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[[ lYFE - live it upp ][ l0VE - d0nt fuck it upp ]]

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:: 2004 13 January :: 4.30 pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: ..SuGa SuGa--BaBii BaSh..

. LyFe iZ g0iN cRaZii!! .
WoW, the last c0uple daiiz have benn straight shyt! Sundaii 0n the waii t0 JuPiTeR, me, EriN, nd my babii were in the car nd i g0t a ticket cuz i was speedin. He was the biggest dick c0p ever! N0w i have t0 g0 t0 traffic sk00l f0r 4 h0urz nd i g0tta paii 2oo d0llarz f0r the fuckin ticket! Then we g0t there nd juss chylled wit the fam. Then yesterdaii, sk00l was straight. After sk00l, i went t0 bLoCkBuStEr t0 get the take h0me traffic sk00l vide0 nd then last nyte..0mg! Me nd Er were drivin ar0und l00kin f0r sum place t0 buii cigz, nd we went all the waii 0ut t0 PiNe isLaNd RoAd nd i hit thiz relle fucked up curb nd i fucked up the tirez 0n the ryte side nd there was crazii damage. But iz fixed n0w. But i was 0ut till fuckin 11.oo waitin f0r the t0w truck t0 get there nd then wen we were waitin thiz c0p came nd she t0ld me i hadda m0ve my car nd she was lyke r u high/drunk nd all thiz shyt. But yea, i c0st my fam 7oo d0llarz thru these last 2 daiiz. 00 nd then last nyte me nd EdDy g0t in a HUGE fite 0ver me bein such a bad pers0n f0r d0in thiz t0 my fam which pissed me 0ff cuz he'z tellin me i'm a h0rrible pers0n f0r fuckin up evriithin cuz i g0tta ticket nd then i g0t int0 an accident. Then wen i g0t h0me fr0m sk00l, i called him nd we br0ke up. But sk00l was g00d. JaX picked me up thiz m0rnin cuz my car was fucked up nd we sm0ked 0ut wit all the regularz. Then at lunch me nd LiTa g0t in an0ther fite nd JaX nd me lit up a cig at lunch..0mg it was s0o great!! After sk00l, JeNNy nd me walked h0me t0daii fr0m sk00l cuz i dint have a ride. Yea nd i saw ChRiS 0n the waii back nd he kept l00kin but dint saii nuttin. Wutever th0..then me nd her juss chylled nd then i t00k her h0me. But yea, me nd EdDy had a l0ng talk nd i basicallii t0ld him that we shuld break up cuz i dun appreciate the waii he'z benn treatin me nd h0w w0rthless he'z benn makin me feel. He tried t0 saii that he never did nd all thiz shyt but he juss hung up cuz he said that it dint matter t0 him newaiiz nd wen i asked him that if it dint matter y hasnt he br0ken up wit me nd he said cuz he luvz me nd then he juss hung up. But h0nestlii, that'z juss shyt cuz if he did l0ve me he w0uldnt d0 thiz t0 me. Iz funnii h0w i'm alwaiiz the 0ne that has br0ken up wit him but iz cuz he juss pushez me t0 the limit 0f n0t wantin t0 live nem0re. I mean, we'll pr0llii get back t0gether nd if we d0, i'm guna have the l0ngest talk b0ut all the shyt he'z dun wr0ng nd see wut happenz. Thiz iz the 6th tyme we br0ken up! That'z crazii. Newh0, imma g0 studii cuz midtermz r in 2 fuckin daiiz!! AhH, thiz sux. IiGhTy, peaCce. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 11 January :: 9.17 am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: ..So GoNe--MoNiCa..

