2003 20 November :: 4.03 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: ..SeT iT oFf--P.o.D..
. Y dOeS eVerYoNe NeEdA kN0?! .
Ok..lemme get thiz 0ut ryte quick. Thiz iz my j0urnal, nd since ppl read it i cant saii everythin i wana cuz therez shyt ppl dun needa kn0. N0, i wasnt tryin t0 make ppl jeal0us b0ut n0t tellin u wut happen 2 nytez ag0 that made it s0o h0rrible. Iz suttin i was sw0rn n0t t0 tell n0 0ne but i had t0 saii suttin b0ut it cuz iz a big thing. So0o bef0re u sit nd fuckin saii shyt b0ut it, member that thiz shyt iz MY J0URNAL!! Nd JaX, im s0rrii f0r havin t0 make it lyke that..yea u guiiz, it has t0 d0 wit her! Newaiiz, t0daii was 0k. I felt lyke crap s0o i decided t0 staii h0me nd talk t0 JaCki 0n the f0ne ALL daii cuz she was sick t00 but we b0th g0in t0m0rr0w!! WooHoo, cant wait till t0m0rr0w!! LoLz damn, me nd her talk s0o much..lyke m0re than me nd EriN..but EriN kn0z iz all g00d. JaX nd my 2 h0ur c0nv0z wit her. Aw, im glad we're bec0min cl0ser again. HoLy ShYt KeL, yesterdaii was crazii. I hit CP relle hard wen i was tryin t0 hit JeNkZ..YEA, he'z in my h0mer00m. So0o am i!!! LoLz, we're such bl0ndez..iz crazii! Newaiiz, i think imma pack my shyt f0r t0m0rr0w nyte..yAy!! Me nd JaX r guna have crazii funn..iz guna be great! LoL, x0x. (( oNe ))
--> ThE tRuTh MaY hUrT, BuT i WaNa Kn0 h0w u FeeL..cLiCk ThiZ <--
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2003 19 November :: 10.35 pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: ..SiMpLe pLaN cOnCeRT..
. RuBBeR DuCki, Ur ThE oNe .
Damn, i had that s0ng stuck in my head all daii..ask JeNNy!! LoLz, t0daii was g00d. Lyke alwaiiz, didnt d0 shyt all daii. Had detenti0n nd then chylled at JeNNy'Z nd went by the carnival. Thiz wkend iz guna be crazii funn, ryte JaX!! I cant wait, get t0 get crazii high. OmG, ChRiS iz the greatest! He quit sm0kin f0r a week juss cuz i did..im s0o pr0ud 0f u buddii! Well, last nyte was the W0RST nyte i will ever g0 thru. I wish i c0uld saii shyt b0ut it but i relle cant cuz iz between uz..u kn0 wh0 i talkin t0. Juss dun let it happen, plz cuz i luv ya waii t00 much!! I g0tta put suttin in here. Me nd Er were talkin b0ut wh0z prettier..read thiz shyt ((Nd by the waii she most DEF iz prettier!)):
SpOrTyChIcC323: nope..u r. if i said u arent pretty right now..then i would be lying thats y all the guys like u
x0x S i S i x0x: ha..all guiiz??? wh0
SpOrTyChIcC323: randy, eddy, scott, mike, that dude at ur school, all those guiis u went out with, and a whole bunch
x0x S i S i x0x: first..eddy dun care f0r me..randy never lyked me 0r he w0ulda called me, sc0tt nd mike were DRUNK, the guiiz i went 0ut wit were p0theadz nd yea
SpOrTyChIcC323: no..u kno u pretty stop playin..at least u got the guys
x0x S i S i x0x: seri0uslii i aint..im the ugliest 0utta all my friendz
SpOrTyChIcC323: and they liked u at some point..the only one really was scott cuz he was drunk..but he liked u when he wasnt
SpOrTyChIcC323: um..no
x0x S i S i x0x: n0 he dint
SpOrTyChIcC323: i dont really kno ur firnds..but ur prettier than me
x0x S i S i x0x: ur lyke 0ne 0f the prettiest 0nez!!!
