Resistentialism is the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us


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Great Neptune's Ghost!

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:: 2009 20 August :: 6.43pm


2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 19 August :: 5.08pm

i hate when people talk about their BLACK friends or their BLACK boyfriend loudly and often like... trying to prove that they have friends of another race or something... there's this girl that is constantly talking about her BLACk boyfriend and showing his picture and saying how she doesn't care what color people are ... "you could be purple. as long as you're cool"

that's nice and everything but i dont know it bothers me when people talk about it like they are trying to prove a point or something.


2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.52pm

Classes this fall:
Database systems
Unix using Linux
Cisco Wireless Network Administrator
Computer Security and Assurance

This semester is either going to be really fucking cool or really fucking hard.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.45pm

scooter riders.
dear trendy hipsters,

fuck you and your goddamn moped. your not cool because you ride a fucking scooter, most of you arn't even legally riding them, 150cc's with a moped sticker slapped on it, its classified as a moped you queer.

i hate these fuckers riding down the road at 35mph that you can't get around because they ride in the middle of the lane.

fuck you moped guys.

11 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 18 August :: 9.33pm
:: Music: Incubus Instrumentals

Look Alive

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 18 August :: 6.26pm
:: Music: Incubus- Look Alive

Monuments and Melodies

The hardest thing is rendering a
Moment moving too fast to endure
But you abide and smile wide cause
I want to remember this for sure
You can give me guns and politics and
I'll just make a mess of it, you know
Give me art and sustinance and
The wiser wider part of me will show
Yeah yeah yeah

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours

Yeah every empty one of us have methods
To quell the madness of this pace
But yours have bled and are running south
Like dollar store mascara down your face
You could take that wait and all that fuss and
They'll just get the best of us, you know
Give me love not suicide and
The wise wider part of me will show
Yeah yeah

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours!

Look alive, smile
Smile and look alive
Smile, smile and look alive
Yeah woah oh

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours

Look alive
Smile, smile and look alive
Yeah, smile and look alive
Yeah woah

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 18 August :: 11.53am

i like to eat giant turds.

7 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 18 August :: 2.41am
:: Music: Incubus- Punch Drunk

Monuments and Melodies

Where did I park my car?
If I found it I would drive so far...
From here
The city streets are dim
In my hands, im tempted once again
To give in

I'm having trouble seeing
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I'm on the road, and my thumb is out
I'm hitching home
Tonight I am without
A name
Where was it that I lived?
Nevermind, just take me with you and forgive...

My lack of information
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I will survive
Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

The sun is coming up
I think I've had my fill
Wait, who the Fuck are you?
Where did I park my car?

Please forgive my...
Lack of information
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, ooooooohhhhhhh

I'm having trouble seeing
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I will survive
Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

Spare me
A ride; a ride

Spare me ooooooohhhhhhh
A ride; a ride

On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 16 August :: 11.07pm

To think that this meaningless thing was ever a rose,
Scentless, colourless, THIS!
Will it ever be thus (who knows?)
If we wait till the close?

Tho' we care not to wait for the end, there comes the end
Sooner, later, at last,
Which nothing can mar, nothing mend:
An end locked fast,
Bent we cannot re-bend.

-Christina Rossetti "Summer is Ended"

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 13 August :: 11.58pm

i wish i had longer legs and perfect skin and


shitty shit. theres so much more to say but it doesn't even matter.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 13 August :: 1.13pm

Got the results of my MRI, torn cartilage and a micro fracture, have to go to a specialist.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 13 August :: 4.12am

Christina Rossetti=My dead poetess crush of the Victorian Era
4am= Oddly awake after five hours of sleep
Lou Dobbs= Dumb

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 12 August :: 11.25pm


3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 12 August :: 1.38am

Ok! So...wasted money.
Thoughts: Lots of action and poor plot lines. Way too much silly stuff. No PSA! People who lose track of basic concepts like gravity! Too much bling on 1 ear! Not enough knowing OR half the battle.

Why?: because hasbro has failed us.

Where: The movie duh!

Seriously I mean cmon icebergs the float perfectly fine then something changes and explosions suddenly make them rocks? No. Ok just no. That doesnt cut it. Aircraft that pull off near 90 degree angle cuts from ungodly nose dives. No. Im sorry just no.

Wheres all the celebrity up roar about how this movie is terrible future for our poor friends the polar bears!? Cmon! They fight on the ice that those cuddly bears need so badly.

