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:: 2004 8 June :: 12.43 am

tee_shirts and ice tea piss off and go have some hot pockets, gee wiz, she DOSETN LIKE YOU!!@#$ if i could find one person to take to the beach it wouldent be you. i cant belive it's butter. Are you lieing to me? Then they are real. I NEW IT! omg I Love Chasmin, now isent that the truh bitches. :-D

*Ryans away message heee...


Old and busted

:: 2004 8 June :: 12.35 am

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameButt-Man
Super PowerIncredible Stamina
EnemyThe Landlord
Mode Of TransportationShopping Cart
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Old and busted

:: 2004 7 June :: 8.47 am
:: Mood: sleepily we lay here
:: Music: nada at the moment

Heh so true
Chasmin is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.


From Go-Quiz.com

Old and busted

:: 2004 6 June :: 12.43 am
:: Mood: Omg
:: Music: My own heart beat

YES this is totally awesome
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Scotsman
Super PowerGhetto Booty
EnemyFrozen Corpse Of Walt Disney
Mode Of TransportationSkateboard
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

4 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 3 June :: 11.53 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Hercules songs/lil'mermaid/aladdin

Ty toys
Hmm odd. My mother gave me a credit card with a 25,000 limit. Sorta cool. Tomorrow Ryan comes over...hopefully. If he does that will be fun, we haven't hung out since...either saturday or monday...something like that. In other words it's been awhile. Well I'm off to some more tantilizing hours on PS2...die stupid game. I bought two new games. Kingdom hearts (kickass) and Test Drive (Kickass as well). Toodle...woodles? I don't know it's too early.


5 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 1 June :: 11.25 pm

Pointless lil' doo dads
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates aseven (you rock)
your best quality isyoure easy going
your worst quality isnothing! youre perfect hun
this is becauseof who you are inside
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

At your ten year high school reunion...
by robbiewriter
Your school name
Your name
Your job will beHairdresser
You will be worth$242,034
Everyone will think youare really hot
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Your Stripper Info by radioface
first name
Stripper Name:Shaniqua
Specialty:spinning around on the pole
Customers say:"She makes me go pee"
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

5 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 1 June :: 11.18 pm
:: Mood: Sickly pickly
:: Music: Nuffin'

Let a new day dawn
Holy shitake mushrooms....I'm watching Monster's Ball....interesting. Halle Berry is very pretty naked and Billy Bob is ok looking...but I don't know the sex scene in that movie was....how do I put this...special. Thats about it.


Old and busted

:: 2004 31 May :: 6.22 pm
:: Mood: Sick, and sunburned
:: Music: no music

John Wayne
Well today I hung out with Vonny, Helen, and David (Helen's lil' brother). We went to the beach and we attempted swimming out to the sandbar and to our avail...we actually got there but we left. The water was really nice. There were these mexican guys following us on their litttle aligator raft. Sorta scary. I'm sick right now and feel like shit I hope it goes away by friday or saturday. I haven't talked to Ryan much in the past two days. I hope I get to talk to him tonight a but longer then 5 mins. Damn stuffy nose I want it to go away. There really are no good movies on TV. So I'm going to try and amuse myself somehow.


Old and busted

:: 2004 30 May :: 3.37 pm
:: Mood: Sweatiness
:: Music: None

Weather bug
Holy shit, today was hotter then a mo' fo'. It was like rarely lil' wind....and heat...and humidity. So unpleasent. The heat makes me tired in the first place then I had cramps up the wazoo. It wasn't that nice of a day. God Lucy sometimes pisses me off. She is always off talking to people leaving me to run the front by myself. Not that I mind, but basically she is getting paid to talk. Not really that fair. Thats really all that happened today. Right now I'm watchin' this funny movie called Love is all there is, it's good. It's sorta a Romeo and Juliet twist. That's all. Love peace and chicken grease.


2 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 30 May :: 12.10 am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: ..

B*A*M: i'll never drive crazy and fast like ive been doing

So I now have this documented, so if he does do it again I can show him this. I put the lil' star things to keep his s.n under strict confidence...even though in past entries his s.n is on there.