SpOrTyChIcC323: ha
SpOrTyChIcC323: see itz the same way i feel
SpOrTyChIcC323: only u r prettyy
x0x S i S i x0x: yea riight
SpOrTyChIcC323: um..im serious
x0x S i S i x0x: s0o am i
SpOrTyChIcC323: yeah
SpOrTyChIcC323: duh
SpOrTyChIcC323: i been sayin that
x0x S i S i x0x: s0o have i..im bein seri0uz 2
SpOrTyChIcC323: then maybe we both r
SpOrTyChIcC323: i dunno
SpOrTyChIcC323: but u r
x0x S i S i x0x: n0 mayb u r
SpOrTyChIcC323: no maybe u r
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l n0pe n0pe
SpOrTyChIcC323: u def r
SpOrTyChIcC323: and we always have this convo like every other month
x0x S i S i x0x: seri0uslii th0 i realle aint
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l i kn0 nd im ryte b0ut it
SpOrTyChIcC323: ur wrong
SpOrTyChIcC323: ur a pathological liar
x0x S i S i x0x: n0pe..nd even if u were uglii which u r DEF n0t..i w0uld still heart u..even if ur eyez were cr0ssed nd u g0t super fat
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l cuz ur juss u
SpOrTyChIcC323: same with u buddy ol -pal
x0x S i S i x0x: aw..that shweet
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l
SpOrTyChIcC323: but stop doubting urself or like havin low self esteem..u is pretty whether or not u wanna believe it
SpOrTyChIcC323: haha
x0x S i S i x0x: s0o iz UUUUUUU
SpOrTyChIcC323: if i say i believe it will u...cuz it will make me happier if u say u r
SpOrTyChIcC323: which u r
x0x S i S i x0x: but i w0nt nd thx t0 andrew i dun think i ever will
SpOrTyChIcC323: hes a pussey and u cant believe them
SpOrTyChIcC323: hes not that hott himself
x0x S i S i x0x: yea he iz
SpOrTyChIcC323: and he might have not have even seen u
SpOrTyChIcC323: so wut
SpOrTyChIcC323: ur hotter than him
SpOrTyChIcC323: i would have sex with u before him
x0x S i S i x0x: yea ryte
x0x S i S i x0x: haha l0l aww
x0x S i S i x0x: he haz crazii earz
SpOrTyChIcC323: if i was bi
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l
x0x S i S i x0x: u r, member ;)
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l, jk
SpOrTyChIcC323: haha
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
SpOrTyChIcC323: u 2
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
x0x S i S i x0x: 000 yez
x0x S i S i x0x: yea ryte, i c0uldnt be gaii if i tried
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l
SpOrTyChIcC323: me neither
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l g0 us
Oo0o0o0o yea, nd this iz prettii funnii t00 cuz gaii came up a l0t todaii. LoL, nd n0 im n0t fuckin gaii!!:
MADGRL1188: i heard ur gay
x0x S i S i x0x: hahahahah
x0x S i S i x0x: riight
MADGRL1188: i thought so, i could always tell
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l yea eddyz relle a gurl
x0x S i S i x0x: hahahahaha
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l
MADGRL1188: lol
MADGRL1188: soooooo...
MADGRL1188: i heard that flomingos cant fly
MADGRL1188: iight homes im gonna roll out
MADGRL1188: peace
MADGRL1188: u no i hate u
x0x S i S i x0x: kel u kn0 ur crazii ryte?! l0l i wuv u 2 h0meskillet!!!
Newh0, n0w that the funnii shyt iz dun, i think imma g0 t0 bedd 0r sum crazii shyt s0o ill be writin lataz. Nd EriN ur still PRETTIEST!! HeHe, im 0utt. (( oNe ))
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2003 18 November :: 4.06 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: ..AnDy'Z vOiCe..
. SteVe-O iZ a HoTTiE!! .
