Im-Sorry [ xsilentxsuicidex ]
2005 23 September :: 11.56pm
Falling apart...
I'm sorry for whatever I did to lose you...
...Everything has changed so fast. I miss you. Oh god, I miss you. You've got me so lost here, and I don't know what to do.
Everything was going so perfectly... And then, it all crashed to the ground. Suddenly, you weren't all you promised you would be. You were nothing at all. You vanished out of my life completely, and I never found closure.
You were so close to being mine. So close... Right as I had you in my grip, you slipped away, and I was left alone and confused.
It gets harder and harder every day to see you... Even looking at pictures rips me apart. It's not healthy feeling this way. It can't be.
There's so much I want to say. It's always screaming inside, trying to come out... But the silence overcomes it.
I miss you so much.
I wish we would start talking again.
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Im-Sorry [ ImUgly ]
2005 14 September :: 11.03am
She utters her voice in the streets
She crys in the chief place of councourse,
In the openings of the gates:
In the city she uttered her words saying
"How long, simple ones,
Will you love love simplicity?
And the scorners delight in their scorning,
And the fools hate knowledge?
Turn you at my reproof:
I will pour out my spirit for you
I will make my words known to you.
Because I have called
And you refused;
I have stretched out my hand,
And no man regarded.
But you have set at not all my counsel,
And would none of my reproof:
I will laugh at your calamity
I will mock when your fear comes;
When your fear comes as desolation,
And your destruction comes as a whirlwind;
When distress and anguish come upon you
Then shall they call upon me,
But I will not answer;
They shall seek me,
But they shall not find me."
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im-sorry [ loserxdork ]
2005 27 August :: 7.47pm
I'm sorry to everyone...for being me...
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Im-sorry [ dabestyougot69 ]
2005 29 July :: 1.38am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: the sound of my screams
my poem...comments?
By Kelli T
(C) 2005
Describes my being
My only trait
Who has the meaning?
My dreadful fate
Emptiness is what I feel
When I'm walking all alone
Emptiness is what I feel
When no ones calling on the phone
Emptiness is what I feel
When you stabbed me in the back
Emptiness is what I feel
When I'm falling off lifes tracks
Emptiness is what I feel
When I try to OD you away
Emptiness is what I feel
When you loved started to fade
Emptiness is what I felt
When you chose her over me
Emptiness is what I felt
When you fucked me over completely
As empty as that pill bottle
That I just emptied out
As empty as feeling "love"
I thought I knew about
As empty as your heart
As empty as my soul
As empty as your love has been
Even when I wanted more
Welcome to my suicide party
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Im-sorry [ dabestyougot69 ]
2005 20 June :: 9.41am
The dream is...
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Im-sorry [ dabestyougot69 ]
2005 20 June :: 9.30am
Not long ago, but far away...
A rainy winters day
All her pain, she kept inside
could no longer hide
No cry for help
she killed herself
Both life and love she could not save
She took them both to the grave
A pair of souls become undone
Where were two, now one
Divided by this wall of death
I will soon join you yet
With my blood, I'll find your love
You've found your strenth to end your life
As yo did, so shall I
Oh no
Don't die on me
Don't die on me
Don't die on me
Don't die...
Give Me Happiness
Im-Sorry [ imugly ]
2005 15 June :: 9.03pm
Give me three random colors
1. bergandy
2. brown
3. garnet
Your name is: Elise
You love: my violin
You want: to be loved
You wish: he cared about me again
You have: nothing anymore
You need: to be forgiven
Give Me Happiness
Im-Sorry [ xsilentxsuicidex ]
2005 14 June :: 1.59pm
I'm sorry...
For everything.
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Im-Sorry [ xsilentxsuicidex ]
2005 26 May :: 4.46pm
I'm sorry that I worry all the time,
Even when you constantly tell me not to.
And I'm sorry that I assume things,
Even when you have given me absolutely no reason to.
I'm sorry that you live miles and miles away,
Even when you'd come home if you could.
And I'm sorry that I miss you so much,
Even when it's all you're fault.
But most of all, I'm sorry for dragging you down like this. So what? We're young and in love... But you shouldn't have to deal with all this right now. You have so much on your hands right now and so much ahead of you. I just keep holding on...
But I think I'm losing my grip.
I hope you're happier there than you were here.
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Im-Sorry [ lovedlessthanmost ]
2005 19 May :: 5.43pm
:: Mood: kind of better
:: Music: The Streets - Dry Your Eyes
in one single moment, your whole life can turn around...
I'm sorry that I wasted my heart on a liar.
I'm sorry that I thought things would work out.
I'm not sorry that I know I deserve better than you.
Yeah, I'm feeling better and I can't wait to fall in love with someone will actually love me as much as I'll love him.
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