2004 25 October :: 9.20pm
I have come to the realization that I am clinicly depressed. I have major depression, and am not going to get help. I know, if I want to get better I need to get help, but I don't want to tell my mom that I am depressed. I do want to be happy, nothing makes me happy anymore, and if it does, it's only for a very short while. I hate feeling like this and wish I didn't. God, why me? WHy now, why can't it happen to someone else? Why can't my mom be more understanding of me? I guess I'm going to go now. Enough of my rant.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 6 October :: 2.13pm
Read more..
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 30 September :: 10.23pm
:: Mood: pained
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional
both candidates are stupid.. why can't we just get stuff done and done well?
I went to the allergist today to get tested. They told me they would be using patches. Now they tell me they don't use patches. They didn't use patches. They used needles. I hate needles. Once again I nearly passed out. Last time they took my blood. No warning for that either.
I seem to be rather allergic to carrots. Slightly allergic to chocolate and milk. I have to go back 2 more times for more shots to see what else.
I was in so much low aggravating pain that I couldn't go out tonight and hang with Amalia and Amanda and Lauren and them. Most upset.
I have more to say... Been a while since I've said anything.... But what can I say? People... people don't like.. people..
I keep losing.
Haven't done much work with all this break. Especially behind on college stuff. I just don't want to mess up.
With love..
3 lovers |
just breathe
2004 20 September :: 9.20pm
:: Mood: despondent
:: Music: Erik's Emo-Indie Mix
popcorn vs. donut
I may be back.. I don't know why I was away.. Must've been that hurricane and time off of school.
Well let's see.. what's new..
I've a new laptop which all of you has seen now has AOL 9.0! Out of beta! Yeah baby! However right this instant it doesn't connect to the internet and I've kicked it and everything. So I'm back on my old computer which feels impossibly slow now.
I also have a new tv which is a rather nice plasma with tivo. I have no idea why we got these things.. I think they're birthday/christmas gifts..
I found my new haven. It's a used/old bookstore that is absolutely brilliant. I love it there. Amanda you would die. ^.~
Did you say you liked the old editions of the Anne McCaffrey because of their cover art? Say around 1977..?
I bought this awesome booko by Reader's Digest: How to do Just About Anything. It literally tells you how to do just about everything!! Maybe I should bring it in.. Amanda, I think you said before how to clean books? What was it you recommended for the Syo manga?
Also, I found this book which was in poor condition there, so my next thought was instantly eBay!
The Dictionary of Imaginary Places
With love..
1 love |
just breathe
2004 21 August :: 11.33pm
My Serendipity List
This is my new project. I want these books.
Must. Have.
Buttermilk Bear
Cap'n Smudge
Crabby Gabby
Crickle Crack
Feather Fin
Flutterby Fly
Glitterby Baby
Grampa Lop
In Search of the Saveopotomus*
Jake O'Shawnasey
Jingle Bear
Lady Rose
Leo the Lop
Leo the Lop Tail Two
Leo the Lop Tail Three
Little Mouse on the Prairie
Maui Maui
Maynard's Mermaid
Ming Ling
Misty Morgan
Morgan and Me
Morgan and Yew
Morgan Mine
Morgan Morning
Napoleon's Rainbow
Nitter Pitter
Pish Posh
Tail of Three Tales
Tee Tee
The Dream Tree
The Gnome from Nome
The Grumpling
The Muffin Muncher
The Wheedle on the Needle*
Tickle's Tale
Trafalgar True
Zippity Zoom
Sooty Foot+
The Puddle Pine+
* Think I have but can't find...
- Not found on
+ Serendipity but not listed on knowledgable sites
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 21 August :: 4.08pm
:: Mood: busy
under the law - silence is consent
Well this week sped by! My classes are pretty okay.. I enjoy organic chemistry like I expected. Dalsass teaches better than Swanson which I knew. I answered a few things right in history and I was so happy! Hehe The rest are all right.. Timberlake's fun. Zippolo's doing better. Lerner's gonna die along with Crocco. Yeah.
I have this issue of Newsweek International from China and it's got a section on what it's the best to be in certain countries. So I decided that every day of TOK I'll go through one of them. MUAHAHAHA It's kinda fun. Yesterday was Technocrat - China.
I'ma eating popcorn now! So yummy. :)
Olympics! We're winning! We're winning! I need to watch more of this..
Not too much else to say... my mind's bouncing around on all these things I should get done.
Productivity. It's a weird thing.
just breathe
2004 2 August :: 10.07pm
:: Mood: exhausted
I do have a daily write up on my China trip.'s just not finished. ^^"
just breathe
2004 14 July :: 6.08pm
:: Mood: anxious
asian flair
Alrighty! Heading off to China now..
I'll miss everyone very very very much!
Pass on my love to anyone that I missed when I was saying bye..
Hope everyone has a great end of summer and lots of fun on their own trips!
Lots of love...
1 love |
just breathe
2004 11 July :: 1.25am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Linkin Park.... up until my batteries died on me :*(
count the stars
I know... so horrible of me. Here's another chain mail piece.
I just can't think of anything to write....
