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:: 2005 10 January :: 11.28am
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: "Do You Fell Like We Do?" Peter Frampton

The New Year, New School
Well I just got out of my softball coaching theory class. It seems like it will be pretty easy. There are only like 8 guys and 20 girls though. That's to be expected. I feel like I have an advantage because I've learned so much already. He talked about throwing technique and knowing the rules. Well, I'm a rules expert and we've only been focusing on throwing technique for the last three years, so I think I will be in pretty good shape.

On another note, I'm glad to be getting back to school. Finally I have something else to think about besides the largely depressingly insane, hate filled foggy haze I've been ever since I found out that she was seeing someone else. I'm also looking forward to it because I'm tired of being propositioned by girls that, yes, if I were desparate I would do something about, but I'm not that desparate, yet.



:: 2005 7 January :: 8.43pm
:: Mood: anxious

So I just gave a huge part of myself to a group that I barely even trust. I guess you just have to do some things. I guess I just had to say some things. I took the step, as scared shitless as I was about it, but I had to. That's the only way I knew how to trust them. We'll see what happens. We'll see...



:: 2005 5 January :: 9.12pm

So much is going on, but still it feels like nothing. Nothing is striking that chord, you know, the one where you're like "this is great, I'll always remember that".

If you don't remember things, then how do you know you really had a past?

You write them down? What if you don't remember writing them? Then, does that mean you never wrote them?

If I am part of everything I have met, yet I don't remember everything I have met, then isn't that like forgetting who I am?

If you are left with no past, no memories, just impulses and thinking, then, are you really a person? Would you do the same thing as you would if you knew of a past?

I need to go to bed before I drive myself crazy.



:: 2005 5 January :: 10.33am

It was feeling that was there so long ago. The things I'm feeling now are the things that I was feeling before. Entrapment. I want to run away to get away so bad. I want her to be able to talk to me like a civil human being and I don't want to be mad at her any more. But there is nothing I can do about that. I wish we could forget the whole thing and just be friends, but we can't. I can't even give in to call her. I won't because of my pride. And my pride was genuinely hurt. That's why I hope this Saturday that things will change. That I will have a great night and I will be in a mood to go for something I've never been brave enough to do before.



:: 2005 1 January :: 8.07pm

Sometimes you can't always have what you want.

Sometimes people are going to hate you, and you don't understand quite why.

Sometimes people do things you don't agree with.

Sometimes you can't help what you do.

It's all because we are so much more complex than we give ourselves credit for. Sometimes you just have to live with it and get over it. Sometimes you have to stand up and say something. Either way, we are all gone to die in the end. I know this sounds morbid; but who is going to care in another 100 years anyway?

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:: 2005 1 January :: 12.38am
:: Music: Peter Griffons own interpretation of the Presidential Theme

Yay, 2005
Hurray, its 2005.

I can feel all the changes swirling around my body. Wheeeeeeeee.

Man I need some alcohol. Especially watching the Dick Clark's New Year thing, starring Regis and that one dumb bitch. I'm still shivering.

Well, whatever, I suppose I should be thankful I haven't lost my life to anything stupid, such as me ironing my toaster in the bathtub.

I'm attempting to come up with a new years resolution, but I can't think of anything right now, so feel free to chime in with anything, and I'll take the best and follow it.

Well, I just figured I'd pop in and say something, then BOLT for the exit, so, later.

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:: 2004 26 December :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: "Vesuvius" by Frank Ticheli

It just doesn't seeem all that much like Christmas anymore. I think you need children to make Christmas magical. Other than that, people can just bring you down by being asses.

I've been working a lot lately. I have about 23 hours this week. That's a good $100 in my pocket. I really want to get transferred to another department, or find another job. I like my job to a certain point, and I know how to do it, I think it's just because I'm lazy, or I actually like to be home at night and get my homework done.

I got lots of good Christmas presents; a few books, good smelling things (lotion, candles, perfume..), make up, a tuner/metronome for my flute, food...all that kind of stuff.

We had my Aunt, cousins, and grandparents over yesterday. My cousin was hitting on rueben, it was so cute. He didn't it until I told him, too. He's quite oblivious to things like that I guess. I wasn't mad or anything, I thought it was quite hilarious. She's 12.

Jessie came and spent the night wednesday after my performance with Mrs. Spinella at Dollarville and my Dentist Appointment. All went well.

Solo ensemble is comming up soon. I really hate it. I hate solo ensemble, I really really do. But it's something I have to do for myself. One of those things that you need to do now in order to benefit from in the future. I just have a hard time taking criticism.

I have to work tomorrow and Rueben is comming over tonight again after he gets out of work. I swear I don't know what I would do without that boy. He keeps me sane.

