Dont Hold Back You Can't Hold Back If You Pull Back For Just A Second You'll Eat Shit if we're not careful she'll win over our teachers, buy the dress we couldn't fit into, and kiss our ex-boyfriends In New Port ice cream isn't just ice cream. Instead of car washes, they have auto spas. Dogs have day cares, and Fashion Island has valet parking. I like boys who are a little slutty. A boy whose been around the block. A boy who doesn't know if he's Catholic or not... Excuse me, I've got some shit to attend to... Lilia - Kayla - Rachel - Kristi - Meagan - Julianna - Bailey - Sarah - Nikki - Amy - Melana - Melissa - Brittany - Lauren - Claudia - Jessica - Michelle - Jen - Erica - Amanda - Rachael - Tonya - Yasmenia - Emily - Abigail - Amber - Stephanie - Ariella - Kayla - Stevie - Dana - Gabriella - Hannah - Jamie - Emily - Keira - Lydia - Zoey - Nicole - Lacey - Sandra


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:: 2004 24 June :: 1.13pm
:: Mood: wondering...
:: Music: sick sad little world - incubus

it's the end of the world as we know it
you know we are all doomed when Pepto Bismol has it's own little dance.

andie andie oxenfree***

Tanned With...


:: 2004 23 June :: 8.29pm

hella good mood!!
hella.. i just sed that to liz and she started flippin out.. "hella, i love that word!!" lol.. iunno i just started sayin it todaii and iunno where i got it.. hmm.. i love lil miss moore and she has an icon that says i love kayla.. and i hope she keeps it for awhile!! b/c we have a promise and we cant break it! calli. we should promise our promise!! lol. chris is **** lol. i luv ya n all the kiddies who somehow get mah journal (?????) lol

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 23 June :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: me singing the darkness-- "i beleive in a thing called lo0ove.."

chris is **** lol calli!! love ya babe!! and you need to f'in cALL mah ass on like sundaii!! ya heard!?

2 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 23 June :: 5.25pm

I woke up this morning
shaken from a dream;
you were there,
and all the pain of the last five years
had never occurred at all;
no funeral,
no messages written on the casket,
no crying myself to sleep
every night.

my first thought of the morning
what was your last thought
as your life drained from your body?-
your existence becoming a statistic,
your future claimed
by the chaos of life and
the noose around your neck.

The medical examiner claimed that
most suicide victims
scratch and pry at the noose
in their last moments;

She found your skin beneath
your nails –
and chalked it up to
to a natural human response
to danger:
the fight for self preservation –
for life.

I wonder
if you changed your mind
when it was too late;
if the faces of your family
and your friends
flashed in front of you;
if the beauty of life
and the strength of love
at that moment
seemed like
to live for,
but apparently nooses do not ask
“are you sure?”
as they claim your
fourteen year old life.

I wonder if visions
of rainbows
danced in your mind;
sunsets over the ocean;
your wife walking down the aisle
to say "I do";
your baby being born,
his first piercing scream
awakening a part of your heart
you didn't know existed...

I wonder if you realized
you weren't ready yet,
seeing your life's potential
to be fulfilled
with the fullness of life
and the sheer
imperfect beauty of it all -
but it was

I shake my head to clear these morbid thoughts,
far too gruesome for
such a beautiful Sunday morning.
I will continue my day
in your absence,
approaching five years
I have wandered through life
without you at my side.

Like usual,
I will see someone
with sandy hair and
turquoise eyes
in the coffee line,
and I will double check
just to make sure
it is not you.

For some reason,
hearts do not accept
the finality
of death.

then I will wonder
what you would have looked like
at nineteen,
what beautiful roads you might have
found yourself driving down,
windows open,
music up,
and free from the demons
you fatally fought with
five years ago…

how much more beauty
my life would have had,
if you had stayed.

but these are morbid thoughts
for a gorgeous Sunday in June,
so I push you from my mind
and throw the covers back
to begin one more day
without you –
five years have taught me
how to do so,
but haven’t shown me how
to forget you

or how to understand
that your bones
are becoming dust
in a coffin…

that you are now
but memories.