I'm on chapter 5 of Aunt Julia and liking Amanda's idea more and more. Sparknotes.. my old friend..
Hmm.. there was another battle of the page we can get in the football program.
Umm.. working on cleaning up my stuff and preparing for the trip.
My computer is creating lots of problems. GRRRARGH!
With love..
Questions of the Day
When do we get lockers? Schedules come out August 1st.
When do we get parking decals? I can do that any time right...?
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
just breathe
2004 6 July :: 12.45pm
:: Mood: distant
:: Music: absolute silence
fire dance
Can I really expect comments? No, I guess not, since I don't really write anything.
You put us to shame Amanda :P
The last two nights.. I'm so happy... I finally remember dreaming. I haven't felt I've been dreaming in so long.. but I remember now! I can even kinda remember some clips of my dream last night!
Not much else has been going on...
We're cleaning and preparing for the trip.. We leave the 15th for two weeks.
I finished the Metamorphosis book. Now I need to finish Aunt Julia.. or work on the college journal.. something else before I go.
Hmm.. I can't think of anything else to write.. *sigh*
With love..
just breathe
2004 4 July :: 10.00pm
:: Music: popping of fireworks
Chain Mail With Meaning
From Mer
Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.
Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.
Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.
Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.
Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second-guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.
Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.
Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.
Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.
Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.
Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.
Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.
Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift even given.
I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.
And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............
On a happier note.. the fireworks look beautiful tonight.
With love...
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 2 July :: 7.04pm
:: Mood: thinking
Breaths of Stale Air
Still not too talkative. Not at all. It's actually quite painful to talk. I tried. I'll try again.
Give me a minute to catch my breath.
See the Full Buck Moon
The moon will be full July 2 at 7:09AM ET. This moon got its name because July is when buck deer start growing antlers.
(Another email)
Saint Therese is known as the Saint of the Little Ways. Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love.
She is also the patron Saint of flower growers and florists. She is represented by roses. May everyone be blessed who receives this message.
May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that
you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of you.
Accomplishment of the Day:
Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 1,000,000 NP
Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate : 11% per year.
Yearly Interest : 110,000 NP
6 lovers |
just breathe
2004 29 June :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional
drops of water
My parent's came home Sunday. It's a lot more stressful now.. but eh, good to have them home safe. They brought me some maple candies and Katie got some 'Life is Good' shirts. Mom also bought Tom an EMT bear. She does that... yeah. It's cute...
To clear up a small amount of ambiguity, for fear of incorrect thoughts, the someones mentioned in the previous post are school kids. Yeah...
I'm at about 3891 words right now... Let's see.. need to write my conclusion and abstract. Gotta fix two accounts in my bib... and.. hmm... oh darn, gotta do those note cards. Anything else? I need to do some major revisions.. but at least I have a copy or whatever.
I really like the FAU library and this class. It was so great to hang with friends and just walk around and go at my own pace and do whatever I felt like doing whenever I felt like doing it. Wish I could've hung with other kids more though, ones that didn't have history and didn't hang in the library. :(
Today made me happy. It rained today. ^___^ Jeanna and I were crossing from Algonquin to the library.. and it starts to pour! My bag fell apart and all my [11] books fell out! It was so bad... but she helped me carry them over to the library. Wow we were in hysterics.. it was so funny! We were so soaked within 2 minutes. Once I got all of my books dried and set up, I went back out to play in the rain. Natalia, Kim, and Shelly came out too and we danced in the rain then wandered back to the computer lab to... ask some questions about MLA... *cough*walkintherain*cough*
I jumped in my first puddle!!!!!! ^________________^
I had so much fun! For some reason the rain just made me so happy today.
My paper sucks though. Majorly.
There are no more band practices for me... That's kinda not good... Though the next 3 Mondays we wouldn't have it anyway...
I haven't been very talkative to anyone really... Just don't feel like holding a conversation.
Sorry for the silence.
With love....
Has anyone done any of the homework? Worked on the College Journal? Read Metamorphosis? Read Aunt Julia? Meep...
3 lovers |
just breathe
2004 26 June :: 2.21pm
:: Mood: unhappy
past memories haunt the forest's dreams
Sorry I haven't been updating much.
I've tried to work while at that class.. and when I get home I'm just so exhausted. Haven't been able to do a thing when I get home.
Kai-chan came back a few days ago. We had a very interesting conversation.. yeah. Our Gundam Wing rp has started up again. I'm really happy about that.
I got an email reply from my friend in Iraq. I'm ecstatic about that! He's alive and doing well more or less. Didn't tell me much though.
I feel... like I'm losing somethings. Or several someones. I... don't like it.
Are people mad at me again? Did I do more things people won't tell me about?
It feels like I've already lost someone very close to me. I pray I'm wrong. I pray deep down he's still a good friend of mine and only acts like he does because of the people he hangs out with now... Please..
My paper is coming along slowly. I was happy I could bring in a whole text book that was helpful to Richard.
I'm very happy about that buffet place we ate at yesterday. All of us needs to go eat there. It was so great! Hopefully there won't be so many of those little kids next time..
It's very cool to have my parent's away. Things are going fine and I'm enjoying all the peace.