. So0o GoNe :: 0veR u .
How fuckin L0W iz it wen ur 19 yr 0ld b0iifriend wh0'z sp0sed t0 be mature tellz u that u shuld keep ur legz shut fr0m n0w 0n cept wit him 0n 0ur fuckin 1 year ann. nd after he'z dun cheated 0n me alm0st 4 tymez??!! H0nestlii, he'z the 0ne needin t0 keep hiz dick in hiz pantz! I kn0 i screwed up but i cant g0 back nd he needz t0 fuckin chyll b0ut it. Sidez that, me nd EdDy have benn prettii g00d. He saiiz '' ilu '' A L0T nd i dunn0 if he meanz it. I juss wish i knew wut he relle felt b0ut me. Sumtymez i feel he relle d0es l0ve me 0r he w0uldnt have put up wit me f0r s0o l0ng nd then 0ther tymez i feel iz juss cuz he wantz t0 c0ntr0l me cuz he kn0 he can nd make me feel lyke shyt. I mean, he'z never ever called me stupid 0r uglee, but he'z ALWAiiZ callin me a bytch 0r a slut 0r a w0rth nuthin h0e nd 0ne tyme he said that he wished i was never b0rn s0o he w0uldnt have t0 deal wit me. That DEF hurt. But i l0ve him t0 death nd i dunn0 if the ryte thing t0 d0 iz leave him 0r staii wit him. Thiz iz my l0ngest relati0nship ever..a fuckin year! I dunn0 wut t0 d0 nem0re. Newh0, FriDaii m0rnin was s0o0o crazii. Then LuChi snuck int0 0ne 0f my classez nd t0ld me the securitii guard at sk00l saw us all sm0kin nd he'z guna give us drug testz! WoW, that scared me but wutever..i'm n0t guna w0rrii b0ut it. If i get kicked 0ut 0f STA then i d0. It w0uldnt matter cuz i w0uldnt be the 0nlii 0ne. It w0uld be me, JaX, FaNFaN, LuChi, JeNkiNz, DeReK, iZzO, CaMeRoN nd a c0uple 0ther kiddz. Nd sidez gettin kicked 0ut if i c0uld g0 back, i'd d0 the same shyt newaiiz. FriDaii nyte, i babiisat nd then went 0ver JuStiN'z h0use at lyke 2.3o..it was g00d. Yesterdaii, me nd Er went t0 the mall nd wen we g0t there thiz guii came ryte in my face nd was all up 0n me nd he was relle weird. He was cute but waii t00 freakii..he tried t0 get in my pantz fr0m the sec0nd he came up t0 me! I hate h0w that'z h0w m0st guiiz think..wit their dick nd n0t their heart. Iz sadd but newh0 last nyte, me nd ErBeAr went t0 the m0viez nd saw My BaBii'z DaDDy..haha, it was funnii. Then we juss chylled nd went h0me. Er left nd then i was sittin 0n my c0mp nd all the sudden i keep hearin shyt hittin my wind0w s0o i g0 0utside nd i see ChRiS nd BrAd. BrAd left th0 wen i came 0ut cuz he hadda g0 h0me 0r sum shyt cuz it was 12.3o. So0o i gave ChRiS a hug nd we started talkin b0ut wut'z g0in 0n. He still wantz t0 get wit me but i'm s0o in l0ve wit EdDy nd he dunn0 that. I t0ld him i want us t0 be friendz nd i dun want us t0 ign0re each 0ther evrii tyme we c each 0ther. He had t0 leave at lyke 12.45 s0o i t0ld him t0 call me sumtyme nd that was that. Yea, im up relle earlii cuz me nd ErBeAr r takin a r0ad trip t0 JuPiTeR t0 visit sum 0f my fam! YaYeRz..I'm s0o happii Er iz g0in wit us. JaX was sp0sed t0 g0 t00 but her dad iz bein gaii. Iz all g00d th0..we'll be thinkin b0ut her sexii self!! HaHa, we luv u JaX. Well, i g0tta g0 get readii t0 leave. 00 yea nd i'm n0t pregnant!!! HaHa, the best peri0d ever! PeAcCe -->> (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 8 January :: 5.12 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: ..BreAkuP t0 MaKeUp--AsHaNti..