Tanned With...


:: 2004 23 June :: 2.24am
:: Mood: happy :D
:: Music: by the way - rhcp

the tee ideas from ydeeps & anir
(aka myslef and rina)
this is from the sleep deprived brains of ours.

in a 70s fontish thing..
Andie's Rollerdisco
-Afros Required
-Dancing Skills Optional
and it will have a picture of a roller skate on it and a disco ball
and on the back it will have a guy with an afro and 70s clothes pointing at you and the caption will read "only YOU can be the life of the party"

Front: Got Buffalo Wings?
back : a drawing of a buffalo flying away

Front: Altoids: dont let them make ya kill a man in reno for them

there is a little picture of a girl with a stick and the caption will say "youre lucky your behind the glass wall"

a picture of a squirrel on the front, with the caption of "1-666-evil-squirrles"

picture of a frigde with the little marks that means its moving and the caption will say "tv dinner avalanche ahead coutesy of the freezer ghost"

a picture of a pinecone with the caption of "smell that cinnamon christmas. " on the back: "conspiracy?"

ALL-(noun) 1. a substance used to clean clothes. 2. an evil conspiracy-maker. 3. arch-nemisis of the green knight.

on the front is a poorly drawn picture of a girl with a frown and tears and a broken heart and it will say love is a... and on the back it will list
gift...this will be crossed out
wondorous thing...crossed out
bitch....crossed out
pain in the ass....crossed out
hassle....crossed out
salami sanwich with pickles...crossed out
4 letter word...crossed out
way of life...crossed out

we should make a shirt that says a little dab will do ya

or have a picture of a wolf howling at the moon "the terror of our elementary"

i love dash

i love mookie

i love the SG
well that is it for now
who knows whatever crazy psycho things may be created by us in the late night?
cause i sure dont.

Good good bye, lovely time
Good good bye, tinsel shine
Good good bye, I'll be fine
Good good bye, good good night
-jimmy eat world

andie andie oxenfree***

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 21 June :: 10.45pm

Hey today was ok i guess the only hightlight of my day was talking to garrett thats always the hightlight to my day nothing else makes me happy unless im with him or if im with kayla because she always puts me in a good mood.. But shes gone soo im kinda bummed.. But ill live... i finally get my hair done and died and cut and everything it will be a suprise to everyone u will see.. lol.. I went to Robbies today and shawn was there too.. Its was fun but being with them made me miss garrett so much more... Because they all act the same and i was with them and i was being myself and it was really cool and now i miss Garrett more than anyone can amagine.. Im going crazy.. Hey will be home in 22 days and yes i have a count down.. i week and 6 day and 2 hours and 15 min and 35 sec.. no lol j/p not that seriouse. lol.. well im gunna go write in my journal and go to bed.. Good-Night everyone..
Luv ya

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 21 June :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: _blah_
:: Music: hands down--- dc

im in ky right now. i got in yesterday. fun shit. um me n beckers got in at like 10 am yesterday.. got home. loren came over. and then kelsey and we rented feardotcom and had pics developed of me devin chris and becky at the bowling ally.. more fun shit!! lol. um diz woke up at 2 in the morning yelling at us b/c we were cheering. lol. we went outside and did builds. of course i was the frickin flyer. um. threw my backhandspring. becky is the bestest spotter in the world. kinda got my scorpion back. lol. havnt done it in like 3 years. lol. ummm then today we went to the mall and i bought $130 worth of stuff in 3 hours!!! :(.. but realli cute stuff!!!!!
n then loren kelsey becky n i went to lazarus ( a furniture place in therr kick ass mall) and we were like jumpin on the mattresses. evn more fun shit. n omg andy looks like SO different.. he walked up n talked to me and i didnt evn kno who he was at first. he looks like a dam abercrombie model!! more of them bailey!! i keep running into them. lmao. ne ways.. i just wanted to say that me n chriss pony is better then calli and mikes cow. lol. im playing girlie!! i love you. but mah pony is better. like 11 ppl sed so in your journal. lol. and that wasnt me. ne who. loren was like screaming catalyst in the mall.. screaming!! lol. and she found out that i can moon walk so she like asked random ppl if they wanted to see me. dum ass. lol. n now im in becky's room, shes in the shower. so ima go.. but ne body who wants to come to brookwood tomorrow we'll be therr. love ya kiddies (sorry andi, i stoled it) lol

4 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 18 June :: 7.58pm

Breathe in for luck,
breathe in so deep,
this air is b l e s s e d,
you share with me.
This night is wild,
so calm and d-u-l-l,
these hearts they [r][a][c][e],
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,
as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,
we're doing nothing at all.