Katie's bored out of her mind. It's quite funny to come home and ask her what random things she did when she got bored enough.
Much love..
just breathe
2004 19 June :: 4.12pm
:: Mood: eh
I thought this was an interesting chain mail...
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch...
just breathe
2004 18 June :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: some song of Katie's
random ramblings
Well.. someone has been making long updates... so I guess I'll follow the trendsetter.
The bestest cookies are snickerdoodles. Especially Miriam's!
I've had Katie start working on building a site. Actually teaching her some html!
I forgot what else I was gonna say.... oops.
Hmm.. I'll update again when I remember!
With love..
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 14 June :: 11.08pm
Major Parentheticals To Amanda

What Thoroughbred
Legend are You? Take the Quiz and be immortalized.
"And Affirmed puts his nose in front... It's Affirmed!" With those words track announcer Chick Anderson hailed the 11th American Triple Crown Winner as the gallant colt reached down for all his reserves, to outfinish his rival, Calumet Farm's Alydar. Finally, this hearty competitor would receive the accolades and rewards of greatness that he so richly deserved. Until that shining moment, there were still more than a few people who held the belief that Alydar was the better colt. But the smaller colt had triumphed and earned his immortality. At stud, Affirmed was a qualified success. He sired champions in many countries. Oddly, though Affirmed was a great runner on the dirt, most of his best offspring were grass horses. Starting off his stud career at Spendthrift, Affirmed was later to join his rival Alydar, at Calumet Farms.
If horses could talk, I'd love to hear what those two might have said to each other.
Only 1100 yen!
Get your own at Hamstar's Noodlebar!
just breathe
2004 4 June :: 10.05am
:: Mood: we'll find out later
Wishing You Were Here
Sorry.. It was funny!
3 lovers |
just breathe
2004 3 June :: 10.52am
:: Mood: over the past few days? worthless, used, stressed,
they think they can notice now and get something out of me?

You are a human shadow. If a loved one needs you,
you are always right at his or her heels! Your
deep social connection with human beings
produces your qualities of genuine caring and
charisma. However, at times you are naive to
the true nature of your loved ones. Remember
that humans' gift of free will does not always
lead them in wise directions. But your essence
of love and friendship represent the other
precious gifts of humanity. Overall you are a
strikingly valuable and innocent being who has
a lot to give.
What Kind of Shadow Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

You are a moon shadow. With the moon as your source
you are a being of great mystery. Constantly
drifting, you descend into darkness to conceal
your brokenness. You have come to believe that
you are the only one you can rely upon for
constancy and safety that you need. But those
who know how to see you find enchanting beauty
in your wistfulness and fragility. It is to
them that you should flee, for their arms are
an open haven where your true light can finally
What Kind of Shadow Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
 Angst. You are an angel of angst. Once one of water. But your depression has caused you to become an outcast. You love to be by yourself, as it helps you think. You have always, and always will wonder what has gone wrong. Your soul has been shattered, and your wings are in peices. But that's just you. You spend your days searching for something. Not someone. Though you don't know what you are looking for. You don't even remember who you are. And are always trying to find that person, yourself, your soul. Which seems to have been misplaced.
But. When you find what you are looking for, it will become clear. All tragedy will be ripped from your wings, and your true colours will show. And then, you are the most powerful of them all.
Hang on, keep looking for it is there. Just try not to loose all you hope and become nothing. For you are truly beautiful.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
just breathe
2004 28 May :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: impassive
:: Music: Mustard Plugs
"The silence of the phone didn't hurt as bad.... now that you've given me part of your heart and soul." ~NGE
Today is just an upsetting day. Just is.
I do not share in the happiness and excitement of school having ended. The end of junior year. I really don't feel either way about it.
What was one step worse then how I was already feeling... mph. I told them I didn't want my grade. Told them I didn't want to know. Should've told them again.
Failing the freaking class. I don't get it. Science is a strong subject of mine. I knew most of the stuff. But no, I have to freaking fail the exam.
I think my body just collapsed as soon as I stepped out of the room. I feel very ill. And exhausted, so tired.
This has been the theme song of my life for a month or so now: Hooray for Evanescence!
11. Whisper
catch me as i fall
say you're here and it's all over now
speaking to the atmosphere
no one's here and i fall into myself
this truth drives me into madness
i know i can stop the pain
if i will it all away
don't turn away
[don't give in to the pain]
don't try to hide
[though they're screaming your name]
don't close your eyes
[God knows what lies behind them]
don't turn out the light
[never sleep never die]
i'm frightened by what i see
but somehow i know
that there's much more to come
immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
i can stop the pain
if i will it all away
don't turn away
[don't give in to the pain]
don't try to hide
[though they're screaming your name]
don't close your eyes
[God knows what lies behind them]
don't turn out the light
[never sleep never die]
fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear
death before my eyes
lying next to me i fear
she beckons me shall i give in
upon my end shall i begin
forsaking all i've fallen for
i rise to meet the end
Atop all this, I return to my world online to receive this:
You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions.The Trading Post is for trades only. It is not for guild ads, shop ads, showing off presents, or for a gallery. If you continue to break the rules, your account will be permanently frozen. To see a list of Neo Rules, please visit Please do not reply to this NeoMessage.