. ToMoRr0w iZ gUnA b CrAziiNeSs!! .
WoW, WeDnEsDaii was def craziiness! Me, FaN, nd JaX dr0ve ar0und in my car bef0re sk00l nd sm0ke a blunt. We g0t s0o0o high. I was lyke g0in crazii 0n DaViE bLvD. It was great. Then eLLi0t gave me sum shyt t0 put in my eyez cuz theii were all bl00d sh0t nd he'z lyke u want me t0 put it in ur eyez f0r u nd i was lyke i'm g00d nd then i p0ked myself..haha! After sk00l, i t00k JaX nd JeNNy t0 pick up EriN at her sk00l nd we all chylled. AwW, JeNNy nd JaX relle lyke EriN..im s0o0o happii! Yea, s0o we all went t0 7-11, BuRgEr KiNg, CiRcUiT CiTy, BoRdErZ, BeSt Buii nd CiGaR FaCt0rY..it was crazii. Then i dr0pped JeNNy nd JAx 0ff at their h0usez nd me nd ErBeAr chylled nd then came h0me. Todaii was straight..sk00l was 0k. HaHa, after 6th h0ur i went wit FaNFaN t0 his l0cker cuz he said he had suttin f0r me nd wen we were leavin his hmrm i g0t a relle sharp pain in my head nd i was lyke 0WW nd he l00ked at me all weird nd started laughin cuz there was nuttin 0n my head nd then he g0es nd tellz J WeiNeR nd JeNkZ..haha, it was funnii th0. Newh0, i dunn0 wut i did t0 make her pissed 0ff but DaNieLa iz madd at me. But wutever, i let her talk her shyt nd i was lyke fuck 0ff nd she'z lyke, 'Yea, keep walkin..ur t00 bad ass t0 chyll wit me nem0re.' Wutever th0, fuck it..if she wantz t0 be a bytch nd talk shyt..i'll let her. But heii, i aint changin my friendz t0 make her happii. But newaiiz, i t00k a pregnancii test. I relle dun feel lyke explainin wut i mean by thiz..but i'm n0t sure if i'm pregnant cuz the test sh0wed 2 diff. thingz s0o i g0tta take an0ther 0ne. I g0tta babysit t0m0rr0w nyte wit ErBeAr which DEF sux but i need the m0ney. We're n0t gettin 0ff till 2am but iz all g00d. Well, i cant wait till t0m0rr0w m0rnin. Me, JaX, FaN, LuChi, JeNkiNz, iZzO, CaMeRoN nd n0w DeReK r all guna f0g up my car. I dunn0 h0w all 0f them r guna fit int0 a 5-seater car..we'll have t0 make 2 tripz..LoLz, but yea iz guna be crazii funn! Iighty, im g0ne.

JoEy_HaHa, t0daii was great. Ur guna feel special n0w that i wr0te t0 u 0n here. LoL, evrii0ne iz startin t0 think we're g0in 0ut cuz u screamed d0wn the hall u luved me..u big slut! HaHa, i'll c u t0m0rr0w h0mie! x0x.

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 5 January :: 7.33 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: ..DeAd EnD Cd--MeSt..

. i NeVa FeLt ThiS wAii BeFoRe :: OpEn HeArt On tHe fL0oR .
Great..juss fuckin great. I juss f0und 0ut all my fam fr0m EngLaNd nd NY r c0min d0wn thiz week which meanz i cant d0 shyt at all nd i have t0 sit at h0me nd listen t0 my fam talk b0ut stupid shyt nd the 'g00d ol daiiz'. I hate familii gatherinz..i dun hate my familii but ne0ne wit a lyfe dun wana sit at h0me nd chyll wit fam wen theii alreddii have planz!! Thiz sux nd wut'z w0rse..my m0m iz guna tell evrii0ne wut a badd fuckin daughter i am f0r wut i did thiz break..i kn0 exactlii wut'z guna happen then iz guna be in evrii0ne'z mind nd evrii0ne iz guna act weird ar0und me. Newh0, g00d thing iz..EdDy said ilu last nyte f0r the 1st tyme in lyke a fuckin m0nth! I didnt saii it back cuz i was in sh0ck nd he g0t all pissed nd was lyke '0k, then i guess u dun feel the same nem0re.' Nd i was lyke 'My l0ve f0r u will never ever st0p nd i wana be wit u till the daii i die.' Nd 0mg, in 4 daiiz, it will be a year fr0m the first daii he ever asked me 0ut! AhH, i l0ve him lyke crazii!! Well, i staiied h0me t0daii cuz i literallii c0uldnt m0ve. I hadd h0rrible st0mach painz nd h0nestlii, it was the w0rst physical pain i've ever benn thru in my lyfe nd it was all thanx t0 JoHn nd the m0rnin-after pillz. EdDy said he called JoHn'Z f0ne last nyte nd n0b0dii answered but he left a message b0ut h0w badd he wantz t0 cut his thr0at. G0d, i relle h0pe i dun start shyt between them n0w cuz the last thing i want ryte n0w iz f0r EdDy t0 get pissed 0ff b0ut all thiz cuz he dun need it..he'z g0t beef wit s0o manii fuckin ppl ryte n0w. Newh0, juss chyllaxin thinkin b0ut h0w badd thiz wkend iz guna be thanx t0 familii!! Atleast i'll have AnDy nd RiA t0 sm0ke wit bef0re we have t0 chyll wit them. Damn, we have t0 drive 4 fuckin h0urz t0 JuPiTeR juss t0 c them..y cant theii juss c0me d0wn here. Nd that'z 0nlii the first part 0f the fam..then next wkend, evrii0ne else iz c0min. 2 wkendz in a r0w G0NE!! Maybe i'll get awaii by tellin my m0m i g0tta g0 d0 sum shyt f0r JuStiN. LoL, my m0m iz lyke in luv wit him n0w. She'z lyke s0o u g0in t0 JuStiN'z t0daii..tell him thiz nd that. LoL, but iz all g00d. AwW i g0tta put thiz c0nv0 0f me nd my gurlie EriN up in herre:

