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One day, I promise, you'll be everything you see in your dreams

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:: 2004 14 April :: 11.47am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: bleeding through

in school
im in school and im bored, its lunch and i feel like shit

2 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 13 April :: 4.46pm

I was just curious, is anyone going to keep their woohu? Because I kinda wanna keep mine, but I'm not going to if no one on my friend slist will, ya know? I dunno. Just reply to this, i suppose...


3 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 13 April :: 12.32pm
:: Mood: loserish
:: Music: eh, nothing.

i cant believe myself!
i can't believe that i actually forgot to tell everyone that i picked up daniellie too when i picked up leigh! aww i looove her

3 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 13 April :: 12.16pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: the ramones

not a bad night
soo last night i went to fridays to dinner with my mom and then she took me to sherri's and sherris dad took me,sherri,and doug to the club. we stood out in the rain for like 5 minutes and my hair got SO MESSED UP! well, we got in the club and guess who i saw? emilio! lol, he ignored me and i got really really pissed. THEN i saw sam who i haven't seen in a longgg ass time because she went to kellenberg :-/ aww. i also saw some girl who i go to school with. then when i was standing on a speaker some kid tapped me on the shoulder and was like 'my friends wants to dance with you' and i was like 'nahh' and they were really annoying! ughhh. then they opened the VIP room and it was really cool. they had a hot tub filled with pillows and me doug and sherri sat in there. we started getting bored so we left and walked to the gas station where i proceded to call [brian & rich and leave derek a message]. the guy started staring at us so we walked over to some closed nail place and stood there. i called [matt] because i was bored. my mom came and picked us up and while we were going to drop sherri & doug off derek<3 called me back. we talked for a while. after i dropped sherri & doug off we picked up leigh and i hung out with her. now im with leigh and we are going to get ready and then wait for rob & tom.


with a smile on my face


:: 2004 13 April :: 9.23am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: fallout boy

im not a sexual person after all!
My outercourse activity is snuggling!

Which Sexual Outercourse Act Are You? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

exactly, i'd rather cuddle than anything

with a smile on my face


:: 2004 12 April :: 2.46pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: bleeding through

just when i thought he couldn't get more amazing
he surprises me...YET AGAIN.

x silver skullz: well, thats just the way i feel...idk i feel so unsuperior
x silver skullz: like a piece of shit
dmbmustang8766: inferior?
dmbmustang8766: dont feel that way
dmbmustang8766: cuz ur not
x silver skullz: well, i do
dmbmustang8766: u shuldnt
x silver skullz: i dont know why i do
dmbmustang8766: :-\
x silver skullz: your just amazing, you really are
dmbmustang8766: aww
dmbmustang8766: im really not though
x silver skullz: more than any guy i've ever met...
x silver skullz: no you really are
dmbmustang8766: :-\
x silver skullz: i mean please, i've gone out with SO MANY guys and none of them have EVER asked to kiss me
x silver skullz: your just...amazing, really.
dmbmustang8766: egh, i just didnt wana get slapped or somethin
dmbmustang8766: i dont think so, but thanx
x silver skullz: whatever, thats what i think
dmbmustang8766: u still shuldnt feel that way though
x silver skullz: but i do, and i was just scared that you were never going to talk to me again
x silver skullz: or hang out with me for that matter
dmbmustang8766: no,
dmbmustang8766: actually
dmbmustang8766: i was worried bout u on the train
dmbmustang8766: cuz u didnt come online
dmbmustang8766: n u didnt cal bak
x silver skullz: and to be completely honest i like you ... a lot
dmbmustang8766: <3
x silver skullz: :-[
dmbmustang8766: aw
x silver skullz: :-'
x silver skullz: *:-\
dmbmustang8766: dont make that face lol, i <3 u
x silver skullz: and honestly, i know its not what you want right now but i could picture myself being with no one but you.
dmbmustang8766: awwww
x silver skullz: :-X
dmbmustang8766: awww. nonono i like u. . . hunn i rele gota get off though, il def ttu 2moro
dmbmustang8766: 2moro
dmbmustang8766: i mean later
dmbmustang8766: lol
dmbmustang8766: <333 mwaaa ilu
x silver skullz: ok ttyl xo mwa <3

...he is the most amazing thing in the world

6 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 12 April :: 2.10pm
:: Music: yellow card, i'm punk pop to the max today ;)

can't wait until tomarrow

I was just talking to Greg online and we're hanging out tomarrow...hitting up Miami Beach..good times, good times. I'm going to have to get a pass out of class tomarrow early so that I can get all the way down there. It really sucks that I have to go to work tomarrow.

