fun]. and now guess what???? im gonna go!!!
<333 LAlA

3 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 6 January :: 6.27pm
:: Mood: Mad
:: Music: Invisible

Today was wierd i woke up really late.... And me and kayla and my sister went shopping then we eat McDonalds ... Then we had to hall ass home for volleyball practice......Well we were late anyways but its ok... Kaylas bro gave us a ride to practice (check the blind spot)lol... Well volleyball was fun cameron, someone , robert and roberts friend were all there... It was fun i throught the ball in the blechers not one perpose it was funny.... lol i g2g luv yall peace
<3 B@iley

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 4 January :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: Confused
:: Music: none

Hey Kristi thanks for everything i really aprisiate it. Thank You So Much.. U are a great friend cough cough...... Ya well i got nothing else to say other then thank god i hung out with Kayla all day now im in a good mood.. Not thanks to some people but whatever ..
Luv yall(THose poeple u know who u are)


8 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 4 January :: 11.23am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: lalalalala

yo pimps n hoes, lala herrrr,
poor bailey: her b/f david treats her like crap, n kristi... i understand where shes coming from n i dont think she should stop liking david. if bailey told her that she doesn't care then i think that kristi is assuming that bailey doesn't mind her hanging out with david.
then i can c baileys point of view.
bailey never thinks she is really inncluded in what rach and kris do. they'll blow her off and wont even think twice about it. i think that bailey feels insecure with david and i think that that's b/c he went to the movies with another girl (cough cough) i'm not takin ne 1's side b/c i luv all of these ppl so0o0o0o much n i agree with kayla, i think it is just middle school romance, nothin to screw up a friendship over!!
`·.¸.·´ I LoVe YoU
¸.·`* ¸.·*¨¨)
(_¸.·* ¸.·* Love always, LaLa~

4 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 3 January :: 6.02pm
:: Mood: Pissed
:: Music: none

Ya this blows the big one Kristi is at my boyfriends house i dont know what she is doing there but im not acusing anything.. Ya me and her are supposed to go to the movies but instead her rachel cameron and david are going ya im out of the picture but its all good becaus ei can t wait for kayla to get home because she is my bestest friend in the whole wide world... well g2g peace
luv some people those peopl kneo who them are other shut the hell up i dont want to hear it
Well luv B@iley

Tanned With...


:: 2004 3 January :: 11.56am
:: Mood: tired

hey hey,
sorry i havn't been keepin up with mah journal. i havn't been home. i went to sarasota for x mas and then the day after i went to kentucky where i stayed with mah friend becky and got to c all of my friendz that i havnt seen for like 2 years! it was so fun and they all changed so much. i got sum abercrombie clothes from there mall ( which is so much better then ours) because we dont have it. compared to theirs our mall sux.
yesterday was my bro's b day (15) so he got his permit and was drivin me every where. then mah family went out to eat and nick got a free cake. and today he is takin the risk of driving the family to sarasota for a party @ grams. then last night there was bailey who "forgot" to tell me she has a boyfriend. oops, slipped her mind. but we talked about it and shes really really sorry. and then i found this really cute louis vuitton (which i now have an obsession over) purse on ebay and bailey might get it for me for mah b day! if she does i will love her to DEATH!!lol
i g2g hollA
`·.¸.·´ I LoVe YoU
¸.·`* ¸.·*¨¨)
(_¸.·* ¸.·* Love always, LaLa~

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 2 January :: 9.37pm
:: Mood: Pissed
:: Music: none

This week has been a living hell. Kayla hates me becaus ei forgot to tell her i had a boyfriend kristi likes my boyfriend wich is why i might break up with him becaus ei cant go living with my best friend liking my boy friend... BUt i dont know yet .......... And ya i cryed becasue kayla like hates me becasue i didnt tell her and then ...Ethan hates me because i took kristis only person she liked besides will . so ya everone is on my case and to tell you the truth anymore i dont care..I mean i love LaLa but she just isnt being herself latly..
well g2g
Luv yall

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 1 January :: 1.58pm
:: Mood: happy/hyper
:: Music: stole

hey hey hey
Me and Kristi are talking eating and playing pool.. I just got back from running my mile like alwasy.. Now I'm eating but thats ok because I just ran...Then we are going to go to PJ's house to drop off his poster. Then later on tonight we are going to go to the movies.If possible..
Love you all


Tanned With...