2 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 29 May :: 10.20 pm
:: Mood: Happy/sad
:: Music: Oklahoma

Well everyone please disregard my last journal entry about me being mad at Ryan, he was able to get a ride and get there so that made me extremely happy. It was a nice party, Jessie was a lil' mad though cause alot of people didn't show up. I would've been mad too. Oh I forgot to put this for yesterday. BON VOYAGE LORELEI! Have fun in Ireland, and England....you evil evil person...you can have yorkshire pudding all you like. Anywhoozles I just wanted to put that about Ryan and stuff, I love you Ryan thank you so much for coming...and having to make Jon mad, and your Dad. Sorry about that.


1 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 29 May :: 5.25 pm
:: Mood: grr
:: Music: Aladdin songs

Well today is my best friend Jessie's going away party. I had invited Ryan because the both of them haven't met yet, and he said yah he would go. Well I called him not to long ago and he said he coudlnt go, because he had no ride. He said he would try...but I don't think he is going to be able to get there. Now I am upset about this, but I don't know if I should be upset cause he has a reason for not being able to make it. But I really want them to meet. Am I right to be upset or am I just upset for no good reason?


2 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 29 May :: 3.04 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Ragtime

Jesus Christus
1st day of summer: Woke up at 3pm... damn Now I'm all like blah.


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Old and busted

:: 2004 28 May :: 5.29 pm
:: Mood: Heebee
:: Music: Guys and Dolls songdidids

Eclipse mints
Well today was the last day of school...yay? Let's see I only had 1 exam and that was spanish. I didn't have to take my drama one because I already took it awhile ago. So Lorelei and I went out to McDonald's. The McDonalds on linton...omg so cool. There were race car things and good stuff. Well we had an hour to kill so we went to Target, and we bought some things...so yah. After that we went back to the school to pick up Devin then Lorelei dropped me off at IHOP since everyone was going over there. Some people finally show up and Devin and Lorelei left. Ryan comes screeching up doing his crazy driving... I don't care if he is good at the craziness...I don't like him driving like that. It worries me, but whatever he is the one putting his life in danger. We eat and have fun, trying not to get kicked out. Then we are all leaving and it's Ryan M, Ryan S, and me in the truck and all of a sudden Brandon jumps in the back. Well Ryan starts going the braking. Well the last time he did it to hard...and Brandon's face went SMACK! on the window. You know how like in cartoons they show the face smashed on the window...it looked exactly like that. It was really funny but then again scary. Well after that we go toVeterans to meet Renee for her party. I get there walk out of the truc, and realize it's really fucking hot outside and Ryan takes me home to change out of my all black attire. We go back to Veterans then we all head to the beach. I pick up my paycheck from Luna Rosa then go to the beach. I finally persuade Ryan to go into the water with me, and it was really nice. We were in the water for a good 3 hrs I think. It was really sad though. The ring that he got me for my birthday came off while I was in the water and I couldn't find it...I was so sad....and I still am. I don't know I liked that ring alot and it meant alot to me. Ryan said it was ok but I'm still really blah about that. I think I'm sunburned again....yay? Well after the beach Ryan takes me home...hehe, that was fun. Well I take a shower and get rid of the sand and fun stuff. I get dressed for the chorus banquet and my mum drives me over and I' m hanging out having a good time. Well Nate was like there are kittens outside, and I'm like REALLY! Well I go out there and I eventually find one and I catch him, he was so adorable at first I was calling him kitty mew mew, but I changed it to Jack. Well I really wanted to keep the kitty,,,and I took it home. I didn't know what my other cats reaction would be but I soon found out. He didn't like him at all. So my kitty Pounce is way more important so my mom and I go back to boynton to drp the cat back off, after we bought kitty litter and smelly stuff. Oh and by the way JessCee and I got Vice President of chorus I was so happy, Well that was my day nothing more exciting to write.


3 New hotness | Old and busted

:: 2004 27 May :: 7.28 pm
:: Music: Forgot about dre

Snoop d o double g's
Eee well Ryan and I hung out at the beach, and we didn't really talk about what was going on. We just sorta sat around and talked about stupid stuff. HAIGHT! anyways. But yah it was really nice. It was like we knew what was going on so we didn't really need to go in depth about it cause it was already said. I feel happier, and I hope he does to. Eee I'm just really happy about the whole situation now. Oh I got to ride in Ryan's car for the first time, that was fun. He did a pretty good job. I hope you don't get to distracted with me in there Ryan *wink* CHuk ChuK...RRRR. Hehe. Happiness.


3 New hotness | Old and busted

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