SpOrTyChIcC323: awww...thats cute..but imma be right back...
Auto response from x BaBigUrL387 x: I f0rg0t h0w crazii SeBaStiAn relle was till i went back f0r the 2nd tyme! Thanx Er, JaX, RiA, nd AnDy f0r evriithin thiz week cuz wi0ut u guiiz, i w0ulda g0ne crazii. I l0ve u s0o much. x0x

Be bac in a LiL bit..feelin lyke shyt! -->> > ShAwNa << <--
SpOrTyChIcC323 is away at 7:47:27 PM.
SpOrTyChIcC323 returned at 7:48:07 PM.
SpOrTyChIcC323: look at myne right quick
SpOrTyChIcC323 is away at 7:48:12 PM.
x BaBigUrL387 x: iighty
Auto response from SpOrTyChIcC323: Hey hey!
i just want to let everyone know that I'm always here...the shoulder you can lean on, the ears for listening to your problems, and a voice that can give you advice...talk to me whenever you feel you need help with a problem...I'm here to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face...Don't lose hope, there's always someone there.......:3MiNuS2:.
Love ya
$!$!-dis meanz u..;-)
x BaBigUrL387 x: AwWw..hehe..i l0ve u erbear
SpOrTyChIcC323 returned at 7:48:42 PM.
SpOrTyChIcC323: i luv u, u luv me we're a happy family
SpOrTyChIcC323: hehe
x BaBigUrL387 x: but h0l up..i'll be back
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha..00 yea
SpOrTyChIcC323: me 2
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l l00k at it n0w
SpOrTyChIcC323: kk
Auto response from x BaBigUrL387 x: I f0rg0t h0w crazii SeBaStiAn relle was till i went back f0r the 2nd tyme! Thanx Er, JaX, RiA, nd AnDy f0r evriithin thiz week cuz wi0ut u guiiz, i w0ulda g0ne crazii. I l0ve u s0o much. x0x

Be bac in a LiL bit..feelin lyke shyt! -->> > ShAwNa << <--

Er_i never met a better friend than u EVER! Ur the bestest..s0o manii crazii tymez nd i'll alwaiz be here f0r u t00. BFFLTTE
SpOrTyChIcC323: awww i feel special
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
Auto response from SpOrTyChIcC323: WOWIE!
Sisi, me and you are so cool..lol..we got out of a closed ass parking spot, 2 times, and met really cool guys, Justin and Chris...its like SEBASTION!! haha then at sebastion....john, nick, jesse, justin, mark (drew), mike, and many more...def kraziness!!
Well, be right back!
PS..we are definetely pimps!! haha
Its just in time for new years..HAHAHA
$!- I know I can always count on you for nethin...kno that u can always count on me 2....love ya gurl!
x BaBigUrL387 x: aw..l0l..me nd u r the bestestest!! l0l but ill brb again

HeHe, seri0uslii, she'z the greatest pers0n ever nd i h0pe that evrii0ne in lyfe sumtyme 0r an0ther find a friend az tru az her cuz wit0ut her, i w0uld be s0o different! She the bestest friend i've ever had!! MuAhZ gurlie! Newh0, im 0utt lyke a fat kidd in d0dgeball. (( oNe ))

2 . K i S s E s | W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 4 January :: 9.56 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: ..JoYriDe--BuiLt To SpiLL..

