2004 19 December :: 2.44pm
:: Mood: annoyed
grrrr ... i got erik a jersey for chirstmas and idk if its gunna fit him ... when i look at it it looks really big now! but i had the guys at the store trying it on and i guess it looked ok but they werent the same size as him ... im gunna be so mad if it doesnt fit him cuz its no refunds or exchanges but one of the guys said if it doesnt fit i can bring it back and get the right size but when i went to pay for it the guys said no exchanges... i hope it fits him or im gunna be sooo pissed...
ill update about my weekend later
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 19 December :: 12.03pm
:: Mood: upset
:: Music: when angels fall
wow. been slackin on these entrys
well, hey.. its been awhile aye? everythings just been so crazy latley. my grandmas radiation is over, and as far as i know, that means shes back off to texas !! hopefully my moms going with her. but thats a whole nother story.
work has been pretty good. i had off today =)
c h r i s t m a s !! is only 6 days away! im excited. i have bought SO many presents iv lost track. im real nearvous about a few but all and all im alright, wayyy past being covered on what i need, wich is okay and if i can pull it off i have one more to get but im not quite sure.
danny, is amazing =) everything going good. wich is awesome im so happy !!
exams are next week im not ready for 2 but im good on the rest and i have time to study and i intened on using that time
well yeah thats pretty much it im really tired tho and dans not talking to me so i might try to get him to talk or go to bed, hes not acting right .. he dosent feel good... hope you feel better i love you
nite Ox
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 17 December :: 6.35pm
well, i have just been up and down with updates these past few days but im back to this..
: D
plans are back on!! i only hope i can get out there in time, imma cry if i cant. this is sooo important to me.. i hope i can make it out there by 8 .. please dont let me down john
its funny how things work out . . .
: D
hope i can keep that face on til monday!
2 dreamers |
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2004 17 December :: 2.02pm
:: Mood: happy
your the queen of it all
stayed home again !!
im sick
whent "to lunch" with danny today and took him back to work
work at 5
3 dreamers |
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2004 17 December :: 12.54pm
and david fox comes down soon. :D
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2004 17 December :: 12.37pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: staind+korn+tool+chevelle- idle
i know what i want for christmas.
ive been home sick all week. i worked monday night, took off tuesday, was fine wed. went to ashleys thursday went home stayed home today and i have to work tonight. how gay. anyways.. exams and christmas next week. blahhhhhhh!!! my sister wrecked her new car. again.
i miss megan :(
i hate being sick!
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2004 16 December :: 10.33pm
should've figured.. just should've figured
: (
when is something going to go my way? things are not lookin up..
and fyi -- that was the most retarded thing you could've done whether you were kidding or not. it was dumb and started a problem over nothing.
sure, we made plans for when he gets back, o12 .. wallyball.. whatever, its still not the same. i just want to make plans and have them follow through.
had a good talk with mike today ~ that was fun..
i cant stand how good he makes me feel, i cant stand how much i liike him, and i cant stand that i have no idea what hes thinkin..
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 16 December :: 5.26pm
it cant get fucked up, the plans cant get cancelled.. im too excited for that to happen. my grin last night was from ear to ear
: D :D : D :D : D
aaanywho, when ur not lookin for guys, they sure do pop up haha. i only hope he becomes one of them. ill update when i know the definite plans. x's n o's
ciao bellaz! `';``'`;Danielle';``'`;
1 dreamer |
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2004 15 December :: 11.35pm
if you could only see the grin on my face!!
: D
*sigh* i am sooo head over heels...
id think that was a sign?
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2004 13 December :: 9.06pm
okay, well last weeknd i didnt get to see jimmy because my aunt is a ---- lol. i dont even know how to describe that woman. but hopefully this weekend will be different.
friday after school my dads wife picked me up [cynthia]. we had a nice talk driving to my dads job, then we met up with him, he threw me some money, then we picked up my sister and went to mandees. i got two cuuute pairs of paints. ones a niice ass pair of jeans, and the other is blue cuordorouy pants w/ a ill belt. gonna be cute, i just needa get shirts! then we went out to dinner .. chinese!! *yumm* ... i slept at my dads house.
saturday i woke up and had french toast [not as good as the ones we had on our weekend lovie] then i helped cynthia get shit organized for her xmas party. yea, i did a lot of shit, then when everyone got there i was the butler of the party "can i get you something to drink" "would you like a refill" -- how about ... "get your lazy ass up and do it yourself" lol. after that my sister and her boyfriend took me to rent oceans eleven -- finally.. that movie was sooo ill forreal. then my dad took me home. went straight to bed after that.
sunday was one of the busiest days i swear. okay, so i wake up make my bed n shit so my aunt dont have a hissy fit, then i call lauren. me n laur meet up and we go to murder inc to ask a few questions about xmas presents. they were closed so we went back to my house.. at my house we started brainstorming for gifts for my aunt, we finally thought of something so we got all the materials we needed together lol. then john came home and he took us to roosevelt field mall, lemme just say, the car ride w/ me and my music and my geek dancin was great. soo we get to roosevelt and we go everywhere. we got aunt lees gift which is amazing. its a dangling heart picture frame thats 2sided and one one side is a pic of her n my mom on her wedding day, n the other side is of the most recent xmas they shareed together. so we blew up those pics and put them in the frame and got "together forever" emgraveed on it.. soo incredible. then we got jim,joe, and robs presents which is a shirt we got embroidered with their paintball team on it and their names on the team. they turned out nice as hell. got carlys, laurens, pauls, johns, shannons, leahs, alex's, jess's , dads n cynthias n more. im pretty much done with my shoppin cept i neeed a few more cards. then lauren came over after and we wrapped the gifts and started xmas cards, still not done tho teehee!
anyways, so ive been talkin to jimmy like everyday and its pretty great, he makes me smile and i love it. he dyed his hair chocolate truffle -- cant wait to see it haha. got my report card.. 84.5 average. sci - 80
volleyball - 95
english - 80
global - 70
lab - satisfactory
math - 95
government - 90
italian - 95
if i can bring up that global and english a lot, and try to maintain 90's and above in the rest, i could be doing really good.. i just really needa concentrate and be all about the schoolwork -- dont that sound fun??
so this weeknd was nik's party, and i wanna go, but im going to see my aunts, yea i could say no but 1.its my aunt, and she was mad at me and i dont wanna piss her off more 2.jims gonna be there and 3. i missed joes bday so i really should go see him..i just dont want nik to be mad at me!!
other than that i miss everybody and hope to talk to u soon. mel, heath and wick expect emails shortly .. very long ones. carly u never called back u crotch lol. but ill ttys. maddd luvv to everyone else, mich i love n miss u .. n i have a favor to ask!! xoxoxo
thats all for now, dont wanna write a book -- tata!
mom, i miss you soo much. please keep me strong, theres points where i just feel like breaking down, if i could have just one more hug . . .
2 dreamers |
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2004 12 December :: 11.08pm
3 dreamers |
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2004 12 December :: 12.59pm
:: Mood: lonely
you know that brother i never had ?
i need him tonight
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2004 9 December :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: bitchy
I hate my house !
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2004 9 December :: 4.54pm
we couldnt win in the end.
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