For that damn MSPP (TCG) I assume.
Lauren, sign on soon so I can lend to you and get rid of it.
Some people seem to have a problem with my desire to not talk or be with people right now, but I needed to get out of the house. I went to a movie by myself. So?
I saw Van Helsing. The death of Dracula was not the pinnacle it should have been. But it was a pretty good movie.
Mom.. had a major problem with my going out by myself. Not like it's much different with people.. they just sit with you in the theater. And there're at least 2 police men. And I swear it's like a soccer field there, can't even tell it's dark.
She... yeah.. day isn't going well.
just breathe
2004 26 May :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: tick. tick. tick.
Absolute Brilliance.
Published on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 by In These Times
Cold Turkey
by Kurt Vonnegut
Many years ago, I was so innocent I still considered it possible that we could become the humane and reasonable America so many members of my generation used to dream of. We dreamed of such an America during the Great Depression, when there were no jobs. And then we fought and often died for that dream during the Second World War, when there was no peace.
But I know now that there is not a chance in hell of America’s becoming humane and reasonable. Because power corrupts us, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Human beings are chimpanzees who get crazy drunk on power. By saying that our leaders are power-drunk chimpanzees, am I in danger of wrecking the morale of our soldiers fighting and dying in the Middle East? Their morale, like so many bodies, is already shot to pieces. They are being treated, as I never was, like toys a rich kid got for Christmas.
When you get to my age, if you get to my age, which is 81, and if you have reproduced, you will find yourself asking your own children, who are themselves middle-aged, what life is all about. I have seven kids, four of them adopted.
Many of you reading this are probably the same age as my grandchildren. They, like you, are being royally shafted and lied to by our Baby Boomer corporations and government.
I put my big question about life to my biological son Mark. Mark is a pediatrician, and author of a memoir, The Eden Express. It is about his crackup, straightjacket and padded cell stuff, from which he recovered sufficiently to graduate from Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Vonnegut said this to his doddering old dad: “Father, we are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.” So I pass that on to you. Write it down, and put it in your computer, so you can forget it.
I have to say that’s a pretty good sound bite, almost as good as, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” A lot of people think Jesus said that, because it is so much the sort of thing Jesus liked to say. But it was actually said by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, 500 years before there was that greatest and most humane of human beings, named Jesus Christ.
The Chinese also gave us, via Marco Polo, pasta and the formula for gunpowder. The Chinese were so dumb they only used gunpowder for fireworks. And everybody was so dumb back then that nobody in either hemisphere even knew that there was another one.
But back to people, like Confucius and Jesus and my son the doctor, Mark, who’ve said how we could behave more humanely, and maybe make the world a less painful place. One of my favorites is Eugene Debs, from Terre Haute in my native state of Indiana. Get a load of this:
Eugene Debs, who died back in 1926, when I was only 4, ran 5 times as the Socialist Party candidate for president, winning 900,000 votes, 6 percent of the popular vote, in 1912, if you can imagine such a ballot. He had this to say while campaigning:
As long as there is a lower class, I am in it.
As long as there is a criminal element, I’m of it.
As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Doesn’t anything socialistic make you want to throw up? Like great public schools or health insurance for all?
How about Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes?
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. …
And so on.
Not exactly planks in a Republican platform. Not exactly Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney stuff.
For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes. But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course that’s Moses, not Jesus. I haven’t heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere.
“Blessed are the merciful” in a courtroom? “Blessed are the peacemakers” in the Pentagon? Give me a break!
There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.
But, when you stop to think about it, only a nut case would want to be a human being, if he or she had a choice. Such treacherous, untrustworthy, lying and greedy animals we are!
I was born a human being in 1922 A.D. What does “A.D.” signify? That commemorates an inmate of this lunatic asylum we call Earth who was nailed to a wooden cross by a bunch of other inmates. With him still conscious, they hammered spikes through his wrists and insteps, and into the wood. Then they set the cross upright, so he dangled up there where even the shortest person in the crowd could see him writhing this way and that.
Can you imagine people doing such a thing to a person?
No problem. That’s entertainment. Ask the devout Roman Catholic Mel Gibson, who, as an act of piety, has just made a fortune with a movie about how Jesus was tortured. Never mind what Jesus said.
During the reign of King Henry the Eighth, founder of the Church of England, he had a counterfeiter boiled alive in public. Show biz again.
Mel Gibson’s next movie should be The Counterfeiter. Box office records will again be broken.
One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
And what did the great British historian Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794 A.D., have to say about the human record so far? He said, “History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.”
The same can be said about this morning’s edition of the New York Times.
The French-Algerian writer Albert Camus, who won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, wrote, “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide.”
So there’s another barrel of laughs from literature. Camus died in an automobile accident. His dates? 1913-1960 A.D.
Listen. All great literature is about what a bummer it is to be a human being: Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, The Red Badge of Courage, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Crime and Punishment, the Bible and The Charge of the Light Brigade.
