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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2011 17 May :: 6.46pm

everyone can fuck off today

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:: 2011 17 May :: 12.51pm

they call me menopause the way I make my heat flash

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:: 2011 17 May :: 1.31am


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:: 2011 13 May :: 3.25pm

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:: 2011 11 May :: 1.03pm

The years they don't treat you like they used to.

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:: 2011 11 May :: 12.10am

A day late..
I'm sorry I'm late. Time goes by so quickly now that you're here. I hate it. I want you to stay my baby forever. You're already 7 months old. 7 months ago I delivered you in our bathroom. Wow. Over half way to your first birthday. Insane! Any ways... At your last dr.appointment (may 2nd) you were STILL only 67 cm long (roughly 26 inches) and get this, 19.5 lbs! You are off the charts for weight and normal for height. You sit soooo well now. You learn forward so far that you end up on one knee...but still you manage to sit back down with out falling (most times!). Recently,i moved you to your crib. Is maybe been a week. The pay two nights though you've ended up back in bed with me. You s sleep so much better that way...but daddy has gotten so used to you not being in bed that every morning his pillow magically ends up in the middle of the bed where you "used" to lay. You have hard a hard time pooping this past week...in fact you haven't pooped really at all since monday when you had your first BLOW OUT in cloth at the appointment. Other than that one time..you have not pooped out of your cloth diapers. So the cloth diapers are working well for us. I believe your sudden issue with pooping is caused by your eating habits changing. All of a sudden it seems you started eating purees. And then in a short time we moved you to eating twice a day. A fruit and oatmeal mix in the am amd then a fruit and veggie mix in the evening. You were eating really well for like a week straight.now not so much..i think you feel like your belly is full (full of poo!) So its uncomfortable for you to eat. Lets see....you love to stand now. If you're ever upset.. Standing you up..will stop your tears with out fail. We go out side every day. You LOVE grass. Your sister hated it. Oh, and speaking of your sister..you absolutely adore her. You talk and talk and talk to each other all the time. And laugh together. She is the best big sister and you are the best little sister. You have a great relationship with each other..i hope it status this good throughout your childhood and into your adult lives. Oh..your newest"trick"is talking on my phone. I use speaker phone so whenever I'm on it, you hold my phone and start jabbering away. Its the cutest thing. You are the cutest thing. I love you baby. And I'm so grateful you are a part of my life.

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:: 2011 10 May :: 6.00pm

Throw your needless shame out the window.

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:: 2011 8 May :: 2.09am

to you... you know who you are (chris)

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:: 2011 6 May :: 3.30pm

c'mon homie, we major!

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:: 2011 6 May :: 12.50pm

phil-himself aka USA #1

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:: 2011 6 May :: 8.58am

pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads

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:: 2011 5 May :: 11.20pm

Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to

i could totally rock this shit at karaoke still. judge if you want to, i guess.

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:: 2011 5 May :: 11.05pm

Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

always love me some four finger five. i remember getting sufficiently buzzed at one of their shows at founders and listening to this song and dancing my fool head off. which is sad, because i'm really a spectacularly terrible dancer. i apologize to whoever may have been forced to endure it.

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:: 2011 4 May :: 1.45pm

Speed: GO

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:: 2011 30 April :: 4.18pm

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

i remember driving out to the big lake a lot one summer, and this album kept finding its way into the mix. it's seriously great driving/beaching music. and this particular song is pretty representative of the one that got away - at least we had our summer.

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