Resistentialism is the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us


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Great Neptune's Ghost!

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:: 2009 23 March :: 11.27am
:: Mood: anxious

C'est Lundi.

It's the middle-end half of the semester and I can't wait for summer to get here. I feel like this semester had way more work than any previous semester. I'm writing over 16 papers, having over 15 exams, and over 2000 pages of reading (one being an 800 page novel entitled "Middlemarch"). Add to that the fraternity and working twenty eight hours a week; it's been trying.

I have class in about a half an hour: political science. It's about foreign policy, which is alright, but not my favorite. I get to take the better classes next year.

I figured it out, I only have three more semesters left, so it'll be four and a half years in total. I think I'm going to do an internship, too, since I'll be finished in December and Grad school doesn't start until August. I was thinking about doing an internship in Lansing with a congressman and seeing where that takes me. Lansing is only a fifty mile drive from Mt. Pleasant, and a few day a week wouldn't be that bad. We'll see!

For now, things are going good. I'm able to eat again and that's making me gain weight back...not too much, though. I'm still much more little than I was. C'est la vie!

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:: 2009 22 March :: 1.53pm

Im not happy like I should/could be...Im over thinking. Im freaking out. Im in a bad area at the moment.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 20 March :: 6.10pm

I am so happy and relieved! We have been hoping and praying for this- roman got the job! Which means 3 times the salary, healthcare for both of us when we are married, his school 100 percent paid for and he can pick his schedule. I am so happy and proud of him. Ahhhhh yay this is such a relief for us

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 20 March :: 12.57am

saw a guy's truck that had a Stroh's license plate today in Cedar.


3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 19 March :: 10.19pm

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 18 March :: 10.48am

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so i forgot to write this yesterday... i had another dress fitting appointment yesterday and she changed a lot to my dress ... like a lot of things needed to be doen because i was having the whole back of it changed to like a lace up back instead of the just plain zipper and anyway she got the whole back of the dress done and it is GORGEOUS!! i was so happy. it is so flattering now and i just love it. i can't believe how good the back looks, i was so worried that i wouldn't like it. and then she is changing the sash on the front and she picked out a really pretty champagne color for it, it's gonna look so pretty. and i am so happy my mom is coming into town next week and she will get to see the dress. actually, it worked out perfect because i'm going to get a practice run done on my hair and make up as well an then right after that we are gonna go try on the dress so she can see it and the sash and bust area will be finsiehd by then so i can actually get a good idea of how everything will look.

yeah after seeing the dress yetserday i was in such a good mood. i love the lady that did my alterations, she is the sweetest lady ever. ahh so i'm so happy and so excited for my mom to come up and we can actually get a bunch of stuff done. oh and dottie has a friend who custom makes veils so i am going to look at some on thursday and probably get one custom done to match my dress which is awesome and they aren't expensive, actually less than average cost. it would just be neat to have one that matched all the beading on my dress.

and then stef has my shower scheduled for the 25th i believe so that is exciting as well because everything is coming up so quickly!!! ahh i am just very very happy.

jess is now in the wedding which is awesome, i'm so glad she accepted and wants to be a part of it. all my bridesmaids are going to be so pretty in their dresses that i love. i cant wait to get ready together and be all nervous for that first time that i see roman in the church. ahhhhh

okay i am getting wedding fever and being too mushy so i'll just leave it at that but i just couldn't help it- after seeing my dress it got me so excited. i just am so glad i'm marrying roman!

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 17 March :: 1.41am

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 16 March :: 5.53pm

I'm going to the museum in one of the following weeks for my sociology class. anyone interested in going to the museum with me?

7 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 16 March :: 1.03pm

i feel very unproductive today. i'm at work but there is like nothing to do.... i tried designing my own wedding program and it really would be good if i could work out the few little problems..but i really think i need a program better than PUBLISHER. bleh

i dont know when i am going home today.. by 2 or soemthing. we are supposed to find out today if roman got the new job/position and i really really hope he did. ahh that would be so good. yeah so hopefully we know today.

i had this awful dream last night where it all of a sudden was my wedding day and i had a million things not done like nothing to put in the bathrooms, no programs, no flowers, i had to do my own hair, a million things it was awful lol. so yes i want to be sure that like 3 weeks before i have EVERYTHING done. i am not a last minute person- i hate that feeling!

i've been trying to get on woohu all morning lol cuz i just really wantedto update for some reason but it was down earlier. boo.

i am really looking forward to the nannying job i have lined up in may. can't wait because it will be a good change of pace. and babies yay i love babies.

been taking the puppies to the dog park lately i love it there. so fun. and roxy is finally getting a little more social with other dogs lol.

so i have this sweet neighbor that we've became friends with (and his fiance too) but he is a computer programmer and he's been doing all this stuff for free for us that he usually charges $100 or more for... he made my computer like brand new it is so fast now. and he put some really cool stuff on romans computer, gave it more memory and made it faster. all this stuff for free. it was so nice of him! we lucked out and really got some nice neighbors thank goodness because you never know when you move in who you will live near.

so yeah... thats life right now. i suppose.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 15 March :: 1.35pm

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:: 2009 14 March :: 2.01pm

ugh wtf?

