2004 2 July :: 10.13am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: All I Need-Mary J Blige f/ Method Man
wha to do..wha to do??
well letz see..last nite i went to mary ellen's house for that meeting..i went ok..we're gonna start going to the Boca Cheer Center on wednesdays and saturdays of july..wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 and on saturdays from 11:00-1:00..they aren't mandatory tho..but we all gotta start going..we are soo behind on everything..chudnei's the only one who went to camp..she bought the dvd wid tha dances and the cd wid the music and she's gonna be captain since she knowz everything..and we're gonna have sleepovers and stuff so we can learn it..that shudd be fun..and these sleep overs shudd bring us all usually does that but since we couldnt and emir confused tha hell outta me we're im-ing me from the same screenname..i dunno wha they were doing but i wuz definately me wen u get a chance i wanna kno wha happened last nite after i signed off!!
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2004 1 July :: 11.36pm
:: Mood: independent
:: Music: Cinderella // Britney Spears
i used to be your girlfriend & u know i did it well // britney spears.
hmm.. woke up at 1:30.
talked to jonah online, and got ready for the doctor for my fooooot.
he checked it out. thats about it.
got home, brittany called me & picked me up & we went to the mall. i found a dress i want for kaila's party at the Paladium Night Club. its super cute. btw, i hafta RSVP her for me & danielle. idk if ur reading this girl.. but yeah me & danielle r going =)
ummm... on the flip side... i bought a shirt.. from the mall... there were 2 skirts that i wanted... but i didn't get either of them because i put most of my money in the bank earlier today. ahhh fuck they were cute too. o well.
brittany and her... whatever u want to clarify him as... are off. s0o she is drivin' to GA this weekend to see Brandon, which is awesome for her. however, i'm spending as much time as possible with her before she leaves, which means i can't go to the UCT concert with jackie like i planned. i really wanna go, but i need to be here for brittany... and sometimes there are just choices that people have to make.
hmm. thats about it though. ummm PJ & Daniel called me.. i was like what the fuck man.. they are in the middle of watching Spiderman 2 and they are calling me... and then i told PJ to call me 2morrow... cause he wants to do something this weekend & i was gonna g0o to best buy with him while he got his "system" hooked up... but then daniel wants us to go to his house... i was just thinking... hell no... pj is cool, but daniel can kiss my asssssss. just because i'm single... doesn't mean anyone is getting me though. all i need is time alone i guess & to be independent... and lately... i've been doing a good job. i'm pretty much over everything... clarified a lot of things with myself & have really just become... stronger. well... if there is any possiblity of that considering that jonah thinks i'mma "pussy scared little bitch" for not turning down pj & daniel... like i should have. but hey he was right... i should turn them down cause i wouldnt be rude, they would be... after what they said. it was rude... s0o if i had bitched them out right there... its not necessarily my fault. but w/e. n i tend to forget that if i bitch someone out & they wanna hurt me... i have friends that got my back... like jonah, neil, carlos, pretam, avi, camilo, robert, jb, ryan, britt... etc. s0o i'm safe.
yuh i'm bored July 9th there is a UCT concert.. groton wants to go, and i wanna go cause i wanna go with jackie too... so we'll see how that works out. awesome-ness. xoxo <3 i'm out to chat with people on AIM for the night. holler.
** you don't have to depend on others to survive. **
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2004 1 July :: 10.42pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: cassidy- get no better
leavin tomorrow
hey guys,
what's up?? i'm leavin 4 bangladesh tomorrow. excited. the plane ride there will be long. about 2 days. at least i don't have 2 travel alone tho.. don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing lol. we'll c. i have 2 take my summer assignments tho [ the bio packet and the eng book- it's not that bad, but it seems like it's gonna move really slow. we learned about the author in spanish- isabel allende. i think that's her name at least--- don't quote me on it. so i did all my packing today. had 2 go run errands 4 my mom. the whole excitement of driving independently has worn off. i had 2 pump gas, which i don't like doing. the gas nozzle is broke so it takes two ppl 2 open it lol. one person 2 hold the button and the other 2 get it 2 open. how annoying. o well- there r worse things in life. packing's crazy tho. goin so far away and everything. it costs a lotta money too.
well im gonna go now. i dunno when i'll get a change 2 update.. so we'll c.
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2004 30 June :: 11.53pm
i feel like writing but i feel like dancing... which 2 do... that is THY ¿question?
<33 just forgot 2 add that in the previous entry... s0o read that one too lol <33
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2004 30 June :: 11.11pm
:: Music: 0verProTecTed // BriTney SpeArS
i did everything. but u still don't want it. s0 i'm s0rry, but i'm not returning //.britney.//
i can'T explain how g00d i feel?!
i s0o wanna be frickin' famous. g0sh i would pay. hottttttttt!
when i woke up this morning, cause i g0t neil's phone call. i played s0me serious GTA ViCE CiTY on PS2. i was 0nly in it ta steaL aLL the HOTT frickin' cars.
mommy came home from sh0ppin' f0r sum new shizzLes f0r theE kiTchen CauSe we juST g0t it aLL redone. buT yeah, i haD heR dYin' 0n the fLo0r, laughiN' @ mE. i haD BAD A.D.D. 2day, geesh! and then, 0n top 0f thaT... i'M bLonDe w/ a ReTarDed BraiN! but thAt's N0T the PoinTs guys.
yup... jonah rang 2day! yay! um.. we switched thru a buncha channels on the television like uh... oprah w/ marykate & ashley, tennis, baseball, & pokemon... then he found my absolute favorite movie on channel 66 which would be "DON'T SAY A WORD" yuh... and then my phone battery died on him lmao. i found it hilarious. *shrug* but he put up with my frickin' stupid/ A.D.D. self =)
s0o i watched that... & did some Exercise. wonderful. i was gonna g0o runnin' with Carol, but my f0ot isn't COMPLETELY healed yet. but i d0o g0 to the doctor 2morrow.
took a nice shower & um.. felt really g0od about myself. i think its cause i'm listening to the britney spears cd... the 3rd one, "BRITNEY". yup yup.
ummm i was impressed by the Simple Life 2 show 2nite. but i will NEVER again eat sausage.. & "the lesson we learned today: don't fuck with me."
ashlee simpson was a g0od episode 2. i love the new s0ng surrender... n her album is g0nna be absolutely AWESOME. can't wait. & her & ryan are HOTTTT together. xoxo
ashley e ---> thanx 4 the text babe. we hafta hang out this weekend. <33
ashley p ---> yuh i got ur letter.. but the purpose 0f sending the letter... wasn't in there lmao.
cinderella has got 2 g0. <33
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