My hopes are so h~i~g~h,
that your k.i.s.s. might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
s/o/ /I/ /d/i/e/ /h/a/p/p/y.
My heart is yours to fill or b u r s t,
to break or bury,
or wear as j*e*w*e*l*e*r*y,
which ever you prefer.

The words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay (e)(n)(t)(w)(i)(n)(e)(d) here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so d u m b.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can **get some**.

My hopes are so >>high<< that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or b u r y, or wear as j*e*w*e*l*e*r*y,
which ever you prefer.

Hands down this is the best day I can ever [r][e][m][e][m][b][e][r],
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the DIM of the soft lights,
the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
and the time on the clock when we r-e-a-l-i-z-e-d it's so late
and this walk that we s.h.a.r.e.d. together.
The streets were wet
and the gate was locked so I jumped it,
and I l'e't' 'y'o'u' 'i'n'.
And you stood at your door with your h`a`n`d`s on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you m-e-a-n-t it,
that you meant it,
that you meant it,
and I knew,
that you meant it,
that you meant it.

7 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 18 June :: 7.11pm

omg. me and chris's pony turned gothic.. lol. and we're not sure if its a boy or a girl. her his it's name is bibbles.. if any of you are interested in taking part in paying for our pony support please call me!! ;)

1 White Bikini | Tanned With...


:: 2004 18 June :: 5.53pm
:: Music: dc- hands down

why do so many people talk shit to get attention?to be annoying? well i hate people like that....thats all they do its like there life or something>> >I< >HATE< >HER< so0o0o0o0o much.....n her gay little friends thats all they do is talk crap bout me n try to get shit started with me n my friends or worst BOYFRIEND but i wont let that happen ill fight till the end cuz im determined.......that sounded corny but i hate it when people who talk shit doubt me.......britt knows how determined ive become these past weeks.... so im gonna fight......un till i win....but g2g im bored lol gonna go do sunthin

^^^^ callis entry

so you hate me.. and you hate my friends.. and your gonna fight??
alrighty.and another thing.. you dont like being talked about. well. >I< >HATE< >HER< so0o0o0o0o much.....n her gay little friends. that whole fucking entry is about me. and that is talking crap. and dont put in your lil journal that im the one talking. your mouth is never shut
^^^ my comment

calli then sed that she wasnt talking about me

kayla not everything is about you!!!!!!! that journal isnt for you ok!!!! i have a life....n its not all about you i dont n=know why you think it is....i dont care wut you n your friends leave me alone n stop jumping to conclusions when you dont even know the story....NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU n i wasnt talking crap about that person i was stating an i told brittany i think your sweet n pretty so why would i start stuff with you when i dont even talk to you ne more....hmmm w/e i gotta go to my life guard camp>>>> if you want ill just stop "trying" to be friends with you mk you can have wut you have always wanted....

^^^^^ callis next entry

the fact that you kinda do talk about me. and a lot of ppl tell me that.. i "jumped to the conclusion" that that entry was bout me. who else do you hate and all her gay friends.. talking crap and "stealing your boyfriend".. i thought i was the only person who was trying to do that.
^^^^ my comment
so see you are trying to screw things up with me n him....w/e

^^^ callis reply

i thought i was the only person who was trying to do that.
^^^ thats what you always say. not what i think. but you do. and i was the one telling you how much he talks about you. would i be saying things like that if i wanted to screw you guys up. if you think i can do that.. your insecure.
^^ my reply

calli, you didnt get it. you always tell me that im trying to steal chris."try to get shit started with me n my friends or worst BOYFRIEND" and since you sed that entry wasnt about me.. i asked if therr was ne one else trying to "steal" your b/f. once again.. IM NOT FUKKIN TRYING TO STEAL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tanned With...