:: 2004 1 January :: 12.00pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: fireworks

Happy New Year
hey guys im having so much fun with kristi Brianna and pj we are lighting fireworks like theres no tomarrow.. rachel is asleep and she just found out Cameron is cheeting on her.. even thought she dosnt believe it but i dont even know what to believe anymore .. but whatever i cant wait for softball season to start... hope u all had a good new year .. ooo ya it was funny brianna lit a broken bottle roket and it shot straight in to my nabors house it was so funny then she caught the grass on fire.. DUMB ASS then pj and her came over and played pool then we made fun of people that looked funny in the year book lol.. it was funny then brianna made us all crack up... she was trying to rap and she goes i was pimpin in my lamburghini (i cant spell dont mind me)
sucking on some guys
inside joke.. lol
well g2g
Love ya all

Tanned With...


:: 2003 26 December :: 8.24pm

hey everyone im so happy and im so hyper and im so happy even thought i didnt buy anything at the mall today and i had fun and nick feel out of his chair... rachel ur my girl i luv ya ...
Kristi i luv ya girl
so call me tomarrow and see if we can do somthing tomarrow since we dindt tonight kk luv yall
luv b@iley

2 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2003 26 December :: 2.54pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: concreat angel

hey everyone im sitting at home just got home form the mall got myself some new shoes and im waiting for kristi to callme but i should have known this would have happned i dont know why i even believed she was gunna leave rachels to come to my house no affence kristi i just get tired of this after a while .. i wish kayla was in town this sucks i want kristi to spend the night if she veer calls me thought if u see this kristi call me...
luv bailey

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2003 25 December :: 1.29am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: none

hey everyone it is christmas!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! i got my cell phone finally and a bunch of clothes and a radio and a bunch of other stuff.... hope u all had a nice christmas and liked ur gifts .. and kristi u told me tomarrow that we are gunna go to bryans well i can tell u right now thats aint gunna happen because u are gunna go to rachels and forget all about it so call me if u get this and u still want to go or callmeon my cell phone 209-3305 kk
<3 B@iley
hey kristi call me when u see this kk luv ya

Tanned With...


:: 2003 24 December :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: 2pac

Hey everyone im in saint pet being bored waiting for all my family to get here so we can open are presents then i get to open the rest tomarrow.. noone is on line so this sucks lol.. i will come on later and tell everyone what i got so fare fro x mas.. lol
luv yall
<3 B@iley

Tanned With...


:: 2003 22 December :: 12.24pm
:: Music: stole

KAyla n Me
Hye evereyone me nad kayla just got back inside from being with spencer and matt we were riding there skateboards.. having fun walked around the bloke and went swimming lol now kaylas mom is comng to pick us up and take us to lunch and then to target... then we are going back to kaylas house and rap presents then we are coming back to my house then we are going to pick nick up at the air port.. Kayla got me a picture frame a belt that says bialey on it it is awesome a lil bell thing that says bailey it is cool and she got me 2Pac cd.o ya ans later my mom is taking us to rent some movies .kayla has never seen The Fast and the Furious or two fast to thast what im gunna do to day i hope u all have a great day lol.
Luv yall
<3 B@iley

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2003 21 December :: 9.01am
:: Mood: christmasy
:: Music: simple plain

ok today me and kristi plain on going to the park to see Travis and we are gunna skateboard lol.. then i dont know what we are gunna do but were gunna do it and i got people to do and things to see lol inside joke lol.. Then later im gunna goto kaylas house and spend the ngiht so in the morning i can open presents at her house lol . well g2g
luv yall
<3 B@iley

2 White Bikinis | Tanned With... | Random Journal