But I have to say this in defense of humankind: No matter in what era in history, including the Garden of Eden, everybody just got there. And, except for the Garden of Eden, there were already all these crazy games going on, which could make you act crazy, even if you weren’t crazy to begin with. Some of the games that were already going on when you got here were love and hate, liberalism and conservatism, automobiles and credit cards, golf and girls’ basketball.
Even crazier than golf, though, is modern American politics, where, thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
Actually, this same sort of thing happened to the people of England generations ago, and Sir William Gilbert, of the radical team of Gilbert and Sullivan, wrote these words for a song about it back then:
I often think it’s comical
How nature always does contrive
That every boy and every gal
That’s born into the world alive
Is either a little Liberal
Or else a little Conservative.
Which one are you in this country? It’s practically a law of life that you have to be one or the other? If you aren’t one or the other, you might as well be a doughnut.
If some of you still haven’t decided, I’ll make it easy for you.
If you want to take my guns away from me, and you’re all for murdering fetuses, and love it when homosexuals marry each other, and want to give them kitchen appliances at their showers, and you’re for the poor, you’re a liberal.
If you are against those perversions and for the rich, you’re a conservative.
What could be simpler?
My government’s got a war on drugs. But get this: The two most widely abused and addictive and destructive of all substances are both perfectly legal.
One, of course, is ethyl alcohol. And President George W. Bush, no less, and by his own admission, was smashed or tiddley-poo or four sheets to the wind a good deal of the time from when he was 16 until he was 41. When he was 41, he says, Jesus appeared to him and made him knock off the sauce, stop gargling nose paint.
Other drunks have seen pink elephants.
And do you know why I think he is so pissed off at Arabs? They invented algebra. Arabs also invented the numbers we use, including a symbol for nothing, which nobody else had ever had before. You think Arabs are dumb? Try doing long division with Roman numerals.
We’re spreading democracy, are we? Same way European explorers brought Christianity to the Indians, what we now call “Native Americans.”
How ungrateful they were! How ungrateful are the people of Baghdad today.
So let’s give another big tax cut to the super-rich. That’ll teach bin Laden a lesson he won’t soon forget. Hail to the Chief.
That chief and his cohorts have as little to do with Democracy as the Europeans had to do with Christianity. We the people have absolutely no say in whatever they choose to do next. In case you haven’t noticed, they’ve already cleaned out the treasury, passing it out to pals in the war and national security rackets, leaving your generation and the next one with a perfectly enormous debt that you’ll be asked to repay.
Nobody let out a peep when they did that to you, because they have disconnected every burglar alarm in the Constitution: The House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the free press (which, having been embedded, has forsaken the First Amendment) and We the People.
About my own history of foreign substance abuse. I’ve been a coward about heroin and cocaine and LSD and so on, afraid they might put me over the edge. I did smoke a joint of marijuana one time with Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead, just to be sociable. It didn’t seem to do anything to me, one way or the other, so I never did it again. And by the grace of God, or whatever, I am not an alcoholic, largely a matter of genes. I take a couple of drinks now and then, and will do it again tonight. But two is my limit. No problem.
I am of course notoriously hooked on cigarettes. I keep hoping the things will kill me. A fire at one end and a fool at the other.
But I’ll tell you one thing: I once had a high that not even crack cocaine could match. That was when I got my first driver’s license! Look out, world, here comes Kurt Vonnegut.
And my car back then, a Studebaker, as I recall, was powered, as are almost all means of transportation and other machinery today, and electric power plants and furnaces, by the most abused and addictive and destructive drugs of all: fossil fuels.
When you got here, even when I got here, the industrialized world was already hopelessly hooked on fossil fuels, and very soon now there won’t be any more of those. Cold turkey.
Can I tell you the truth? I mean this isn’t like TV news, is it?
Here’s what I think the truth is: We are all addicts of fossil fuels in a state of denial, about to face cold turkey.
And like so many addicts about to face cold turkey, our leaders are now committing violent crimes to get what little is left of what we’re hooked on.
© 2004 In These Times
This came from my sister. But before that it was a page you can find here.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 15 May :: 8.35pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: I wish there was silence...
I'm not like you..... I can't handle this...
Angels. Where are the angels? If I were an angel I would not be on Earth. Stripped of wings? Removed of innocence. Punished. The angel placed among men.
Stories sprout from seeds of negativity.
Tomorrow will just be another yesterday two days from now.
Two days from now, tomorrow will be just another yesterday.
Which sounds better?
Yes, that's three posts in one day.
I've very select feelings about what I want to do today.
I....... I don't know who I am. Was it strength? Sheer power of will? Determination?
Backstab myself.
just breathe
2004 15 May :: 7.39pm
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. What is one good thing I have done for you? One bad?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest and worst memory of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. What do you think of me physically, what do I need to improve on?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. If you could change something(s)about me, what would it (they) be?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how distant am I to you, or you to me?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable or likeable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in four words.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married? Should I get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone? Why?
32. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
33. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
34. Will I have kids? Should I have kids?
35. What is my favorite color?
36. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
5 lovers |
just breathe
2004 15 May :: 7.39pm
:: Mood: nostalgia revisited
Fly Away Home
There's been a lot of nostalgia to hit me lately... been meaning to put this up but couldn't decide how to do it. When I was reading it off of Amanda's journal... the songs hit me each time. And the characters. But Lauren did such a good job at highlighting all of that that I can't just copy her stuff. So go here to see her clips of stuff and I'll just add other random stuff.. yeah.
Childhood Memories
Place a star next to the ones you remember:
* Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Such good laughs from this..)
* Fraggle Rock (They were so random! Used to love the little adventures that one had out in the real world)
* G.I. Joe
* Are You Afraid of the Dark? (Scary. Scary. Scary. But so good.)
* Secret World of Alex Mack (Loved it)
* Nightmare Before Christmas (Meant something...)
Welcome Freshman
* Space Cases (No one ever remembers this one.. but it was above all my most favorite on Nick in the Afternoon)
* Roundhouse (So funny!)
* The Muppet Show (Yay!)
* Muppet Babies (Doubld yay!)
* Eureka's Castle (loved those little clay worms, and those three singing fish in the fountain, and all of them)
* Salute Your Shorts (So great... Made me want to go to a summer camp)
* Legends of the Hidden Temple (This one annoyed me... How could they never get through that maze!? ^__^)
You Can't Do That On Television
* G.U.T.S. (Annoyed me a lot too)
* What Would You Do? (That wall with the tokens!! Man wish I could've been on that show)
* Double Dare (Ahh, the days when Mark Summers ruled Nickelodeon)
* Rocko's Modern Life (Katie hated this one... it was great)
* All That (It's all about the original cast)
* Ren and Stimpy
* Clarissa Explains It All (I so remember Elvis the Alligator. And Sam with his ladder. Loved this one too)
* The Torklesons (Large small-town family with values... awwww)
* Pete and Pete (This has got to be the emo influencing show. So great)
* Stick Stickley (Write to me, Stick Stickley, PO Box 963, New York City, New York State, 10108 <~ I sing that all the time!)
* Goodburger (That's been on HBO a lot this week...)
* Angry Beavers (Annoying..)
* Hey Arnold!
* AAH! Real Monsters (Hooray for monsters!)
* Tiny Toons (Action packed)
* Animaniacs
* Pinky and the Brain
* The Babysitter's Club (More values and moral... fun stuff)
* Kablam! (Action League.. NOW!)
* Gullah Gullah Island (So the best show ever to watch when you're home sick from third grade)
* Richard Scary (The Busy World of Richard Scary. Yeah man)
Dumbo's Circus
* Ocean Girl (No one remembers this one either. I miss a lot.... it was... mystical.. and powerful.)
* Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (So much fun!)
* Snick Snacks
* Dunkaroos
* SNICK (Now this was the thing to watch)
* Koala Yummies
* Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Another fun theme song to sing)
* Nick Magazine (Neckelodeon Magazine, Please!)
The Goonies
* Ernest Movies
Radio Flyer
Disney Watchers
* Adventures in Wonderland (OMG! They play a clip of this in the Alice in Wonderland store in the Disney Marketplace. Real people.. wow it was so cool)
* Homeward Bound (I still feared they wouldn't make it home every time I watched it)
The Adventures of Yellow Dog
* Milo and Otis
* Neverending Story
* Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (With the melting cartoons and all... scared me! But cool)
* The Lion King (Lauren and Meaghan.. yeah LOL)
* Labyrinth (I LOVED this! So complex and magical. And the Power of the Babe song.. Yay!)
* 101 Dalmations
* The Secret Garden (I may have cried during this... so sad at some parts..)
* Pete's Dragon (Lighthouse song.. Mom loved this movie)
* Hocus Pocus (I put a spell on you...)
Secret of Roan Inish
* Land Before Time (LOVED it! More morals and good value and all that... and dinosaurs! So sweet)
* Dinosaurs (The Baby.. and the teen sister and brother.. wow this was a good show)
* Fern Gully
* Secret of NIMH
* Gummi Bears (AHHHH Majorly my favorite Disney cartoon creation)
* Care Bears (It was all about the Care Bears. More good values and positive outlooks)
* A Little Princess
* My Little Pony (^________________________________^)
* Black Beauty
* Rainbow Brite (YAY!!)
* Lady Lovely Locks (Only saw the movies :()
* Candyland (Definitely my first board game)
* Sorry!
* Trouble
* Don't Wake Daddy!
* Mousetrap
* Jenga
* Don't Break the Ice
* Hungry Hungry Hippos
* Cooties
* Tinker Toys
* Sky Dancers
* Polly Pocket
* Hypercolor T-Shirts
* Lite Brite (:*****( Always wanted a Lite Brite...)
* Scrunchies
* Side Ponytails (So inspired by DJ Tanner)
* Stirrup Pants
* Jellies
Saddle Shoes
* Barbies
* Beanie Babies (My favorite was Spike, the rhino. I have so many now... x__X)
* Tamagotchies
* Yo-Yos
* Choose Your Own Adventure
* Pogs (*Looks to the left* Yep, still got my collection of pogs)
* Goosebumps (Scary!)