:: 2004 16 June :: 9.36pm

becky wants to put a hammer through someones head ... me tooo
grrrr. grrrr. grrrr.
someones journal entry is making me mad. how would you like it if someone sed that they hate you and your friends?and therr reason was that they talked crap about them? and what if they. as they were typing this little entry put >HATE< >HER< so0o0o0o0o much.....n her gay little friends.. i have a question for all of you. and you can comment if you want.. wouldnt that be considered talking crap????

3 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 15 June :: 11.36am

Im at Kristis and Kellis right now... FUN... We watched a scarry movie called around the ben ... Talked to Ethan Last night for the first time in like forever... Then I talked to Robbie like always... Wow guess who called me yesterday morning Garrett we talk for a lil while because he called me so early in the morning and woke me up... Yup he doesnt know any of the bad news yet though so... I will wait till he comes back to fill him in on that.. OO ya and supposibly he thinks hes got my rapped around his finger we will see how that goes whenn he comes back too... I miss him so much though along with Robbie too... Well i cant wait till i go on vacation but then again i dont know how lkong i will be gone with out Garrett..... At least i know it wont be a month to put him trought this he probabaly wouldnt care thought.. lol... Guys what can i say.. lol ... well im gunna go because me kelli and kristi are going to go to my house.. And Nick might take us somewere.. KK luv ya all

Tanned With...


:: 2004 13 June :: 11.58pm
:: Music: Usher

WOW where should i start.. Well last night i cryed my eyes out at Kaylas because if shit i herd about Garrett again. I dont know what to believe literly this is everything i have herd so far.. I herd from about 12 people that he said at his party that if he does get head from me in the first two weeks that he would break up with me..Then theres he is a player.. Then there break up with him before you fall in love.. Then theres well he said he didnt want a long realtionship what does that mean to you... Wow then theres hes just going out with you to get some.. witch pretty much summs up all the shit or is it even shit it the truth or is it not its like my life on a fucking f-ing trivia game but you know what everyone is loosing.. i want to know the truth does he want me for me, or me for whats in my pants, or me for what i can do in his pant....SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME .. Well then me and Kayla went on a walk and my tears dryed up because she always makes me feel better.. ALWAYSwell wow here we ago again tonight just like every other i cry and cry until i run out of tears or a fall asleep and hopefully dont wake up this time.. g2g luv ya B

4 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 12 June :: 5.36pm
:: Mood: happy...accomplished
:: Music: foo fighters - everlong

welcome to cattlesburg: a beautiful fall
I looked up and quickly pulled the little green seaweed demon out of my hair. "surfing troubles," I explained as I threw it to the ground. "ah, I see. I hope you and your family are okay. we're really sorry about," he looked at the two vehicles,” all of this." I touched the gash on my forehead and looked at the blood on my fingers. "yeah," I paused for a moment, "we are fine." he looked at the cut on my forehead, "you really need to get that checked out when the ambulance comes 'cause a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have a big scar on her forehead like that." I smiled at the remark as the sun glinted through his brown messily spiked hair and hit his forest green eyes that made them sparkle.

I heard loud sirens and looked over at the ambulance that was pulling over to the side of the road where we were. "there's my cue. nice meeting ya, dash. bye," I said as I wiped my hair out of my eyes. "yes, nice meeting you too...I never got your name," he said as he glanced over at the paramedics talking to his mom and mine. my brain was on an overactive spasm called 'dash' so it took me a couple of seconds to respond, "it's Kieran." he smiled a magnificent grin, "well Kieran, I hope that the cut on your head gets well and that you are okay. bye." I walked to the ambulance smiling probably the goofiest, happiest smile ever.

when most people go to the beach they get a nice tan or an annoying sunburn but not me! I go to the beach and end up coming home with a concussion and 10 stitches on my forehead. I was rushed to the hospital so they could stitch me up, away from the scene of the accident, and away from dash.