School in a week. Don't want to go back, but I'll have to. It's just the way things are. I've been having dreams about institutionalizations lately. Just the general catagory, with specific examples. All very scary. I think I'm scared of being lost in the crowd...but I still feel safe in it.

Ah well, time will still pass no matter what any of us do.


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:: 2004 24 December :: 11.58pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: American Idiot

X-mas Eve
Ignore my previous entry of 'duh'. My e-mail wasn't functioning very well.
This is my second entry this month, but its more of a story. If you like to read stories or you are just bored then go ahead and read this. If you have a short attention span or don't like me talking, or whatever, don't bother. For those of you who feel like it, its a good story.

Before you read anything I'm about to type below this paragraph, please understand something. I'm not a cruel heartless bastard who doesn't appreciate family. Thats not me. I love my family and would do almost anything for them. Be aware that this is just one of my standard bitchings, but in holiday form. If anyone types anything about me hating my family and not understanding the true meaning of Christmas, I hope you walk outside tomorrow and a giant penis lands on your head, and it cannot be removed. That said.

Today I spent practically all day with my cousins. We went to see Lemioney dicketts 'A Series of Crappy Movie' today. Oog. Not a good movie. It gets a S, and anyone in the know knows what I'm talking about. After seeing this movie, we came back to my place where my cousins drove me nuts. Maybe I should not have been trying to teach them about playing 'The Sims'. They are just a LITTLE bad in role playing games, but I figure its better for them to get hooked on this then all that shooter shit where its like "Hey, that object moved! Lets blow it away with this cool rocket launcher! "My cousin who I know stole some games from me was very dissappointed when I wouldn't let him even NEAR any of my things.
We got to my Grandma Ginger's house around 6 o clock, and went inside. This might be a good time to clear something up. I don't get good gifts here, as shallow as that sounds, but its ok, its the thought that counts. But, I went in there optimistic thinking, "Maybe they got me something since its senior year." Sure, incredibly gheedy, but I figured I could dream.
I walk in, and my Aunt gives me a hug, and my technically cousin chucks me a package of glow sticks.
Cousin:Merry Christmas!
Me:Oh Snap! Glow...sti...c...ks.
Cousin:I was too lazy to wrap them, so I figured I'd give them to you know.
Me (Thinking):Its good to know I'm good enough for you to get up off your lazy ass and actually DO something.
Me (really):Oh wow! Thanks April! Everyone in school who is cool has one of these! Its good to know you looked at my Christmas list.
April:Well, I saw it and it screamed my name.
Me (thinking):If you read my list, you would have noticed the little sub note I made at the bottom saying, "if you are thinking about buying me something stupid, save the money and don't get me anything. It won't be as insulting"
Me (Really):I'm gonna go get some pop!

After that event, the kids and I wrestled and goofed around, until my uncle and other aunt came inside, for they have cows. I noticed the kids were screaming like little ADD kids on pixie sticks, so I brought them into the living room and turned on the TV in an attempt to slow them down. I found some Frosty thing, and turned it to that, but shortly realized, it was gay. Its where Frosty gets married. Come on man, who the hell does that even deal with Christmas? Whats the moral, "Even snowmen can get some?"
My little 6 or 7 year old cousin looked up at me and said, "This is absolute shit and an insult to my intelligence." I laughed, gave him the remote and told him to find something. He found that "Teenage Robot" thing, and everyone was watching it, starting to calm down.
Then, Dumbass appeared. My retarded...however he's related to me, named Dan. He walks in on the robot thing and says, "Hey, this isn't Christmas related." Takes the remote from Anthony, my cousin, and flips it back to Frosty. Actual dialog from Frosty.
Frosty:We want to get married, sir.
Minister:I can't marry you, I can only marry human adults.
Frosty:Awwww...what'll we do now?
Frosty's Bitch:I don't know.
Minister:But, if we made a snowman minister, you two COULD get married.