Wheres the PSA moment at the end? Kids dont learn when you dont teach them things. GI Joe failed us all. Now who will teach the kids about the Polar Bears and their habits and about how global warming makes them not able to live?

Dont worry now Noah! You can blame Cobra Commander and that silly MARS company! They did this to those awesome Coke pushers.

4 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 8 August :: 4.29pm
:: Music: Apparat - Not a Good Place



Watcha got there?


:: 2009 8 August :: 12.36am

oh and i'm considering buying a spray tanning machine for like 200-300 bucks and like offering spray tanning services ...somehow... someway... i'm not really sure how it would work but it just seems like a good idea.................

i dont know.

because think about it, if i have a tanning package- that is bed tanning.. it costs me at least 40 bucks a month which works out to....woo! $480... yeah. thats a shit load.

now if i had a spray tanning package it would be even more.. let's say 60 bucks a month... $720..

now the machine is a one time fee. and as soon as i figure out how much the solution costs i can do some more math. but i know it would at least SAVE me money in the long run because i am never going to be okay with being naturally pale. i can't do it. i just feel icky.

and then i could like somehow do spray tan parties or schedule appointments i dunoooooooo maybe i could work something out with people that do purse parties or whats it called... pure romance. thats it. i could like do spray tans there

i dont fricken know i'm just thinking theres a good idea somewhere in there with all this bed tanning scares about arsenic and shit.

roman thinks i should start my own business i just dont know.


what do you think about a business that gives you a paycheck and when you go to cash it there are no funds in their account??? do you think that's shitty? i do.

thats why i fricken call them out on it and then they act like its no big deal so i get pissed. whatev........

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 8 August :: 12.32am

i nevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrr used to have a problem falling asleep. now it seems like i never can. i hope this is just a short phase because i love my sleep.

i just think it's really weird how different everyone is from each other. like i think it's weird i have friends that like, live with their parents whereas i am married and cooked a new mexican/noodle casserole thing for my HUSBAND tonight and like.... that was exciting.

it's strange how different everyone's lives are.

now if my job situation, money situation, and house situation could catch up maturity wise to the rest of my life... that'd be great.


ps. jessie kae i love you and i hope everything is getting better. call me when you are able.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 7 August :: 1.17pm

does anyone know of anywhere hiring?

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 7 August :: 10.40am

$50 wigot me this.

76 suzuki gt 185.
needs some work, but i'll get it figured out.

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 5 August :: 12.01pm

Good Ole Teddy Roosevelt is cracked's most badass president, quite a formidable top five as well.

I hope that someone can say this about me when I die "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight."

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 4 August :: 12.13pm

so the guy on egay with a set of carbs for $79 has a "make an offer" thing on them, so i offered $45 because i knew they wern't going to sell. he counter offers with $79... i'm like WTF!?

i reoffered $65, hopefully they take it.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 4 August :: 12.08pm

This has been one of the worst weekends of my life.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 4 August :: 1.45am

Life has been different since the wreck. You start to look at things different after that, I appreciate my life and the people I care about more.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 3 August :: 9.41pm

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 3 August :: 8.51pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie- Little Bribes

You said this city has a beating heart/ That pushes people down the blvd/ They're all hoping for a wish fulfilled/ In a desert for a dollar bill/ Those foolish dreams, you know they plague me still
The Eiffel Tower built to smaller scale
The freshest oxygen I'd ever inhale
I tapped a bottle against the safety rail killing time

And you were like a walking compliment
Tall in stature and exceptionally read
In dummy glasses and a cardigan
Oh, come on

And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around

You said that all these things you've learned to ignore
The hidden cameras on the casino floor
And what gets paid for behind hotel doors
Oh, come on

Pretend every slot machine is a robot amputee waving hello
The people stare into their eyes
And they feed them little bribes and then they go

The never-ending twilight
In a basement where the sun has never spilt
You said that you were lonely
And then we kissed like lonely people do

You said this city has a beating heart
That pushes people down the boulevard
And they're all hoping for a wish fulfilled
In a desert for a dollar bill
Those foolish dreams, you know they plague me still
Oh, come on

And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around
And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 3 August :: 4.21pm

oh my gosh so you know how i said i felt guilty for not buying that thing from the lady from khazacstan?

now i am looking at local news and i read this:

28th St. hit-run victim
from Kazakhstan
Suspect lodged in jail
Updated: Monday, 03 Aug 2009, 4:17 PM EDT
Published : Sunday, 02 Aug 2009, 11:35 AM EDT

WYOMING, Mich. (WOOD) - A pedestrian who was killed just after midnight Sunday morning was a Kazakhstan native.