LoLz, AnDy iz the funniest kidd ever!! I luv u buddii. We juss g0t back fr0m the st0re nd he was crackin 0n the 0wner s0o fuckin badd..haha!! YaY, the HonDa iz gettin fixed t0m0rr0w..w00t w00t!! Juss chyllen nd watchin my h0e plaii pLaYsTaTiOn..he sux! LoLz, jk!! Todaii was c00l. We had a lab in BiO nd me nd thiz gurl TeReSa couldnt figure it 0ut nd wen we did it br0ke..LoL, but it was funnii. Then me nd ChRiS r seein who cant sm0ke till FriDaii nd i kn0 i can d0 it cuz i g0tz n0 money t0 buy nethin newayz s0o iz all g00d. HaHa, MrS. BiGGz was HIGH todaii..i swear, ask nebodii!! It was s0o funnii! Nd FriDaii iz guna be s0o0o0o much funn..me, JaX nd JeNNy..damn, crazii nyte. LoLz, me nd JeNNy r alwaiiz hangin 0ut n0w but iz c00l. I g0in h0me wit her t0m0rr0w. LoL, guna be sum crazii funn. Nd JeNkiNz iz s0o nastii..chewin 0n ur ID tag then thr0win it at me?! Wut were u thinkin m0f0?! HaHa, ill get u back. eLLiOt, ur the craziest kidd ever..HaHa, he was messin wit my f0ne after sk00l nd he alm0st fucked it up! NiCCoLe s0ld me 0ut 0n my detenti0n s0o n0w i g0tta d0 it lyke next week. HeHe, jk! AhH, i s0o cant wait till thiz crazii wkend!! Guna be great..high high high, everydaii..haha, JaX! Well, imma g0 chyll wit AnDy. (( oNe ))
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2003 17 November :: 3.11 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: ..So iNtO u--LuMiDeE .n. BuStA RhYmeS..
. DeTeNtiOnZ SuCk! .
Hey Hey Hey!! Damn, last nyte was crazii. Me nd EriN talked for awhile nd i DEF cried for lyke an hour after we hung up cuz i relle dun want her to move. I care bout her s0o much nd i swear i dun think i could live here witout her. Now i kno how she felt wen i almost left for GA. But seriouslii, we're more than juss BEST friendz, we're .i.n.s.e.p.e.r.a.b.l.e. nd thatz y she DEF cant leave me here!! I luv u too much chica. So0o then i fell asleep nd forgot to call EdDy again. LoL, im afraid to call him cuz hez guna be pissed wen i do cuz we havent talked for awhile nd then another fite iz funa start nd blah blah b l a h. I gotz my report card todaii. LoL, i did good for never doin my homework. Well, todaii was crazii. CoLLiN kept makin funn of me nd all my shyt callin me a stoner nd makin fun of my fone..u big meanie. HaHa, i dun even member tellin u half the shyt u kno bout me..u stalker! LoL, iz all good tho cuz eLLiOt stood up for me. HaHa, wana fite me?! More lyke beat u up..not again. LoL, jk! Then, i found out GaGa lykez me (( LoL, i cant saii it s0o if u wana kno who it iz..then IM me )) which iz cool i guess but i dunno..waii too much hittin on me. OoO me nd KeL got into our verii first fite cuz she was bein a poopii head but we're good now, i think? Newaiiz, thiz wkend iz guna be off the wall..LoL, iz onlii Mondaii. AwW LoLo, im s0o0o sorrii bout wut happen thiz wkend but i kno it will get betta chica. U can get thru all the shyt! I luv ya gurl. WooHoo, HaRRiSoN iz back..LoL JaCki JaCk iz happii! Damn, i hate bein sick..LoL, but i gotta go to skool tomorrow cuz i promised my MoM i'd onlii miss 5 daiiz thiz year. Shyt, i got a detention tomorrow nd i got another one todaii..fuckin asshole. Well, imma go call my h0e..LoL, yea thatz AnDy cuz he juss called nd told me to call him back s0o i'll write lata. (( oNe ))
3 . K i S s E s |
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2003 16 November :: 2.04 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: ..PeRfeCt oNe--LiT..