. LoVe iZ jUsS a JoYriDe .
Well, t0nyte was straight. I chylled at JeNNy'Z h0use nd w0w, i saw JoHnNy nd i was juss lyke heii nd then we were juss talkin nd then BrAd walked 0ut s0o i dr0ve awaii. He'z such a dick n0w. Evriityme i c him he tellz me h0w i plaiied ChRiS nd all thiz shyt wen he'z the 0ne that t0ld me t0 juss saii i dun lyke him. But wutever, i'm 0ver BrAd'Z shyt t00. Newh0, juss g0t 0ff the f0ne wit EdDy..yea, a 2 h0ur c0nv0. I finallii g0t a h0ld 0f him after a week. Well, i t0ld him evriithin i needed t0 tell him. I t0ld him b0ut JoHn nd h0w big 0f a mistake it was nd h0w i regret it s0o much nd i t0ld him h0w much i l0ve him nd h0w i dun ever wana l0se him. Shyt aint the same th0. He dun wana be wit me ryte n0w cuz he saiiz he dun wana get plaiied by me. That hurtz cuz i sat there cryin t0 him b0ut h0w s0rrii i was nd after the 4 fuckin tymez he'z cheated 0n me..i dunn0, shyt iz crazii but i'm s0o glad we talked. I h0nestlii think he iz the 0ne tru l0ve in my lyfe. No matter wut i saii badd b0ut him 0r wut happenz wit us..i alwaiiz feel the same. I alwaiiz g0 back t0 him nd i h0nestlii will alwaiiz l0ve him. I cant get enuff 0f him nd i cant c myself wit0ut him in my lyfe. I dunn0, iz benn a crazii ass break..funn az hell but craziiness..t0tal fuckin craziiness! Newh0, me nd EdDy talked b0ut wut'z happenin wit AshLeY nd wut'z g0in 0n wit me nd JoHn. I dunn0 if it was a g00d idea but i gave EdDy JoHn'Z number nd he said he was guna call him nd let him kn0 that he'z a assh0le nd all thiz 0ther shyt. EdDy kept sayin 0ver nd 0ver that it was my mistake f0r fuckin him nd i shulda th0ught b0ut wut w0uld happen bef0re i did it. I kn0 he'z juss tryin t0 make me feel guiltii but i heard it s0o manii fuckin tymez. Well, im sp0sed t0 call him back t0nyte but i havent yet. Yea, i l0ve thiz kidd lyke crazii! Newh0, g0tta get sum sleep cuz im tired az fuck nd i g0t sk00l t0m0rr0w. PeaCcE -->> > (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 4 January :: 11.06 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: ..Up iN dA cLuB--JoE BuDdEn..

. PuTtiN Th0uGhTz To WoRdZ .
HmM, well i w0ke up earlii t0 finish my shyt f0r JuStiN s0o me nd EriN can get 0ur m0ney t0daii. I juss benn thinkin b0ut l0tz 0f shyt the past c0uple daiiz. My best friend has changed s0o much 0ver XmAs BreAk nd i kn0 iz my fault even th0 she saiiz it aint. I never th0ught EriN w0uld be int0 cigz, nd sm0kin bLaCkZ nd drinkin s0o much fuckin beer. I mean, i l0ve her t0 death but i juss dun want her t0 fuck up cuz she'z s0o smart nd has the wh0le fuckin w0rld t0 live nd she c0uld be nethin she wanted nd i dun want her t0 ruin it. I kn0 i s0und lyke a fuckin m0m but i h0nestlii dun want her t0 ruin her future lyke i have. Nd i cant tell her thiz t0 her face cuz it'll start a fite but i juss want her t0 kn0 that she'z n0t 0nlii my best friend but she'z benn the 0ne pers0n i can alwaiiz trust n0 matter wut! Newh0, last nyte me nd JaX chylled nd hung 0ut till my car started makin weird n0isez s0o we dr0ve 0ver t0 GrAnT'z h0use nd JoN was there nd theii t0ld me that i needed t0 get h0me nd i made it h0me nd n0w my car iz runnin fine. I h0pe it staiiz that waii. I needa talk t0 EdDy!!! I need t0 tell him wut'z g0in 0n nd h0w much i l0ve him nd h0w much i want him t0 be wit me. I still needa call 'my babii daddii' nd let him kn0 h0w big 0f an assh0le he iz. Damn, i juss wish i made the rite ch0icez 0ver thiz break nd i w0uldnt be g0in thru all thiz shyt ryte n0w. My m0m treatz me lyke a t0tal different pers0n nd she juss f0und 0ut wh0 the real me iz nd she'z alwaiiz s0o sadd n0w. I dunn0, i'm thinkin b0ut m0vin t0 my sis' f0r a lil bit s0o my m0m can get 0n wit her lyfe nd n0t w0rrii b0ut me cuz that'z the last thing she needz t0 d0 nd i needa get awaii newaiiz cuz my dad has benn d0in n0n-st0p bytchin since i g0t h0me. I relle cant wait till all 0f thiz iz 0ver. I juss want my babii back nd i want him t0 kn0 the wh0le st0rii 0f thiz break nd i want him t0 kn0 h0w i relle feel b0ut it. Shyt..sk00l startz t0m0rr0w! That fuckin sux. Iighty, well i needa cig s0o i'll write back lataz. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2004 3 January :: 1.06 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: ..PaReNtZ ByTcHiN..