flash forward to now shall we? I never saw dash since then. my mom's black excursion was totaled from all the damage from the accident. now she drives a new shiny red mini cooper.

charley came over and we walked over to the pier. mookie was working at the concession stand. we shuffled through the crowd and finally made it to the stand. "hello, how may I help you?" mookie joked as he asked in a monotone robot voice. "'ello mate, we will have our usual please," charley ordered in an Australian accent for some reason. mookie played along, "sorry girls, no shrimp on the barbie but here are your drinks."

while we paid I looked at mookie's tacky yellow and orange striped triangular paper hat. think of the hats from the '50s at the malt shops. "nice hat, mook," I said as I received my change back. charley was taking a sip of her sprite and coke concoction, "I agree. very chic, you should wear it around more often." mookie laughed, "hmm, we'll see." I noticed the line that was starting to form behind us, "Mr. tacky hat mookie, how long till you're off?"

mookie glanced over at the hot dog shaped clock on the wall behind him, "give me about 15 more minutes." we nodded and walked over to the light blue benches. charley and I talked and finished our drinks while we waited for the mookster. finally mook came out of the backdoor, tacky hat free. "where do you guys wanna go first?" he asked as he looked at his watch. charley looked at me, I looked back at her, we both shrugged our shoulders.

the three of us just started walking down the pier. mookie and I were talking about the major sound difference between records and cd’s when we were interrupted by charley going, "oh no, there's jessica harcof." I looked over by the sand art stand and said, "crap." jessica has been hating me which seems like forever. I think even maybe since elementary school. I cant really remember what I did to her but she sure does.

quickly I glanced over at this odd looking tourist who had a stuffed animal dog the size of a chair on his shoulders. as I looked at "it" I thought maybe she wouldn’t see me. "Kieran Roberts! who do we have here? the ever miss popular Kieran Roberts with her two sidekicks, mookie Rockland and charley Stevens," she did a fake gasp and put on a valley girl voice, "like oh my gosh what a surprise!" I shook my head, "cut the crap jessica. what do you want?" she smiled a grin that spelled trouble, "oh nothing, I heard you met dash. sta--" I sighed and interrupted her, "yeah? so..." and we walked past her.

something funny about jessica harcof is that she never picks on mookie. yeah, she gives charley and I a hard time but never to mookie. perhaps she thinks his parents are witches or somethin like that. charley, mookie, and I walked through the herds of people. finally we made it to the himilaya., said hi to Corey who was running it, and got on. mookie had to sit on the outside and got squished by charley and I. it was funny, the squishers (charley and I) couldn’t stop laughing to save our lives. we rode some more rides and decided to leave.

us three amigos walked down the pier to my casa. an elephant ear in my right hand and a stuffed orange star that mookie had won for me in the left. charley had cotton candy and mookie had a pair of humongous lime green sunglasses on. we talked and laughed the whole way. in that moment life was perfect.

Sunday came and went. mookie and I headed to the beach. charley had to work at her parent's hotel, she is a clerk at the front office. after basting in the sun for a couple of hours we headed back to mookie's parents' record shop. we decided to prank call ms. charley.

mookie spoke in to the phone in a somewhat deeper voice, "hello? is this the sunshine suites?" charley responded, "yes, it is. how may I help you?" mookie took a breath, "I’d like to book a room for three." plainly charley spoke, "okay, may I have the guest's names, please?" mookie thought for a moment, "Freddie mercury," he paused. charley was in work mode and didn’t catch the name, "and who else?" mookie smiled, "and Kieran Roberts and mookie Rockland." it took charley a moment, "hey! you two jerks!" all three of us laughed till we heard her father yelling in the background. she whispered quickly, "I gotta go. meet you guys at 8."

at eight we all met at the rusty wave. the cozy, yet small, restaurant that faced the pacific was full of people. we all looked at each other, the words 'tourist season' lighting up in all our eyes like three lemons on a slot machine in Vegas. we ordered our food then took it outside. why be inside walls swarmed with elbows and sunburned arms with madness hanging in the air while the serene beautiful beach beckons to you its serene and wondrous beauty? we must have sat out there in the sand for about two hours. just talking and crazy dancing under the full moon every now and then.