. MiSsiN u MoRe ThAn U cAn iMaGiNe .
Well, thiz wkend has gone down s0o much! Last nyte, AnDrEw came over nd i juss let him kno that i relle dun lyke him nd he needz to leave me alone. Then, BriTtNeY aLLeN called the cell nd we talked for a long ass tyme. We were talkin bout how much funn we used to have in 7th grade nd she juss was tellin me wutz benn goin on in her lyfe..damn, we r s0o much alike that iz crazii. LoLz, from the guiiz to the personalitiez. She has benn thru sum fucked up shyt! HaHa, it was g00d talkin to her nd she knoz MaTt which meanz i myte hook up wit him!! HaHa, yAy! LoL, me nd her r funa chyll next wkend wit him..iz guna be crazii funn. Well, todaii has juss benn shyt!! I relle relle miss EdDy nd i think im bout to do nethin to c him..NeThiN. Me nd EriN r DEF thinkin bout leavin thiz place nd goin awaii for a week or s0o but who knoz. She iz guna move to her momz house!!!! OmG, i cant fuckin believe that..if she leavez me not onlii will i never see my bestest friend, but i am guna miss her s0o0o fuckin much..more than i could miss neone. GurL, i kno ur goin thru crazii shyt but u kno it will get betta. Nd u kno that u dun have to move wit ur mom..juss staii wit us for awhile..my mom wont give a shyt. OoO yea, MaNdA moved out alreadii nd RiA got a dress yesterdaii for the weddin..yAy! Yesterdaii was crazii funn. But todaii..i juss want it to be over. DamN, JaCki relle knoz me..LoL, she lyke can tell wen suttin iz wrong even wen i aint showin it..AwW, i wuv u pimph0e!! LoLz well, i need to stop all my sadness nd shyt. I relle do miss u babii!! Newaiiz, too manii tearz that i crii for him. Gotta go before i add one more. (( oNe ))
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2003 15 November :: 12.25 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: ..Y CaNt i--LiZ PhAiR..
. CraZii AsS NyTe .
Damn, my planz r alwaiiz gettin changed..but iz all good. Tonyte me nd JeNn JeNn were sposed to chyll but she got grounded which sux!! I miss u JeNnY!! LoLz, s0o i went to the moviez wit RiA, AnDy, nd BoBbY..damn, i do regret a lot of tonyte. We got there nd smoked nd i got relle fucked up nd RiA started tellin BoBbY all the shyt i was doin last wkend wen i got crunked up nd i seriouslii dun member half of it but iz funnii az shyt. TuPaC ReSsUreCtiOn was kinda borin s0o me nd BoBbY walked to the store. He has a gurl now s0o we were juss talkin bout our relationshipz nd shyt. Then we got back to the car, smoked another joint, nd i got relle fuckin tired nd i fell asleep nd wen i woke up...AhH!! i was def on BoBbY'z lap nd his pantz were down. I was lyke holy fuckin shyt!! It was crazii nd if u cant figure out wut happen than ur juss fuckin stupid. So0o i got relle upset nd ran out the car to the bathroomz nd i started cryin my eyez out nd BoBbY came in the gurl'z bathroom nd was lyke all feelin badd for me nd he dun even care bout it all cuz i asked him bout how badd i felt for doin it to him wen he juss started wit this new gurl nd he'z all lyke i dun give a shyt..iz all good..im lyke wtf?! I felt lyke shyt cuz i juss fucked around wen me n EdDy juss got good again todaii nd i FUCKED it up!! I'm s0o fuckin pissed bout all this..i do the stupidest fuckin shyt!! Wen we got back to my house he was fuckin drunk nd high nd tryin to fuck around sum more s0o i juss bounced nd got in my house as soon as i can cuz im not guna trii nd fuck up me nd EdDy..iz happened s0o manii tymez. Would i be better now if i went wit him that nyte nd be livin wit him now?? O well, i cant go back nd change the past but i wish i fuckin could! Newaiiz, i dunno wut else to saii cuz the tearz r comin again s0o im juss guna go. Maybe tomorrow will be better..mall wit RiA nd MoMmii! Imma buii A LOT of shyt! I'm outt. (( oNe ))
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2003 13 November :: 9.11 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: ..EdDy'Z vOiCe..