. GueSs Wh0'z BaCk .
Yup yup, i'm back. Well, i benn back fr0m SeBaStiAn since the 29th but i havent benn h0me. Yea, i came h0me earlii..l0o0ng st0rii. 0k, s0o me nd EriN g0t t0 SeBaStiAn 0n the 27th nd we were juss walkin ar0und nd thinkin b0ut last yr. Thiz kidd came up t0 me nd asked f0r my lighter s0 i gave it t0 him nd then he was lyke u wana chyll wit me nd my friend. So0o we hung 0ut wit him (( JoHn )) nd his friend NiCk. Then thiz kidd PieRcE came nd EriN nd JoHn went in JoHn'Z tent nd made 0ut nd wutever. Then me, NiCk, nd PieRcE went in there t00 nd we were all juss chyllen nd PieRcE was tryin t0 get d0wn my pantz s0 me nd PierCe left nd we were messin ar0und nd then JoHn callz me nd i went 0ver t0 him nd he was all 0ver me. So0o EriN left nd s0o did NiCk nd PieRcE nd it was juss me nd JoHn nd we were fuckin ar0und nd we did evriithin cept fuck. Then PieRcE started callin me a slut nd he blew up my lighter nd i g0t relle pissed. So0o then me nd Er left t0 g0 back t0 0ur site. Then the next daii, theii left nd me nd EriN juss chylled. We were walkin ar0und nd we saw that theii came back but it was juss NiCk nd JoHn nd theii werent talkin t0 us nd bein relle big dickheadz s0o we left nd met FrAnKiE, JuStiN, JeSsE, MiKe, BoBbY, MiKe'Z br0 nd his friend, BriTtAnY, CaitLiN, nd we talked t0 thiz gurl JeNnY that we knew fr0m last yr. Well, EriN wanted a beer nd we knew that JoHn nd NiCk had them..even th0 they're b0th 19..s0o we went 0ver t0 c them nd hung 0ut wit them. Well, shyt g0t crazii nd me nd JoHn ended up fuckin. Nd then he g0t all pissed 0ff cuz i w0uldnt give him head which iz fuckin stupid s0o me nd Er left nd then theii left the next m0rnin. Well, i w0ke up nd g0t relle scared cuz i f0und 0ut that JoHn didnt use a c0nd0m nd i was juss freakin 0ut. So0o my sis dr0ve 4 h0urz nd picked me up nd i hadda leave EriN in SeBaStiAn. Bef0re i left th0, thiz kidd gave me JoHn'Z number cuz we th0ught i was pregnant..lyke prettii sure cuz i was gettin all the sympt0mz evrii0ne in my fam g0t wen theii had kiddz. Newh0, RiA t00k me t0 get the m0rnin after pillz nd i t00k th0se nd juss chylled. Then, BrAd called me nd then MiKe called me nd started fuckin ar0und nd i g0t relle pissed 0ff nd went 0ff 0n them. Er g0t back 0n the 1st nd she staiied at my h0use that nyte nd last nyte. We went t0 JaX'z 0n the 1st nd ate dinner wit their fam nd we drank sum beer nd left. Then last nyte, me nd EriN saw StuCk 0n U nd then went t0 JuStiN'z h0use. Yea, he was lyke the 2nd pers0n i t0ld b0ut the wh0le trip nd i juss l0ve JuStiN. But newaiiz, he gave us 0ur j0bz nd we're gettin payed 5o d0llarz each t0m0rr0w. But my m0m f0und 0ut b0ut him nd she'z pissed 0ff cuz i als0 t0ld her b0ut JoHn nd wut happen nd s0o she'z benn freakin 0ut 0n me the last c0uple daiiz. Yea, lyfe iz s0o0o0o crazii ryte n0w. WoW, there'z s0o manii m0re detailz b0ut that trip but i dun wana get int0 them ryte n0w cuz there'z al0t that i dun want evrii0ne kn0in but i h0nestlii dunn0 wut i w0uld d0 wit0ut EriN, JaX, nd JuStiN. Theii all helped me s0o0o much thru wut happen nd JaX nd EriN were even fuckin cryin f0r me wen it happened. Newaiiz, there'z still a chance 0f me bein pregnant but let'z juss h0pe n0t nd i'm g0in t0 get STD tested s00n. Newh0, imma g0 nd pr0llii finish my w0rk f0r JuStiN 0r juss chyll since i'm gr0unded t0daii. Yea, bytchii m0m. PeacE. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 26 December :: 2.18 pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: ..i LyKe ThE wAii u MoVe--0uTkAsT..