At this point, my little cousin was whacking his head against a wall. In pity, I changed the channel once Dan was gone. The kids began to watch again, when Dan re-entered and said, "Well, someone doesn't have any christmas spirit." He flipped it back and kept the remote. Precisely 2 minutes later the kids were already trying to see if they could all dog-pile on top of me.
Later, while the kids were eating, I entered into the living room again and saw Dan watching ESPN."Hey," I scolded,"this doesn't appear to be very Christmasy." Dan just laughed, and said,"I don't need to listen to you". Being the bigger man, I walked away. Ok, maybe on my way out I kicked the footrest out from under him, but I still think of myself as the bigger man.
Seconds later, Dan got up to go help his wife, and I moved like a python. I quickly changed it to whatever the hell was on the Christmas channel, which was another sequel to something. Another crappy one, anyway. Dan walks in, and promptly squeals,"What the fuck?" I screamed at him while covering one of my cousin's ears, "EARMUFFS!!" Dan glared at me menacingly, and I cooly walked away. He sat his ass back down and switched it back to some special about Dale Earnheart, or whatever. I don't like Nascar at all, so the next part should be obvious.
I went back in after he went to get a refill, changed it to the crappy christmas special, and took one of the batteries from the remote, which I now hold in my paw. Sure enough, he sat down, and bitterly complained to me about it, but wouldn't get his fat ass up off the chair to change it. Ah.
My uncle came in from the outside, and threw me a pack of cards. "Merry Christmas" he mumbled, and proceeded to the living room, all the time avoiding eye contact. I just nodded at the OPEN pack of cards I received. "Its the thought that counts" I repeated to myself. "And this shows he didn't even goddamn think about it".
We began opening gifts. I dread this part, because if you don't know this about me, allow me to tell you. I'm no good at accepting complements, suggestions, or gifts. We passed out all the gifts, and everyone was excited. I looked at my mom. She had about five gifts. My dad? About four. Me? Two. I'm fully aware of how shallow this sounds, but I thought,"Its Christmas, its not about gifts, its about how much you care." I opened up the first one, which was a Santa Claus dressed in Lions colors. I thanked my grandmother who had given it to me. I opened the second, also from my grandmother. It was a Garfield book. I was somewhat excited, I guess, but I said thanks. Everyone else continued to unwrap their gifts as I stared blankly at mine. Then it hit me. Grandma didn't pick ANY of this. My mom just told her what to get, and Grandma obliged. I could tell.
Right there it was like someone stuck a knife through me. I went into my grandmother's bed, and stared at the ceiling."I'm going to be gone next year," I thought."And it doesn't bother any of them? They haven't said anything about college, or good luck, or anything. Its my senior year! It doesn't mean anything to them?" I remember when almost all of them had troubled times, and I was there for them, and how I didn't want to lose them. But, me leaving didn't matter?
I just stared at the ceiling, feeling uncared for, unimportant, greedy, stupid, and all sorts of other things. "Addison," I heard,"Addison?" I sat up to see my little cousin named Devon, whos about two, maybe three staring at me. "Yes Devon?" I said a little raspy.
Devon suddenly climbed on top of the bed and hugged me and said, "Marry Chrismas". I hugged Devon back and whispered Merry Christmas back. I remember shedding a tear or two, as we just sat there for a minute. "Devon," I said,"You have no freakin idea how much this means to me. Thanks."
Devon just stared at me bright-eyed, for a second or two, when Dan busted in and cried, "Devon! I've been looking all over for you." He picked Devon up and glared at me. "C'mon, your moms taking pictures and I told her I'd get your lazy ass in there." Devon stared at me on his hostile trip out the room.
I sat there for a second or two, and realized there were symbols, metaphors, and all sorts of literary shit that Mr. Stark would get a boner for. I smirked to myself and whispered, "The crow is on the fence".
With that, I got up and went to get my pictures taken.

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:: 2004 24 December :: 11.56pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Getting away with Murder

X-mas Eve



:: 2004 18 December :: 8.49pm
:: Mood: contemplative

What I learned today
Today was one of the worst days that I have had at work. It sucked driving home in the snow, I my stomach hurts and my legs are tired.

Today was one of the best days of my life, and this is why:

A few days ago I brought my santa hat into the band room so that I could wear it to pep band last night. I've had it for a few years and there are some memories with it (probably some that I would like to forget, but none the less are still there). Yesterday when I got to school, it wasn't there. It wasn't anywhere. I was upset, how could someone steal a santa hat? They're so easy to get, you can get them practically anywhere. I mean, probably even the gas station.

Today when I got to work, all the cashiers had on antler head bands or santa hats, or some such thing. I quietly thought to myself, "I don't have a santa hat to wear, because SOMEONE STOLE MINE!"

When I went up to the podium (at work where they give us our assignments to do for the day) Dawn, the SC (service coordinator, person who tells me what to do) was talking about how some of the cashiers thought it was stupid to where the hats and antlers. I piped up, "Oh, I think they're cute, I would wear one, but i'm not a cashier". Well, Dawn told me I could wear one anyway, and I picked one out, a Santa Hat, not well made, but it would do.
I wore it for a while, and when I went back up to the podium Dawn told me that I could keep the hat. One of the cashiers had bought about 40 hats and antlers for everyone to wear, and was going to let them keep them.

I had a Santa Hat once again, but that's not necessarily what made me happy, or made me write this incredibly detailed (probably boring) entry. I realized this:

No matter what form it comes in, you will always be returned what is yours, from a smile you give to a stranger, money you give to a charity, or from a Santa Hat. Mine just happened to come the next day.