. SuMoNe NeeDz To StoP bYtChiN .
AhH!! Sumtymez guiiz juss relle suck. EdDy iz bein hisself..juss bytchin on nd on! But newaiiz, y do theii alwaiiz bring up the stupidest shyt?! Sumtymez, i wish i was s0o0o uglii that no guiiz would ever be attracted to me nd maybe i would be happier now. I dunno but this whole relationship iz pissin me off. Damn, we benn together for fuckin 10 monthz nd we sposed to be s0o close nd look at us..we're more strangerz now than we ever benn!! It sux nd i relle do love him..how couldnt i?! If i didnt, i wouldnt have gone thru 10 monthz of pain, tearz, nd hurt. LoL, i juss said that to him nd now he'z talkin bout how i'm not showin that i ever cried for him or even cared..shyt, all he gotta do iz ask ne of my friendz. Wutever, im bout readii to end this shyt!! AhH, i relle cant cuz it would be too hard..hol up..LoL, i gotta go outside s0o i can yell at him! ...Iight im back. Ha, s0o y does he alwaiiz hang up first..oo yea, cuz he cant deal wit my shyt nd now imma PSYCHO BYTCH?! Damn, im gettin relle sick of this shyt..he needz to chyll out..he'z the fuckin psycho..LoL, go smoke a blunt, pussy! HaHa, newaiiz me nd my sis got into a fite todaii. I was talkin to AnDy nd she got jealous. Damn, i cant even talk to my onlii older 'bro' witout gettin bytched out. LoL nd then she callz me to saii..Ay0, will u roll the weed up?! Wut the fuck iz up wit that..LoL, but i did it cuz i dun want her ass to get into trouble cuz we got planz this wkend..i still love her even tho she can be a bytch! Newho, tomorrow'z FriDaii!! WhOoP WhOoP! HaHa, im outt lyke a fat kidd in dodgeball. uNo
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2003 11 November :: 7.22 pm
:: Music: ..i Am tHe HiGhwAii--AuDiOsLaVe..
. We GoTz A NeW FamiLii MeMbEr! .
HeYz! Well, todaii was iight. I went to the hospital wit my sis cuz AnDy popped his arm outta place for lyke the 5th tyme. I was sposed to go wit KeLz to the mall s0o i called her nd told her i couldnt come nd she said it was iight cuz she had to get readii for SoftbalL! So0o i came home after the hospital nd watched FindinG Nem0 wit AnDy nd it was cool. Then, i found out that AmAnDa iz movin in wit uz!! Iz guna be awesum cuz im not guna be as bored! My sis was madd wen i told her cuz she said that she dun want me to start hangin out wit her now cuz my sis lykez gettin me high everii wkend. Iz ok RiA, no one can ever take ur place..ur the BEST sis in the world nd i love u to death! x0x. Well, tomorrow iz skool. I actuallii wana go back cuz i have funn at skool nd i miss all my friendz!! LoLz, nd iz a VERII short week. WhOoP WhOoP!! EriN, it relle sux that ur grounded till THANKZGIVIN!! AhH, y do she gotta be s0o gaii over the stupidest shyt?! O wellz, i'll get to c u..i'll go to ur mommie'z wit u one wkend!! Well, i got sum homework to do nd then imma wait till MaNdA getz off work s0o we can chyll nd shyt!! YaY, im s0o happii shez comin!! 0o0 yea, i talked to EdDy last nyte nd i cant believe he'z bein s0o fuckin immature?! He'z 19 nd he actz lyke he'z 13. Wutever, im relle gettin sick of his LiL gamez. (( oNe ))
