2007 25 October :: 2.25 am
it's cold outside. and now my nipples are tender. i guess that's what i get.
maybe tomorrow i'll just go topless.
this deodorant smells awful.
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2007 25 October :: 1.03 am
"maybe i just don't want a relationship at all. i like being single and flirting with everyone. i don't know... when ever i start to get close to some one it is ok at first and i am all for it and then they start doing things that just freak me out. and then i run away. hmmm.... i need to find someone perfect for me, my personality needs to match their's, i can't be in a relationship where i feel like there is so much that i just can't live up to. why is it so hard for me to meet people i am actually attracted to. this sucks. i feel like i need to have someone, but i just don't want anyone i know. i need to meet someone new. which is hard. i'll try."
at least she's always known what she needs.
i have no idea what i need. or what i want. or what i have.
i'm a menace to society and myself.
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2007 22 October :: 12.34 pm
:: Mood: not good
it's funny how quickly things change sometimes.
it's not funny how slowly i adapt to them. because just about the time i get settled in (if at all), it changes again anyway, and i'm just that much less interested in attempting to change for the next time.
funnier yet is how even when i don't feel like trying, i wind up changing anyway. it just seems like it should be more advertent and thought out.
this all adds up to me being listless and worthless, and me feeling all the emotions appropriate to those qualifications.
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2007 21 October :: 5.39 pm
:: Mood: whelmed
:: Music: Extreme - Cupid's Dead
:: Romance Novel ::
Night is the time for deep conversations.
Staving off sleep for the value of a moment.
The haze tries to convince you to forget by morning.
Subduing it, you rise to face the afternoon, believing yourself a poet.
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2007 6 October :: 2.30 pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: sad kermit
everything happens for a reason, right? at least, some would like to think so - myself being one of them.
that being said, i'm still trying to divine the full significance of gunnie's bonfire, thursday night's conversation with heather, drunksitting tonight (as opposed to being with katie and lindsay), and the fact that i found a frog in my laundry this morning.
this is all adding up to something monumentally mediocre. i can feel it. i just hope it's me.
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2007 2 October :: 12.26 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: toad the wet sprocket - dulcinea
happy october everyone
so i saw benzer and robbie this weekend. that was crazy. and i got to hang out with kevin a little bit, which was also nice.
turns out i might be headed up to c-town this weekend. is it red flannel? or is that next weekend? i think it's this weekend. which would be freakin' insane. i don't know why i can't quite escape the place. and why i don't quite want to. there's nothing in that town, but i can't quite give it up. and then i remember all the people. or i'm painfully reminded. either way, i find myself there intermittently.
which has interesting ramifications for the post-graduate plan of attack.
anyway, happy october everyone.
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2007 17 August :: 7.51 am
:: Music: BnL - Everything Had Changed
summer is over. vegas is over. williamsburg is over.
i have a bright future in a questionable vocation and another two wonderful years of college to look forward to.
right now, i'm sitting in an abandoned, foreclosed home - after working a 10 hour shift - getting ready to spend all day (and the rest of the weekend) moving shit, yet again.
life is a very, very odd thing. and this song is very fitting for this particular epoch in mine.
i made a vow to do a couple of things for myself within the next week. we'll see if that happens or not.
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2007 18 June :: 10.30 am
this was probably a really crappy plan, but whatever. i don't care, because i'm buzzing and i just really wanted to, and i kind of feel like i deserve it. even though i probably don't. if that makes any sense. which it doesn't. but i don't freakin' care.
i'm having a good time, dammit.
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2007 13 June :: 5.59 pm
you know, i really don't mind staying up all night. in fact, i kind of like it. it's probably my favorite part of this job. but i REALLY do not like waking up this late in the day. i never get anything done, because i feel like it's already over. and then the weekends are all fucked up. i don't know. i guess we'll tough it out.
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2007 8 June :: 8.40 am
meine arbeit
if you ever find yourself wondering "hmm. i wonder what chris does at work, for the summer. how does he spend his time?" then this entry is for you.
story 1:
i work in a warehouse/factory. we get parts that come in on semi-trailers, and i have to take the skids and boxes of parts to various places in the warehouse, and put them on these gigantic racks. the majority of guys at work call them "pallet-tier racks". but every time they say to put stuff on these racks, i can't help but picture "palantir racks", because that's what it sounds like. palantir as in the lost seeing stones in lord of the rings. to make this story even more dorky, when i imagine these "palantir racks" they look a lot like how i mentally envisage the prophecy room in the ministry of magic in harry potter. and i laugh at myself every single time. which, you can imagine how often that happens in a night. it's cool, because i'm laughing all the fucking time.
story 2:
there is this fenced off area where they have large machines for cutting the fabric that they use to upholster the chairs and stuff. there are openings in the fence, all of which are accompanied by a sign that says "WARNING! cutters only allowed in this area". the word order in this is what amuses me. i understand that the spirit of the message is "danger! there's some sharp shit going on in here, and unless you're a trained professional, you're liable to lop something off inadvertently. and nobody wants that. especially our lawyers." however i always consider the idea that cutters, as in emo kids who slash their wrists, are only allowed to be in the cutting area and nowhere else. i realize that the cutting area would be a terrible place for such folk, so i decided that it would be cool to take a picture of one of the signs, and splice it onto an image of a padded room. that thought entertains me every time i pass one of those signs. again, just imagine how often i'm entertained in a night.
story 3:
this story isn't funny. they're putting me on the assembly lines starting sunday night. whcih means new boss, new job, new coworkers, new bullshit. and for the most part means: worse boss, terrible job, worse coworkers, and more bullshit than you can shake a tree at.
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