* Magic Attic Club
* American Girl (Have the entire collection and the doll Samantha thank you very much)
* The Island of the Blue Dolphins
* Saved By The Bell (So much fun!!!)
* Full House (This one........ meant so much. It was great stability)
* Step By Step (Never watched it.. but I remember it)
* TGIF on ABC (Never watched this either.. but it was the talk of the school)
* Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
* Boy Meets World (Such coolness)
* Clueless (Defined a generation <~ Yep)
Mork and Mindy
* Simpsons (So funny!!)
* Flipper (Used to watch this all the time... Adventure!)
* Eerie Indiana (Dun Dun Dun)
* Third Rock From The Sun
Tracey Ullman Show
* Ghostwriter (Another one that defined it all for me. So very great)
* Growing Pains
Family Ties
* Titanic (Titanic itself was always an interest of mine)
* Felix The Cat (That movie! Yeah..)
* Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Lindsay..... oye..)
* Home Improvement (Fun stuff)
* Tom and Huck
* My Brother and Me (AHHHH!!!!!! Love this one too *Cries*)
* Kenan and Kel (All about the orange soda.)
* Hanson (Mmmbop alsfjkaosicosdoowop <~ LMAO That's it exactly! They really were good though)
* Inspector Gadget (do do do do do inspector gadget do do do do do do do This one too... great cartoon)
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Let's see...Donatello was the purple one with the staff, Leonardo was the blue one with the sword, Michelangelo was the orange one with the nunchuks, and Raphael was the red one with those fork-y things, I have heard they are called sai blades, but I can't confirm that...oh yeah, that's skillin <~ X___X Could never remember all that. But I grew up with this too. Yayness!)
* Power Rangers (The first series was the only good one)
* Hot Wheels
* Creepy Crawlers
* Easy Bake Oven
* Flower Making Kits
* Weinerville (Used to watch this every morning before school!!! So random)
* Wild and Crazy Kids (Didn't like this much either, but Katie did so we'd watch it)
* Playdough McDonald's Sets
* Animorphs (I'm just missing the ending of the series..)
* Rainbow Fish
* If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Bailey School Kids
* Wayside School
* Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (This made me smile.. defintely a good book)
* Boxcar Kids
* Ramona Quimby
* Amber Brown
Roald Dahl
* Allegra's Window (ALL of their names are after musical terms??)
* 3-2-1 Contact (Hooray for learning..)
* Slip-n-slides (And I remember when Lauren got hurt from them. Yep.)
* Teddy grahms
* Candy Necklaces
* Popeye the sailor man (Yay!)
* Barney (My sister and I used to watch this all the time..... good source of love and comfort)
* Bananas in Pajamas (Freaky)
* James and the giant peach
* Good Night Moon (Mom's favorite book)
* Dr. Seuss (Theodore Seuss Geisel)
* Dragontales
* Arthur
* Big Wheels
And I will continue Lauren's list protesting the absence of:
David the Gnome
Hey Dude
The Magic Schoolbus
Bernstein Bears
Where's Waldo
Robin Hood Men in Tight
Mr. Potato Head
Shel Silverstein
Tale Spin
Darkwing Duck
Umm.. I had a whole looooong list when I first read Lauren's continuation... I'll think of more things later.
With love..
just breathe
2004 14 May :: 8.16am
:: Mood: upset and sick
I love him. I want him. I just want to be in his arms and stay there forever. God I'm pathetic. I better go.
9 lovers |
just breathe
2004 12 May :: 3.44pm
3 lovers |
just breathe
2004 12 May :: 8.06am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Mr. Japinga talking
it's been awhile since I have updated this so I guess I'll do it for US History. Nothing much is going on righ now. Just doing research on Vietnam and Iraq. Comparing the two wars. It's fun I guess. Well, I'm going to go now and do some research. I may be back later this morning.
just breathe
2004 11 May :: 10.47pm
:: Mood: complete and utter exhaustion.. but now I'm awake
:: Music: Erik's Mixed CD
what being is able to follow my circular speech and still make sense of it? still know where it's going and where I was running away from? fear.
I've the urge to update.... because it's late and I absolutely need sleep and haven't looked one bit at math.
I also have the urge to write.. but nothing to really write... ARGH! I know what I'm waiting for.
Today..... today.
I had... 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 days...
Had a spanish quiz. No lunch since I was setting up for and freaking out over my oral. Had me TOK oral presenation.. which lasted the whole class period. It was on Gun Control with Kristen H and Josie. Lauren, I love you for letting me borrow that movie. So awesome!! Definite props. Lasted well over our half hour minimum... so I couldn't study for........ the chem pop test that decides my grade in that class and that she moved up from next week just to get back immaturely at the kids who skipped after the AP history exam.
Yeah, there we go. An example of being selfish and taking a mental health period. Last time she was mad we hadn't skipped, making her teach. Nearly encouraging us to leave. And now she's pissed off because only like 3 kids went to her chem class last Friday. It was worth it, damnit, to skip the first period ever in my life.