. Wh00p Wh00p lyke CraZiNesS .
Iighty, im g0ne f0r SeBaStiAn! Guna be s0o crazii. Be back JaNuaRy 2, 2oo4. x0x. (( oNe ))

JuStiN_I'll be thinkin b0ut u 0n ur bdaii..DeCeMeBeR 31..just-in tyme f0r the new year..LoLz! Dun w0rrii, me nd Er will call u.

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 25 December :: 3.43 pm
:: Mood: refreshed
:: Music: ..EdDy'Z fUcKiN AsShoLe MeSsAgE..

. MeRrY XmAs My HoMeDaWgZ .
XmAs..blah. It was 0k..it dun feel lyke XmAs nem0re th0. Lyke evrii year it feelz less nd less lyke it but heii, wut can i d0. Well, 2 fuckin daiiz till SeBaStiAn. I cant wait..iz guna be s0o0o crazii! Newh0, EdDy iz such a fuckin dickhead..i kinda dun wana see him n0w. I mean, wut the fuck, i dunn0 if he'z even g0in n0w. But wutever, i'll have funn wit 0r wit0ut him. WoW, JuStiN iz DEF 0ne 0f the greatest kiddz. He'z s0o awesum nd he relle understandz me..iz craziiness. YaY..i think him nd ErBe@r r funa g0 0ut..AwWnEsS!! I feel s0o0o luved t0daii. EriN, JaX, DaNieLa, AyNs, KaTiE, FaNFaN, JuStiN, LaUrEn, nd ChRiS called me s0o far t0daii. So0o did EdDy but he'z a fuckin assh0le. Newh0, the 23rd was crazii. Me nd JaX chylled nd we g0t s0o fucked up. She met RiA nd AnDy nd RiA thinkz she c00l. LoL then yesterdaii me nd Er chylled wit JuStiN f0r a h0t minute nd we had funn lyke alwaiiz. Yea, then last nyte i was drunk 0ff my ass..h0o0oly shyt!! Nd i sm0ked 0ut nd i was lyke g0in crazii. JaX t0ld me that i was lyke s0o 0utta it..LoL, i dun even member but iz all g00d. I think i shuld call KeLLy. 0 yea, ChRiS called me nd he was lyke, 'Wuddup..Merry Christmas' nd i was juss all lyke s0o n0w u talk t0 me nd he called wen i was 0n the 0ther line wit EdDy s0o wen i clicked back 0ver i t0ld EdDy b0ut ChRiS nd he g0t all pissed wit0ut even lettin me finish my st0rii s0o i was lyke wutever nd then he hung up nd called me back nd said i was a fuckin w0rth shyt h0e which DEF pissed me 0ff but wutever..he'z an assh0le. HaHa FaNFaN called me t00 nd we had the greatest shyt t0 talk b0ut. Newh0, ppl r here s0o imma g0. I'll write in here wen i get back fr0m SeBaStiAn..wh00p wh00p lyke craziiness! x0x (( oNe ))

2 . K i S s E s | W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 23 December :: 9.49 am
:: Music: ..oLd Sk0oL SuM 41 cD..