It's official...I want to move in September. I don't know where yet, I don't know with whom, all I know, is that Florida is just too boring and filled with retired people for me. So if anyone has an out of state residence and wants my hot ass sharing your bed, I'm game.

Oh yeah, and I got a turtle named Fat Mike (NOFX) today. Idaho gave it to me, i heart the bitch.

2 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 12 April :: 11.56am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: so co

I wish I weren't so mature for my age. I wish I could have every other high school chicks juvenile way of thinking. I am the only person I know who can honestly say I've never had a first love, I've never had that relationship to look back and say...I learned something from that....I've really never even been totally infatuated with anyone. I know that there is no point at this age.
What will any current "love" mean ten years from now. NOTHING. So why bother crying and trying so hard for something that you know will eventually lead to nothing?
You see couples all the time that are so cute and pulling the whole "S love you more, no I love you more" deal. It it's sad because they look so happy at that exact moment...And you know in just a little amount of time they'll do something to hurt each other and all those good times will mean nothing. The quote of my life:

But I really wish I didn't think like that. I wish I could get all emo over a guy, I wish I could let myself feel that emotion....Get the tingles, fall hopelessly in love with someone. Maybe I haven't met the right guy, maybe I just need to let myself go. I have spent so long building this wall around myself, that I don't think I could cave it in even if I wanted to. But every time I meet a cool guy circumsatnce runs intervention so I never really even get to find out.
And it's not like I don't date. I do, a lot. This year I have had a different guy every week...Sometimes more, but I am so damn picky, after like 2 days, I"m just like AHH, get away from me. I think I need to stop looking for perfection. Once again, I don't know!

6 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 12 April :: 11.30am

bored, going out tonight
well alcohol
You're addicted to.....

Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmm, Bitch! I like you, alcohol is one
of the better things to be addicted to. The
only bad part is it makes you feel like doing
nothing and the next morning you get a terrible

What are you addicted to? (pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
this is for my boredom.

->im going to sherris around 7 and her dad is driving us to the club (2686) kim is asking her boyfriend if he wants to go. i miss her and i wanna see her!!! well, my mom is picking me up around 11:30. next weekend maybe i'll hang out and drink with brian and a couple of people and i might hang out with derek (aw i <3 him) well, i dont know what else to write because there is nothing. hopefully i'll convince my mom to take me shopping to buy a shirt for tonight because i dont have one to wear. im gonna ask brian to come to the club tonight and my mom will give him a ride home. well, bye bye kiddies :)


4 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 11 April :: 11.40pm
:: Music: thrice, the illusion of safety.

everyone who reads this should check out www.zoloftherockandrolldestroyer.com. this band rocks. they're from philly and have this cute little chick singer and they're very unique. i saw them tonight. i hung out with greg... the key boarder and tambourine man. we walked to get icecream and he seemed like a sweetie, holding the doors and asking if i wanted anything. he's insanly cute too.. he was cool to talk to, figures every guy i meet lives about a hundred zip codes away..... isn't life ironic?

with a smile on my face

[ Angel_Bob ]

:: 2004 11 April :: 10.06pm

I made an icon for im_sorry if you want to use it, Alex.

I've got a lot more coming if you all don't like it that much.

7 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 11 April :: 12.45pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: a static lullaby - lipgloss and letdown

