Once it's all over we still have to care


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The Heart Beat Of A Lost Fox

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:: 2009 17 July :: 7.38pm


1 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 17 July :: 6.57pm
:: Mood: amused

Douche of the year, strikes again...!
I love how when someone doesn't want anything to do with you, they delete you from everything, woohu, myspace, facebook, etc. But then when you comment on a friends post that they are also friends with, they feel like they just haaaaaavvvvveee to be a dick to you...

It's funny to me really.
God, get a life...

2 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 17 July :: 3.23pm

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 16 July :: 10.04pm
:: Music: Mos Def - Quiet Dog

All about yourself...the survey.
Created by adawg and taken 427948 times on Bzoink
All about yourself...
First name?:: Shannon
Middle name?:: Alyssa
Like your name?:: of course
Named after anyone?:: not that I know of
Any nicknames?:: Sunshine, little Sha-nay-nay
Age?:: 19
Birthdate?:: 2/15/90
Birthplace?:: GR
Time you were born?:: ??
Current location?:: Tampa, FL in my apt
Height?:: 5'4?
Like your height?:: yeah
Eye color?:: brown/green
Contacts/glasses?:: both
Hair color?:: brown/blondish now
Natural hair color?:: darker, auburn brown
Dye your hair often?:: nope, never
Righty or lefty?:: righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: indie, R&B, bhangra and on occasion, rap
Band or singer?:: Regina Spektor
TV show?:: Degrassi
Movie?:: Breakfast at Tiffany's?
TV channel?:: eh... CNN?
Radio station?:: WBULL
Place to be?:: w/ my friends in Michigan
Thing to do?:: kayaking
Food?:: pizza
Non alcoholic drink?:: V8 Splash
Alcoholic drink?:: vodka and sprite or SoCo
Animal?:: zebra. definitely
Holiday?:: Valentine's Day
Season?:: summer in MI, fall in FL
Sport?:: ...kayaking
Place to shop?:: Forever 21
Clothing brand?:: none
Restaurant?:: IHOP
Fruit?:: peaches
Vegetable?:: taters
Fast food restaurant?:: Taco Bell
Pizza topping?:: pineapple
Ice cream flavor?:: Cookies n Cream
Magazine?:: Rolling Stones
City?:: Tampa, for now I guess.
Color?:: pink
Number?:: 5
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: coke
Hot or cold?:: cold
Black or white?:: white
Dog or cat?:: cat
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: ugh neither
Hamburger or hot dog?:: ham.. burger?
Pepperoni or sausage?:: neither
Britney or Christina?:: Christina can sing.
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Burger King
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: Mexico!
Hug or kiss?:: kiss
Movies or TV?:: movies
Truth or dare?:: dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: yup
Sing in the shower?:: of course
Like to sing?:: yup
Like to dance?:: uh huh
Smoke?:: no
Drink?:: once in a while
Cuss?:: depends where I am
Talk to yourself?:: yes. Tampa has made me nuts
Believe in yourself?:: in what situation? I'd say mostly yes
Play an instrument?:: guitar? sorta?
Go to school?:: yup
Go to college?:: USF
Have a job?:: Camilles
Like your job?:: sure. I just got a raise
Want to get married?:: yup
Want to have kids?:: yeah
Get along with your parents?:: yup
Get along with your siblings?:: yup
Drive?:: yes
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yes
Think your funny?:: yeah sometimes. I'm horrible at re-telling jokes
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: I was involved in the act. That's all I can say.
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no that's lame
What are your parents names?:: Michael & Stacey
Siblings names?:: Brandon, Jess, Stef
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: four
Collect anything?:: no
Ever been in love?:: infatuated
In love right now?:: no
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: blue skinny jeans
How does your hair look?:: HOT! I'm going to a party
Ever had your heartbroken?:: mmhmm
Ever broken the law?:: sure
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: Canada
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: no
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Magic's game
Do you do drugs?:: no
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: never
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: on
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yes
What was the last thing you ate?:: a poptart
What time do you go to bed?:: whenever
What's your favorite color?:: ugh
Do you like to give or recieve?:: recieve
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: nope. maybe facebook?
Do you live alone?:: yes sorta. I have roommates, but it's pretty much just me
Do you own a blender?:: no
Do you like the snow?:: no
Ever been up a mountain?:: no
Ever been rootin'?:: no
Do you like surprises?:: yes
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
Take This Survey | Search Surveys | Create a Survey

2 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 15 July :: 10.14pm


If only it was that easy.

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 14 July :: 5.21pm

Yeah, so I am easily amused about the littlest things..

But I am super excited that Tank can finally lay down on command, and I've been working on getting him to roll over.. He only half rolls over on his own.. But its so cute!! I love it..

Dozer on the other hand, is kind of a lost cause.. You try to get him to shake, and he thinks its an open opportunity to lick the crap out of your hand.. And he ate another flip flop.. Little bastard! Good thing I only pay like a dollar for my flip flops..

6 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 14 July :: 1.01pm

Thanks Hendo, for shutting that Brits mouth right up.
Also. Oregon PO box is the shit. straight baked!