the next day, Monday, my alarm went off at 6 a.m. every time I heard the piercing shrill of the alarm went off I thought of how wonderful it would be to watch the little annoyance hit the wall and break in to thousands of tiny pieces. eventually I rolled out of bed and shuffled in my blue slippers downstairs to grab some breakfast. james was still sleeping and Emily was sitting at the dining room table putting on her mascara with every other bite of her lucky charms. I ran around the house, picking up a shirt here, shoe there, and a belt under the stairs. I was brushing my teeth with one hand while I brushed my hair with the other.

when I was finally all ready to go, I said bye to my mom, grabbed my stuff and sprinted out to the mailbox where mookie was waiting. out of breath from my mad dash ,"hey mook." he laughed, "good mornin'. alarm clock troubles again?” I smiled, shaking my head, "of course." we started walking towards the bus stop as I was putting my antique chandelier earrings on. mookie nodded to a palm tree that was in front of a house, "ah palm trees, I would gladly trade some of those for a couple of oak trees. love ya California but I want a real fall." I glanced at the towering palm while squinting my eyes as the sun was starting to rise, "yeah, can you imagine raking up a bunch of beautiful auburn, burnt orange, and golden leaves then diving in as if it were a swimming pool?" mook smiled, "can't imagine it happening here but it would be awesome. I can rake up some palm fronds for you to dive in to if you want." I let out a small chuckle while I rolled my eyes and shook my head 'no', "thanks mook but I’ll pass."

we got closer to the bus stop and mookie hollered "YO CHARLEY!" mookie and charley always say yo to each other. I think yell at the top of their lungs yo to each other is more like it. never hi or hey or hello or hola or aloha or you see where I am going with this... it's even funnier when they yell it down the halls at school. charley was sitting on the faded lavender bench. mookie and I got closer to find out that she just wasn’t sitting there, she was sleeping. I gave mookie a 'what to do' look then I poked her in the arm. mookie leaned down and had his mouth by her ear as he was about to tell her a secret and then yelled "YO CHARLEY! THE BUS IS COMING!" charley jumped about 3 feet up in the air. yup, she is definitely awake now. who wouldn’t after you had your eardrum busted by mookie's gravelly voice yelling in your ear? the rickety old bus ambled up the street and charley, mookie and I slowly got on. knowing there was no turning back now, we were going to school.

the bus pulled up to the dreaded c.h.s. I grimaced as I glanced at the school and the numerous, different, notorious cliques that were standing out front by the statue of the bull for we were the cattlesburg chargers. we slowly got up and walked to the front of the bus. I am not exaggerating by slow...snails could of beaten us. "Rockland! Stevens! Roberts! hurry up! I’m going gray up here waiting for you guys!'' we walked a little faster. mookie and charley were already off the bus, I passed our crabby bus driver Mr. Arnold and muttered, "you already are gray." as I stepped off the last step, I faintly head him say, "yea...going grey..from you."

being as today was the first day back from the summer break we all got out our schedules. "hey! we all have lunch and 1st class together," yelled charley over the banter of everyone else in the crowded hallway. We all laughed as we spotted out the lost freshman as we walked to our first class. chemistry, what fun. when we got to a less crowded part of the hall mookie said to me, "Kieran, I’m a little worried about having this class with you. I know that sooner or later you are going to blow something up during a lab in this class." "since when did you become a fortune teller, mook? I will just always have to be your lab partner then." I said as we walked through the door into the class. we all sat in the second to the last table in the back. the bell rang, officially ending summer.

our teacher, ms. erlin, introduced herself. I heard the classroom door open and close. I was way too busy doodling a picture on my picture on my binder to look and see who just entered in the room. it was a drawing of me surfing and it was pretty good until charley whacked me in the shoulder, "Kieran!" I quickly looked at charley, angry that there was a big line through my face on the picture. she pointed to the left of me at the empty table and mouthed, "look" and there sat the still gorgeous dash.