The accident happened on 28th Street, just west of Byron Center Avenue.

The woman who died was a 23-year-old from Kazakhstan . She was in the United States with other foreign nationals, and, according to the Wyoming Police Department, was selling items to area gas stations and convenience stores to raise money for a religious group.

A suspect in the hit-and-run was identified and arrested. That suspect is now in the Kent County jail, and the prosecutor is reviewing the case to determine any potential charges.

Police officials are working with the Kazakhstan Consulate to notify the woman's family.

super. that is awful. i'm 99.9% sure that is the same lady. if not then i know she is from the same group. thats so awful.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 3 August :: 12.07am

Gnarkill Vs Unkle Matt And The Shitbirdz

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 1 August :: 10.03pm

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Time to go to bed because I have to work at six thirty in the morning. Bah. This will be the last time, though, because I changed my availability. I will have six roommates this year and it's not fair nor is it realistic that they will be quiet after ten pm on Friday and Saturday nights. Therefore, I said I can't work until nine in the morning after this weekend.

I work the next three days and then I'm off to home for five days for a bit of a vacation which includes a shopping excursion to Valueland with my mother and grandmother and a family reunion.

I tried on most of my clothes today to figure out which ones still fit and which ones don't. Because of my illness I went from a size 16/18 to a size 6/8 in the past year. Right now I'm hovering around a 10/12, which is perfectly fine for me. However, that means that I have a ton of clothes that don't fit-old and new. Luckily, I didn't buy too many small clothes when I was really sick, so I only have a few pairs of pants that are too small; most of my clothes are way too big. I'm donating them when I go to Valueland next week.

"Now and then she appointed trysts beneath certain shrubs about the grounds, where he would find her naked, or with her clothing half torn to ribbons upon her, in the wild throes of nymphomania, her body gleaming in the slow shifting from one to another of such formally erotic attitudes and gestures as a Beardsley of the time of Petronius might have drawn. She would be wild then, in the close, breathing halfdark without walls, with her wild hair, each strand of which would seem to come alive like octopus tentacles, and her wild hands and her breathing: 'Negro! Negro! Negro!' "
-Light in August, Faulkner

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 1 August :: 3.16pm

i posted this quote from a book a long time ago but i love it so i'm doing it again:
My mind is blank now. Every part of my body is sinking and empty. I don't have to think about anything, hear anything, say anything, feel anything, worry about anything.
...there are no job interviews, no hypocrites. I do not have to... socialize. I do not have to smile. I do not have to justify my beliefs. I don't have to wear dress shoes. I don't have to pledge allegiance to the flag. I don't have to use a number two pencil. I don't have to read the fine print. is true that it is nonproductive. But when ninety-five percent of out-of-bed activities hold the possibility of pain, to be pain-free is simply the most delicious feeling in the world.

-not mine


i'm reading through old entries. it makes me sad...

JESS this comment from you made me laugh hard.

"10-30-07 7:52am
jess i'm wearing my glasses today to cover my face lol


do you remember that?

and this is funny to me
"now if only i could get myself to start fricken working out . seriously. i need to get serious about that. i really really do. i just feel like a moron in front of all those muscley guys. eww and i don't want to run on the tredmills and fall on my face like on a tv show. i'd be so embarassed. and it would hurt. i can't run on those treadmills. i'm not coordinated enough to do that and listen to my earphones and sing MY hUMPS in my head and watch the tvs with no sound and worry about what people are thinking of me and check my heart rate all at the same time.


and that m y friend is the question of the day. how DO you people run on treadmills.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 1 August :: 2.35pm

why do i feel so bad when a person who says they are a missionary from khazakstan that tries to help people from drug abuse and absitence before marriage etc. comes into my work and tries to sell me a pretty windchime and i refuse?

why do i feel so guilty?!!?

i only had 10 bucks on me and they were 15 and up.

the saddest part is i probably would have bought one if i had the extra 5.

i cannnnnt saaaaaay noooooooooooooo.

...isn't khazacstan the country borat was from? well... she didn't look like borat.

Watcha got there? | Random Journal