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 14 March :: 10.07am

life is good. Really good!! everything is falling into place and i am very happy. of course there are always ups and downs in life but i am just really happy.

if you can believe this there are only 98 days till roman and i are married!!!!!!! yay!

i had so much fun on my 21st and then romans bday a couple days after. its so fun to finally be able to go to the bars and stuff. the piano bars we went to were so fun. and then of course the hot dog man outside with jenna and all of us lol. too funny.

yup. and i so hope the sunshine sticks around so i can take the dogs for a walk when i get home! yay! at work til 4 tho. shitty.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 13 March :: 5.50pm

dad found a massacred HP laptop in the trash, only thing savable was this

Read more..


9 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 13 March :: 5.50pm

dad found a massacred HP laptop in the trash, only thing savable was this

Read more..


1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 12 March :: 2.35pm

The problem with working in IT is that when you dont know the answer its like they look to you to wave a magic wand and make it all better. Then you tell them "I dont have an answer for you" and they just look like theyre all about to let loose in tears.

I really hate that.

Google that shit yourself. Gah.

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 12 March :: 2.35pm


7 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 12 March :: 2.02am

Epic night at Northfield, all I can say is <3 boobays

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:: 2009 11 March :: 8.11pm

Im officially without Grand Parents.

As of about 4pm today my Mom's father died. Grandpa Horanburg is now in a better place.

/salute to him!

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 11 March :: 1.12pm

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego

Projected Graduation date is the 10th of July. Delta Co.

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:: 2009 11 March :: 1.51pm

"Satellite developer Intelsat and the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation are other well-known names on the list."

no.... anyone but krispy kreme!! Fuck GM's financial aid plan... give that shit to Krispy Kreme!!

My theory:

If GM goes insolvent, thousands of people will lose jobs.

But given that we move the aid to Krispy Kreme, doughnut prices decrease at record pace and all the unemployed are too distracted by delicious glazed doughnuts to worry about how they're going to feed their kids (they could just feed them doughnuts as well, but that's unhealthy. This is where McDonald's comes in...) and live for the rest of their lives!


"Sectors least represented in the Bottom Rung group include natural products, forest products, healthcare, metals and mining"

I feel like I could have told that health care may still be one of the more highly desired items in case of economic meltdown, but who am I...

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 10 March :: 9.50pm
:: Music: The Killers- All These Things That I've Done

Another head aches, another heart breaks/ I am so much older than I can take/ And my affection, well it comes and goes/ I need direction to perfection, no no no no...
yeah, I'm getting there. I need some hope to hang my hat on.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 10 March :: 3.56pm

What can be done to give myself solace now!? Seriously. It would ease my mind.

My boss is a godhugging(crazy creepy style) age-ist prick.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 9 March :: 11.42pm

Things seem to hurt easier. I hope I have enough trust for this. I dont think I could deal with the trust being lost.

"3rd times a charm" I hope this charm is a good tidings one.

Today in a nutshell is as follows in the video.

Just when you think that you're in control,
just when you think that you've got a hold,
just when you get on a roll,
here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.
I should have known,
should have known,
should have known again,
but here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.

It starts out easy, something simple, something sleazy, something inching past the edge of the reserve.
Now through lines of the cheap venetian blinds your car is pulling off of the curb.
I guess there's got to be a break in the monotony, but Jesus, when it rains how it pours.
Throw on your clothes, the second side of Surfer Rosa, and you leave me, yeah, you leave me.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 8 March :: 12.35am

Heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 6 March :: 9.47pm
:: Music: Soul Coughing- Circles

For the right price I can get everything/ Slip into the car, go driving to the farthest star...
a good day.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 6 March :: 10.23am
:: Music: The Beginning of the End

Ok so for the past like 5 days has been doing a satire of the new movie coming out today Watchmen

Id like to share that if you even thought about the movie then you read these days of the comic. Think Watchmen meets newspaper comic characters. With a plot to match the characters. Its good stuff. Below is the link for the start of the comics strand.


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:: 2009 6 March :: 10.19am

go see The Watchmen now

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 5 March :: 11.16pm

And...fade to white.
Things got better. This is good.

Stress is melting off me for the moment. Now I only have to deal with it as a pool at my feet that I cant seem to shake off my shoes.

I feel fucking fantastic after wednesday. I know Im not a shapely person but I already see results of my small muscles being toned out against my even smaller bones.

Gah! Why didnt I always do this. SOB.

Gonna come back as a ripped lanky motherfucker when all said and done.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2009 5 March :: 5.01pm
:: Music: Panic at the Disco- Nine in the Afternoon

Back to the street, down to our feet/ Losing the feeling of feeling unique/ Do you know what I mean?/ Back to the place, where we used to say/ Man, it feels good to feel this way
I'm starting to get frustrated with.... not really knowing where my life is going or where I will be a year from now.

Watcha got there?


:: 2009 5 March :: 4.07am

The Watchmen

seeing The Comedian, I see a lot of myself. hmm, he's not really a good guy.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there? | Random Journal