. MoRe ShYt To Be SaiD .
0k, well al0tta shyt happen the nyte that i last wr0te. Me nd Er went t0 ChRiS' nd then we picked up BrAd at thiz kidd JoHnNy'Z h0use nd JoHnNy nd BrAd came wit us t0 the beach. Yea, there was n0 SeAn 0r JaX Saturdaii nyte. Newh0, s0o we went t0 the beach nd n0 0ne had ne m0ney at all t0 park s0o i f0und a quarter nd put in the parkin thing nd we walked d0wn t0 the beach. Nd then me nd ChRiS t00k a walk d0wn the beach t0gether while EriN, JoHnNy, nd BrAd juss chylled. We juss talked b0ut shyt nd h0w he g0t int0 jail nd all thiz shyt. Then we all went back t0 the car nd i st0pped by JaX'z h0use nd we chylled there f0r awhile nd i g0t her sum cigz. Then we left JaX'z h0use nd she c0uldnt c0me wit us nd we all went t0 JoHnNy'Z h0use. Well EriN wanted t0 drink nd JoHnNy hadda a big ass cup 0f straight v0dka in his fridge nd his parentz werent h0me s0o EriN decided t0 drink it nd w0w..she g0t relle fucked up. So0o after chyllen there f0r an h0ur after BrAd asked me in fr0nt 0f ChRiS if i lyked him nd me sayin yea nd ChRiS sayin yea nd then shyt happened, JoHnNy nd BrAd were guna staii nd me, ChRiS, nd EriN were guna leave. But EriN decided t0 tell BrAd she lyked him nd thiz wh0le thing started nd EriN was juss relle messed up nd she was guna g0 wit JoHnNy nd BrAd but i decided that it w0uld be betta if she came wit us. But i talked t0 BrAd nd JoHnNy wen EriN nd ChRiS were waitin in the car nd i kinda t0ld BrAd i dint lyke ChRiS nd then we talked b0ut 0ther shyt. Yea, s0o we left nd then wen it was lyke 11.3o i dr0pped ChRiS 0ff at h0me nd then i dr0pped EriN 0ff nd i went h0me nd went t0 bedd. Yea nd i relle wasnt int0 ChRiS nd i dunn0 wut changed my mind b0ut him but it did nd s0o wen he called me SuNdAii, i t0ld him that i juss wana be friendz wit him nd then i g0t JoHnNy'Z number nd called him nd talked t0 BrAd cuz ChRiS g0t relle pissed 0ff nd i wanted t0 ask BrAd wut i shuld d0 cuz i still wanted t0 be friendz wit ChRiS nd then i t0ld BrAd that i lyked him. Nd i f0und 0ut that BrAd lyked me t00. But that started shyt cuz EriN relle lyked him nd i dunn0, me nd her r fyne but i dunn0. Then yesterdaii me nd EriN chylled wit JeNnY f0r awhile nd i t00k her t0 JoHn'Z h0use nd then i dr0pped her 0ff at h0me nd then last nyte me nd Er were chyllen 0ver JuStiN'z h0use cuz we still talkin t0 him nd ChRiS c0mez by nd i said heii cuz i was tryin t0 be nice nd he juss fuckin dusnt saii shyt s0o i was lyke wutever, fuck it. But JuStiN decidez t0 call him 0ver nd he still w0uldnt talk t0 me s0o i was juss lyke 0k cuz i h0nestlii dun give a shyt..if he wantz t0 be that waii then wutever. Yea s0 then ChRiS left nd we juss chylled wit JuStiN till 1o.3o nd then we left nd he iz n0w 0ur b0ss..l0l, he gave us a j0b!! Yea s0o iz c00li0 nd he iz seri0uslii a relle g00d pers0n t0 hang 0ut wit. He'z benn thru crazii shyt nd he t0ld us al0t nd he'z relle c00l. Newh0, s0o me nd EriN came back t0 my h0use nd then she went h0me nd JaX g0t dr0pped 0ff by her b0iifriend at my h0use nd i dr0ve her h0me nd then chylled there nd i g0t h0me ar0und 12 last nyte. Yea, me nd EdDy talked nd i dunn0 wut'z g0in 0n wit us nem0re. We were g00d nd all but n0 ilu'z last nyte. He said he was guna call me back but i knew that wasnt guna happen s0o i juss went t0 sleep. Yupp, s0o n0w i'm here typin all thiz shyt. IiGhTy, i'm g0ne. 0 yea nd EriN nd me hadda l0ng talk last nyte 0n the waii t0 JuStiN'z nd me nd her were juss talkin b0ut havin each 0ther as best friendz nd iz c00l. l0l (( oNe ))

._. 2 daiiz till XmAs!
._. 4 daiiz till SeBaStiAn!!

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

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