2005 13 February :: 7.09pm
:: Music: "Wild West Show" Big and Rich
Well just as a bit of luck, this is my 200th entry. Not that any of you care too much.
"There's never a hero in a battle of ego, There's never a winner of the quick draw." - Big and Rich
Something that someone could spend so long on, focus so much of their energy on. I don't want to be caught up in the competition. I don't want to be compared. I hate it so much. I am my own unique person, just as everyone else is. There is nothing to compare myself too, or rather there shouldn't be. I shouldn't be judged in comparison to someone else, I should be judged on my own abilities, my own attributes.
Today was hard. Much of it is the fact that I am just physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I keep telling myself that this cycle I'm stuck in is going to change soon, but i know it's not. Not at least until I do something drastic.
Brianna, I'm sorry I didn't call you this weekend. First, I was just too tired. Which kills me because I don't have time to spend with anyone, especially when it would be nice to spend time with someone so removed from my reality. Second, I acidentally exited the convo that we were having and lost your number. Please send me an email, I'm sorry.
Now, I really can't tell if these tears I'm feeling coming on, that I've felt coming on for about the last six hours are because of exhaustion, stress, or if I'm not really over her yet. I was cool. I was good. But then we just act like everything is okay. I act like everything is okay when it's not. A lot of my anger toward her is gone, but not all of it. I think she knew today that my bad mood was more than me just being tired. Or maybe she didn't. I don't know what I want from her anymore. I'd like an apology. I'd like an acknowledgement that she hurt me. I'd like an acknowledgement that she still cares about me. I'd like an acknowledgement that what we had was special. But I'm not going to get that, so these tears are completely in vain. And it pisses me off that her boyfriend thinks that she's cheating on him with me. I don't know waht to tell him. I'd like to tell him to trust her, that nothing is going on between us, which nothing is. But I can't tell him to trust her when I don't.
I guess it's time to stop bellyaching. It's time for the confident me to reemerge and say to all "I have been brought back and redeemed." It sucks taht we all have times that we are vunerable. It also sucks that other people bring out the best and the worst feelings in us.
And by the way, Happy Valentine's Day.
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2005 9 February :: 5.07pm
Okay, so life isn't great. Yes it is, but at times like these it may seem that way.
All I can say is wow. I can't believe something like this would actually be said. I can understand where it comes from and why it comes and from who it comes, but I guess now I am speaking in riddles. I guess I should just come out and say it. I read what Jessie had to say about my sister and what she had to say about my family. You see, this is why you don't venture out. This is why you don't make yourself a social person. Both because you leave yourself out there for judgement, and you suffer the consequences of it. I prefer sitting here in my nice comfortable shell, getting to know few people deeper, than many shallowly. That way, the judgements that are to made about me in passing by people who may dislike me are not as hurtful. Mostly because they don't know me anyway, so why the hell should I care. let the truth shine out, instead of putting up this big elaborate scheme, shrouded by clothes and hair and popularity. I never needed that. All I needed was my brain, my mouth, and the good sense to know I was smarter than a lot of people in high school without actually having to prove it (although I did avail myself of the opportunity many times, only I know the extenet to which I did not).
I guess what I mean to say is that if I am a dick, I already know. If I treat some people like crap because their stupid, I already know that too. If I rationalize things that I do, things that aren't so necessarily perfect, I know I do that. And you know what, Michelle is the same way. She's the same way as me, it's just I've had my legs cut off at the knees more. I was never in Wind Ensemble until I earned it. I even was left in Concert Band when I thought I should have been in Wind Ensemble. I've failed my share of times. And I am stronger person for that. So go ahead and attack her. She's my sister, these things that are said I already know, because they're in me, and they're things I see everyday.
But do not, ever, attack my family. That is my root. That is the basis for my entire life. Not that we don't have problems, but don't wish them on us. I won't defend my sister because she needs to take the lumps, so long as it doesn't go too far. But don't come after my family, because I would gladly sacrifice my life for this great nation, and the only thing that I hold closer to my heart in this world is my family.
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2005 8 February :: 3.19pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: thin lizzy "jailbreak"
okay, well this weekend at spring hill has been one of the most amazing experiences ever. the band was amazing....not at all like i thought. i thought they would be some "churchy" band, but they werent. they sang about God, but they were rockin. it was awesome. and the speaker was amazing.
i got to hang out with people i usually dont, which was the BEST part.
well other than that everything's been the same. still working on my gay english, but oh well.