But see? This is what happens when I'm selfish. I get screwed. She even gave out new notes on Friday. Danny didn't even know about the test. So mad at myself for forgetting to IM him. *Kicks self*
Practice... tense moments.. but I think it was all in my head. Happy moments.. brief but fun. Love how we never really play..... yeah.
And we're playing these songs... thursday?? Nice.
Took a two hour nap. Didn't help. Least mom finally went and bought food. I really wasn't doing well missing the past few nights's dinners.
I need to go find and buy a dress for Banquet. Who wants to bet I'll do that Friday?
Umm.. hmm... Sleepiness..
What is it I wait for?
Do I really know..? Or is it just what I tell myself so I'm not completely lost?
I really miss roleplaying right now..
And guys suck. Majorly. All of them.
With love...
Don't worry I'll catch you
Don't worry I'll catch you
Don't ever worry
No need for reminding
You're still all that matters to me.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 8 May :: 3.27pm
:: Mood: anxious
paintings of the memories. paintings of the dreams.
~*POKE* Want to know thoughts on last post's story!~
This is the story I wrote a while ago that I meant to update with. Written 4/25 actually.
As always: comments, criticisms, questions, analysis, ANYTHING!!! It helps me. Really does. So comment with SOMETHING!!
It's just a page and a quarter.. so GET READING!
They held the parchments up to the light again.
“And you say she sketched these this morning?”
”Yes, the moment she woke up... Which was around four this morning.”
“Four? Why was she up that early?”
“She wouldn’t say, but we suspect something in her dreams kept her up.”
The two men were contemplative for a moment before the senior moved to file the parchments away.
Arianna Richkov sat on top of her bed holding a teddy bear, which she had just dressed it in a red knitted coat and matching hat. She could feel the three pairs of eyes on her but did not turn to them.
“Arianna, why don’t you go out and play with the other children for a while?”
The voice was soft and feminine, reassuring and soothing.
“I want to go paint.”
“Alright, we’ll set up your easel and you can join the art class going on now.’
"I want to paint by myself.”
"No one will bother you, but it’s good to be with others.” A young woman knocked on the doorframe and entered the child’s room. Taking Arianna’s hand, the woman led her out, the bear falling from Arianna’s grasp to the floor.
Left in a large loud room full of children, Arianna allowed the art supervisor to set up the easel.
“Which paint set would you like today, Arianna?”
A set of dark colors was set beside her: blacks, grays, browns. The only colors were a near-black green, a dark but royal blue, and a deep crimson.
Arianna didn’t look at the paints as she took the brush the supervisor placed in her hand and dipped it in the black paint. Strong lines of shadow-black began to take slow form as the supervisor left thee girl in silence.
The child worked without a word, moving away from her piece only to get a new canvas stockpiled behind her. The room cleared out- the children moving on to other activities, the adults taking a break, but the little girl seemed not to have noticed. Once in a while someone would stop by to check on her, but other than that she was left by herself.
The light dimmed, the sun having set and concluded the day. The art supervisor slowed as she entered, not seeing anyone behind the easel. Nearing, she stopped suddenly. Arianna sat on the ground below the easel, arms clutching legs that were drawn up to her chest, rocking, as she stared straight ahead.
She was surrounded by pieces of art. They were placed all around the child, staring back at her: splatters of paint of abstract emotions, figures hiding as shadows, a few of horrific creatures- nightmarish beings that were haunting even from the painted view.
The woman took in this scene, then looked up to the last work still drying on the easel. It shimmered, having a more metallic look to it’s coating that the other works.
“I ran out of crimson.”
The supervisor’s gaze shot to the huddled girl in horror.
The two men turned from their view of the girl’s silent room.
“She’s asleep now... for however long that’ll last.”
All of her recent artworks were spread out before them on a table, the last one created in the center.
“What are we going to do with her?”
“Get her to face her nightmarish creatures.”
“How can we do that?”
“By showing them to her..”
“But.. Sir.. She’s blind.”
I don't know if that twist at the end came out right... I don't think it's strong enough in the wording.
Write me something!!!!
With love..
4 lovers |
just breathe
2004 6 May :: 11.49pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: humming of the computer
10 The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840 The era that saw the emergence of popular politics in the 1820s and the presidency of...
You should've gotten the letter by now... You better have it by tomorrow....... or I'll have to open up a Paypal account and pay for them that way.
Why is it... that guys enjoy working past my boundaries of mistrust, wariness, fear... and then crushing me from the inside?
Is he messing with me? I think... Maybe? He seems upset about what he did... but he cannot have been so blind and not understanding about so obvious a thing. Can't be....
How could he not know how much it meant to me?
Trust... Is that what just flew out the window?
Ya know, I was doing so well today. I was so proud.. because I wasn't upset. And I had dealt with all the battles in my head. And had been pretty much calm and collected. Actually focusing.
I go online for EE work and to check on the STATUS OF PAYING FOR MY ACCOUNT and he IMs me. I always enjoy talking with him.
But he orchestrated it so well... so planned out.
I feel used again. That and crushed. Hurt. Upset. Sad. Alone.
What is it with guys and hurting me?
2 lovers |
just breathe