I now have a new Santa Hat, maybe not quite as good as my other, but it will do, and it came with a valueable lesson. I do find it quite ironic, though, that fate chose to show me this using a Santa Hat, a symbol of the most giving and cheerful time of the year.

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:: 2004 17 December :: 12.03pm
:: Mood: Bah
:: Music: That boulevard song Green day does

been a while
Well, as you can obviously tell, I've been updating my woohu like nobody's business. I can't sleep right now and I'm just really bored, so I figured I'd go here. I figure, why not?
This school year is going by kinda fast, but I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. It has been fun, and I feel bad for moving on out next year to college. I think its rather pathetic when I hate so many people in my class yet think the junior class is incredibly awesome. Oh well.
College is probably going to suck, because knowing me, this whole 'video game phase' isn't going to wear out, but probably will live on. I'm hoping I don't have to deal with assholes who claim video games are kiddy or something. Hell, I'm hoping I don't deal with any assholes. Oh, CMU accepted me, so thats where I'm headed, in case you did not know/was curious.
Todays little trip to the middle school sorted sucked. I only liked the 6th grade band, because I got to yell at Kevin for prancing around like a little fairy. That or sorting music with Bill, because we just made fun of people/things the entire time.
My car is pissing me off, because it seems to want to do anything but officially break, so my parents can keep fixing it. Don't whine about my parents covering the bill either, because if they weren't, by now I would have had to sell all my organs but my heart and about 20 liters of blood. I just want it to function normally for once in its 8 year life.
Well, I'd love to sit here and blab away about stuff nobody cares about, but I'm off to try sleeping again.

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:: 2004 16 December :: 12.29pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Theme from "Hey Dude": Do you remember that show from Nickelodeon?

I think it's a breaking point. It's a point that comes in life where you can either give in to life and let life win, or you can fight back. I look in my life for people that haven't let life take them over. Or at least people who have the potential. People who I think will be something more than what life says they are. I can't think of too many people at work who will ever overcome where they are at. One person I do consider like that is Dustin. No matter what happens in life he is not going to let it get to him. See, I thought Shari was like that. I thought that she could be something more, something so much more. That is why it is so frustrating to think about her now. Yes, she may be happy, but she could be so much more. That is why it is disapointing for me to think about Jessa. Yeah, she's happy, and I'm happy for her, but I thought she could be something more than what she is at this point. Life (marriage and children) have gotten to her. Not that it's a bad thing, and knowing her, she's going to go after it, I know she will. Then that brings me to Kim. Someone who is so much smarter than me, someone who I see so much in, that's why it frustrates me.

Today I began to wonder if I was one of those people. I'm beginning to doubt that I am one of those special people. Yeah, I know a lot. I'm somewhat smart, but not as intelligent as some people. I'm average. My job doesn't really give me great satisfaction. I keep making small mistakes, but I feel as if I shouldn't be making any. I was out to dinner with my parents on Firday night and they talked to some people that they knew and those people talked about where their kids were going to college. How their daughter was getting ready to go to Harvard Law and their son was in Florida at some top aeronautics school. Also how they were paying for their kids to go to school. My dad was just kind of looking at me and he said, "it must be nice." There was this tone of disappointment in his voice. I couldn't figure out where it was directed. If it was directed at me because I have to balance work and my grades suffer, because I wasn't good enough to go those places, or if he was disappointed in himself that he couldn't do that for me. Maybe I'm not one of those people anymore. Maybe I've let life get on top of me. Maybe I've let life break me too.

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:: 2004 9 December :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: I'm Done
:: Music: "Nothing Lasts Forever"

I'm Done
I'm done. I am just plain done. I am done with all of it. I am done with my professor being a bitch and giving me a 79 on a very good paper. I am done with the entire situation. In a week I will be done with the semester. I'm just done. And I'm done with her. I don't know what else to do. I wake up in the morning and I think about her and I think about ways to improve the situation. But then all I can say is that I am done. I'm not sure things will ever be the same. I'm done.



:: 2004 8 December :: 3.53pm
:: Mood: creative

I've had Floris stuck in my head all day long. It's such a sweet melody.

When I grow up I want to live in a house overlooking the water and write music. All kinds of music. Beautiful music.

That would be heaven.

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:: 2004 5 December :: 12.13am

Everyone needs to cry once in a while.

I told him the truth tonight. By the look on his face, I knew it was the right thing to say after debating it all night. I'm happy he knows what he means to me and how much of a difference he has made, to me, and to everyone. I think he knew, but he wasn't quite certain. He told me it meant a lot to him that I told him that. It meant a lot to me, too, to be able to tell him that.

The cast party was a very sad event. Everyone was crying.
We will never forget this. We could never forget this. I never realized how much this had meant to me until tonight. I'm so happy that I was a part of it all. I'm so happy that I was wanted.



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