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 14 July :: 12.14am
:: Music: LOL@lore

Can you grasp basic concepts?
Source: WoW Forum post: I implore Blizzard to let us lose
I found only a spare few with good solid ideas about how to continue stories and keep folks interested. The spectrum of replies suggests people cannot grasp how to make a story or how to even keep folks interested.

I find that really sad especially when a crap load of all -if not all- stories/shows tell just like this idea implores.

Example 1: Batman
Reason?: Because he always puts the baddies in jail, alive.
Why?: He wont sink to their level
Result: Baddies scheme together and get out.
Result2: Baddies beat Batman down. Defeat feels immanent
Result3: Batman calls on higher powers (i.e. other hero(es))
Finale: Batman & and company wins out and day is saved, at some form of cost. Be it a person(s) life or hero becoming jaded somehow.

Example 2: Every Power Rangers series ever.
Reason?: Look each over all season.
Why?: Heros take on challanges and win each ep almost in the same manner.
Result: Season finale comes with finding some new power they need and having had a crushing defeat they come out on top.

Need I continue?
These ideas are really basic and appeal to human nature. No one wants to see a story where every single time the hero wins. Somewhere, somehow the hero must lose. Even if it means losing something they will end up on top later.

I return to the topic of focus. WoW. Page #8 had a post by Gerthas of Scilla. This was actually a good one too. He touched base with some other posters ideas about falling off the Citadel. Seems like a good way to fail.

I like the idea but the implementation behind the idea makes the whole thing harder. Your last boss cant throw you into the next expansion unless the expansion is ready to release REALLY close to the time someone gets to the point of beating the last boss.
Why you ask? Because it would mean everyone simply bypasses the event and goes on like it didnt matter thus making your story telling wasted.
I do like the idea of a cinematic ending for the expansion fortelling the next expansion though. Mostly 'cuz Blizzard -namely Mike- does good stories.

Anyway back to reading this thread...ill finish this later

3 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 12 July :: 8.42pm

So I go back to work tomorrow, and Im not excited about it.. At all..
The last few days I have filled my time with online Monopoly and watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV!!

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 8 July :: 6.08pm

Life right now is great.
Other than I still don't have the career part figured out..
But I am extremely happy in all the other aspects of my life..
After trying to get shit figured out all these years, I finally feel like I have everything.
Even though my dog has decided he wants to tear up the carpet in out rental house, where my landlord doesn't know we have the little ass hole!!

Yesterday I was ready to get rid of him, and was going to put him on craigslist, but I really do love the little ass hole to pieces and Im happy he's a part of our family..

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 8 July :: 5.26pm

i still can't seem to figure out how funny these guys are. i don't know if they're actually funny, or if i just started watching long enough to where brain cells actually started dying.

you should also check out the promotional videos for cleveland. because at least it's not detroit.

2 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 8 July :: 1.16pm

You can go through life disposing of people and then picking through the trash to pull them back out when you're desperate and ready. You can treat people as though they're renewable. You can laugh at others silly emotions while you keep yours bottled and to yourself. You can explode, alone. You can give false feelings that are returned with real feelings. You can mark your body with something you believe in, but don't bother to follow. You can keep acting as though your actions have no equal or greater reaction. You can sense someone is happier than you and use one sentence with intention of stopping that. You can be aged until you slip back into your group of fake friends. You can keep using big words until even those aren't big enough to hide behind. You can use people as much as you'd like and then drift around them as if there's nothing to feel one way or another about. You can fall into holes as soon as you've burnt your own bridges. You can blame every one and every thing else when something doesn't go your way. You can change depending on who you're around, never truly being yourself and later hating yourself for that. You can blame the honest and let them take the fall for speaking what you're too small to say. You can play the prey when you're the predator. You can give credit when credit is due, but you won't. You can search for the same person with a different skin, and you will. You can want the past, but you'll only get the future. You can play games with people as if they're toys, but they're not. You can then laugh at how much better you are than those toys, and you are. You've learned what buttons to press and how we're all wired, so you use your tools to break and not mend. You can learn to earn satisfaction through good, but you'll choose bad. You can think you're so grown and wise, but you have fields of growing to do. You can cry your own tears, but you'll assign others to do that for you. You can think you're above everyone and be much more informed, which you're not. But, no matter how many words you read, you don't speak them. And when you finally do it's going to be too late and no one is going to understand you.

You're no more than surface level garbage.

You should pick yourself apart and only keep what works.

If you're playing a game, you're playing with yourself.

And you win. You always do.


:: 2009 6 July :: 2.56pm

GaiKai Make games easy again

Gaikai Technology Demo (JULY 1, 2009) from David Perry on Vimeo.

3 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 6 July :: 2.38am

Let it hit you like a ton of Bricks.

Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

To those who serve, to those who have served, to those who will continue to step up. I salute you. Thankyou.
Semper Fidelis Friends.

Stop My Beating Heart


:: 2009 5 July :: 10.35pm

Well I am thoroughly enjoying my time off work and filling it with friends and whatnot..
We went out for Rhonda's birthday thursday night, and I drank way more than I could ever imagine..
I have a ton of bruises.. and I am becoming a professional drunk dancer!
Now I just need to figure out what to fill this week with..
We need to decide what we are going to do for Mike's daughter for her birthday, which is wednesday..

2 Beat(s) Stopped | Stop My Beating Heart

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