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2005 3 February :: 10.52pm
okay, well not much going on. huge ass term paper in brit. lit. and reading and analyzing a novel in lit.
have a pretty easy project in history too
going to spring hill this weekend, wish me luck, im gonna try snowboarding. i actually plan on breaking something, but if i dont by some chance that would be great, so yeah, like i said, wish me luck.
well, thats about it
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2005 3 February :: 12.58pm
For some reason I can't seem to concentrate. Now that things are actually resolved I feel much better, but now there are so many things swirling around in my mind. It's like I'm at the top of the earth and I have to decide which direction to go in. Everything in my head is so expansize right now. It wants to understand all that is and all that was and all that is to be. I want to understand. I was told last night that I would never understand everything, so there is no point in trying. Yes, there is. There always is a point in trying to understand those things which you don't. Maybe this is all part of growing up, realizing that the things you don't understand vastly out weight the things that you do. I don't want it like that. I want to be able to understand the nature of the universe. I want to understand the nature of people. I want to understand the nature of sex. It's all just up there swirling around in this giant brew of compassion and bewilderment. Made of heart, love, wisdom, logic, politics, history, and complex things that all fit together to form this beautiful tapestry of understanding. That's why history is an art. You have to paint it. That is why politics is a science because you have to win at it. It's all aobut what life is, what we want life to be, and what life isn't. I need to make a few decisions in the next few days. Decisions that are going to have a big impact on my life right now and in the future. I wish, I really wish you could all be part of that, but you all have your own motives (I'm not talking to everyone reading this, but a few of you and also others who I know won't be reading this but that I cannot have them be a part of either) and could influence my decision. I have to make this one for myself, not because of anyone else.
2005 2 February :: 11.40am
Does anyone have anything substantive to say? All I've been getting from girls lately is "I love you" "That's so sad" and "it works both ways." You know, for someone as smart as me, I should be able to figure out how girls work. Of course, I can't figure out how social situations occur either so I'll just sit here and be the misfit of un-understanding. Or I could just be bepuzzled.
2005 1 February :: 1.58pm
Do you really want to see the extremist side of me?
I thinking of reliving my quest for the militia movement. Of course, no sane person who is considering this would be open about it. So, I have to say that I sympathize with their ideology.
I would have been very intrigued if Kerry had won the election. The reason for this is because the militia movement was quite strong during the Clinton years because they had an opponent to identify clearly. Well, with Bush in office they dorve hard to get their point across, but they knew the had their man. Then Sept. 11th hit and the goal of every good militia is to protect the homeland. That meant this rally to the president effect (granted, it's actually supposed to be rally around the flag attempt, but these militia guys are freakin' wrapped in the flag so tight it acts like a g-string on their butt) took full effect and everyone supported the prez. It was even more impressive to them that he actually stood up the UN because they have been in favor of the US withdrawing fro the UN for years. Anyway, I just wanted to study if it had a ressurgence while Kerry was in office. But I'll never get the chance and that is probably a good thing.
2005 30 January :: 9.06pm
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2005 29 January :: 4.06pm
The performances are over, and here are the results:
Piccolo Duet ........ I
Flute Solo
Flute Quartet........I
We got a standing ovation from the judge after our quartet, it was so cool. She loved it, and it was the best we have ever played it. I'm going to State for my solo, obviously, and I'm sure that we are also doing our duet and quartet at State. I hope they all get one's there, too. That would make me very happy.
Now that that is all done, I'm very happy, but tired. I cleaned the house when I got home, and now i'm trying to get my work schedule for next week.
Well, good bye :)
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2005 27 January :: 7.39pm
Call me tomorrow after four if you can. I miss you. :(
I really do.
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2005 27 January :: 7.32pm
There are so many things I want to say.....i just don't have the energy, ya know?
Sometimes I don't feel like defending myself, I just want to tell it like it is and just have people be okay with it. No explaination necessary.
Things are never going to be like that. We have to keep fighting until the end, for the things we want, the things we believe are right, the things that make us happy. Moments of peace are few and far between these days.
And solo and ensemble is two days away.
2005 27 January :: 10.12am
So, I've given up on music and subject. I used to put it into my entries all the time, but I've just given up on it because while I'm thinking about what I want to put in there (because I'm a freak and have to fill in the boxes in order) I lose track of what I was going to say. Not that this little rant is helping me retain what exactly I was going to say in this entry anyway. Oh yeah, now I remember.
So, I don't feel like I am weak. Or should I say I don't feel like my walls are weak. What is a relationship to me? Well in a certain respect it's breaking down the walls that we put up around ourselves to hide those innermost things from each other. As if it were all out there we would be subject to ridicule and rejection by the whole world. For me, it's been my experience that I don't let my walls down until someone else has shown the willingness to do the same for me. What we keep inside those walls is another story (i.e. Sometimes I keep my faith behind those walls, which is not a good thing). Kim and I tore down those walls one brick at a time. I feel like I took mine down quite a bit faster than she did, and that she was reluctant, but let pieces go. When a couple fights, two things can happen. They can harbor resentment and add another brick to the wall, or make up and tear another section down (along with several pieces of furniture in the bedroom). It took four weeks for her to build her wall up high enough to where she could tell me what she wanted. To be the person outside of the wall again, to not let me see the one inside. And after all this, after what she did, I rebuilt my wall with lightining speed. Well, when you do things quickly, there tends to be some sloppy workmanship. The wall between us was once partially down, but now we've both done things that have strengthened it. I found a hole when I called her that morning. But she did a good job of taking the mortar and filling it. She did it without hurting any other part of the wall that is between us. Perhaps I thought that the hole could grow, as could our friendship. Once you see the other side, you can never forget it, no matter how high the wall, how thick the wall. you can only stand on your side and do a few things. Either try to tear it down from your side, which is exhausting and never works, or just let the wall be, continue walking and hope that one day you hear the person on the other side asking you to help her tear it down.