I mouthed "oh my god" to charley then tapped him on the shoulder. "dash? hey its Kieran. do you remember me? from the car accident in June." he looked at me for a second with a look that said 'I’m racking my brain' then he smiled, "heeeey! glad to see the gash on your head is all better." I laughed and was in the middle of asking to see his schedule when ms. erlin cleared her throat really loudly and shot a glance at me. a "death if you speak again" glance. I rolled my eyes.

charley passed me some papers but before I passed them on to dash I quickly scribbled down on the top sheet: 'dash, 767-5333 call me tonight, Kieran." I passed them on to him then the bell rang. he looked at me, said bye, and we went in our separate ways to second class.

at the end of the day before we got on the bus, charley, mookie, and I were walking towards my dangerous locker. on the way we saw jessica harcof busy talking to some guy at their locker. the hall was pretty crammed so I couldn’t see who but I figured that it was coral and jessica didn’t see me. we were almost past her. the halls cleared up at just perfect timing for jessica to turn around and spot us. after she turned around, the guy she was conversing with turned around too. revealing the face of Mr. dash cartle.

I guess jessica saw me looking because I glanced over at her and she gave me the evil eye. I shrugged off her stare and started walking towards dash. "hey!" I yelled over to him. he quickly looked over at jessica, looked back at me, smiled, then said, "thanks for that biology paper." I was still walking towards him. in the middle of the hall, donning my dash grin, jessica stuck her leg out.

I tripped and fell to the ground. the remaining people in the hall, including jessica, laughed. I looked over to mook and charley. giving them a look that said, "whoa! did that just really happen?" their eyes responding, "yup, you should have seen it. you will be ok though." dash outstretched his hand to me. I grabbed it and got up ass I muttered, ''my that was a beautiful fall. thanks jess!" she gave me a nasty snarl before she turned and walked away. when our hands were apart, dash said, "gotta get going, later." after he left I noticed the small folded up note in the palm of my hand.

I quickly yet un-noticeably put it in the back pocket of my jeans. we then went to my locker, got my books without a shower of books landing on us from my locker, then headed to the bus. Mr. Arnold made us sit in the front seats. we got off the bus, said our goodbyes and grumbled a bit over how much homework we had already before we set off for our own houses. the second I got to our gate, I reached into my pocket. I ripped the note open faster then a starved person rips open a bag of Doritos. I looked at his note, which I could tell he tried to write really neat on even though I kind of had to tilt it to the left a little to read it. 'Kieran, practice ends at 6, Dash.'

I smiled at it then walked in to my house. dazed, I turned on a c.d. and sat on the loveseat. Chevy came over and jumped on my lap. I let out an 'oomph!' as the 40 pound dog bounced on my bladder. there were only a few lights on. no one was home but me. I sat there thinking for a bit, petting Chevy and being fully absorbed by the music that was seeping through my soul.

the silence was broken when I heard the telephone ringing in the kitchen. I gently shoved the fat lug Chevy off my lap and on to the couch and sprinted to the kitchen. it was still ringing as I placed my hand on the phone.

I was out of breath from running to it. I relaxed for a second, caught my breath, and answered the phone, "hello?" there was no sound coming from the other end of the line for a second. finally a voice came from the receiver, "hey, is this Kieran? it's your dad."

andie andie oxenfree***

2 White Bikinis | Tanned With...


:: 2004 12 June :: 1.50pm
:: Music: Usher

Im so sad i dont know what to do Garrett is gone for a fucking f-ing month.. Im so bored and im hungry..The whole time he has been gone i have slept pretty much.. Every were i go i take my cell phone because eventually he will call me.. I slept till 2:30 yesterday then woke up went got my dad a fathers day gift came home and went back to sleep.. Wow what a life right!!! I CANT TAKE MY MIND OF OF HIM.. And i would say i would go and hang out with my best friends because they always make it better but they really dont like me to much well sept kayla she likes me sometimes.. lol Kristi and Rachel could care less but thats beside the point.. Im bored.. I HATE THIS.. Im listening to Usher and it reminds me of Garrett because its his favorite singer and he sings the songs all the tie. Everythign i do reminds me of him . Damitwell im gunna go
luv ya all if anyone wants to call and talk u know the digits

Tanned With... | Random Journal