quiz cause im bored..what now?
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Marissa Leigh
Birthplace ::: Oceanside, NY
Age ::: 15
Age you act ::: pretty old, not really sure
Current location ::: East 'Cock'away, NY
Eye color ::: hazely
Hair color ::: broawn with blonde highlights
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: righty
Zodiac sign? ::: scorpio
Height? ::: 4'11"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: Russian
Your hair ::: long and straight
Your fears ::: spiders and heights
Your perfect room ::: red walls,lots of leopard and band posters
What you practically do in a day ::: go to school,eat,online,phone
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: aww,lol
Phrases you overuse ::: fuck you
Your first thought when you wake up ::: grrr i have to get through this day
Your greatest accomplishment ::: who knows?
Something you want to do ::: be with him <3
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: coke
McDonald's or Burger King ::: mcdonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: christina aguilera
Chocolate or vanilla :: chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::: adidas
Black or white ::: black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: bills - DUH
Burgers or hot dogs ::: burgers
Egypt or France ::: hmm france
Rock or rap ::: rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: used to - haven't had a cigg in like a month!
Cuss ::: yupps
Sing well ::: eh
Sing in the shower ::: yeah *blush*
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: hmm mayyybe
Believe in yourself ::: not usually
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: when im bored, yeah
Play an instrument ::: none, i used to play clarinet
Want to go to college? ::: yes i do
Want to get married? ::: yeah
Want to have children ::: i wanna adopt
Think you're a health freak? ::: not at all
Get along with your parents ::: my mom most of the time
Get along with your siblings? ::: nahh
Think you're popular ::: no, im not nor do i want to be
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: mmm no
Drank alchohol ::: yes
Smoke ::: no but i wish :(
Get high ::: nah
Done any drugs ::: nopeeeee
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: never have
Been on stage ::: nope
Gone skinny dipping ::: nah
Been dumped ::: nope
Dyed your hair ::: not in the past month
Stolen anything ::: nope
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: scutch
Loudest ::: jenn
Most shy ::: lauryn
Blondest ::: .. sammi
Smartest ::: jaymes
Kindest ::: timmy
Best personality ::: thats gotta be krystyn
Most talented ::: jenn - DEFF
Best singer ::: jenn, haha
Most ghetto ::: christal/jaymes
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: paris
Pain in the ass ::: grrrr andrew
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: lol deff leslie
Funniest ::: jessyca
Best person for advice ::: sherri,sammi
Dependable ::: jaymes,tim,sal
Trustworthy ::: jaymes
Druggie ::: josh
Most likely to end up in jail ::: josh
Person you've known the longest ::: sammi/jaymes
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: i dont remember
Last nightmare ::: .. i dont know
Car ride ::: to the rockville center train station
Last time you cried ::: yesterday, when i banged my head on the wall
Last movie seen ::: the whole 10 yards
Last movie rented ::: bring it on....AGAIN
Last book read ::: Frank McCourt
Last word said ::: shut up
Last curse word said ::: fuck
Last time you laughed ::: friday with derek
Last phone call ::: my mom
Last CD played ::: switchfoot
Last song you listened to ::: idk number 5 on the switchfoot CD
Last annoyance ::: haha my sister
Last IM ::: Roberto
Last weird encounter ::: umm idk
Last person you hugged ::: derek <3
Last person you yelled at ::: my sister
Last time you wore a skirt ::: ummm i dont remember
Last time you've been evil ::: always
Sarcastic? ::: ummm i am sarcastic all the time
Last time you fought with your parents ::: today
Last time you wished upon a star ::: i dont ever anymore
Played Truth or Dare ::: in like 6th grade?
Spent quality time alone ::: right now
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: yes
Do you feel lonely ::: ehh sometimes
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: no, its pathetic and ridiculous
How about egging someone's house ::: nahh, stupid.
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: ah, im scared- what?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: nope...
Yo Momma ::: STOP IT BITCH!
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: ummm not really
What do you think of George Bush? ::: asshole.
Any secret fetishes? ::: yupp ;)
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: hehe..maybe
How many languages do you speak? ::: uh 1!
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: nahh
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) ::: darn :-/ lol jp

i was bored. i might go visit my grandma today but im not sure. i wanna go shopping. i wanna go to the club tomorrow but im not sure if im going to be allowed to. shit, i fucking hate easter because i have nothing to do because im jewish ahh oh well.


4 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face

[ Admin ]

:: 2004 11 April :: 10.38am

This needs to change.

Any ideas?
Like colors, or an icon?

3 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 11 April :: 9.45am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: lamb of gd

im so nice!
well, i decided that since im so nice if anyone needs me to pay the $2 so that they can keep their journal i will - if you've been nice to me and you continue to comment :) i figured i have 10 spare dollars so i have to pay for myself and thats 8 so that leaves me with money enough to pay for 4 people.

->comment if you would like me to pay for you :)

8 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face


:: 2004 11 April :: 2.12am

something corp.
tonight was the yellowcard, something corp., factor, and sleeping at last show at ovation. good shyt right there. the place was packed, and i have to be honest, i didn't really like yellowcard all that much until i saw them tonight, and they seemed pretty cool so now i do. go ahead...make fun of me.
there were SOO many people there, it was crazyness, i was soaked with sweat, and the only gross thing about that is knowing that most of it wasn't mine. but hey, that's the whole point of going to shows. to get all gross and have a good time. i sure did tonight.
i bought both something corp. cd's, the factor and sleeping at last cd..and the two whole yellowcard cds.... 6 total, i know, i know...big balla. but they're cheaper at shows, so i always buy them there instead the stores.
after the show, (i looked like butt might i add, hair up and gross with sweat and all that jazz), ashley and i went to meet up wtih julia and chris at boca ale house... i thought, i dont have to be cute, it's just them. HA. soo many people were there.. i'm not even wearing a bra b/c it was killing me and it was soaked so i took it off first thing after the how..i felt so nasty. but whatever, i'm allowed to have my ugly moments.
it was an awesome night but, i have to wake up early tomarrow (damn holidays) so peace

1 kissed me to die | with a smile on my face

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