Well that certainly was depressing. I have not quite decided how to act, other than the premise that I still care, I still love. Mr. Smith asked me yesterday how I was taking things. I told him that things have been hard. And they have. The past few days have been hard. The best moods that I have been all week have been in the afternoon. When I have seen how sad Crissy has been. All I have wanted to do was to cheer her up. Before that I needed cheering. He said I was hard to read and I guess it's okay that way. I play a role sometimes. Just like I do with my family. I'm just to damned smart to believe what I believe. I can't have faith in a higher being and be logical and thoughtful at the same time. It's a dichotomy to them. I know most people consider themselves Christians, but at what point. I think it's when someone asks you what is the most important thing in your life, what is #1. All the time it should be God. That's why I would complete make an ass out myself if I was to try to date someone who didn't share my beliefs. Because they could not comprehend the fact that they will never be #1 in my life. Well this is dragging on and I am going to go watch this incredibly awesome documentary in Spanish on the Chilean military coup in 1970. I know, I'm a freak. Get over it.
2005 26 January :: 8.57pm
okay, so i now have crutches........for a little
i sprained or strained a tendon in my knee, so the doctor gave me crutches and prescription MOTRIN and told me to use as needed. my knee is already moving a bit more, almost enough to walk on, but i cant stand the pressure yet. so, i dont think its too bad. at least i hope its not to bad. it still hurts, but even thats gone down. so yeah, it sucks.
so, the music for the musical is really freakin high. not all that hard, but way freakin high. i really dont want to drop it down an octave, but i think im gonna have to. which really pisses me off more than anything else, because if im gonna do something, i want it done right.
but yeah, whatever.
saturday is solo ensemble at mona shores.im scared in a way, but not like freaking out scared. i just dont want anyone in the trio to embarrass themselves. i dont mean that to sound really mean, but i know it happens, and i really dont want it to. oh well, shit happens
so other than that, i dont think i have anything else to say.
im gone,
2005 26 January :: 7.48pm
I'm all about it now. I don't want to be that sad boy in the corner and more. To quote Gretchen Wilson "I'm gonna get me some."
I'm not sure how, or where, or from who, but I will. Eventually. I think. Hopefully. Okay. That's it.
I really love you.
Yes, yes I do. I'd do just about anything for you.
Yes, you.
No, not you. You.
Got that. I'll meet you out behind the barn at midnight okay??
No, not that barn, the other barn.
Okay, I'll wear somethin' sexy for you. You know what I'm talkin' about. Yep, that's it. That's the way I like it.
Wait, why am I telling you all this. You'll be there if you're ready. Okay. That's it.
Seriously, stop reading this.
I really mean it.
I still love you.
Well, aren't you going to leave.
Fine, I'll leave first.
Ha, I was just joking.
Okay, I'm really going to leave.
_______I'm gone____________
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2005 26 January :: 7.21pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Variations on a Korean Folk Song
Solo and ensemble in a couple of days. Blah. I just practiced for an hour. Got some things on the duet worked out, my solo, I cannot find anything else to work on for it. It just IS. My whole score is going to depend on whether I can find that THING or not. I hope I will.
We had pit practice today. That was terrible exciting, except, not really. And Jess, don't worry, you were doing great today. No one knows what they are doing, so don't worry about it, just have fun.
Saxophone solos would be the bomb, if I could play them. I think I'm going to start practicing Sax starting monday, because I don't want to practice too much before solo and ensemble. There's about two months before the musical, and I'll have it good and learned by then.
I am so multi instrumental.
I think it would help if I knew what I was doing.
After talking with Michael Monday at work, I just feel, happy. He just is that kind of person that can just make so many things better just by talking your ears off and not letting you get a word in. He's a great guy, but I like my Rueben better.
History is a bit better, educational wise, yet, I almost miss the way it use to be, just because I didn't have to do ANYTHING, and I could do all my homework.
Teacher assisting for general chem is a hoot. They did a lab today and I got to help them and mix chemicals. 12 molar HCl is not some stuff you want to get on you (it has a tendency to burn holes in your skin within a few minutes of exposure). I got to dilute that today. The fumes are nasty. Ah well, finished my AP chem lab. Our class is a lot of fun because it's so small, not to say we don't miss those who use to be there, but everything is a lot more on track now.
Tomorrow Mrs. Spinella is helping me with my solo after school. Hopefully she'll approve, and I'll be set. Friday I'm practicing after school with Dani for our piccolo duet. That has gotten laid by the wayside in recent weeks, just because the quartet and both our solos are more important, and we've agreed on that. It's just a throw away, something to warm up with, really, to get use to the judging. I bet it'll go to state.
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