SpOrTyChIcC323: wAit FoR tHe GuY WhO perSueS yoU, ThE OnE wHo WiLL mAke An OrDiNaRY MoMent SeEm MaGiCaL, ThE KiNd Of GuY wHo BriNgS OuT tHE BeSt iN YoU And MakEs YoU WaNt To Be a BeTTeR PeRsOn. wAit For The GuY WhO wiLL bE Ur BeSt fRiENd, ThE PeRsOn WhO WiLL dRoP EvErYtHinG To Be WiTh YoU aT AnY tImE Of THe dAy nO MaTtEr WhAt ThE CircUmStAnCeS. wAiT fOr THe GuY WhO mAkEs YoU sMiLe LiKe No OtHer, And WheN hE sMiLes YoU kNoW hE NeEds YoU. WAiT FOr The Guy Who wAnTs To ShOw YoU OfF tO tHe WoRld WhEn YoU ArE iN SwEaTs . Love << Thx EriN for that..i relle needed that nd it saiiz a lot to me. ilu gurl! x0x.
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2003 10 November :: 10.52 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: ..So FaR AwAii--StAiNd..
. I'm GuNa Do ThiS oNe dAii At A tYmE .
I think i realized suttin..i'm juss guna take lyfe daii by daii, not worrii bout the future or wutz happened in the past. I'm 15..i dun need to be worryin bout wut lyfe iz guna be lyke in 10 yrz..im still a fuckin kid! I juss need to have funn nd forget bout crazii relationshipz or wut'z guna happen wit them cuz there'z alwaiiz s0o manii other guiiz out there nd i dun needa keep my mind on one nd take it awaii from all the otherz. Newaii, todaii was good. I went over JeSs' houze nd then we went to the moviez wit GaReT nd saw TeXaS ChAiNsAw MaSsAcRe. It wasnt relle scarii, juss lyke a LiL crazii. LoLz, the beginnin was kinda long! HaHa, but newaiiz i juss got home nd juss chyllen thinkin bout all the shyt i juss typed before. Who knoz..my feelinz myte change tomorrow but i relle dun need all this stress cuz i'm ruinin my lyfe wit it. But either waii, he'z on my mind lyke 24.7 nd i cant help that no matter how hard i try. OoO yea, nd JoEy, u DEF scared the shyt outta me. HaHa, i got onlyne nd he was the first person to IM me from sum weird s.n nd he was all lyke bytch i dun need u no more nd i thought it was EdDy but figurez it was JoEy..crazii asshole! LoL, luv yaz! Newho, im outt cuz im tired as FUCK. (( oNe ))
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2003 9 November :: 11.30 pm
:: Mood: cryin
:: Music: ..So GoNe--MoNiCa..
. EdDy iZ An AsShoLe! .
0o0o0o0o i swear!! Sumtymez EdDy relle relle pissez me off nd makez me feel lyke i shuldnt even be living!! It relle hurtz to kno he onlii carez bout hurtin me?! I hate this..iz lyke im in a relationship thatz abusive but wit wordz! Nd it relle makez me upset sumtymez. I dun think i have ever cried s0o manii tearz in one yr cept for the yr my dad almost died! I sumtymez juss wish that i DIDNT saii heii to him that daii nd i DIDNT fall in love wit him nd i DIDNT mess around wit him that nyte. It hurtz to kno the real him. I dunno wut to do nemore. Iz lyke nethin i do for him iz badd. If i call him, i'm callin him too late or if i ask him y he'z pretendin to be sumone else, he callz me a bytch! I can never do nethin ryte in hiz eyez! I dun understand y i cant juss totallii erase him outta my lyfe nd y i cant feel the waii i felt bout him juss 4 daiiz ago?! He makez my lyfe MISERABLE! Love fuckin suckz. I'm outt. (( oNe ))
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